~I ."\\ ' S Wahlberg boogies again Ronald Borczon of CS Mu ic Dept: Big We t Conference in "Rock Star." Mu ic heals young soul po tpone port event See page 5 See page 3 See page 12 Volume 44 • Number I I Since 1957 Thursday, September 13, 200 I A financially independent student newspaper http://sundial.csun.edu CSUN offers post-tragedy counseling mbers of the C U com- munity affected em tionally M y the en:nt. of Tuesday can receive coun ·eling at University ounscling ervices in the tudent ervices Building. Yesterday'· counc·eling groups were counsel d by Dr. Richard Mi Iler and Dr. Tamara Klumpe. "People are in a tate of di. belief and sh k ... If. like with the eanh- quake" said Ellen Mayer. a c uru lor at C . "Then the reality ofit begins to set in." "Wh t' going to happen? What if we go to war?" a-;k d one ssi n att ndee whose boyfriend i · serving in the U. Marin s. Alter witn s. ing an event uch as th 1uesday airplan era hes and build- ing collapses "you don't feel se urc," said a business major at on of the . s- i ns who a-;ked n t to be identi fie<l. " ceing those people running, th y all felt like family members" said Julia JONATHAN OE LARHE I bAll.Y S.UNDIA Wong. a tud nt attending th second The flag flies at half-staff atop the Oviatt Library in honor of the American lives lost on Tuesday during the terrorist attack on the U.S. See COUNSELING, page 9 White House, Pres said to be targets NEW YORK (AP) -As the mol- been am ng the targets of Tuesday' for rescuers in New York was low. Rolitics back on track ring ashes of the World Trade Center devastation. Cranes and heavy machinery were ro was unable to send bloodmo- lowly yielded unimaginable carnage, The investigation swept from a used, but only gingerly, for fear of di - SUNDIAL STAfF biles to the campus because all the n\e tigators fanned out aero the Bo ton hotel to Florida and points lodging wreckage and harming any unirs were already deployed. ntry Wednesday to track the con- beyond - all in an attempt to deter- urvivors. Searchers with picks and wake of the terrorist attacks The potential donors were warned ·raters who orchestrated an unprece- mine just who was behind the attacks axes worked 1 wly, too - sometimes ng the F.ast COOst. governing that there may be up to a three-hour nted day of terror from the air. in which two hijacked airliners blasted when they opened pocket in the E ies in catifomia from CSUN wait to give blood. The few storie that remained of the into the 110- tory towers, a third dove debri , fires flared. to the State Legislature reconvened " o one ha1> see.med to care,'' center' south tower col lapsed into the Pentagon and a fourth crashed Companie that leased pace in the Wednesday to take part in memorial Cohen said. "Every ne said, TU 'ednesclay afternoon in yet another in western Pennsylvania. trade center tarted dealing with the services and cope with the influx of wait' One per..on said. '11mt's OK. lurne of thick smoke. o mJunes awful consequence of the violence. people offering help. l'IJ take a book.''• ere reported, but rescuers were evac- Giuliani tours Trade Center ite Thirty-eight people from Fred Alger Throughout the day C stu- Cohen and Vincent did remind ted from a portion of the area where Management Inc. were dents who filed into the offic ofthe students there would be a bloc.xi drive 1.350-foot titan stood.• Pre ident Bu h condemned the including the company' A iated Students and the health on campus Sept. 27-28 and all donaw Police and fire officials said there on laught as "acts of war" and NATO D~wid Alger. center. trying to find way to help. tion would go to the Norris Cancer ere problem with other "mini-col- gave the United States its backing for a "The terrori t atta k i a personal were redirected to Jocal blood driv . Center and the USC Univer ity " among some badly damaged military response if the attacks were tragedy for my family as well as for all Susan Cohen. the as istant direc· Ho pita!. 1ldings nearby. and when the towers directed from abroad. of our employees ·and their famili~ " tor for health promotton. , and Leanne In ack:lition to the blood drives, the ere destroyed, the Marriott World While investigators and diplom said Fred Alger, the company founder Vincent. the activities cobrdinator for lCl(Je Center hotel fell with them. But moved forward in their ~ ks, progre and David' brother. the A sociated Students. id the Red See AS, page 9 'iearch and rescue mi ion contin- despite the problem . Interactive Chron ogy Interfaith council releases statem.ent By CHAD MI OR the country. We cal Iupon people f all I lamic tudi progmm and religiou , Christian ," Hu ·n said. The devastation turned the concrete SU DIAL STAFF faith , all people of good will, to c me studies professor said. ''We don t hate "We need to raise con em here. It' Yons of lower Manhattan into a together in thi time of tragedy, to American . we are American_. There important to understand diversity as a ~-cove red ruin of girders and boul- , esday attacks on the World oppose all hateful peech and violent are at least 6 million Muslim in the trength," said Glenn Oma~u. professor r\ of broken concrete. A B Trade Center and the Pentagon acti n , and to refrain from d m nizing U.S. and around 500,000 in of the religiou tudi . "Unfortunate rother clothi ng tore became a. h uld not be misaligned with any group of pe pie or religion." California" thing happened in Pearl Harbor, for gue, where workers brought any ethnicity or religion, said religi u Barry medberg. Executive 'Thi is like the people who blow example, but no one poke up for YParts they could find. expe and profi · ional . (WHEN?) Director of the FVJC said he i trying up abortion clini and y they are Japan -Americans afterwards." lne w ricers' grim ~ k was inter- The San Fernando Valley Interfaith t organize a vigil for the victim and !Xed by brief epiphanie of life, when Council has issue.d a tatement to the family members laterthi m nth, but in "An Interfaith Prayer Response to Our National Tragedy" fortunate victim was pulled alive Daily Sundial in which they d n nee the meantime, people hould come rn the wreckage of the teel-and- religiou targeting: "We i ·sue a trong together. ~ ~ building . Four victim , three of caution that no group or religi n be 'The Valley i unique because of 12:30pm - 1:30pm rn r>o lice officers, had been pulled demonized for th horrific attac on ur dive ity and we h uld cultivate Thursday, September 13, 2001 lhe wreckage. th United States. We trongly con- that," Smedberg said. "We are ahead of In Washinb1lon the Bush adminis- d mn all threats n w being directed ur time. All other areas will fi llow our Performing Arts Center t:Jon disclosed that the White House toward I lamic mosqu and oth r lead. We can be the model." University Student Union. Inc. Air Force One may originally have instiwti ns in Lo Angel and ac Amir Hussain, rdinat r of the l • The Daily Sundial • CSUN •Thursday, September I3, 200 I Wire U.S. inquiry focuses on bin Laden WASHINGTO (AP) - cell of terrori t group participat- on the plane - either the hijack- have been involved with bin Federal authoritie have identified ed and that hijackers had po ible ers themselves or their associate ," Laden. That include the US more than a doren hijackers of tie to countrie that included FBI Director Robert Mueller said. Cole bombing in Yemen and the Middle Ea tern de cent in audi Arabia and Egypt For ome of the su pected foiled attack on U.S. soil dunng Tuesday' bombing and gathered The identities of more accomplice , "we have informa- the millennium celebrations. eviden e linking them to 0 ma than a dozen of the men tion a to involvement Official aid ome of the bin Laden and other terrori t net- who hijacked four hijackers may have crossed the work law enforcement offi ial plane with knive and 1 border from Canada en route to aid. threats of bomb have 't'~J(f•.r::!~7E~I~~re~~~ Bo ton. Authoritie in Maine and The ma ive inve tigation been a certained, the officials group or whether they ova Scotia searched vehicles for tretched from the Canadian bor- said. Several hijackers had pilot's were connected to bin Laden. po ible ties to the uspects. A der, where official u pect ome license . Officials said authoritie were third car found at the airpon in of the hijacker entered the coun- -Authoritie de~ned at least a gathering evidence that the terror- Bo ton, where one flight w Global security beefed up try, to Florida, where some of the half dozen people in i t cells may have had prior hijacked, also was searched and an in worldwide terror alert parti ipants are believed to have Ma sachusetts and Florida on involvement in earlier plots Arabic-language flight manual learned h w to fly commercial jet- unrelated local warrants and against the United State , and may was di covered, officials said.
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