Issued Saturday Tuesday Thursday Issue Saturday he Gazette T By Tke Courl.r-Gazette., 465 Main St.. THREE CENTS A COPY Established January, 1846. Entered a* Second Claes Mail Matter. Rockland, Maine, Saturday, March 14, 1925. Volume 80.. .Number 32. us this bridge. For half the year PLEAS FOR THE BRIDGE The Courier-Gazette law COURT decision under present conditions people who GEN. LORD’S ADDRESS live in Woolwich cannot visit Bath THREE-TIME8-A-WEEK An Important Finding In the after 6 o’clock at night." Budget Director Tells Maine Augusta Hearing Thursday Practically Unanimous For The loudest applause was received ALL THE HOME NEWS Lincoln County Trust Co. by a speaker who announced himself Improvement Which Means So Much To Eastern Maine Lawmakers What His Subscription $3.00 per year payable In ad­ Case. ns "Frank .1. Wood of Topsham, Sag­ vance ; single copies three cents. adahoc County, a Maine product.” Business Has Done. and Traveling Public. Advertising rates based upon circulation "I can't get across the river at j and very reasonable. In the course of the winding up of NEWHPAPER HISTORY night, in the winter time because 1 Gen. Herbert M. Lord, Director of The Rockland Gazette was established In the Lincoln County Trust Company, have 13 cows to milk and I can’t get Budget delivered an address be­ 1816 In 1874 the Courier was established the Law Court has just rendered a The Kennebec Journal of Thure-I cost of the highway and the com bi- an early start in the morning be- ^ore the Maine Legislature Thurs- and consolidated with the Gazette In 1882. The Free Press was established In 1855, and decision which is of great importance day gave the following report of the nation bridges. Senator Carlton re­ cause I have my chores to do," he ^aY. upon invitation of Gov. Brew- In 1891 changed its name to the Tribune. Kennebec Bridge hearing: plied that the combination bridge declared amid laughter. ' a,er. He was given a reception that These papers consolidated March 17, 1897. not only to bank depositors, but to all ... * would cost about $3,000,000 and the! Mr.,.McIntosh of Woolwich told the befitted the important position he persons having dealings with receiv­ highway bridge alone $1,350,000. ! committee that he paid $200 a year Ulls. and which showed the pride |i» .«■ •«. ••• ••• *•* ••• *•* ••• ••* M- ers of any business concern. "I have no objection to the Rich­ Senator Carlton asserted that J. A.] in ferry tolls in his business of a mill that Maine feels in her distinguished ••• mond bridge so long as it is not of­ L. Waddell, who had estimated that I dealer, to supply customers in Bath, i 8on- ••* Chance corrects us of many faults ••• One Hines had given a note to the fered as a substitute for the Bath *•* that reason would not know how to *•• bank secured by a real estate mort­ $3,000,000 would cover the cost, was an This was wrong. (Robinson Crusoe, The speech covered practically the Bridge," declared Senator Frank AV. ••* correct.—Rochefoucauld. ••• gage, and at the time the bank failed engineer of international reputation.' he said was no more Isloated than same ground as that which wua .«. ••• had money on deposit in its check­ Carlton of Sagadahoc county who He explained that six sites had been were the people of Woolwich, he de- j covered by his annua! report, recent- 4g .«. •«. ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• eg conducted the proponents’ case for ing department. Shortly after the examined by the joint committee up-1 dared. “We can hear the church ]Y published in these columns, and the Bath bridge project at the hear­ receivers were appointed Hines set­ pointed by the Legislature and tbei bells ringing, in Bath, but .we cannot made a tremendous impression. Gov. FIERCE THUNDER STORM ing on the resolve In the Hall of tled Ills mortgage and was allowed executive and that they had finally I attend," said he. "We know there art- Brewster entertained at the Blaine to offset the amount of his deposit Representatives .Wednesday. decided upon the location going di­ movies there but we can't go. house. At noon a lunch was given in RED WING THOROUGHBRED Editor of The Courier-Gazette: — There was standing room only in in the bank and pay the receivers rectly across the river from the "O, como to Woolwich and you’ll honor of the general, at which these “The Motor With Power to Sparc" We had a sharp thunder storm the hull, for more than 30U propon­ the difference. Subsequently, in the Maine Central station as satisfac­ know some of these things." guests were present: I’resident Buz­ In Nine Different Models—4 to 90 H. P. last night. It was one of the worst ents of the project were present from celebrated "Segregated Assets Case" tory to both the railroad and the “Time was when the Htage coach, zell of the Senate. Speaker Gardiner that we have had since I have been Bath, Rockland and points along the : : : AGENTS FOR : : : the Law Court ruled that all mort­ highway. ox-cart and the ferry boats were a of the House, Senators Wadsworth, here. It began aflout 9 o’clock, and Knox & Lincoln Railroad. While the gages held by the bank were segre­ "The Maine Central Railroad has necessity. Now the stage coach and Holly, Chalmers, Walker and Allen Red Wing Kermath Scripps Searchlights, etc. it rained pitch-forks. The light­ spectators were not so noisy as two gated assets for the protection of made a definite offer to stand 55 per ox-cart are gone, but the old ferry and Representatives White and Frost Speedway Mianus Winton Unimote Generating Outfit ning was so Iirjght one could see al^j years ago. they manifested quiet in­ saving depositors, and that persons cent of the entire cost of the bridge boat is still with us!" (Laughter). of Belfast, Councilor Peacock and Lathrop Frisbie Johnson Reliance Tachometers over tile Mohawk Valley. It lasted terest and determination and fre­ owing mortgages to the bank could and to pay a minimum of $15,(MM) on Mr. McIntosh said that what was Col. Bigelow. Evinrude Cadyford and Electric Bilge Pumps an hour, but it took off the snow, quently applauded points made by not set off against them the amount maintenance," said Senator Carlton. needed was a bridge which was toll The Kennebec Journal In an edi­ Sterling Standard Many Electric Windlasses nicely. speakers in favor of the bridge. of their deposits. "The minimum which they will pay free for farmers with produce. He torial, Tuesday, under the caption: Universal Regal Others Brunner Air Compressors ltut it was some storm for March Mayor Irish and the majority of Following this decision action was will lie $91,<MM) annually." was willing to pay tolls when he “Lawmakers’ Profitable Half Hour" 9. 1925- It reminded me of one time, tile members of the Hath city coun­ Our marine railways acccmmodate boats up to 80 feet. brought by the receivers to recover “We arc going to get federal aid if went to Bath on any business other said: on the Mt. Waldo, when we were] cil. President John J. Desmond and • • • « We build boats of all sizes from dories to bankers. from Mr. Rines the amount of the we can,” continued Senator Carlton. than carrying produce. That would lying at Hikers Island, loaded witti members of the 'Bath iRotary Club. offset allowed him as a credit when "IVe think that although the federal be a practical way of putting into ef­ The Maine Legislature in Joint Engines installed. granite for New York. A thunder ] Gratz Jackson, president of the Bath he paid his mortguge. In defense of government does not usually grant fect tills talk of helping the farmers. session profitably employed thirty Write for an estimate on your requirements. storm came up on the 15th of Feb- , Bridge Association, and Sheriff Mc­ aid to a toll bridge they might where Rep. Dwinal of Camden urged a minutes in strenuous national think­ ruary, 1887. I had been forward to this suit it was claimed that the re­ Clure were among those noticed in it was shown that the State received favorable report on the resolve, say­ ing on the subject of vital interest to LET US SELL YOUR BOAT have my hair cut, and started aft j ceivers could prevail because an the Bath delegations, while George the tolls and that no one was getting ing that It was a necessity to the them and their constituencies, as I with a lantern. The lantern went, action will not lie to recover back B. Wood and Mayor Carlton F. Snow a profit." welfare of the coast counties of shareholders in that tremendous I out. while I was in the middle of the money paid under a mistake of law headed a group of Hoekland busi-1 JOHN M. GAMAGE & SONS, INC. At the hearing liefore the court at He estimated that $200,000 annual- Maine. business undertaking, the national deckload, I fell and hurt my shoulder. Wiscasset the presiding Justice ruled tu-ss men. Students of Morse High |y WOuId be received in tolls, which • . » • government. Their thoughts were BOAT BUILDING AND REPAIRING That was a tierce storm, while it i in favor of Rines. and the receivers School of Bath also attended in b would retire the bridge bonds In 10 ] Mayor McLean said lie did not warmed by State pride, Informed toy lasted. M. M. Brown. 4’udy. i or 11 years. ] wish to be misunderstood.
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