
ー Bihar Rural Roads Development Agency ‐ (An agency ofRural Works Departm€nt, Govt. ofBihar Letter No. C.E-1 (HQ) 305.1-04-0,112020-Parl-lll - (Encl) / Patna. dare:- Zo lg l"d I Z"Z 1 Frorn. Ashok Kurnal l\{ isltla Engireer'- in-('h ic l:c Lrnr -AC EO. BRR I),\. j"1 Floor. BhLrnrr Vikash Bank Bharran. Budh N{arg. Patna. To- Erecutir e Engrneer. All Work Dir ision. Rural Works Department. Sub:- Allohnent of FLrnd Bihar Rural Road Maintenance Policy-2018 under MR3054 to Level-l PL Offlce of BRRDA (PIUs) through CFMS. Ref:- This office's letter no. - I 7 (Annex.) dated - 26.02.7021 S ir. Please find enclosed the list of PlUs and increase in uithdrawal limit of Level-l PL Office of BRRDA (PILrs) fbr palment to contractors through CFMS subject to terms and conditions mentioned below. The Erecutive Engineer-c Lrm-Drau ing and Disbursing Officers of R.\I'.D.. Works Division Whose names is giren as autholizeci sigrratorr lrare been norrinated as appro\er on ( l-MS of Level-l Office of BRRDA and they uill be responsible tbr crpenditule :rnctioned and parnrcrrl thloLrgh CFIVIS The up to date total rrithdrarral linrit and irrcrcase rn limit tbr the specitied period lbr Lerel-l PL Olfice (PlLls) ol BRRDA has also been indicated the PlLl rr ise limit is enclosed hereu ith. Pa rticu la rs Amounts (Rs) Prer,ious limit ol Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred Eighty Five Crore Eighty 1585、 8105_764 withdrau,al One Lakh Five Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Four Only. lncrease in limit of Rupees Three Hundred Seventy Eight Crore Thirty Seven 3,78,37,04、 203 *ithdrawal Lakh Four Thousand Two Hundred Tkee Only. Decrease in limit of 0 Zero rr ithdras al Rupees One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Four Crore Total limit of 19641809967 liighteen Lakh Nine Tl.rousand Nine Hundred Sixty Seven u ithdrau al ()nlr. L Pa\rnert should not be rnade in the ulrrk: rrhiclr harc adrelse It'PQM/an) other rernarks till lectification and sLrbm ission ol- ATRs. つ PIUs rnust ensure tlrree rnandator'y inspections (rrarimum lRI. Biturnen Content in Percenlage and Thickness of Bituninous la\ers) test restrlls are rithin the perrnissible lim its before palrnenls. Befbre rnakine pa)nrent to the contractor. Erecutire Enqineer nrust be satisfied uith the qualitr olthe concerned uork. EE nusf also ensure that there is no ATR pending in that scheme. 4 Allotments are strictl) only for the work as per list enclosed. 5 The total payment must not exceed the amount sanctioned. 6 All the concerned PlUs are directed to submit monthly accounts and utilization within two weeks to BRRDA. 7. Diversion of Allotment is Strictlv Prohibited. Encl : as abor e Yours falhfu‖ 、 衡熱、 ぃ 恣 1。 物 Engineer in(hiciculn_ACEO、 BRRDA (Encl)/Palna.,dated. MernoNo-C.E-.1 (HQ) i 05.1-04-0.111010- Pafl-lll - ZD .la/ /"a lZoZl Cop) to- AdnriDistratire Otllcer'. BRRDA. it is directed to release allotmerlt to lerel-lolfice(dirisions)of BRRDA on CFNIS as per enclosure. ,W"v\ 'M ( Ashok Kurnar ishra) Memo No - C.E-4 (HQ) 3054-04-0412020-Pan-lll - 2 D (Encl)/Patna, dated:- f Q loS lZoZ I Cop) to All C.Es. S.Es. Ex. Es with enclosure for information and necessary action. .N..^rY\ r,q, r-. r r,, iM"l r\r, r" r o "r " Merno No - C.E-4 (HQ)105.1-04-0,+i2020-Parr-Ul- 2 (Encl)rPatna. dated:- ,q l4 f Z" Z-t Copl to IT Manager. R.W.D Patna for uploading with enclosure of information to'Department Website. ¨ 檻 | )ヽ 嚇 ♭ 1:Fイ P,\I Uf\T LI\III'OF R\\.D. \tORKS DI\ ISIO\ FOR \E\\ \IAI} IE\A\Cf, (]OSI) SCHEME lh(rurh CF\1S L p ro dare Torrl lrmr ol !\ rthdra$al SI IN CFMS No l)rsrricl (ln llgures) validrr) Wrlhdrawal 1 3 6 7 8 , t0 R$D$ortsDr! Rupees Srx Crore Frfiy Srr lal(h Thrrt\ 1 BhoJpur 48642163 16992356 6563451 Four Thousand Flve Hundred Nrneleen 30062021 Onh Rupees One Crore Srxi) Frve lakh Frli) R$ D $orlsl)r! 16556738 16556738 Six Tlousand Se!en Hundred Thrn) 30062021 Ershl Onl\ Rupees Fon) Three Crore Tw€nr)" N,ne RWDworlsDr! 3 Molhair I r.1 1..10.9r 121811116 13,:9,85.357 laki EighlY Frve Thousand Th.ee 30062021 Hundrcd Frli! Selen Onl! RwDsorksl)r! Rupees Nrne Crore Frfi\ Srr lakh Frfi\ | 16530551 1911'01 168 30062021 '565「 Thousand One Hundred Sr\r\ Erghr Onl\ Rr pecs S \r\ l \ro Crore Nrneh One llth R $ $ork,.l),\ D ヽイ o]ヽ ・ 1● | Serenr\ One lhoLr-iand sr\ llundrcd 30062021 '101Jら Rupees Se!enrl I hrce Crore Er-rhr\ R \\ D $orks Dr\ 6 121910'|] |1 33 82り | 73831j,918 Three lakh three Thousand Nrne 30062021 Champaran .Lhgaha I Hundred Lrsht Onl\ R \\'D trorls I)\ Rupees T$cnr) Fr\€ Crore Thrneen lakh 7 25 1301 102 25 1301 102 30062021 Champaran Basaha-l One lhousand One Hundred TsoOnl) Rupe€s Thrn\ Nrne Crore Erghr\ Nrne RWD sorlsDr\ 8 t7.6{.t].97] 12.1.1 7t.E:5 19,89_ tJ,797 lalh Foufleen Thousand Selen Hundred 30062021 Barsr Nrnet'- Selen Onh Rupees Fon! Five Crorc Frft) Srx lalh RUD\orlsDr\ 9 Banka 35.15,54,261 102072383 455626616 Twenly Srr Thousand Sir Hundred Fony 30062021 Banka-l Sr\ onl\ Rupees Thrn! Four Crore Erghn NrnE R \\ D sorls Dr\ ll Bmka I r.17.79.586 361 33 115 lakh Twel!e Thousand Selen Hundrcd 30062021 Banka-l One Onlr R \\ D worls Drt Rupees Frfty Srx lakh Eighry One ll 3025000 2656520 5681,20 30062021 Barh Thousand Fr!e Hundted T\!€nn Onlv Rupees T$o Crore Sr\l) One lakh Erghl) R \\ D $orl\ I) \ tl Bせ Lu、 arl 220(,555 23'SJ l● 1 2● 1ヽ 371 Threr Thousand Selen llundred 30062021 lrshreen Onl\ . Rupees Ten Four lalh R \\ O $LJr[. I) ‐ ` 十‐ Crore Se\enn t_l 1'3'こ 1■ ヽ ヽ ~,' | |く 01,|` 30062021 Frli\ l-o!r Ih.usind I e. (hl\ R!pk\ I oL . Crore Tsenh L_rghl lalh R \\ D sorL\ l) \ l.l !1 hlbanr l lss, 87 12ヽ o51ヽ ヽ Sr\q F vr Thous.ind One Hundrcd ,00620ユ 1 Ilctr parlr Fr!hr\ tr!e Onh Rupees fom Seven Crore Thr.$ Sr\ lalh R$D$orl,5Dr\ lr 15''66571 1 3893600 1,365''71 FrIr! N nc Thousand \rne Hundred 30062021 Chrnparan Selenh One Onh R \ I) \orls Dr\ Rupees Fon\ Sa Crore Thr() Nrne lakh 16 4305010'7 I ll,t.t.0 t4 .16.19,15.09t 30062021 llhabhua TEenrr Frve Thousand Nrnel) One Only Rupees Thrfleen Crore Frny One lalih R \\ D qorls Dr\ 11 Bhagalpur 6.95,11 .t62 65650000 1351 '7762 ,\'-rnet) Selen lhousand Se!en Hundred 30062021 Uhagalpur Sr\l\ lwo Onh Rupe€s Ershr Crore Nrner\ Four laLh R \\ D \orl,s Dr\ l8 31510596 5.79.811.00C 8,190596 Nrnerl Thousand Frve Hundred Nrnel\ ,0062021 Brharshan[' Si\ Onh It \\ D $orts D ! Rupees 'I hrrry Four Crore Fifteen iajih l9 Sasaram 263713715 '7.17,81.t73 341,00888 30062021 Brl,ramsanr Eighl Hundred Erehtv Eiqht Onlv Rup€es One Crore Sr\ty Erght lakh R \\ I) sorls DL\ t0 D8rbhan■ 8 238150o 1 15 1il,00 168'0500 Ninel\ Nr.e Thousand Fr!e Ilundred 30062021 Ufto Onl! Rヽ D、 、orヽ 、)、 :t Rupces T$o Crore I hrcc lakh Frft\ Nrne 30002121 I ho!linu f,!ht Hundrcd ()nl\ Rupces Iont \e\en ( rok'\rner\ Se\en ll !\ D \orl\ I) \ j |(、 うo S1 31= |● J5■ 9` : 1'0● :::り lrlh Th,fl\ I$o Thousand T\o Hundrcd 30062021 Bu\ar Rupee\ Ihrn\ NrneCrore Selenr\ Four R !\ D $or[s t) \ ti 37 18■ 586' 1557001() 3,712ヽ 800 hlh I$enn Fr!e I hous,rnd Erghr 3006202' Hundred Nrn. ()nl\ rt@ / Page 1 thiou[h Crヽ 1、 L p 1() drr. ToIal lrmrr ol U'rlhdra\!al sl IN CFMS Disrncr iln ilgures) 6 8 9 l0 l lakh R \\ $orl,s Dr\ Rupcc( T\el\e Cr(Ye Sr\l\ Sr\ D 72S11716 538 112ヽ 8 1166 17()31 30062021 )1 Selenreen I housrnd Thin\ [our Onl\ Rupees Seren Crore frfn Sr\ lalh R\ D \orl!Dr\ 750227,6 Tso Thousand Se!en Hundred 30062021 t5 Chapra 4563'125 2,985671 l$enr) Chapra-: N,neN Srx Onlv RwD NorksDrv Rupees Ten Crore Srxi Sir lakh Slx! 30062021 26 Samaslrpur 9,14.98.6t5 1 51 61 843 r0,66,60,458 Dalsinghsara' Thousand Four Hundred Frfty Erghl Onh Rupees Fr!e Crore Tw€nl) Nrne lalih R \\ l) $orks Di\ 30062021 )7 51011272 1,78176 52'79548 Se\entt Nrne Thousand Frte Hundred Fom' Erghr Onl! Rupees Trenlr Fr!c lakh Thin! T$o -Ihousand R $ I) $orls l)r! 2530298 Hund'ed Nine\ Erghr 30062021 t8 Darbhan-q! 2532298 Two Dart!hxn!i\-: Onlt R \\ $.rlj Dr\ R0pees TBenr\ Sr\ Crore Sc\enl\ Nrnc l) 16131ヽ 372 ||'358,い う0 167り (,11)71 30062021 lnkh Four Thousand SevenN One Onl\ Rupees Onc Cr(ne [on\ Sr\ lalh Thrn\ \orl,s \ R \\ l) l) |'ド 2` )| Sr\ 300も 2021 Itj ||● 3S:'(, |■ l-,-hr I housand I $o Ilundred Nrner! Drh r Onl\ Rupees Thrfl\ Erghl Crore Thrn\ lakh R \\ l) $orl,. t)\ ( 81178 30062021 ]ヽ F100く 2,(、 51'1・ ,8ら Erghr\ Four Thou$nd Four Hundr€d ll '| Dh.nrdi'hr Sc\rno Erqhr Onl\ I{upees Erghllcn arol.
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