Junior Loop Warmer All-Stars Shut Out IOWA: Warmer today and tomor­ service Nlhe row wUh scattered thunder­ 8ee Stor)' Oh Pa,e 4 THE DAILY IOWAN ltorms In weal porilon Iowa City', Morning Newspaper , = ., FiVE CENTS TH! A SSOC~T! D PAIS8 IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY.1ULY 8.1942 THI A880C~T&D palss VOLUME XLD NUMBER 245 e t oVle 5 AIDING WOUNDED COMRADE IN THE EGYPTIAN DESERT Red Reverses Near Voronezh Rommel~ s Forces Threaten Vital Supply Route B f All· d Claim Enormous Losses Inflicted on Nazi Infantry; e 0 reie German Drive Now 60 Miles Beyond Farthest 1941 Advance Argentine Orders All Harried Axis ' MOSCOW, Wednesday (Ap)-'rbe red army has withdrawn again before the smashing German drive across the river Don aimed at Voronezh, on the vital Moseow·Rostov railway, the oviet midnight commupique Raid today. Ships. to Dock in Gulf Troops Move: The main fOI'ce of the nazi attack was "west of Voronezh" and around 'taryi Oskol, 65 milcli to the southwest, the communique BUENOS AIRES (AP) - The tina the right to penetrate the 80- said, iudicating thllt' the most progre 's had been made in the Argentine naval ministry has or­ called blockade zone. but Argen­ latter sector. dered aU Its merchant ships to tina did not want to accept this Further West ': After mentioning that fierce battle continued in both areas, avoid eastern United Slates ports "special status" because she would the communique refer!' d especially to heavy tank and infantry because ot the axis submarine appear to be acting in collusion attacks al'ound 'taryi Oskol. campaign, and the ships will dock with a non-American power. Battle-Weary Desert "Enormous losses were uffered by enemy infantry," the at Gull of Mexico points instead, He said Argentina still insisted Fighters Let Airmen, communique said. "Our units retreated to new defense positions a reliable authority said last niaht. on her right ot freedom of the seas, and added: Gunners Take Over previously prepared." In taking this action after two (The German high command said the city of Voronezh had of her ships were torpedoed, the "This action does not signify Argentine government. which still acceptance of the Dlockade an­ CAlRO (AP)-The axis front fallen in a drive 130 miles east of Kursk and 60 mile& beyond maintains diplomatic relations nounced by Germany. but is taken the hi gh-water mark of Germany's 1941 advance. From Voronezh. in the Qattra-Mediterranean with the axis, actually was con­ merely as a measure ot precau­ corridor was bent back on the A weantJed Brltlllh ambulance driver Is being given first aid treatment by his cOlllJ'ades durin, the baUle the German command said, the advaneewllS continuing toward torming to a German-announced tion." southern flank under allied pres­ "IIJJI\ after be had fJIIc&ped from his blazing truck (backgtound) which had been hit by the naal. The Povorino on a secondary Moscow·to·Cauca us railway connection blockade of the eastern U.S. coast­ Germany announced a nazi ~ Jut receJv"d In tbJs COUD'ry, was 1JJ1lde during a German aUack on a Dumber 01 ambulances oJ the 140 miles farther east. line. blockade zone of the eastern U.S. sure yesterday while the weary _perlal Army medical corps shor\\y aner naz' lorees tore \nto E'YlI\. (The orticiatFrench news agency reported in Vicby that tbe But this nigh Argentine source seaboard on June 15 which was ground force' left it to the can­ -~---------------------------------------- ,------ red army had launched a violent explained It this way intsead: to become effective June 26. Gulf noneers to keep the battle alive counterattack against the south­ That Germany had given Argen- of Mexico ports were not included, in the 120·degree desert heat ern flank of the nazi wedge, aIld to allied air forces striking striking toward Kharkov from deep 011 the enemy supply lines. Izyum and Kupyansk, and push­ Spaafz to Head U.S. 'l'he tactical nature of the new ing the Germans back acro8 the Saboteur Trial axis position was not entirely f'BI Opens Up ·'· onr · Bund KrasDaya river.) clear, but it was surmised that The Russians announced of· European Air Forces Marshal Erwin Rommel had pulled his harried southern forces ficially that their DOD river de· Hero of First War 10 Open So~n back to the westward to form a Play Lost Horizon Citizen's Defense fense line had been rolled baek great arc of defense extending west o( Voroneth by sheer weight Directs Operations from his lett flank on the sea­ Atents Begin Corps Meetings 2 Ships Sunk' of nazi men and metal in some of shore. the Dloodlest fighting the war. Of American Fliers Eight German Agents Will Be Postponed 'I :30 p.m.-Civil Air Patrol and Front Shortened "Our troops evacuated a number Face Possible Death The net result was that the front Citizen's Defense corp!! mem­ of populated places," a commu­ LONDON (AP)- Major Gener­ legal l Aclion 4th Summer Session bers will have a laboratory jOff East Africa Before Firing Squad facing squarely to the east had meetiD, Oh ,as defense, In the nique said. al Carl (Toughie) Spaatz, a UyJng been somewhat shortened and Play to Be Presented auditorium of the Chemistry LOURENCO MARQUES, Port- A lull corrfJllpondent reported general who was a hero of the curved to prevent British tanks bulldln,. fledgling Ameri(:an air force In WASHINGTON (AP) -Final from cutting into Rommel's rear former Leader Kuhn By SUI in September uguese East Africa (AP)-Sub- that eve!')' foot of the German arrangements for tl1e mtlltary as they did in saving El Alamein marine activity in the MOUlmbiqqe adfane4! IntO the J'avlne-cut the World war and who pjloted the ~m01\9 54 Offidpls "Question Mark" to Its historic tri,ai ot the eight U-boating nazi last week in the first phase of the The univerSity prot'luction of In order 10 complete tbe or­ chaP~l. Wll!i,. renewed, when . two' . ohaUt UIs .of Weltena \IoI:oDezh ,anlzaUon of volunteer police ships. one Norwegian and one Wall over the plied bodies of nazi endurance record in 1929, has been saboteurs were made yesterday in battle to save Alexandria, some Named in Indictments Lost Horizon, scheduled as the appointed commander in chiet 01 and fire sq uadl, the Citizen's Swedi/ih, were sunk yesterday, dead. He wrote that six tralDS stern secrecy behind boarded-up 70 miles distant. fourth play in the SUll'mer session the United States army air forces corridors in the justice depart- The battle of El Alameln had Defense corps arres men In­ just two weeks before diplomatic \Otalln, Zt7 ears had ~n Ger­ NEW YORK (AP)-Fedel'al series, has been postponed until in the European theater of war. ment's big stone building on Penn- died down and the ground forces llI'ents launched a eoast·to·coast terested to make applleation as exchange sHips bringing United man woun'decl back from the September becausc of necessary soon as possible with either the States citizens from Japan are dbe Don river battle.one alone, yet Lon.. Army Career sylvania avenue. were erlgaged only sporadically. drive yesterday to' put the Ger· General Spaatz, a Pennsylvania May Start Toda)' Cannonading continued from revision in the dramatization, city police or fire chief. in these waters. , IItlll new troops lur,.ed on In man·American bund "out of Yesterday's attaCk was the first their placel. redhead who has been an army By presidential proclamation both sides, however, and in some Prof. E. C. Mabie, director of Uni­ business, " A new class for the Instruc­ in the Mozambique channel since Tanks, the rolling forward wall career man for 32 of his 51 years, the proceedings, which may lead to quarters it was believed this was A legal attaak was ai meu at versity theater, announced yester­ tion of nurses aides w8i be three merchant ships were re- of the nazi offensive, were report­ has been in charge here since the gallows or a firing squad, in preparation for new action, 54 of the bUDd 's highest officel's, day. started b)' the CUlzen's Defense ported sunk there June 8. A week ed demolished by the hundreds. June. HIs appointment was an~ must begin today "or as soon that the battle would not be long nounced only yesterday as he con­ including Fritz Kuhn, f01'lnel' Christopher SergeI. who is pre­ corps as soon as the minimum before that the Japanese reported Particularly heavy was the toll thereafter as is practicable." So adjourned. pal'ing the dramatization with e n roll men t req ulrement II -and the British denied-that ot the Germans were said to have ferred distinguished flying crosses deep was the secrecy in which Rommel's chief dUflcult)' now national bund leader now in on three of the American airmen both justice and war department Is cOlDDlu.hlcatiou and While prisoll and his successor, V\Til· James Hilton. author of the book reached. AppllcaUons are ur· their submarines stole Into the paid for their foothold on the east Diego Suarez naval base on· Mad- bank of the Don. who participated In the Fourth-of­ officials shrouded the affair that his forces are restlD,. aDd awaU­ Kunze, arrested in M.exico Lost Horizon, returned to New ,enUy Deeded now. helm agascar and torpedoed a British I Russian tanks and guns which July bombing of German-held spokesman declined to say defin- In, arrival of new sapplles and returned to tbe United York Sunday.
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