Federal Register / Voi. 45, No. 251 / Tuesday, December 30, 1980 / Notices 85861 Atmosphere (NACOA) will meet Date & Time: January 23-24,1981, 8:30 computers for university-based Theoretical Thursday and Friday, January 15-16, a.m.-5:00 p.m. each day. Physics research and recommend an 1981. The Subgroup will meet in the B- Place: Hilton Inn, Room 339, Salt Lake appropriate strategy for meeting the 100 conference room of Page Building City, Utah. / computational needs of this area of No. 1, 2001 Wisconsin Avenue, NW., Type of Meeting: Closed. research. Washington, D.C. Contact Person: Dr. Fred Stollnitz Agenda: The session, which will be open to the Program Director, Psychobiology Ja nu ary 15, 1981, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Review of public, will convene at 9:00 a.m. and Program, Room 320, National Science available studies on the usage of computers adjourn at 4:00 p.m. each day. The Foundation, Washington, D.C. (202) for theoretical research by university agenda for the meeting of the Marine 357-7949. scientists. Preliminary discussion of Transportation Subgroup is as follows: Purpose of Subcommittee: To provide Subcommittee recommendations. advice and recommendations Ocean Problems and Transoceanic Shipping Ja nu ary 16, 1981, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: concerning support for research in Continuation of previous day’s discussion. A. If.S. merchant marine capabilities to psychobiology. Ja nu ary 17, 1981, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: meet national trade and defense needs. Agenda: To review and evaluate Continuation of previous day's discussion. B. Flags of convenience. research proposals as part of the C. Other issues. selection process for awards. M. Rebecca Winkjer, NACOA has initiated a study to Reason for Closing: The proposals being Committee Management Coordinator. formulate national goals and objectives reviewed include information of a December 22,1980. for the oceans in the decade of the proprietary or confidential nature, [FR Doc. 80-40459 Filed 12-29-80; 8:45 amj 1980’s and beyond. To support the including technical information, BILLING CODE 7555-01-M conduct of this study, the Secretary of financical data, such as salaries, and Commerce has established the IATF for personal information concerning individuals associated with the NACOA. The IATF will be responsible Advisory Council; Task Group No. 15; proposals. These matters are within for the preparation of preliminary Meeting recommendations in the areas of energy, exemptions (4) and (6) of 5 U.S.C. fisheries, marine transportation, ocean 552b(c), Government in the Sunshine In accordance with the Federal minerals, ocean operations and services, Act. Advisory Committee Act, Pub. L. 92-463, pollution, and waste management. Authority To Close Meeting: This the National Science Foundation determination was made by the Persons desiring to attend will be announces the following meeting: admitted to the extent seating is Committee Management Officer Name: Task Group No. 15 of the NSF available. Persons wishing to make pursuant to provisions of Section 10(d) Advisory Council. formal statements should notify the of Pub. L. 92-463. The committee Management Officer was delegated Place: Room 523, National Science Chairperson of the Subgroup on Marine the authority to make such Foundation, 1800 G Street, N.W., Transportation, Dr. Don Walsh, in determinations by the Director, NSF, Washington, D.C. 20550. advance of the meeting. The on July 6,1979. Date: Friday, January 30,1981. Chairperson retains the prerogative to M. Rebecca Winkler, Time: 9:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. impose limits on the duration of oral Type of Meeting: Open. statements and discussion. Written Committee Management Coordinator. Contact Person: Ms. Jeanne Hudson, statements may be submitted before or December 22,1980. / Executive Secretary of the NSF Advisory after each session. |FR Doc. 80-40458 Filed 12-29-80; 8:45 am) Council, National Science Foundation, Additional information concerning BILLING CODE 7555-01-M Room 518,1800 G Street, N.W., this meeting may be obtained through Washington, D.C. 20550. Telephone: 202/ the NACOA Executive Director, Mr. Advisory Committee for Physics; 357-9433. Steven N. Anastasion, or CDR Tom Subcommittee on Computational Purpose of Task Group: The purpose of the Nunes, the Staff Member for the Marine Facilities for Theoretical Research; Task Group, composed of members of the Transportation Subgroup. The mailing Meeting NSF Advisory Council, is to provide the full address is: NACOA, 3300 Whitehaven Advisory Council with a mechanism to In accordance with the Federal Street NW. (Suite 438, Page Building No. consider numerous issues of interest to the Advisory Committee Act, Pub. L. 92-463, 1), Washington, D.C. 20235. Council that have been assigned by the the National Science Foundation Steven N. Anastasion, National Science Foundation. announces the following meeting: Executive Director. Summary Minutes: May be obtained from the (FR Doc. 80-40455 Filed12-29-80; 8:45 amj Name: Advisory Committee for Physics— contact person at above stated address. BILLING CODE 3510-12-M Subcommittee on Computational Facilities Agenda: The Task Group is asked to for Theoretical Research. determine the role of NSF in the science Date and Time: January 15-17,1981; 9 a.m. to education for the general public. The task 5 p.m. each day. NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION Group will focus on mechanisms to Place: National Science Foundation, 1800 G Street, NW., Washington, D.C. 20550. Room encourage greater interagency cooperation Advisory Committee for Behavioral and will suggest mechanisms to foster and Neural Sciences; Subcommittee 628 each day. Type of Meeting: Open. increased and/or expanded in-school as for Psychobiology; Meeting Contact Person: Dr. Richard A. Isaacson, well as out-of-school programs for In accordance with the Federal Division of Physics, National Science education in the sciences and technology. Advisory Committee Act, Pub. L. 92-463, Foundation, Washington, D.C. 20550. M. Rebecca Winkler, Telephone (202) 357-7979. as amended, the National Science Committee Management Coordinator. Foundation announces the following Summary of Minutes: Will be available as an attachment to the minutes of the full December 22,1980. meeting: Committee meeting to be held in February, [FR Doc. 80-40460 Filed 12-29-80; 8:45 am] Name: Subcommittee on Psychobiology 1981. BILLING CODE 7555-01-M of the Advisory Committee for Purpose of Subcommittee: To examine Behavioral and Neural Sciences. present and future trends for the usage of 85862 Federal Register / Vol. 45, No. 251 / Tuesday, December 30, 1980 / Notices NUCLEAR REGULATORY Support of Nuclear Power Plants,” was Commission pursuant to Section COMMISSION issued for interim use and comment. 12(f)(1)(B) of the Securities Exchange Comments have been received and Act of 1934 and Rule 12f-l thereunder, [Docket No. 50-389] evaluated. The Nuclear Regulatory for unlisted trading privileges in the Florida Power & Light Co. (St. Lucie Commission and the Federal Emergency common stock of: Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 2); Management Agency have used the Dart & Kraft Incorporated, Common Reconstitution of Atomic Safety and comments in revising the document. The Stock, $2.50 Par Value (File No, 7- Licensing Appeal Board revision process included close 5795). coordination with State and local This security is listed and registered Notice is hereby given that, in planning groups. on one or more other national securities accordance with the authority conferred As a result, Revision 1 of NUREG- exchanges and is reported on the by 10 CFR 2.787(a), the Chairman of the 0654/FEMA-REP-l was published in consolidated transaction reporting Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal November 1980. Wide distribution is system. Panel has assignedihe following panel being made to industry and to State and Interested persons are invited to members to serve as the Atomic Safety local officials who are responsible for submit on or before January 12,1981 and Licensing Appeal Board for this radiological emergency planning and written data, views and arguments construction permit proceeding: preparedness. This document is concerning the above-referenced Richard S. Salzman, Chairman. consistent with NRC and FEMA application. Persons desiring to make Dr. W. Reed Johnson. regulations and supersedes other written comments should file three Dated: December 19,1980. previous guidance and criteria published copies thereof with the Secretary of the C. Jean Bishop, by FEMA and NRC on this subject. It Securities and Exchange Commission, Secretary to the Appeal Board. will be used by reviewers in determining Washington, D.C. 20549. Following this the adequacy of State, local, and nuclear (FR Doc. 80-40376 Filed 12-29-80; 8:45 am) opportunity for hearing, the Commission power plant licensee emergency plans BILLING CODE 7590-01-M will approve the application if it finds, . and preparedness. based upon all the information available Single copies of this document are to it, that the extension of unlisted [Docket Nos. 50-354 and 50-355] available free, to the extent of supply, trading privileges pursuant to such by writing to the Director, Division of application is consistent with the Public Service Electric & Gas Co. and Technical Information and Document maintenance of fair and orderly markets Atlantic City Electric Co. (Hope Creek Control, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory and the protection of investors. Generating Station, Units 1 and 2); Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555; or Reconstitution of Atomic Safety and For the Commission, by the Division
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