Grade PreK Alphabetical Index ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF Hokey Pokey, The, 26 SONGS AND RHYMES Humpty Dumpty, 27 A Hush, Little Baby, 28 All the Pretty Little Horses, 1 I America, 2 I Like Spinach, 29 Apples and Bananas, 3 I Should Like to go to Texas, 30 Autumn Leaves, 4 I Wanna Be a Friend of Yours, 31 B I’m a Little Teapot, 32 If You’re Wearing Red (speech piece), 33 Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, 5 In and Out, 34 Bell Horses, 6 Bickle, Bockle, 7 J Burn Little Candles, 8 Jack and Jill (speech piece), 35 Bye ‘n’ Bye, 9 Jingle Bells, 36 C John the Rabbit, 37 Chook, Chook, Chook (speech piece), 10 L D Little Ducky Duddle, 38 Little Miss Muffet (speech piece), 39 Did You Ever See a Lassie?, 11 London Bridge, 40 Down at the Station, 12 Looby Loo, 41 Down, Down, 13 Los pollitos (Little Chickens), 42 E M Eency Weency, 14 Mary Wore a Red Dress, 43 Engine, Engine, Number Nine, 15 Mi cuerpo (My Body), 44 F Mister Sun, 45 Farmer in the Dell, 16 Muffin Man, The, 46 Five Fat Turkeys, 17 Mulberry Bush, The, 47 G My Mama’s Calling Me, 48 Garden Hoedown, The, 18 O Good Day Song, 19 Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow, 49 H Old Gray Cat, The, 50 On, Two, Three, Four, Five, 51 Hanukah Is Here, 20 One, Two, Tie My Shoe, 52 Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes, 21 Hello Song, 22 P Hey, Diddle, Diddle, 24 Paw-Paw Patch, 53 Hickory, Dickory, Dock, 25 Play Me a Song, 54 Alphabetical Index Plenty Fishes in the Sea, 55 T Polly, Put the Kettle On, 56 Teddy Bear, 69 R This Little Light of Mine, 70 Trot, My Pony, Trot!, 72 Rain, Rain Go Away, 57 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, 73 Ring around the Rosy, 58 Rise, Sally, Rise, 59 W S Wee Willie Winkie, 74 Wheels on the Bus, The, 75 Sailor Went To Sea, Sea, Sea, 60 Wind Blew East, The, 76 Sally Go ’Round the Sun, 61 Sheep Shearing, 62 Y Six Little Ducks, 64 Yankee Doodle, 77 Snail, Snail, 65 Spring Is Here, 66 Stamping Land, 67 Star Light, Star Bright, 68 Grade K Alphabetical Index ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF F SONGS AND SPEECH PIECES Farmer in the Dell, The, 30 A Fehér liliomszál (Little Water Lily), 31 Alison’s Camel, 1 Five Fat Turkeys, 32 All Work Together, 2 Follow Me, 33 Alphabet Song, 4 Furry Bear, 40 America, 5 G Animal Rhythms, 6 Garden Hoedown, The (A Farmer’s Life), 205 Animales (Animals), 7 Git on Board, 42 B Go, Go, Go (Welcome to Our Neighborhood), 190 Battle Hymn of the Republic (refrain only), 9 Gogo, 43 Bear Went Over the Mountain, The, 10 Good Day Song, 44 Bell Horses, 11 Grizzly Bear, 45 Best That I Can Be!, The, 12 Bickle, Bockle, 13 H Bingo, 14 Hakuna Matata, 46 Bobby Shafto, 15 Hanukkah Is Here, 47 Bohm Dong Sahn, Gohd Dong Sahn (Spring Happy Birthday, 48 Valley, Flower Valley), 16 Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday (Welcome to Bounce High, Bounce Low, 17 Our Neighborhood), 187 Bus, The, 18 Head and Shoulders, 49 Bye ‘n’ Bye, 19 Hello Song, 50 C Here Is the Beehive, 52 Hickory, Dickory Dock, 53 Cobbler, Cobbler, Mend My Shoe, 20 Hokey Pokey, 54 Colorful Dragon Boat, 21 Hop, Hop, Hop, 55 Counting Song, 22 Hot Dog, 56 D I Days of the Week, 23 I Can’t Spell Hippopotamus, 57 Doing the Weekly Walk, 24 I Got Shoes, 58 E I Know an Old Lady, 59 Eency Weency Spider, 26 I Made a Valentine, 62 El nacimiento (The Nativity), 27 I Will Sing Hello, 63 El picaflor (The Hummingbird), 28 If You’re Given Something Good (The Fox, the El tambor (The Drum), 29 Hen, and the Drum), 36 If You’re Happy, 67 Ifetayo (Love Brings Happiness), 68 In the Barnyard, 69 Instrument Game, 70 Alphabetical Index It’s So Good to See You, 71 Mister Sun, 98 It’s Such a Good Feeling (Welcome to Our Monkey, Monkey, 99 Neighborhood), 196 Monté sur un éléphant (Riding on an It’s You I Like (Welcome to Our Elephant), 100 Neighborhood), 194 Muffin Man, The, 101 J Mulberry Bush, The, 102 Music (speech piece), 103 Jack, Be Nimble, 72 Must Be Santa, 104 Jack-in-the-Box, 73 My Grandfather, 106 Jack-o’-Lantern, 74 My Oak Tree, 107 Jig Jog, Jig Jog, 75 My Thumbs Are Starting to Wiggle, 108 Juhtgarak (Chopsticks), 76 Just Like Me, 77 N K Na Bahia Tem (In Bahia Town), 109 Name Game, 110 Kangaroo, The, 78 Nampaya omame (Mothers), 111 Kum Ba Yah, 79 Noble Duke of York, The, 112 L Nochebuena (Christmas Eve), 113 La pequeñita araña (Eency Weency North Winds Blow, 114 Spider), 80 Lady, Lady, 81 O Las horas (The Hours), 82 O Tannenbaum! (O Christmas Tree!), 115 Let’s Think of Something to Do (Welcome to Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow Our Neighborhood), 184 (A Farmer’s Life), 202 Little Blue Truck, 84 bo Asi Me Nsa, 116 Little Ducky Duddle (A Farmer’s Life), 204 Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go, 117 Little Sir Echo, 85 Old Gray Cat, The, 118 Little Spotted Puppy, 86 Old MacDonald Had a Farm, 119 Little White Duck, 87 Old Mister Woodpecker, 120 London Bridge, 89 On This Night, 121 Look Who’s Here!, 90 One Finger, One Thumb, 122 Los pollitos (Little Chickens) (A Farmer’s One, Two, Tie My Shoe, 123 Life), 203 P M Peace and Quiet (Welcome to Our Mama, Bake the Johnnycake, 91 Neighborhood), 192 María Blanca, 92 People in Your Neighborhood, The, 124 Martin Luther King (speech piece), 93 Peter Cottontail, 127 Mbombela (The Train Comes), 94 Pimpón, 128 Merrily, We Roll Along, 95 Planting Seeds (A Farmer’s Life), 198 Merry-Go-Round, The, 96 Popping Corn, 129 Mi chacra (My Farm), 97 Presidents, 130 Alphabetical Index Propel, Propel, Propel (Welcome to Our Toodala, 161 Neighborhood), 189 Touch Your Shoulders, 162 Put Your Finger in the Air, 132 Town Hall Halloween Ball, 163 Q Tree of Peace (speech piece), 164 Tugboat (speech piece), 165 Qué bonito es (How Wonderful It Is), 133 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, 166 R U Rainbow Song, The, 134 Ushkana (Damselfly Song), 167 Ride the Train, 135 Ring Around the Rosy, 136 W Row, Row, Row (Welcome to Our Wait and See, 168 Neighborhood), 188 Walk to School, 169 S Wavvuuvuumira (Mister Bamboo Bug), 170 Santa Clara Corn Grinding Song, 137 We Are Playing in the Forest, 171 See the Pony Galloping, 138 What You Gonna Call Your Pretty Little Baby?, 172 Seesaw, Margery Daw, 139 When You Send a Valentine, 174 Seneca Stomp Dance, 140 Willoughby Wallaby Woo, 175 Shake My Sillies Out, 141 Won’t You Be My Neighbor? (Welcome to Our Simi Yadech (Give Me Your Hand), 142 Neighborhood), 182 Sing a Little Song, 143 Worms (A Farmer’s Life), 200 Sing a Song of Sixpence, 144 Snowman, The, 145 Y Speedy Delivery (Welcome to Our Y ahora vamos a cantar (Now We Are Going Neighborhood), 193 to Sing), 176 Stamping Land, 147 You’re a Grand Old Flag, 178 Sweetly Sings the Donkey, 148 T Ten in a Bed, 149 Ten Little Frogs, 150 Tengo, Tengo, Tengo (I Have, I Have, I Have), 151 They Were Tall, 152 Things I’m Thankful For, 154 This Is My City, 155 This Is What I Can Do, 156 Three Little Kittens, 158 Three Little Muffins (speech piece), 159 Time to Sing, 160 Grade 1 Alphabetical Index ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF Cookies (A Year With Frog and Toad SONGS AND SPEECH PIECES KIDS), 243 Counting Song, 38 A Cut the Cake, 39 A be ce (A B C), 1 A la rueda rueda (’Round and ’Round), 2 D A Tisket, A Tasket, 3 Dance Myself to Sleep, 40 Acka Backa, 4 Diana (Play the Bugle), 43 iAdivina lo que es! (Guess What It Is!), 5 Diou Shou Juan’er (Hide the Handkerchief!), 44 All Night, All Day, 6 Double This, 45 America, 7 Down by the Bay, 46 Animal Song, 8 Down the Hill (A Year With Frog and Toad KIDS), 247 Another Busy Day, 9 Duérmete mi niño (Go to Sleep, My Baby), 47 Ants Go Marching, The, 10 Apples and Bananas, 12 E Arre, mi burrito (Gid’yup, Little Burro), 13 El florón (The Flower), 48 Autumn Leaves, 14 El juego chirimbolo (The Chirimbolo Game), 49 Autumn Leaves Are Falling, 15 El rorro (The Babe), 50 B Everybody Oughta Know, 51 Bear Went Over the Mountain, The, 16 G Bee, Bee, Bumblebee, 17 George Washington, 52 Best Friends, 18 Gilly, Gilly, Gilly Good Morning, 53 Big and Small, 20 Give From Your Heart, 166 Bluebells, 21 Go A Tin (Lantern Song), 54 Bonjour, mes amis (Hello, My Friends), 22 Goin’ to the Zoo, 55 Boris, the Singing Bear, 23 Granny, 57 Brinca la tablita (Hop, Hop!), 24 Grasshoppers Three, 58 Brush Your Teeth, 25 Green Grass Grew All Around, The, 60 Butterfly, Flutter By, 27 H C Hakyo Jong (School Bells), 62 Caribbean Amphibian, 28 Halloween, 63 Categories, 30 Hanukkah Chag Yafeh (Hanukkah Joyous Chang (Elephant), 31 Holiday), 65 Charlie Over the Ocean, 32 Happiest Street in the World, The, 66 Chase the Squirrel, 33 Head and Shoulders, Baby, 68 Chickery Chick, 34 Hello, There! 69 Clap Your Hands, 36 Here We Come A-Wassailing, 70 Come Back, My Little Chicks, 37 Here We Sit, 71 Hey, Children, Who’s in Town? 72 Alphabetical Index Hi! My Name Is Joe! 73 Little Black Bug, 116 Hidden Talents Rare, 227 Little Red Caboose, 117 Hoo, Hoo! 74 Little Robin Red Breast, 118 Hop! Chirp! Moo! Oh, Happy Springtime Looby Loo, 119 Day! 76 Love Grows One by One, 120 How Does Your Garden Grow? 78 Love Is the Magic Word, 122 Hunt the Cows, 80 Lucy Locket, 123 I M I Am Slowly Going Crazy, 81 Mail Myself to You, 124 I Like Spinach, 82 Martin Luther King, 126 I Love My Country, 83 Mary’s Coal Black Lamb, 127 I Wanna Be a Friend of Yours, 84 Mi cuerpo (My Body), 128 If All the World Were Paper, 86 Miss Mary Mack, 129 In My Little Motor Boat, 87 Mizuguruma (The Water Wheel), 130 It’s So Nice on the Ice, 89 Mos’, Mos’! (Cat, Cat!), 131 I’ve a Pair of Fishes, 90 My Mama’s Calling Me, 132 J My Mom, 133 Jambo (Hello), 91 N Jingle Bells, 92 Na Bahia Tem (In Bahia Town), 134 John the Rabbit, 94 Naranja dulce (Sweet Orange), 136 Johnny Works with One Hammer, 96 Naughty Kitty Cat, 137 Johnny’s Flea, 97 No One Like You, 138 Jolly Old Saint Nicholas, 98 Jump, Jim Joe, 100 O Old King Glory, 140 K One Little Elephant, 141
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