Aid the Publicity De­ The article la next partment by urging one week’s issue by Donald “indifferent” Church mem­ Hankey is on ’’Catholic ber to subscribe to « Worship.” It should b e Church paper. read by all. \ • ' ^ VOL. IV. NO. 20, CHICAGO, JULY 3,1920 $1.00 A YEAR Publicity Department BISHOP HALL CALLS Close of a Successful ON PRESIDENT I Announces Program T O A C T Year at St. Stephen’s At the last meeting, of the Pre­ tute a distinct field, to be reached ^The. following has been addressed The Sixtieth Anniial Commence­ count of the rain, it was impossible siding Bishop and Council th e, Pub- directly and appropriately, and fo^ to President Wilson by the Bishop ment of St. Stephen’s College, which to hold them as usual on the cam­ icity Department presented a state- the time being practically all efforts of Vermont: took place from the 13th to the 16th pus and they wére conducted in Bard nent of policy and proposed a pro­ will be confined to this field. The Hon. V^oodrow Wilson, of June, was marked by a number of Memorial Chapel. gram for the balance of the current There is a section of this field al­ President of tlm United States. unusual and interesting occurrences. The Salutatory address was made pear. In the preparation of this ready well covered in, a publicity Sir: I have reecived from the Na- The first of these was the laying by Mr. Cassius H. Hunt and the Val­ program careful consideration was way. It is not a large section but it tonal Popular Government League of the cornerstone ofi a new $75,000 edictory address which was also the jiven to the suggestions received in includes all those Church people who (of Washngton, D. C.) a pamphlet gymnasium which is ' being built as McVicker Brize oration, was de­ response to an appeal made by the are sufficiently interested and de­ addressed ‘to the Amercan People,’ a memorial to the one hundred and livered by Mr. Arthur Pfaffko. Department, through the Church voted to subscribe for one of the entitled ’Report upon the Illegal sixteen St. Stephen’s College men After the conferring of degrees in Weeklies. The program proposed is Church Weeklies or the Spirit of Practices of the United States De­ who gave their lives for their coun­ course, the degree of Doctor of Di­ temporary and experimental, it be- Missions. There will be no invasion partment of Justice,’ prepared by try. The cornerstone was laid with vinity, honoris causa, was conferred ng recognized that it would be fool- of the field of the Church Weeklies twelve eminent attorneys, whose due ceremony by Bishop Burch of upon Captain Frank Thompson, sh to adopt precipitately a perma- by a new publication in competi­ names and cities are given, none pf the Diocese of New York. The build­ Corps of Chaplains, U. S. N., . of ient 8 program theoretically deter­ tion with them. On the, contrary them Socialist, Communist or An­ ing which will be completed by, the whom the Secretary of the Faculty mined and based upon limited data every effort will be made to pro­ archist, six of them Professors of first of October has a gymnasium justly said that he was “A man who lastily assembled. mote their interests and increase., Law in American Universities, and floor 80 x 50 feet, locker rooms for for three decades has faithfully de­ As the appropriation available fon their circulation lists. The Depart­ five of them men who have served- 250 meri, 12 showers, a barber shop, voted his life to the service of Jesus publicity was small it was deemed ment will endeavor to reach the under the Government. a college store, a billiard room, two Christ and his fellow men as Chap­ vise to concentrate on such phases readers of these papers through these Having read the report, (which I bowling alleys, three classrooms and lain in the United States Navy, who >f publicity work as were regarded as papers themselves, both in their take It, is being widely circulated) a proper stage for theatrical per­ is Senior Chaplain in point of ser­ jf chief importance. at this time; news columns and in advertising. with its exhibits, I venture • to sub­ formances with a moving picture and vice at the present time, who espec­ md as the Nation-Wide Campaign is The Spirit of Missions Will con­ mit to you, sir, that it is the duty stereoptican machine of the best ially distinguished himself during the mly partially (completed and as every tinue to go to an apreciative list of of the Government either (1) to type. The building will thus com­ war, at Great Lakes Naval Training possible effort' should be made to as­ these “interested” people. As a prosecute those responsible for the bine with its gymnasum features the Station, by his breadti) of vision, sure its successful completion, it connecting link between the mission­ publication and circulation of the advantages of a club house for the kindness of spirit and ability as an vas determined that while the pub- aries in the field and the Church at pamphlet, if its statements are un­ student body and will also serve to executive.” 7 icity should not be exclusively of home, it serves more purposes than true as to (a) illegal arrests, search­ relieve the pressure due to lack of classroom facilities. A poem was read at the Com­ Campaign character preference as a medium of publicity. Its ciiv ing, detention, in some cases of citi­ mencement exercises by John Mills should be given tO' such forms and culation has ^ been steadily growing zens, in others of resident aliens; (b)| Another feature of the Commence­ Gilbert of the class of 1890, in com­ nediums of publicity as would be of and it ought to be a welcome visi­ cruel and brutal treatment of me4 ment was the remarkably large memoration of the thirtieth anniver­ nost assistance In the Campaign. tor in every home in the Church. ^ women/and children or (2) if the crowd of Alumni who were present. sary of his class. For thè present, and perhaps per- It is not tiie “interested people” statements are true, to disown and There were over 300 guests on Com­ In an address delivered at the nanentiy, the Publicity Department of the Church who represent the real repudiate the proceedings, and to mencement day, ; The Alumni. As­ Commencement, Bishop Burch said, vili have to do Ohly with printed pub- problem of publicity; it is the “in­ punish those responsible for the 11/ sociation held its annual meeting and in part: icity, publicity by the spoken word different,” the ^people who subscribe legalities, whether high officials ox elected a$ its new president, a mem­ aeing covered by the Nation-Wide for no Church paper or magazine and subordinate agents. Representatives ber of the class of 1893, the Rev. “St. Stephen’s College is render­ who attend the services of the of these two classes try to throw any Robert S. W. Wood, B. A. of Tuxedo; ing to the Church and the Nation at Campaign ^Department, * which -is the present time, an invaluable ser-/ really the field, department. _ Church irregularly if at,all, and who blame one on the other. Park, New York. There hre two principles which will aS a result are out of reach and out vice. It is my determination as far Either action should be made Another unusual feature was that as lies ' within my power to bring lóntre! the work of the Department, ^of touch. Repeated efforts have known and explained to the public. for the first time in over fifteen demonstrated the impo'ssibility of about á support for this institution it is very necessary that these should Fàilurè to take one or other of these years, it was possible for the Presi­ and for its present head from the ae generally understood. In the persuading these indifferent members courses must call forth the indig­ dent to announce that the gifts to to subscribe for any Church publica­ Diocese of New York that shall be irst place, the publicity of the De­ nant judgment oi; the American peo­ the college exceeded the deficit for united, enthusiastic, generous and partment will be limited, generally tion. It is safe to say that mote ple, and expose us to the contempt the year. Gifts during the year have than three-fourths of our communi­ valuable and I sincerely trust that speaking, to the work of the Church of other nations. amounted to some $50,000, most our example in this respect shall be md only incidentally will touch the cants never even see a Church pub­ Two further remarks I venture to of which is- for the erection of the lication except by accident. It is followed by the other Dioceses of the .ife of the Church. Its chief purpose make. (1) The action of the Govern­ new gymnasium. country.” is to make known to the people pf the conviction of the Publicity De­ ment as represented in the pamph­ The exercises opened on Sunday ± e Church what the Church is doing, partment that if these indifferent the 13th, with a Baccalaureate ser­ Among others who sent telegrams let shows a state of ignoble and letters of good wishes but who pr aiming to do, of a missionary or people are to be informed panic, leading to ' such despicable vice in the Chapel. The i Celebrant social service or educational char­ aroused the information must be put was the former President of the col­ could not themselves be present were practices as the empoymerit of pro­ the Bishop of Albany; the Bishop of acter.
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