TRADES DIRECTORY.) NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. FAR 391· Landin Robert, jun .. Wood Newton, Lucas William, Crick, Rugby ~ionk F. Sibbertoft, Market Harboro• Wansford R.S.O Lucas William, Farthinghoe, Brackley Monk Jesse, Maxey, Market Deeping Lane Richard Charles, Desborough rd. Lucas Wm. H. Boroug-h hill,Daventry Monk Jo:bn, Bozeat, Wellinghnrough Rothwell, Kettering Lush Duncan, Newbold house, Clip- Montgomery Francis, !<!ore, Weedon tLane T. M. Pytchley grange,Kett~rng ston, Northampton tMontgomery H.Heathencoe, Towcestr Langley Geo. W. C. Eye, Peterboro' Lyman Wm. Shutlanger, Towcester Montgomery Saml. Blisworth R.S.O Langley Richard, Corby, Ketterin~ tMackaness Samuel, Little Houghton, Montgomery Theodore Waiter, Manor Lattermore James, Pilsgate, Stamford Northampton house, Dodford, Weedon Lamance Henry, sen. YardlPy nast- Mackaness William (e:xors. of), 1Vhis- Montgomery Thos. H. Badby,Daventry­ ings, Northampton ton, Northampton Moore Edwd. H. HarlestonP, 1\"rthmptn. Moore John, Newnham, Daventrv LauranceS.Yardley Hastings,Nthmptn Mackaness Mrs. W. Abington,Nthmptn • Law Felix, Newborough, PetPrborough tMcLaren Alex. P. Aynho, Banbury Moore Jn. jun. Bugbrooke, IVeedon Law Fredk. J. Gt. Billing, Northmptn Mc:Millan G. Lit.Addin[iton,Thrapston Moore Jn. White·head, Eye, Peterboror Law J. Pnrston, Banbury Main Alfd. H. Earls Barton,Nrthmptn Moors Jonathan,Gt. Oakley, Kettering­ Law Jas. J.MiddletonCheney, Banbury Main Charles, The Lodge, Irthling- Moore Wm. Geo. Eye, Peterborough Law R. J. Middleton Oheney, Banbury borough, Higham Ferrers R.S.O Morris Henry, Yelvertoft, Rugby Law Thomas James, Hall yard, King's Main F. Wellingborough lodge, Wel- Morris J oseph, Yelvertoft, Rugby Cliffe, Wansford R.S.O lingborough Morris R. Yardley Hastings, Ntbmptrr Lawrance J. T. Drayton grnge.Dvntry Main I<'. G. Moulton grange, Nrthmptn Morriss .Tames & Edwin, Barnack mills,. Lawrence Mrs . .Tames, Yardley Gobion, Major Richard, Norton, Daventry Barnack, Stamford Stony Stratford Major Thoma.s, Norton, Daventry Mortimer Bailey, Rushden R.S.O Lawrence W.Easton Maudit,Nrthmptn Malesbnry Joseph, Sulgrave, Banbury Mould Simmon!!, Wood Newton, "'ans­ Lea L.TheGrange,We.Haddon, Rugby tMalings John Thomas, Dial house, ford R.S.O tLeadbeater Thomas, Thorpe Mande- Upper Boddington, Byfield R.S.O Mountfort Thos. Snorscomb, Daventry ville, Banbury Mallard J. H. Brixworth, Northamptn Mnddiman Frederick,Cotton end,Long Leask Geo. Sulby g-range. Rugby Malsbury John, Eydon, Byfield R.S.O lJuckhy, Rugby Lee John, Preston Parva, Daventry Mann John, Baint<Jn, Stamford Mumf,,rd Alfred John, ~I a nor house,. Lee SI. East st.Long Buckhv, Rugby Mann Mrs. S. J. Bainton, S'tamford Charwelton, Bdi.eltl R. S.O ' Lee Wm. J. Green's Norton, Towcester ~!ann Thomas Claridge, sen. · Nene Mnnrlen William,- W;1lgrave,l'iorthmptn Leeds A. N.Eyebury ho.Eye,Peterboro' view, Cogenhoe, Northampton Mu>:kr.tt Hv.Desb!tro', Market Harhoro•· Leonard John, Aldwinkle St. Peter, Manning C. Normn. Milton,Northmptn Muskett Rt.Pipewell West lo.Ketterng Thrapston tManning John, The Hill, Paulerspury, Mutt.on !Whert, CranslPy, Kettering tLewin John, Titchmarsh, Thrapston Towcester tMut ton William, Warkton, Kettering­ Lewin R. Yardley Hastings, Nrthmptn Manning John, The Lodge, '\Yeston Neaverson John, Eye, Peterborough Lewi!l Frederick, Winwick, Rugby Favell, Northampton Neavenon .John, N ewhoro' ,Peterboro• Lewis Robert, Hackletan, Northamptn tManning Oliver,Caldecote, Peterboro' Neaverson Septims. Peakirk,Peterboror Liggins Basil, Pitsford, Northampton Manton E. T. Newborough, Peterboro' Neaverson Thoe.Etton Market Deeping Liggins Wm. Pitsford, Northampton Marlow Wm. Wood Burcote, Towcestr NewbPrry Ht. Great Everdon,Davenhy tLilley T. Grafton Underwood,Ketterng Marriot T. Lit. Houghton, Northmptn Newbery John, Byfield R.S.O Lindsey Frederick. ~towe lodge,Stowe Marriott H. & l<'.Gransley, Kettering tNewbery John, Stuchbnry lodge. Nine Churches, Weedon Marriott '\Ym. Maidford lo. Towcester Stuchbury, Banbury Line Danl. Earls Barton, Korthamptn Marsh Frank, Islip, Thrapston Newbon Mrs. Charlotte, The GrePn,. Liner Mrs. A.Desboro',Markt.Harboro' Marsh !Wbt. Ravensthorpe,Northrnptn Bainton, Stamford . · Liner William, Cransley, Kettel'ing Marsball Edwin Tliomas, Red lodge & Newbould F. S. Drayton, Daventry Lines Edward, Eydon, Byfield R. S.O Hollow Bottom farms, Bulwick, tNewitt F. & W. Bradden, Towcester Linford .John, Hig-h street, Brackley \Vansford R.S.O ~ewitt Thomas Brooks, Cranford St_ tLinnell & Bliss, Ashton, N0rthampton Marshall MTs. H. A. Wansford R.S.O Andrew, Kettering I.innell George, Na~eby, Rugby tMarshall W.Cottesbrooke,Northmptn Newitt William, Woodend, Towcester Linnell George, Sulby, Rugby Marson T. :E.The Cottage,Crick,Rugby Newton Jn.Albone,Fotheringhay lodger tLinnell Henry, Bozenham mill, Graf- Martin A. Easton-on-the-Hill,Stamfrd Nassing-ton, Wansford R.S.O ton Regis, Stony Stratford Martin F.S.Suuthey lo.Ufford,Stamfrd Newton Thomas, Hargrave, St. Neuts · Linnell J.Grafton Underwood,Ketterng Martin H.St<Jwe~ine Churches,1Veedn tNewton W.Braybrooke, Mkt.Harboro' Linnell William, SyTesham, Brackley Martin Lewis Henry, Laurels, Cold tNewton WilliamLancelot,Braybrooke, Litchfield Chas. Holywell, Northamptn Ashhy, Rugby MarkAt Harborongh Litchfield J sph. Holywell, K orthamptn Martin Steplten, Lutton, Oundle Nicholls B.Denshanger,Stony Stratfrd' Litchfield Thomas, Lodge, Ravens- Martin T. Naseby, Rugby Nichclls Richard, The Grange, Sywell,. thorpe, Northampton Masom A. John, Yardley Gobion, Stony Northampton Litchlleld Wm. Allin,Muscot, Weedon Stratford Nicholls Rt. Preston Parva, Daventry Little 0. B.Elmington,Ashton,Oundle ~fason Richard, Norton, Daventry N ichols A. H. Northboro' ,Mrkt. Deeping Little Henry, Boroughbury house,Lin- ~Iasun Saml.Little Braunston, Rugby tNichols John, \Vappenham, Towcester C•Jln road, Peterborough Mather Bcnjamin, Manor farm, Hol- tNichols Jn. Chas. Brigstock,Tbrapstn Loake Vincent, Piddington,Northmptn cot, Nmthampton NicLols 'rhos. ( exors. of), The Grange. Lock Benjamin, Nassington,Wansford "f"~ather Benjamin, Isham Superior & Raunds, Thrapston R.S.O. & Yarwell, Wansford R.S.O Inferior, Ket.tering Nichols Thomas William,Denford Ash .. Lock John, Yarwell, Wansford R.S.O. t.Matthews J. South fields, Woodend, Denford, Thrapston & Nassington Towcester Nichols William, Royal Oak inn, New­ Lock Mrs. Margt. Slapton, Towcester Matts Chas. Wager, ThOTnby, Rugby borough, Peterborough Loggin N. Charlton house, Charlton, Mawle Thomas, Warkworth, Banbury Nic!wls ,V. White ho. Evenley,Brackly­ Banbnry Mawle Thomas, Weston, Towcester Nicholson John George, Lilac house, Longfoot George, Castor, Peterboro' Maxwell 1Yilliam Geo. Manor house, Ea.stfield, Peterborough LongfDot Matthew, Castor, Peterboro' Longthorpe, Peterborough Nick son J ame~. HeathAncote, Towceste:r Longland Mrs. Jane, Manor house, ~lead D. Old Grimsbnry, Banbury Nidd GeorgeW illiam,Ashton, S tamford' Grendon, Northampton Measures Jas. Maxey,Market Deeping Norman James, Eye, Peterborough Lord Benj.Middleton Cheney,Banbury t.Measures J. Aldwinkle St. Peter, Norman John, Barby, Rugby Lord .Tames, Litchborough, W ~don Thrapston North C. Aston-le-Walls,Byfield R.S.O Lord Robt. Thrupp lodge, Daventry tMeasures Thos. B.Stanion,Thrapston North Edwin, Manor house, Woodford Lotan Henry, Manor farm, Wood New- Meeds Geo. Newborou~h, Peterboro' Halse, Byfield R.S.O ton, Wansford R.S.O Messenger Edmund, Warden grange, North '.fhomas, IRinton-in-the-Hedges..., Love Jas. \Vm. Eye green, Peterboro' Chipping Warden, Banbury Brackley Lovell J. M. & Son, Harpole,Nrthmptn Messing er T. S . .Ad stone ho. Towcester Northampton Irrigation Farm (Thos. tLovell Jn. We.Farndon,Byfield R.S.O Middleton Clarke, Uwer Boddington, Edwin Goosey, manager), Great Lovell Samuel, Culworth, Banbury Byfield R. S. 0 Billing, Nthmptn.(letters via Ecton) Lovell William H. Raunds, Thrapston Middleton G. Mears Ashby,Northmptn Northen Jn. Gt.Oakley ldg.Kettering' Lowick R. M.Lit. Brington,Northmptn Middleton Jn. T. Holcot,Norlhampton NDrthen William, Gretton, Kettering Lowick Wm. Harlestone, Northampton Miller Robt.Chipping Warden,Banbry Northen William, The Lodge, Barring- Lucas Ezra, ~Ianor farm, Apethorpe, Milley Misses Mary Anne & Emily,Gt. ton, Northampton Wansford R. S. 0 IYeldon, Kettering Norton John, 2 Black Lion terrace, Lucas Henry, Gayton, Blisworth R.S.O Millington Geo. R. Slapkn, Towcester Bla.::k Lion hill, ~orthnmpton . Lucas Jsph.Watts ldg.Welford,Rugby Mitchell Jn. Guilsborough, Korthmptn tl'iorton John, Harpole mill, Harpole, Lucas Rd. Goodman, Castle Ash by ldg. Mixon John, Blakesley, Towcester Northampton Chadstone, Castle Ashby,Northmptn Mokronoski C'.<Junt, CQrby, Kettering Nottingham Edwd. PilFgate, Stamford .
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