BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR. HARRY ELMER BARNES The Barnes Review VOLUME XV NUMBER 4 JULY/AUGUST 2009 BARNESREVIEW.COM Lincoln & Washington ALSO . • Real reasons the South seceded • Lincoln’s federal police state • Egyptians in America in 3000 B.C. • Texas declares independence • Venetian role in piracy • Holocaust the West’s new religion • Auschwitz: the first gassing • Waffen SS general writes to the pope • Valkyrie plot against Hitler fails BRINGING HISTORY INTO ACCORD WITH THE FACTS IN THE TRADITION OF DR.HARRY ELMER BARNES the Barnes Review A JOURNAL OF NATIONALIST THOUGHT & HISTORY JULY/AUGUST 2009 O VOLUME XV O NUMBER 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS DISHONEST ABE VS.OUR FOUNDING FATHER AUSCHWITZ:THE FIRST GASSING BY CHUCK BALDWIN BOOK REVIEW BY PROF.RAY GOODWIN Today kids in school are taught that Abe Lincoln was our Carlo Mattogno’s latest book tells of the laughable ab- 4 greatest president, or so the teachers say. But how does 39surdities in one aspect of the Holocaustian mythology. Old Abe hold up when compared with Washington? Indeed The poor “eyewitnesses” can’t seem to get their story straight. there are superficial similarities but there is no comparison. There are more contradictions in the saga of the first gassing The great man is clearly George, while Abe is the big-govern- at Auschwitz than suspect tales of “holocaust” hustlers. ment socialist who caused the deaths of a million people. THE ‘DOUBTING THOMAS’BISHOP LINCOLN:FATHER OF OUR MODERN NATION? BY MICHAEL HOFFMAN BY ALEX PERRY JR. The thought police are hounding a distinguished man Who is the real father of our country? To answer that, we 41of the cloth. Funny thing, but Christian leaders no 8 must first determine what our country is. If it is America, longer need to believe in Christ. But they must believe in the then it’s George Washington. But if it is a nation of sheeple holocaust, or they had better watch out. with no real rights, “Jackleg Abe” is your man. (“Jackleg” is an old-fashioned word for dishonest, so it suits “Dishonest LETTER TO THE POPE FROM LEON DEGRELLE Abe” Lincoln to a T.) . BY WAFFEN SS GEN.LEON DEGRELLE THE ‘UN-CIVIL WAR’ABOUT FREEDOM Belgian hero Leon Degrelle, as a good Catholic, felt it his duty to warn Pope John-Paul II that going to BY PROF.RAY GOODWIN 43 Auschwitz was walking into a trap, and advises the pontiff in We often hear the so-called Civil War was fought over a humorous way of how ridiculous the claims of the Holocaus- 16 slavery. The North wanted to free the Negro slaves, tians are. while the South wanted to keep them in servitude as mere chattels. Yet, the fact is, slavery was in the process of dying out anyway, and even had the South had not a single slave Lin- FDR PLANNED SNEAK ATTACK ON JAPAN coln would still have launched his war. Follow the money, as BY GEORGE KADAR the wise man says. FDR claimed the Japanese were perfidious when they 49attacked Pearl Harbor with no warning, although he WHEN VENICE RULED THE WAVES knew they were coming. But what he did not talk about was his BY GRACE EKI-OYAMA even more perfidious plan to sneak attack and bomb civilians The black nobility of Venice, so called because of their in Nagasaki, Osaka and Tokyo from Flying Tiger bases in 25 evil, Kabalistic ways, not only invented modern slavery China before the “Japs” ever thought about Pearl Harbor. but modern piracy as well. Venice itself fell to Napoleon’s armies, but meanwhile their ideas spread to such seemingly BOMB PLOT TO KILL HITLER FAILS unlikely places as Holland and inspired the rise of robber BY CAROLYN YEAGER &WILHELM MANN barons all over the world. Adolf Hitler had more lives than a cat, surviving some- 54 thing like 50 attempts to assassinate him. Here begins EGYPT IN AMERICAS BEFORE COLUMBUS the saga of the best-known bungled murder attempt, the fa- BY GUNNAR THOMPSON mous July 20, 1944, “Valkyrie” briefcase-bomb bid that has A highly respected archeologist says dozens of corn- been the subject of a recent—and twisted—Hollywood pro- Features: 30cobs depicted in ancient Egyptian artwork and else- duction with Scientologist Tom Cruise as the leading man. where in the Old World are just part of the evidence that proves First of two installments straight from the personal diary of Personal from the Editor: 2 that someone was sailing between Egypt and the Americas Hermann Giesler, a close confidant of the Fuehrer. Editorial—A tribute to Ryu Ohta: 3 some 4,000 years before Christopher Columbus. Texas Declaration of Independence. 22 REFLECTIONS ON MARTIN BORMANN Old World’s out-of-place organisms. 32 TBR INTERVIEWS CARLO MATTOGNO BY HERMANN GIESLER TBR home shopping section: B-1 to B-8 BY THE TBR STAFF Many people found it difficult to deal with Adolf Book Review—Auschwitz gassings: 39 The great Italian historical Revisionist Carlo Mattogno 60Hitler’s personal secretary, Martin Bormann. Even 33grants a rare interview to TBR. Mattogno, the author Hermann Giesler, one of Hitler’sfavorite architects and a con- Brits let slip dogs of war: 51 of numerous scholarly investigations on “the holocaust,” rarely fidant, was often at odds with Bormann. But one thing no one History You May Have Missed: 52 gives interviews and we are honored. seemed to doubt was Bormann’s loyalty to the Fuehrer. Letters to the Editor: 62 Personal from the MANAGING Editor THE BARNES REVIEW Latest Affront to Free Speech Editor & Publisher: WILLIS A. CARTO Assistant Editor: JOHN TIFFANY hey say it can never happen here in America—but it is. Right be- Managing Editor/Art Director: PAUL ANGEL fore your eyes the Obama administration is pushing for sharper Advertising Director: SHARON ELLSWORTH teeth and a wider bite radius for hate crime laws in America Board of Contributing Editors: today. Plain and simple, hate crime laws are a bane to free RICK ADAMS ERICH GLIEBE MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER T Providence, Rhode Island Parma, Ohio Washington, D.C. speech and free thought. According to highly respected PETER HUXLEY-BLYTHE PROF.RAY GOODWIN LADY MICHELE RENOUF columnist and former Undersecretary of the Treasury Paul Craig Rob- Nottingham, England Victoria, Texas London, England erts, Rahm Emmanuel’s2009 version of the 2004 Global Anti-Semitism JOAQUIN BOCHACA JUERGEN GRAF HARRELL RHOME,PH.D. Barcelona. Spain Moscow, Russia Corpus Christi, Texas bill is particularly virulent. According to Roberts (writing in AMERICAN MATTHIAS CHANG, J.D. MICHAEL A. HOFFMAN II GERMAR RUDOLF FREE PRESS, #23/24 for 2009): Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Gulag Germany ROBERT CLARKSON, J.D. M.R. JOHNSON,PH.D. VINCENT J. RYAN As soon as [Emmanuel] gets the Hate Crime Prevention Act of Anderson, South Carolina Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Washington, D.C. 2009 passed, it will become a crime for any American to tell the TREVOR J. CONSTABLE RICHARD LANDWEHR HANS SCHMIDT truth about Israel’streatment of Palestinians and theft of their lands. San Diego, California Brookings, Oregon Pensacola, Florida It will be a crime for Christians to acknowledge the New Testament HARRY COOPER CARLO MATTOGNO VICTOR THORN Hernando, Florida Palestrina, Rome, Italy State College, Pennsylvania account of Jews demanding the crucifixion of Jesus. It will be a crime to report the extraordinary influence of the Israel lobby on DALE CROWLEY JR. DANIEL W. MICHAELS FREDRICK TÖBEN,PH.D. Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Adelaide, Australia the White House and Congress. It will be a crime to doubt any SAM G. DICKSON, J.D. EUSTACE MULLINS JAMES P. TUCKER JR. aspect of the holocaust. It will become a crime to note the dispro- Atlanta, Georgia Staunton, Virginia Washington, D.C. portionate representation of Jews in the media, finance and foreign MARK GLENN GRACE-EKI OYAMA UDO WALENDY policy. In other words, it means the end of free speech, free inquiry, Careywood, Idaho Osaka, Japan Vlotho, Germany and the First Amendment to the Constitution. Any facts or truths THE BARNES REVIEW (ISSN 1078-4799) is published bimonthly by TBR Co., that cast aspersions upon Israel will simply be banned. 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, D.C. 20003. Periodical rate postage paid at Washington, D.C. For credit card orders including subscriptions, call toll free Roberts cuts to the chase, identifying the real reason for the “pro-Se- 1-877-773-9077 to use Visa or MasterCard. Other inquiries cannot be handled through the toll free number. For address changes, subscription questions, status of order and bulk dis- mitic” (for lack of a better term) nature of supercharged hate crime laws: tribution inquiries, please call 951-587-6936. All editorial (only) inquiries please call 202-547-5586. All rights reserved except that copies or reprints may be made without per- mission so long as proper credit and contact info are given for TBR and no changes are Why is the holocaust a subject that is off limits to examination? made. All manuscripts submitted must be typewritten (doublespaced) or in computer How could a case buttressed by hard facts possibly be endangered format. No responsibility can be assumed for unreturned manuscripts. Change of address: Send your old, incorrect mailing label and your new, correct address neatly printed or by “kooks” and “anti-Semites”? Surely the case doesn’t need to be typed 30 days before you move to assure delivery. 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