THE WEATHER. 4 ftiiM rt Or 0. •• WMthM'Bi M«w B am NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CTOCULATIOX Local showers and wanner to>; OF THE EVENING HERALD night} Wednesday fair for the month of Angnst, 1927 5,044 (TWELVE PAGES), PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBl Olassllled AdreiClalng oa F«ae 10. VOL. X U ., NO. 294. q u e e n n o t t o s e l l d o g s , Where Airplanes Lost—They Won R E U f f AuTOIST K U 2 IS r e p l y t o AJilERICANS. OLD GLORY WRECKAGE Sinaia. Rumania, Sept. 13.— ■ Queen Marie’s dogs are not for FIRST TOPIC sale. She has let this be khown BILLY DONAHUE to stem a flood of letters from Americans, containing offers to FOR CONGRESS FOUND BY SEARCHERS buy the royal household pets. ATLAUREPARK The tenor of the letters indi­ ,------—I ■ cates the prevalence of an Im­ pression fti the United States that Jiext, For Farmers, Is Steamship Kyle Picks Up her Majesty is in reduced cir­ Tidal Wave in Japan Eight - Year - Old Parochial cumstances .through the loss of her husband and her throne. This f h n of Insurgents Who Part pf Plane 100 Miles Impression, it is stated at the School Student Hit After palace, is unfounded. Drowns 1,150 Persons W9I Sidetrack A n; Other * From Where S. 0. S. Was Leaving Trolley — Two Matter Brought Up. Tokyo, Sept. 13.— Sweeping InAshipg were destroyed by the tidal Sent Out — Continning Accidents at Time. from the Paclflc, a tidal wave en­ wave. OINE MURDER gulfed the towns of Kojlma and Submarine Quake Search For Members of Washington, Sept. 13.— ^The In­ Nakamura, Prefecture of Kumamo­ A heavy rumbling noise was to, Tuesday, and 1,150 persons heard preceding the tidal wave, In­ Struck by an automobile as he CASE DRAGS AS surgent bloc in the new Congress were either killed or reported miss­ dicating that the wave was precipi­ ihe Crew. was crossing the road after alight­ will battle to sidetrack tax reduc­ ing. tated by a submarine earthquake. Storms were general throughout ing from a trolley car in front of tion legislation until after the en­ The two towns were completely destroyed, according , to reports Japan during the tidal wave. The St. Johns, Newfoundland, Sept. his home at Laurel Park, eight- actment of flood control and farm L A W V m ARGUE reaching here. city of Kumamoto was flooded end 13.— The steamship Kyle, whjlch year-old Billy Donahue, son of Mr. relief mAa8dJ!®s> learned here The wave struck the coast with many buildings were destroyed. picked up wreckage of the lost and Mrs. Charles C. Donahue of today. terrific force, houses were carried At Nagasaki, the wind was so American airplane Old Glory in “ The Pines,” was almost instantly The Insurgents will seek consid­ two miles inland by the gigantic violent that roofs were blown from the North Atlantic, continued the killed late yesterday afternoon. Opening of Second Week of eration of Mississippi flood relief flow of water. l^uildings. measures as the first act of the new 1,000 Casualties Many other districts reported search today for traces of the three The driver of the automobile, a Congress, accosding to Senator The casualties -at Nakamura were violent rain storms. It Is estimated occupants of the plane— Lloyd Ber- Peerless sedan, Timothy J. Long, Trial Delayed Over an Robei;t M. La Follette, Jr.^ (R) of placed at 1,000. several thousand houses were dam­ taud, James D. Hill, navigator, and former hotel owner who lives at Wisconsin. Then the Insurgents will At Kojima, the casualties were aged by the heavy deluge. Philip Payne, managing editor of SO State street, Hartford, was Hour— No Jurors Chosen urge enactment of a farm relief bill placed at 150, and many other per­ The Prefecture of Kumamoto the New York Daily Mirror, after which, If the condition of the sons were reported missing. was without rail or telegraph com­ Part of the Old Glory was pick­ i treasury warrants It, they will not Other districts reported that munication today. Wireless is the ed up by the Kyle about 100 miles At Morning Session. oppose tax reduction legislation. many oth'er deaths occurred. only means of communication to from the position where the air­ The Insurgent program will car­ Reports reaching here said many that district. plane had sent out an “ S. O. S.” ry considerable weight In the next call. Word of the finding of tho Congress as the independenit group wreckage was contained in the fol­ 11 JURYMEN will hold a complete “ balance of lowing radiogram from Douglas Andrew Maneggia of Bolton was power’’ In the Senate. The adminis­ * r i N PARIS SAM ONG CENTER Muir, a newspaper reporter on. the 11th juryman chosen to hear tration forces will be helpless with­ board the Kyle, to the Daily Mir­ No less hazardous than flying across the water was the trans-Atlantio the Leonaixl Cline case. Maneggia out Insurgent support while the De­ ror: voyage and return to Newport. R. I., of the little sloop Primrose IV mocrats will be unable to muster was the second venireman exam­ “ Located wreckage of Old Glory whose crew is shown here at the end of the trip. a majority If the Independents of GETS BIG OVATION OF LEGAL FIGHT In Latitude 51.17 North, Longitude ined this afternoon, the 16th today and back, a distance o f.4200 miles, was replete with both parties vote with the adminis­ 39.23 West at 4:20 o’clock Monday and the 135th since the trial danger. In the center ts Ferderick Lothrop Ames, wealthy owner of the tration. afternoon. No signs of crew. Par-' vessel: in front (left to right) are Francis La Farge and Tom Sherwiil, Outlines Program opened. ticulars will follow.” and in back. Jack Bishop and Warwick Thompson. _________________ In outlining the program, La Batter; of Law;ers Want ChEirtered By Paper A bit of unusual interest entered Follette renSweid his declaration in Mayor of New York Is Met Into the examinations whe® Louis The Kylq had been chartered by favor of a special session of Con­ the New York Dally Mirror to Gouty, of Somers, admitted thftt he gress. He said the. “ situation in the Manchester Chinese Re-^ had talked with a state policeman By Officials and Crowds search for the missing plane. Ac­ flooded area Justified the calling of cording to the position given by Investigating the case last Sunday, Rebels in Lithuania Congress now just as much sfe at after he knew he was to be called leased-^AIcom Objects. Muir, it is believed that the wreck-! • ___ , J the time of the disaster.” On His Arrival. age drifted, northward after strik-* for the jury. “ The first thing Congress should The 11 men so far cliosen to tiT ing the water. consider Is flood relief and flood It is generally believed that thai Cline are: control,” said La Follette. “ Then Hartford, Sept. 13.— The release G. W. Sterry, WUllngton Fight Federal Troops Baris, Sept. 13.— “ I’m damned three men. were drowned, although! John Swanson, Bolton farm relief.” glad to be here,” were almost the of Sam Ong Jlng, now held by the the forlorn hope is still held in; “ I think any comp.'ehenslve con­ some quarters that they might have! Charles Long, Bolton sideration of the flood control first words uttered by Mayor James state In the murder caso involving August H. Mattern, Mansfield been picked up by a small fishing; Berlin, Sept. 13.— Furious fight-<fcin the border districts,,and in the problem will enjtail the expenditure J. Walker of New York upon his ar­ the case of a Manchester Chinese, Billy Donahue Carroll H. Hawkins, Mansfield boat, not equipped with wireless. Ing between Lithuanian, troops and citi©s» of enormous sums of money, and rival In Paris at three o’clock this was sought by a battery of lawyers Hope for the flyers was based* This picture of little Billy was James J. Kerwin, Mansfield Lithuanian trade unions are pro­ in my. judgment, the American Clement N. Sumner, Biolton Red rebels is in progress in the for­ afternoon. In United States District Court here upon the fact that the plane car­ taken from a small snapshot and is testing against the arrest of labor ried a collapsible life raft. However,: the most recent likeness of the boy Edwin Hansen, South Coventry ests near Tauroggen, the scene of leaders and have called a general “ I’ve been here before, you today before Judge Edwin S. Alexander Mitchell, Stafford (Continued on Page 2) I it was pointed out that the plana his parents, iwssess. Saturday’s Communist rising, ac­ strike in protest, beginning today. know,” the mayor added. Thomas, The judge was asked for Springs . Dispatches estimate the number crashed at a point where the At­ The mayor received a rousing an order requiring the state to lantic is always turbulent and it released for appearance in the Philip J. Palmer, Andover cording to advices from Kovno, re­ of prisoners arrested by the police welcome upon his arrival. He was show cause why Sam Ong Jlng was feared that the men would soon Manchester police court tomorrow Andrew Maneggia, Bolton. ceived here today via Warsaw. and soldiers at 2,000. morning. No charge has bpea greeted Ini' the prefect of the Seine should be ^detained. A Tong hearing hecom© exhausted trying to remain The i^ebels kidnapped Col. Igna- The Llthif^nlan government Is Department, M.
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