Notes on Malesian Chloranthaceae Author(s): B. Verdcourt Source: Kew Bulletin, Vol. 40, No. 1 (1985), pp. 213-224+ix Published by: Springer on behalf of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4108497 Accessed: 03/12/2010 05:09 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=kew. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Springer are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Kew Bulletin. http://www.jstor.org Notes on Malesian Chloranthaceae B. VERDCOURT Summary. Ascarina subsessilis is described as new and three new combinations are made in Sarcandra and Chloranthus. A summary of the literature dealing with the systematic position of the family is given. Whilst preparing an account of the Chloranthaceaefor Flora Malesiana some difficulty was experienced in delimiting the taxa of Ascarina. Examination of the extensive material at Leiden showed that some specimens from the high- land area of Papua New Guinea were distinctly different in foliage from A. philippinensis C. B. Rob. with which they had been confused; these have been ascribed to a distinct species which is described below. Ascarina subsessilis Verdc. sp. nov. affinis A. philippinensis C. B. Rob. sed foliis subsessilibus carnosioribus satis distincta. Typus: Papua New Guinea, Western Highlands, Hoogland & Schodde 7331 (holotypus L; isotypi CANB, E, K). Arbor glabra, dioica, 15-24 m alta, cortice fissurato saturate brunneo vel pallide griseo-brunneo obtecta; ramuli longitudinaliter in siccitate irregu- lariter costati nodis aphyllis supra ipsos foliiferos praesentibus. Folia saturate viridia, elliptica, oblongo-elliptica, vel raro anguste obovata, 5-14 cm longa, 3-9 cm lata, apice rotundata, basi angustata vel rotundata, late cuneata usque subcordata, margine haud profunde crenata, subcarnosa, supra in siccitate minute rugulosa, subsessilia, petiolo crasso 2 mm longo; nervi laterales ? 30, subpatentes, utrinque in siccitate prominentes; costa laminam interdum inaequaliter dividens; stipulae verae minutae, + 1 mm longae; vestigiae foli- orum ad nodas aphyllas 0-8-1-5 mm longae, vagina 2-6 mm longa in siccitate rugulosa. Inflorescentiaeterminales, ramosae et interdum simplices in axillis paenultimis positae, 1-5-4 cm longae; rami primarii 3-5 numero, 5-7-divisi, ramulis crassiusculis 0-5-2-5(-3) cm longis in siccitate costatis, bracteis superi- oribus lanceolatis longitudinaliter plicatis 4-5 mm longis, bracteis inferioribus vestigias foliorum supra commemoratas simulantibus, bracteolis deltoideis vix 1 mm longis. Floresfeminei haud visi. Inflorescentiaemasculinae 2 cm longae, basi 3-ramosae; ramus primarius ramulosus, ramulis + 5 mm longis. Flores masculini 2-staminati, antheris 2-3 mm longis. Fructusviridi-albi, probabiliter in maturi- tate + nigri, 3 mm longi, 1-5 mm lati, congesti, exocarpio in siccitate forte rugoso; endocarpia immatura (?) 1 mm longa, laevia. (Fig. 1, Map 1). PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Morobe Distr.: Lae subdistr., Kasanombe, road to Momsalom village, mountain-ridge rain-forest, 1830 m, 29 Aug. 1973, Katik & Taho NGF 37914 (A, BRI, CANB, L, LAE):- tree 15 m tall, bole ? 8 m [sphalm 80 m], d.b.h. 24 cm, bark dark brown, under-bark green, inner bark cream, wood straw, leaves dull green, fruit green & Sattelberg, Ogeramnang Forest, 1740 m, 25 Jan. 1937, Clemens5123 (B, L):- illegible note. Southern Highlands Acceptedfor publicationFebruary 1984 213 214 KEW BULLETIN VOL. 40(1) FIG. 1. Ascarinasubsessilis. A male flowering branchlet x Z; B stipules x 4; C portion of male inflorescence x 8; D base of anthers showing bract x 16; E T.S. anther x 16; F female fruiting branchlet x 2; G portion of young female inflorescence x 8; H portion of older female inflorescence x 8; J L.S. female flower x 16; K fruits x 6; A-E from Saunders1034; F, G & K from Hoogland& Schodde7331; H & J from WomersleyNGF 14273. Drawn by Mrs M. E. Church. NOTES ON MALESIAN CHLORANTHACEAE 215 00 -0 I I I 1400 1450 1500 MAP 1. Distribution of Ascarina subsessilis. Distr.: Mendi subdistr., 32 km from Mendi, Tambul road, Mimimbipl, 6' 00' S, 1430 40' E, montane mixed forest, 2300 m, 2 Sept. 1972, WomersleyLAE 55316 (BRI, CANB, L, LAE):- canopy tree to 20 m, bole 10 m, d.b.h. 20 cm, outer bark pale grey-brown, vertically fissured with long open pustular lines, underbark pale brown with darker fibres, wood pale brown, rays prominent. Western Highlands Distr.: Hagen subdistr., Tambil-Tomba road, Nebilyer divide, lower montane rain-forest, 2400 m, 17 July 1957, Robbins 469 (CANB, L):- tree mostly 15 m but mature specimens in forest up to 24 m, fairly com- mon, vern. name 'porn' (Hagen); Wabag subdistr., Sirunke, 2580 m, 19 July 1962, WomersleyNGF 14273 (L, LAE):- tree 15 m, leaves dark green, rather fleshy, flowers and fruits greenish white; same subdistrict, top of ridge N of Pombabus, lower montane forest, 42' slope, drainage fair, aspect SW, shade strong, brown forest soil, 267 m, 11 May 1965, Flenley ANU 2779 (A, BRI, CANB, K, L, LAE, US):- tree to 5 m, d.b.h. 8 cm, bark light brown, inner bark white, wood light brown, occasional, vern. name 'wabaliok' (Enga); Laigam subdistr., Sirunki-Laigam road, 6-4 km S of Lake Iviva, lower montane rain- forest, 2460 m, 23 Aug. 1960, Saunders 1034 (CANB, L):- tree 15 m tall, girth 75 cm, vern. name Wabilak (Enga) & Lagaip valley, near Kepilam Village, in tall forest at least partly secondary on limestone ridge, 2400 m, 5 Aug. 1960, Hoogland & Schodde 7331 (holotype L; isotypes CANB, E, K):- tree 16 m tall, 6 m bole, 35 cm diam., fruits green, vern. name 'wabaljok' (Enga, Kepilam). Eastern Highlands Distr.: Goroka subdistr., W of Fatima R., Marafunga Mill, 6? 05' S, 1450 15' E, primary montane rain-forest, 2600 m, 25 Nov. 1970, Grubb 216 KEW BULLETIN VOL. 40(1) & Edwards 59 (A, L, LAE):- tree to 23 m d.b.h. 195 cm (sic) & Lufa sub- province, W slopes of Mt Michael, 6' 27' S, 145' 19' E, mostly primary rain-forest but showing much evidence of disturbance by man, 3200 m, 13June 1979, Sohmeret al. LAE 75435 (A, BRI, CANB, E, K, L, LAE, UPNG):- tree 15-20 m tall, bole 10 m, d.b.h. 20 cm, immature fruit green. Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai, Fl. Sylv. Koreana 18: 17 (1930). Type: Japan, Thunberg (holotype UPS). Bladhia glabra Thunb., Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 2: 321 (1794). subsp. glabra Male structure with non-antheriferous basal part well developed. DISTRIBUTION. Japan, N & C China, Korea. subsp. brachystachys (Blume) Verdc. stat. & comb. nov. Ascarina serrata Blume, Enum. P1. Jav. 1: 80 (1827). Type: Javae montibus altioribus, Blume, Reinwardt (? syntypes L). Chloranthusbrachystachys Blume, Fl. Jav., Chloranthaceae: 13, t.2 (1829). Type: based on Ascarina serrata Blume (non Chloranthusserratus (Thunb.) Roem. & Schultes). Chloranthushainanensis Pei in Sinensia 6: 674 (1935). China, Hainan, Lin Fa Shan, Tsang 317 (isolectotype K). Sarcandra hainanensis (Pei) Swamy & Bailey in J. Arn. Arb. 31: 128, figs. 4, 15-17 (1950). Male structure with non-antheriferous part very reduced or absent, i.e. the anther cell more or less as long as the structure. DISTRIBUTION.S China to NE India and throughout Malesia from Malaya to Papua New Guinea. When Swamy & Bailey (1950) dealt exhaustively with the anatomy of Sarcandra and reinstated the genus they treated Chloranthusbrachystachys as a synonym of Sarcandraglabra but kept up S. hainanensis (Pei) Swamy & Bailey stating that it had discoid male structures with the anther cells as long as or almost as long as the whole structure and also gave a number of other charac- ters, including anatomical, of little actual taxonomic significance. Typical S. glabra from Japan and northern China has the non-antheriferous part of the male structure quite well-developed. Dr Ohashi has kindly informed me that an examination of Japanese material shows little variation in the relative lengths of the anther-cells and the non-antheriferous part although there is a gradation in size from north to south. Chinese material I have examined supports this. All tropical material of S. glabra has the structure very similar to that depicted for S. hainanensisand I consider subspecies should be recognized. The anomaly of having a species widespread in Malesia and Asia save in Hainan is therefore eliminated; rather there is a tropical subspecies extending to S China and a more northern subspecies. The occurrence of some slightly intermediate specimens in northwest India and probably in China suggests that specific rank is not correct; if it were so decided the epithet serratawould have to be employed. It is clear from the Flora Yunnanica (1: 21 (1977)) that NOTES ON MALESIAN CHLORANTHACEAE 217 both S. glabra and S. hainanensisare considered to occur there but C. brachystachys is still placed in the synonymy of the former.
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