[ YouR GuiDE To AREA CHILDREN's SuMMER CAMPs! •!• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 •!• 87th Year, Issue 6 ©1997 February 28, 1997 Newark, Del. • 50¢ Newark THis WEEK hooks up with Horton Gll\SGOW, By MARY E. PETZAK ... ......................................................... HODGSON NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER ITY C UNCIL MEMBERS ex r­ cised their preroga tives on Monday WIN TRACK C night and ignored a taff recom ­ mendati on for a new municipal towin g contract. TOURNE\S. 20 In a 5-l vo te, counci I awarded the two­ year towing contract to Horton Brother ~. rejecting th recommendation for wing IN LIFESTYLE . Towing which held th e co ntract ~ in c 1995 . Kevin Cox of Ewing Towing aid he NEWARK POST PHOTO BY KELLY BENNETT See TOWI NG, 11 ..... STUDENTS Surrounded by light and space , Pastor Peter Wells puts the finishing touches on the communion . table he built under the arching roof of the New Ark Church of Christ. MAKE MUSIC ( • Traffic jam BIG IN at DeiDOT NEWARK. 14 By PATRICIA A. KOLY ································································· NEWARK POST CONTRIBUTING WRITER workshop INSIDE URROUNDED BY the pungent OCAL RESIDENTS jammed ity aroma of paint, dappled drop cloth council chamber on Tuesday ni ght and a dressform draped with L to in spect Department of Christmas lights, Pa tor Peter Well s Tran sportation proposals for redire tin g Ssaid the New Ark United Church of traffic at the Elkton Road/New Lond on Christ's first wor. hip service in it fir t p r­ Road intersection n Main treet in manent horne will be held on Sunday. Newark . Church members have ontributed time Del DOT representative Elizabeth hort and talent to transform the former enior cen­ said 87 people : igned in with her at the ter building at 300 East Main Street into a A window in the office at the New Ark Church door. "That's a very goo <.l turnout," . aid place of wor hip for the congregation. Well of Christ is almost Invisible under the "things Short. said that since Thank, giving, members have .to do" list as the congregation approaches Project engi neer Mark Tudor was among rai ed the roof for a central wor. hip room, their fi rst Sunday in the nearly-complete rh , e explaining the five alternative. and See CHURCH , 11 ..... building. See INTERSECTION, 5 ..... No more YOUR 1997 GUIDE Treats TO THE INS AND By MARY E. PETZAK ················································ NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER OUTS OF NEWARK. NEWARK POST PHOTO BY KELLY BENNETT QU IPMENT and fixture · of Treats, the popular Main Street the former Treats restaurant lunch spot is no more . INDEX Ewere aucti ned off ye. terday at the . tore on Main Stre t. Several ources . tated that a NEWS 1-7 wner George R bert . aid he bagel company wanted to open decided not to reopen the . tore, there. However Robert refused to POLICE BLOTIER 3 clo. ed ince Jan. 13, after fruitle •. comment about di cu. ion with OPINION 12 discu .. ion with the franchi er. "It any pa1ticular type of food vendor. was a very c mplicated situation Rudnick A. ociate . LIFESTYLE 14 that involved thL and other fran­ Auctioneers, handled the di po al --- NEWARK POST PHOTO BY KELLY BENNETT THE ARTS 15 chi e location ," said Roberts, who of the Treat tore contents in which operated the only Treats in nurnerou bu ine e had expressed DIVERSIONS 16 Delaware. interest, according to Robert . Robert said plan. were under­ Treats ha, operated in the former FASHIONABLY 'AFRIKAN' CROSSWORD PUZZLE_ 17 way to lea e the first floor store to Rhodes Pharmacy, a Newark hi - Glasgow High School students Jermaine Howard and Sharrett& SPORTS 20·25 another food operator. "There has toric landmark, since 1992. Robert been a fair amount of interest in the said th second floor wi II continue Griffin ware among those celebrating Black History Month with a COMMUNITY 26 ite - mo tly from food operation.," to be u:ed for an apartment lea. ed talhlon show of African garments at the school. Nzlnga 's Cultural Connection In Wilmington supplied the 'Afrlkan ' attire for the OBITUARIES 28 Robert. said on Tue day. "1 hope to to university tudents, and as office have . omething ettled oon." space. event. CLASSIFIEDS 21·31 P.\LE 2 • NFWARI-. PosT • f£13RI ',\Rv 28, 1997 [Are You Sitting Down?] AbsOlute I Sale Save up. to 80°/o! Four Days Only! 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BRLAR\ 2H , 1997 • H\\RK Poo.,r • P\<:F 3 NLV\IAIZK ro~r ·:· POLICE BLOTTER • Police Blotfer is compiled each Case of beer confiscated Can we help? Chestnut Hill Ests. week from the file. of the Newark Police Department. The New astfe On Feb. 22 around 9:50 p.m. an 18- Offices: The paper's offices are located conve­ ounty Police Department and the year-old male and two 19-year-old niently in the Robscott Building, 153 E. man charged with DelmwJre State Police hy staff writer mal s, all from Maryland , were Chestnut Hill Rd .. Newark, DE 19713. Office Mary E. Pet::ak . observed drinking beer in the parking hours are 8:30a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. lot of Blue Hen Bowling lanes. During Phone: (302) 737-0724 sex offenses Frat house incidents their investigation police confiscated a Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 case of Budweiser Icc Beer from the e-mail: [email protected] harges of unlawful sexual inter­ On Feb. 19 around 3 a.m. poli e scene. The youths were charged with On the Internet: http://ncbl.com/posV course and related of~ ns s are pendino wer ca ll d to an incident at a fraterni ­ underage drinking. in D )aware against former Chesln~ To subscribe: Call 737-0724 or 1-800-220- ty hou , c on West Main trcet where a 3311 . Cost is $15 .95 per year to New Castle Hill E tate re. ident Paul V. Delar. man reportedly jumped on the hood of Delar was ex tradited to South County addresses. To begin a subscription , a car and pounded on the windshield simply call . Carolina after his arrest here as a fugi ­ until it broke. Last week an incident tive by New Castle County police. He is was reported at the same location on FoR 1HE REcoRD To place a classified: Call1-800-220-1230 presently being held in South Carolina Feb. 14 around I a.m. in which a 21- To place a display ad: Call 737-0724. for charges of sexual assault on a child year-old man was struck in th fore ­ • An incident involving an in that state. assault with a beer mug was HE STAFF of the Newark Post is anxious to assist head with a beer mug by an unknown Treaders and advertisers. Reporters. wnters. edi­ The Delaware charges, re ulting De lar man. Anyone with information about incorrectly reported in last week's during the county police inve tigation, tors and salespeople can be contacted as listed ei ther incident is asked to call Newark Police Briefs. In fact, police below: involve four juvenile females in inci- Police at 366-7111 . reported that the attack took place dents which reportedly occurred in Delar's hestnut Hill in a fraternity house and not in James B. Streit , Jr. is the publisher of Estate. home between March 1993 and 1994. the Iron Hill Brewery restaurant. the Newark Post. He sets policies and manages all departments in the Newark Police state that Delar was employed as a bu · driver Young s op lifter caught • In last week's Lifestyle by the Christina School Di ·trict from 1988 to 1994. He office. Call him at 737-0724. On Feb. 2 1 around 10: 30 a.m. a 14- story about the Glasgow Arms Mary E. Petzak is a general asstgnment ....,__.. ......... _ al o worked part-time at the Christiana Skating Center restaurant, the name of the fanner from November 1993 to December 1994 where he had no year-old black male fled Rainbow reporter. Her beat includes government, Records with headphones and COs owners should have been education and police news. She can be direct contact with the customers. Police are asking any­ Constantine and John Sclavos. contacted at 737-0724 . one with information about this investigation to contact concealed in hi s shirt. The youth was The Newark Post regret · the Marty Valania prepares the Detective Michael Kelly or Detccti.ve Sergeant Rand later arrested and merchandise valued at more than $ 189 was recovered. errors. sports pages of this newspaper. The Townley at 571-7930.
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