Volume XL, No. 10 December 2016 / January 2017 Our 40th Year THE NOE VALLEY VOICE A Movable Feast Retired Kaiser Eating In Without the Hassle of Cooking Doctor Helps By Corrie M. Anders Those in Need Physician Now in His 11th Year at amantha Varghese had a simple culi- Project Homeless Connect Snary question for her friends and neighbors. Was there an individual or By Matthew S. Bajko company that prepared delicious, home- cooked meals and delivered them to n 2004 San Francisco officials launched homes in Noe Valley? Ia new program they dubbed Project Varghese, a recent transplant from Homeless Connect in an effort to com- Charlotte, N.C., was asking around be- bine various services for the city’s home- cause she was tired of eating out in restau- less population in one location once a rants or cooking her own dinners after a month. busy day’s work as a physician assistant. Four years into his retirement from “I didn’t move here to cook all day,” Kaiser Permanente at the time, Dr. Don said Varghese, who shares a 27th Street Bardole decided to volunteer at the third house with roommates. There Are Enough Veggies for All. Erica Murray loads plates for husband Andy and Project Homeless Connect. He was im- daughters Hannah and Isabel (right) with food delivered by their favorite meal service: Varghese was surprised to discover a mediately impressed by the operation, Frannie’s Kitchen. Photo by Najib Joe Hakim cornucopia of choices—at least a dozen and in 2005, signed on as its volunteer co- online food delivery services offering to medical director. help her stay out of the kitchen. ers Turkish food prepared by Turkish Rouge in San Francisco. “The first time I went, it was total Some, like Munchery, deliver meals families in their private homes. The busi- The menu changes weekly and cus- chaos,” recalled Bardole, 67, an 18-year that merely need to be reheated. Others, ness, which launched its pilot effort in tomers can choose from a mix of Ameri- resident of Noe Valley. “I said to myself like Blue Apron, drop off food kits filled November, is so new that it does not yet can and international cuisine, with or- I could help organize it after attending with pre-measured ingredients that cus- have a name. ganic meals for both vegetarians and meat several of the Project Homeless Con- tomers can easily assemble and cook. Food delivery companies are reluctant eaters and special dishes for holidays. nects.” Still other businesses deliver hot foods to reveal specific data about the cus- The company’s prices are comparable Eleven years later he remains in the that can be ordered from the menus of tomers they serve in Noe Valley. hundreds of San Francisco restaurants. However, Jessie et Laurent, a San CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Meal delivery in the city has become Rafael-based firm named for founders so diverse, in fact, that Varghese was able Jessie and Laurent Boucher, acknowl- to select a Noe Valley startup that deliv- edged that it had a large following in the neighborhood for its professionally pre- pared foods. And to All a ‘Good Night’ “I think the people in Noe Valley are kind of enjoying the good things in life, s the Noe Valley Voice prepares to Aenter its winter hibernation, we wish so we do have quite a few clients there,” you patience and fortitude in dealing with CEO Jessie Boucher said in a phone in- the traffic cone that is our president- terview from New Zealand, where she is elect, and all his associated ilk. on vacation. We’ll return in January (maybe it was Boucher said her 35-year-old business all a terrible dream) and work on our February 2017 edition. Your deadline for started to soar two years ago, riding the news, letters, Class Ads, and the like is Jan. wave of Munchery and Sprig, two popu- 15. For display advertising, Pat Rose will lar and well-funded firms that launched grant you a few more days to get us your on-demand meal services in 2010 and file. 2013, respectively. Thank you for your support. It’s hard Jessie et Laurent customers order from to believe that we’ve been doing this for almost 40 years. But you keep an online menu for up to a week’s worth encouraging us. That’s a good thing. of food that can be refrigerated and re- heated. “It’s made to order, so it’s fresh —Jack Tipple and Sally Smith A Passion for Art and Humanity. Dr. Don Bardole’s artworks and engaging smile enliven and the Voice elves when it comes to your home,” said his Noe Valley home. His advice on encountering people living on the street: “Acknowledge Boucher, who trained at Le Cordon the homeless you see.” Photo by Beverly Tharp way up from the children's play area at the Noe Courts park’s southeast corner to the middle of the park. Makeover Moves In the works for five years, the $1.2 million project was made possible by a Toward Finish Community Opportunity Fund grant, the Meanwhile, Controversial Home voter-supported 2008 and 2012 Clean & Remodel Near Park Approved Safe Neighborhood Park Bonds, funds secured by District 8 Supervisor Scott By Matthew S. Bajko Wiener, and the San Francisco Parks Al- liance. After years of debate over the revamped Noe Courts Park is set to park’s new design, work on the project Adebut in late January or early Febru- began in June. ary after an eight-month renovation. “Overall, the design is increasing con- Once complete, the overhaul of the nectivity across the park from Elizabeth small park at the corner of 24th and Dou- to 24th streets to the playground and the glass streets will feature redone basketball tennis and basketball courts. It is a much and tennis courts, upgraded single-stall more functional design," said Brett Des- restrooms, a terraced lawn with seating, marais, a project manager with the city's picnic tables, and new midblock entry- recreation and park department. “It really The Cement Has Been Poured. The sod is on the way to our neighborhood park at the ways from 24th and Elizabeth streets. A corner of 24th and Douglass streets. Photo courtesy SF Recreation and Park Department wheelchair-accessible ramp will snake its CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 2 The Noe Valley Voice • December 2016 / January 2017 • Our 40th Year MUNI PRICE CHANGES JAN. 1, 2017 The Noe Valley Voice • December 2016 / January 2017 • Our 40th Year 3 WORKWORRK WITH THET BEST INI 2017! 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Winter Concert on Dec. 8th Winter Musical on Dec. 12th-15th haracter www.addaclevenger.org thletics rts Academics D D A C LEVENGER 180180 FairFair OaksOaks StreetStreet •• SanSanSan Francisco,Francisco,Francisco, CaliforniaCaliforniaCalifornia 94110 941109411094110 • •• 415.824.2240415.824.2240 The Noe Valley Voice • December 2016 / January 2017 • Our 40th Year 5 Noe) Valleys && 2H, ,-Best 93 Cumberland Street 51 Ord Street 775 Noe Street Luxury Corona Heights Incredibly Dolores Heights View Home. Well Located Townhome. Pristine, 4BD/4BA, Spacious Home. This stunning 2 wood burning This 3BD/2.5BA #)' $,&$% 4+ *& ,( #)' ),-, ()-#$("2).#/ +)* 1-+)+$(+2/$ 0, / +, (C/ + gorgeous views.
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