■SI N Ul cc < >• Hi <X H" </> 4/1 QC UJ CO > CO O «J o 5 3 t -* J 142nd Year, CXLII No. a Z J ^ , Kstablishod ¡n IS 44: A m ericas Olitlesi (a lh o lic S'rw spapcr in Ç ontinuous Put>lica(H>n O » <• -O ^ i t i •#I Ä r » » 33Hi 7 0 1- 4^ -J I a--* ’ope calls M a ry a m odel of fe m in in ity w ith ’ B y JOHN THAVIS Mary as the "common mother" of Mary’s "pilgrimage of faith," from as our common mother, who Mary has been given a “privileged Catholics and Orthodox Chris­ the Annunciation to the Crucifix­ prays for the unity of God's place.” VATICAN CITY (NC) — In an tians and took particular note of ion to her assumption into family.” It took special note of the ap­ encyclical dedicated to the Bless­ Mary's place among Christians heaven. Her “obedience of faith” One of the areas of disagree­ proaching millennium of Chris­ ed Virgin, Pope John Paul n living in various parts of the shown from the Annunciation on­ ment between Catholics and Pro­ tianity in what is now part of the described Mary's life as an image Soviet Union. It also stressed the ward. was “heroic," it said. testants has been Mary's role as Soviet Union. A few decades after of obedience and freedom, a value of Marian devotions. Mary continues to accompany "mediatrix." an interceder for the baptism in 988 of St. model of "femininity with digni­ The encyclical, the pope's the church's Journey, the docu­ mankind. The encyclical Vladimir, grand duke of Kiev, the ty" and an inspiration to Chris­ sixth, was Issued at the Vatican ment said, which “in our own describes Mary's mediation as an schism between Eastern and tian unity. March 25, the feast of the Annun­ time is marked by the sign of Important part of her “maternal Western Christianity occurred. The 114-page document, titled ciation. It was written in prepara­ ecumenism.” care,” but said it in no way "Even though we are still ex­ Redemptoris Mater (Mother of the tion for the special Marian year The encyclical acknowledged diminishes the unique mediation periencing the painful effects of Redeemer), said Mary, as the called by the pope, to begin June some “discrepancies erf doctrine” of Christ. the separation," the document “first to believe," is a guide for the 7, and reflected the pope's between the Catholic and Protes­ Among Eastern churches, said, “we can say that in the church and a "point of reference” longstanding devotion to Mary. tant churches about Mary’s role which have faced “frequent presence of the mother of Christ for all humanity. Much of the papal letter is an in salvation, but asked whether persecution, even to the point of 'Mother of the Redeemer' The encyclical emphasized extended spiritual reflection on all Christians could "look to her bloodshed,” the document said. (Continued on page 2) Parish Share drive gets under way By PATRICIA BARTOS Share Plan giving," he said, adding "every time a The annual Parish Share Plan drive gets under priest is ordained in this diocese, parishioners see way in the diocese this Sunday with volunteers their Parish Share Plan giving at work." making personal calls on fellow parishioners to Mahon explained that diocesan observers from seek their support for this, the diocese's most suc­ around the country have visited here to learn of cessful fund-raising effort. the Parish Share Plan and have later adopted the Bishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua has commended Pittsburgh approach. Catholics of the diocese for their past record- He added that part of the incentive for the plan is breaking support of Parish Share Plan drives and that parishes keep whatever amount they raise in expressed confidence in their continued support. excess of their PSP goal. “This is a real bonus for The diocese's Parish Share Plan has been singl­ them and it has helped many parishes address ed out by national experts as one of the country's their own unique needs," he said. most successful diocesan fund-raising efforts for Another surprising aspect of the Parish Share the last eight years. During that period. Catholics approach, Mahon added, is that it has survived here have contributed more than $56 million to several periods of economic downturn in in­ the drive. dustrial areas of the diocese. Proceeds of the fund drive aid vocations pro­ Mahon attributes this to the phenomena of grams, religious education efforts in schools, pro­ families with a steady income from one or more grams for the aged and infirm. Infants and unborn wage-eamers responding to the belief that they children, plus programs of spiritual and emotional should increase their giving to make up for the counseling for family members. All of these pro­ loss among the unemployed. grams derive their main support from the Parish “Also, in addition to its basic Christian concept, Share Plan. the Parish Share Plan has proven its continuing A special Mass, In commemoration of Retarda­ brother Roger W., 6, a first-grader at Edgeworth Matt Mahon, diocesan director of Parish Share, need to every man, woman and child in the tion Awareness Month, drew some 500 par­ School and a CCD student at St. James parish In diocese, and people stick with a winner,” Mahon said the plan has become the most popular and ticipants last Sunday at Sacred Heart East Sewtckley; her mother. Mrs. Robin Clifford, said. People have seen the fund help through pro­ cost-efficient way of providing the many services Liberty. Bishop Anthony J. Bevilacqua officiated holding Ralna; Sister Stella Cronauer, CSJ, needed in parishes. grams for handicapped and retarded persons, as Ralna Clifford made her First Communion. He families, the unmarried, the clergy, troubled (rear) religious education coordinator at St. “Families and Individuals simply could not do also confirmed the 11-year-old girl Here the James, who prepared Ralna for the sacraments; without the many services provided by the Parish (Continued on page 2) bishop talks with Ralna and her family: her and R alna's father, Roger C. Clifford. Say U.S. bishops N o fingerpointing during pope’s trip By AGOSTINO BONO The purpose was to provide of Cincinnati. NCCB vice "good background" for the pope president. VATICAN CITY (NC) — The so that he will “be able to have The pope also was Informed September papal visit to the dialogue and be able also to tailor that there might be anti-papal United States will not be a finger- his own talks, his own demonstrations during the trip pointing exercise at specific defi­ statements" to the U.S. reality, but "this was not a major point ciencies of the U.S. church, accor­ said Archbishop John May of St. discussed," said Cardinal Joseph ding to a delegation of cardinals Louis, president of the National Bemardin of Chicago. “We do not and bishops visiting the Vatican Conference of Catholic Bishops, at see this as a major problem," he in March to plan the trip. the end of the meetings. added. The delegation also set the "I don’t look forward to any The pope is used to protest stage for a major meeting in late specific fingerpointing at any one demonstrations from trips to 1988 between U.S. church of­ of the special abuses” such as dis­ other countries, said Cardinal ficials, Pope John Paul II and sent by some U.S. Catholics on Bemardin. high-level Vatican authorities to church teachings regarding birth Cardinals Bemardin and Krol discuss substantive issues that control, divorce and in vitro fer­ and Archbishops May and Pllarc­ divide U.S. Catholics and that tilization, said Cardinal John Krol zyk were part of the 20-member have caused tensions between the of Philadelphia. U.S. delegation. They spoke for U.S. church and the Vatican. The bishops "do not expect the the delegation at a March 21 The March meetings were to in­ Holy Father to come and say there Marc Gratteri (center) carries the cross as he re­ Vatican press conference. Burau (kneeling), who has the role of Mary; Car­ form the pope "on the situation of are 'X' things wrong with the The meetings were held March enacts the role of Jesus In the Llvtng Stations rie Petri, who plays Veronica; and Cary Sanders. the church in the U.S. as it per­ church in your country and here's presented by the students of the St. Mary School, 18, 20 and 21 with the pope and Gretchen Engle, Deena Gulnto and Amy Craven, tains to the pastoral visit," said a what you’ve got to do to set them high-ranking Vatican officials. Beaver Falls. Looking on from left are Bob Butler who portray the Women of Jerusalem. Vatican press release March 21 right. It doesn't work that way,” and Jim Brandenber, who portray guards: Beth after the meetings ended. said Archbishop Daniel Pllarczyk (Continued on page 3) Msgr. Michael J. Conroy dies Plans discussed Msgr. Michael J. Conroy, for protest former pastor of Our Lady of Grace In Scott Twp. and a priest Plans were announced at a of the diocese for 52 years, died March 23 news conference to urge Sunday. March 22, In West Penn Msgr. Conroy area residents to participate in a Hospital following open heart national march next month in surgery. He was 79. Washington against government Msgr. Conroy was bom in Pitt­ involvement in South Africa and sburgh.
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