Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-29-1993 The BG News January 29, 1993 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 29, 1993" (1993). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5482. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5482 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Weather Local Mostly sunny, high It's Girl Scout cookie time! Up close with ESPN's in the mid-20's. Do you know where your Roy Firestone. money is? G The BG News Friday, January 29,1993 The BG News Volume 75, Issue 88 Twin Swans Black events may be halted by Klmberly Larson feel the University Escort Ser- campus editor vice is inadequate, it's that many women of color have expressed that they think it's inadequate," The miscommunication be- he said. tween a student organization and According to Jackson, the Of- the office of Student Activities fice of Student Activities wrote a could result in the termination of letter stating their lack of ap- some black events on campus. proval of the program and asked The Black Student Union and the BBCA to disband it because the Board of Black Cultural Ac- they found it to be discrimina- tivities began a "Just for You" tory. escort service which stated on its "But of course it's not," Jack- flyer it was "designed specifical- son said. ly for the non-white woman." Luster said the BSU and the The Office of Student Activi- BBCA decided to organize the ties said that, according to the meeting today because Gregg student code, the service is dis- DeCrane, assistant vice presi- criminatory and must be disban- dent of student activities, did not ded or the University could lose try to set up a meeting to discuss all federal funding. Furthermore, the issue. the code states that if the BSU "I think the most important and the BBCA do not comply with thing we need to grasp is that the the demand all of their events administrators didn't even make could be terminated. an effort to talk to us before they According to Shakir Jackson, became so critical," Luster said. president of the BSU, "The "There has been no dialogue at BBCA formed the escort service all with Gregg DeCrane." for African-American women DeCrane said he was not aware and women of color, but not ex- of the escort service until this clusively for them." month and tried to contact the Muhammcd Luster, president BBCA and the BSU, but they of the Board of Black Cultural never returned his phone calls. Activities, agreed. Also, Jackson said the groups Luster said it is his duty as scheduled this meeting because The BG Ntanmr»M Thotnai president of the BBCA to make if the program is not disban- Practicing her routines, dance psychology major Bca Robert! noon. The Instructor for the Intermediate ballet class Is Jackie sure the needs of his constituents ded, other African American studies ballet dance In Eppler North room 105 Thursday after- Neiaon-Paunil. are met. "It's not a case of whether I See events, page five. State's insanity Views of capital punishment differ laws questioned Members of local religious community express opinions about Umbel case by Christina Wise practice it is highly discouraged. mean he doesn't need to pay for the entire Unitarian church in The Associated Press editor-in-chief "Even though the death pen- his crime - even if it is through which the tradition is one of indi- alty is mentioned for many death. vidual conscience - it is up to crimes in the Bible, under Jewish "Someone who has done some- each person to decide for them- AKRON - Lt. Gov. Mike DeWlne appointed a committee Thursday The mitigation phase of the law there are so many require- thing as horrible as he has, selves what they believe about to review laws allowing criminal suspects to be sent to mental hospi- John F. Umbel trial, which will ments that must be met before shouldn't be let out on the streets capital punishment. tals instead of prison if they are found innocent by reason of insanity. determine his sentence for the someone can be put to death that again and maybe [capital pun- "No matter what the de- kidnapping, rape and murder of a the tendency is to avoid it at all ishment] is the answer," she said. nominational stance on the issue DeWlne appointed Summit County Prosecutor Lynn C. Slaby to three-year-old boy, will resume costs," he said. The Rev. Roger Brewin, minis- is, every member has the right to head the eight-member committee. Slaby's office has been in- Feb. 1. The issue now is not Beinstock said one well-known ter of Maumee Valley Unitarian their own view," he said. vestigating two recent cases involving state mental hospital patients whether he is guilty of the Rabbidic commentary states that Universalist Congregation in Brewin said he could under- charged in more than one slaying. crimes, but if he should pay the if someone is put to death once in Perrysburg, said he believes the stand the family's grief and One case at the Western Reserve Psychiatric Hospital in Sagamore price for committing them with 70 years in Israel, it is considered death penalty is a terrible admis- wanting Umbel to die is for them Hills involved George Gruic, who has been charged with killing an- his own life. a bloody court. sion of social failure and the state a logical response, but on a other patient while free to walk the hospital grounds. Gruic, 46, has The question is one that has He also said in the Umbel case should not have the right to kill higher ethical level he does per- been ruled Innocent by reason of insanity in two deaths dating back brought the subject of capital the belief that the death penalty anyone. more than 25 years. punishment violently home to the is a deterrent to crime is flawed. However, this is not the view of See Umbel, page four. In the second case at Western Reserve, Willie J. Johnson, 51, fled local religious community. "How can you apply that to the minimum-security hospital Dec. 24 and later called from his The Rev. Randy Wood, director someone like John Umbel who is sister's home In Birmingham, Ala, asking to have his Social Security of missions for the Southern Bap- supposedly mentally ill and say checks forwarded. He has been convicted in two deaths. tist Churches In Northwest Ohio they would be deterred," he said. Unlike an escaped inmate, Johnson cannot be extradited back to said the Baptist Church has no Rabbi Edward H. Garsek of the St. Tom's ministers Ohio. official stance either against or Congregation Etz Chayim, also in in favor of capital punishment. Toledo, said Umbel should not be "Every Baptist church is put to death because the evi- defend man on trial "We can no longer tolerate people being released autonomous," he said. "There is dence In his case is not clear ac- having committed murders, rapes, aggravated no one creed that pertains to the cording to Jewish requirements. by Christina Wise Sister Pat Schnapp. who death penalty. Each Individual The fact there were no eyewit- editor-in-chief ministered at St. Tom's be- burglaries, intimidations, felonious assaults." church determines their own be- nesses to the crime - in Israel tween 1979 and 1983 and has Lynn C. Slaby, committee head liefs on the Issue, as does each there must be at least two - known Umbel for more than individual member." makes death an unjustifiable The Roman Catholic five years, echoed Weber's He said members of the church punishment under their law. Church's opposition to capital description and said killing are on both sides of the issue, es- The Rev. Levona Schall, pastor punishment Isn't the only Umbel would be like killing a pecially in Bowling Green where of Agape Church of Prayer, 313 reason the campus ministers child. "We can no longer tolerate people being released having commit- the Umbel case has made it Thurstln Ave., said there is no of St. Thomas More Universi- ted murders, rapes, aggravated burglaries, intimidations, felonious even larger. one opinion on the death penalty ty Parish do not want to see "In many ways John Is a assaults," Slaby said at a news conference. The Rev. John Snyder, pastor within her church. convicted murderer John child," she said. "There has DeWlne, a former Greene County prosecutor, said he was familiar of Northside Baptist Church, 701 "As Individuals, that is a de- Umbel receive the death pen- always been something un- with the difficulty of arguing during a trial that a defendant is sane W. Poe Road, said each person in cision each member of the con- alty - they know him person- developed about him. Putting and then, when ruled insane, arguing that the person is insane and his congregation has to form gregation has to make on their ally. a child to death is unaccepta- must be placed in a mental hospital. their own opinion on the issue. own," she said. For more than ten years ble In this society and so "Any prosecutor In any major jurisdiction will have a horror sto- He added that he is personally She said personal decisions Umbel would visit the parish, should killing John." ry," DeWlne said.
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