O Group Ownership

O Group Ownership

11.9%. Newspaper Crossowner- Minahan, See also R Group Ownership ship. Hqs: Box 59, Appleton, Wis. 54912. (414) 733-4411. Radio Megantic Ltee. -Stns: 3 AM. CJLP(AM) Dis- raeli, CKFL(AM) Lac Megantic and CKLD(AM) Thet- Post- Newsweek Stations Inc. -Stns: 4 TV. ford Mines, all Quebec. Hqs: 327 Ave. Labbe, Thetford WFSB(TV) Hartford, Conn.; WJXT(TV) Jacksonville Mines, Que. G6G 5S3. (418) 335 -7533. and and WPLG(TV) Miami, both Florida; and WDIV(TV) Albany, WMJM(AM) -WFAV(FM) Cordele WTJH(AM) East Point, all Georgia. Executives: James Detroit. Executive: Joel Chaseman, pres. Ownership: Radio Nord Inc. -Stns: 4 AM, 1 FM, 3 TV. CHAD(AM) Rivers, Sara J. Howell, bus mgr. Hqs: 20th Ave. at Post-Newsweek Stations is a subsidiary of the Amos, CHOT -TV Hull, CKLS(AM) La Sarre, CFEM -TV pres; publicly traded Washington Post Co. See also News- Rouyn, CKRN -AM -TV and CHLM -FM Rouyn, and Owens St., Cordele, Ga. 31015. d'Or, Quebec. Alain paper Crossownership. Hqs: 1232 31st St. N.W., CKVD(AM) Val all Executive: RICO General Inc. -Stns: 6 AM, 6 FM, 4 TV. WOR- Washington 20007. (202) 342 -3800. Gourd, pres. Hqs: 380 Murdoch, Noranda, Que. J9X AM-TV and WXLR(FM) New York; WRKO(AM), 1G5. (819) 762 -0741. WROR(FM) and WNAC -TV Boston; WGMS -AM -FM The Potter Group -Stns: 3 AM, 1 FM. WATA(AM) Fort Boone, WDSL(AM) Mocksville and WKBC -AM -FM Radio Quebec -Stns: 6 TV. CIVP -TV Chapeau, Bethesda, Md.-Washington; WAXY(FM) Lauder- North Wilkesboro, all North Carolina. Ownership: Doris CIVO -TV Hull, CIVM -TV Montreal, CIVQ -TV Quebec dale, Fla.; WFYR(FM) Chicago; WHBO -AM -TV KHJ -AM -TV B. Potter, 50 %; Roland B. Potter, 50 %. Cable TV. Hqs: City, CIVN -TV Rouyn -Noranda and CIVA -TV Val d'Or - Memphis; KFRC(AM) San Francisco; and Box 938, North Wilkesboro, N.C. 28659. (919) Amos, all Quebec. Executives: Guy Rocher, chmn of KRTH(FM) Los Angeles. (All 100% owned.) Owner- 667 -2221. the bd; Gerard Barbin, pres & gen mgr; Gilbert Buzare, ship: RKO General Inc. is wholly owned by General VP administration; Claude Sylvestre, VP programs & Tire & Rubber Co. Officers of RKO General: Thomas F. AM, 3 FM. Prairieland Stns -Stns: 3 WILY(AM)- opns; Jean Fortier, VP dev & rgnl bcstg; Bernard O'Neil, chmn; John B. Poor, vice chmn of bd; Frank WDZ(AM)- WDZQ(FM) Decatur WRXX(FM) Centralia, Benoist, sec gen & dir of law department; Claude Shakespeare, pres. Officers of RKO General (in chg of and WIZZ(AM) -WLAX(FM) Streator, all Illinois. Owner- Bedard, dir, communications; Claude Robert, dir, tech bcstg division): Robert L. Glaser, pres (television); Park Ill. ship: Steve Bellinger. Hqs: 265 S. St., Decatur, & net dev; Denis Bachand, dir, finance; Lyse Larouche, Dwight Case, pres (radio). Cable TV: RKO General Inc. 62523. (217) 423 -9744. dir, human resources; Yvon Malo, dir, admin division; owns 97% of Cablecom- General Inc. Hqs: 1440 Broadway, New York 10018. (212) 764 -7000. Prima Inc. -Stns: 2 TV. KLBK -TV Lubbock and KTXS- Claude Desorcy, dir, programs. Ownership: The Societe radio -television du Quebec, a corporation TV Sweetwater (Abilene), both Texas. (Both 100% de Roberts Broadcasting Inc. -Stns: 2 AM, 2 FM. owned.) Ownership: Larry Reed, John Robert Lee, of the Quebec government, is the owner and operator WJMS(AM) and WIMI(FM) Ironwood, Mich.; and the TV stations. Hqs: 800, rue Fullum, Daniel H. Neviaser, Robert L. Dudley and Wayne Em- of educational WJMT-AM -FM Merrill, Wis. (All 100% owned.) Owner- Montreal H2K 3L7. (514) 873-4611. bry. Hqs: Box 1559, Lubbock, Tex. 79408. (806) ship: W. Donald Roberts Jr., 100 %. Hqs: Route 2, Box 745-2345. Radio South Inc. -Stns: 2 AM, 1 FM. WARF(AM) 106 A, Lac du Flambeau, Wis. 54538. (715) Jasper and WTSK(AM) -WTUG(FM) Tuscaloosa, both 588 -3852. Prime Time of Alaska Inc. -Stns: 2 AM, 1 FM. Alabama. Ownership: Houston L. Pearce, Charles R. KYAK(AM)- KGOT(FM) Anchorage and KIAK(AM) Fair- E. O. Roden Stns -Stns: 5 AM, 4 FM. WBOP(AM) Fred H. Davis. Hqs: 400 Third Ave., Jasper, banks, both Alaska. Ownership: Robert Brown, Wiggins, and WTKX(FM) Pensacola, Fla. (44 %); WBIP -AM -FM Ala. 35501. (205) 221 -2222. 38.33%; Martin Hamstra, 28.33 %; George Akers, Booneville (100 %), WGCM(AM)- WTAM(FM) Gulfport 26.67 %; William Lucas, 16.67 %. Hqs: 2800 East Rahall Communications -See Gulf Broadcast (45 %), WOKJ(AM)- WJMI(FM) Jackson (45%) and Dowling Road, Anchorage 99507. (907) 344-2522. Group. WTUP(AM) Tupelo (48 %), all Mississippi. Hqs: c/o Tri - Miss. Prince George Broadcasting Ltd. -Stns: 4 AM. Cities Broadcasting Co., Box 3320, Jackson, Rau Radio Stations Inc. -Stns: 6 AM, 6 FM. 39207. CIFJ(AM) Fort St. James, CIFL(AM) Fraser Lake, WDOV(AM) and WDSD(FM) Dover, Del.; WNAV -AM- Prince George and CIVH(AM) Vanderhoof, CJCI(AM) FM Annapolis and WARK(AM) -WWCS(FM) Hagers- Rodgers Group -Stns: 3 AM, 1 FM. KKZZ(AM) and all British Columbia. (All 100% owned.) Ownership: town, both Maryland; WBBB(AM) and WPCM(FM) KOTE(FM) Lancaster, Calif.; WBIS(AM) Bristol, Conn.; R.A. East, 27 %; S.W. Davis, 27 %. Cable TV. Hqs: Box Burlington- Graham, N.C.; WATO(AM) and WETQ(FM) and WBML(AM) Macon, Ga. (All 100% owned.) 758, Prince George, B.C. V2L 4T4. (604) 564 -2524. Oak Ridge, Tenn.; and WPDX-AM -FM Clarksburg, Ownership: David Rodgers, 100 %. Hqs: 1021 Far- Progressive Publishing Co. -Stns: 3 AM, 3 FM. W.Va. Executives: J. Alton Boyer, chmn; Robin Henry, mington P n., Bristol, Conn. 06010. (203) 583 -9265. pres; Patrick H. Kelly, exec VP; Susan Abraham, sec - WMIB(AM) Marco Island and WRGI(FM) Naples, both Rollins I., -Stns: 5 AM, 1 FM, 3 TV. Rollins Broad- treas. Cable TV: Delaware Teleservice Co., Dover, Del.; Florida; WCPA(AM) -WQYX(FM) Clearfield and casting c Delaware Inc. (Paul H. Downs, VP): WDAD(AM) -WQMU(FM) Indiana, both Pennsylvania. Colonial Cablevision Ltd., Anne Arundel county, Md. KDAY(AM) Santa Monica, Calif.; WAMS(AM) M St. N.W., Washington 20037. (All 100% owned.) W. K. Ulerich, chmn of Progressive Hqs: Suite 716, 2100 Wilmington, Del.; WBEE(AM) Harvey, Ill.; WRAP(AM) Publishing Co., owns 100% of WMAJ(AM) and (202) 296 -3900. Norfolk, Va.; WCHS(AM) and WBES(FM) Charleston, WXLR(FM) State College, Pa. See also Newspaper Regional Broadcasters Group -Stns: 6 AM, 6 FM. W.Va. Rollins Telecasting Inc. (Jack Robinette, VP): Crossownership. Hqs: Box 291, Clearfield, Pa. 16830. WAMT(AM) and WAJX(FM) Titusville, Fla.; WGRD -AM- WEAR -TV Pensacola, Fla.; WPTZ(TV) North Pole, N.Y.; (814) 765 -5051. FM Grand Rapids, WTRU(AM) Muskegon and and WCHS -TV Charleston, W.Va. Ownership: publicly WCNF(FM) WAAL(FM) traded Rollins Inc. (parent corporation). John Janas, Pulitzer Publishing Co. Stns -Stns: 1 AM, 1 FM, 5 Whitehall, all Michigan; VP. TV: Inc., TV. KTAR(AM) and KBBC(FM) Phoenix; WLNE(TV) Binghamton and WKNY(AM) Kingston, both New York; Cable Rollins Cablevue New Castle coun- New Bedford, Mass. (Providence, R.I.); KSDK(TV) St. WMGW(AM) -WZPR(FM) Meadville and WPIC(AM)- ty, Del., and Community TV Systems Inc., Branford, Louis; KETV(TV) Omaha; KOAT-TV Albuquerque, N.M.; WYFM(FM) Sharon, both Pennsylvania. Executives: Conn. Hqs: Box 647, Atlanta 30301. (404) 873 -2355 Pa. A.B. Martin, pres; F. Tascone, exec VP; E.A. Bernstein, and WGAL -TV Lancaster, Executives: Joseph Ray H. Rosenblum Stns -Stns: 2 AM, 1 FM. WMOA- VP -gen mgr. Hqs: 212 Fair St., Kingston, N.Y. 12401. Pulitzer, pres; Ray Karpowicz, gen mgr-bcstg. Owner- AM-FM Marietta, Ohio; and WACB(AM) Kittanning, Pa. ship: Pulitzer Publishing Co., 100 %. See also Newspa- (914) 339 -5505. (All 100% owned.) Hqs: c/o WMOA Radio, Box 708, Hqs: 1111 Olive St., St. Louis per Crossownership. Register Broadcast Group -Stns: 3 AM, 3 FM, 3 TV. Marietta, Ohio 45750. (614) 373 -1490. 63101. (314) 421 -5055. KLAK(AM) and KPPL(FM) Lakeland, Colo.; KHON -TV Paul H. Rothfuss -See Confer -Rothfuss Stns. Honolulu and KAII -TV Wailuku, both Hawaii; WOAD- o TV Moline, Ill.; KYXI(AM) Oregon City and KGON(FM) R.W. Rounsaville Stations -Stns: 2 AM, 2 FM. Portland, both Oregon; and WIBA -AM -FM Madison, WAIV -AM -FM Jacksonville and WLOF(AM)- Wis. Ownership: The Des Moines Register and Tribune WBJW(FM) Orlando, both Florida. Note: WAIV -AM -FM Q Broadcasting Ltd. -Stns: 3 AM, 1 FM, 1 TV. Co. is the sole stockholder of each of the corporations has been sold, subject to FCC approval. Executive: R. CKMK(AM) MacKenzie, CKPG -AM -TV Prince George a facility under the umbrella of W. Rounsaville, pres & chmn of the bd. Hqs: 3220 and CHQM -AM -FM Vancouver, all British Columbia. operating broadcasting the Register Broadcast Group. The Register Broadcast Peachtree Rd., Atlanta 30305. (404) 261 -3000. Ownership: Q Broadcasting Ltd., 100 %. Hqs: 1134 Group is a division of the Des Moines Register and Tri- Burrard St., Vancouver, B.C. V6Z 1Y8. (604) 682 -3141. Rust Communications Group -Stns: 6 AM, 6 FM. bune Co. See also Newspaper Crossownership. Hqs: WPTR(AM) Albany, WHAM(AM) -WHFM(FM) Quality Broadcasting -Stns: 3 AM, 3 FM, 1 TV. Quebec Court, 5700 S. Quebec, Greenwood Plaza, Rochester and WFLY(FM) Troy, all New York; WORA -AM -TV and WIOA(FM) Mayaguez, WPRP(AM) Suite 310, Englewood, Colo. 80111. (303) 771 -6600. WSOM(AM) and WQYK(FM) Salem, Ohio; and WIOC(FM) Ponce, WQBS(AM) and WIOB(FM) The Result Radio Group -Stns: 3 AM, 2 FM. WAEB(AM) -WXKW(FM) Allentown and WNOW(AM)- San Juan, all Puerto Rico.

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