, \ liie Newark Post ~ \OLUME XIII NEWAR"S POST, NEWARK, DELAWARE, SEPTEMBER 13 , 1922. NUMBER 3~ Pierre' S. DuPont Will Bayard Reception i Keen Fights Featured Republican Be Honored Sept. 22 Well Attended Primaries on Saturday--Heavy Vote If Board Has Sufficient Money to Carryon Work School at Defgree d toDbe Con -IDemocraticlS:;:;CandidateGreets INewark Did Not Excitement but Will Be One of the Finest in State RUni~et·rsi~y Sho~uch erre -AI egis• rationM r ays- Women Voters 0 f Wh'Ite CI ay W'l'I mmgton V ery M uchAl' Ive- Stetser Auditorium': and Gym O~f Big Features Planned umm ee I~g Creek Hundred-·Mayor Host Wins Over Gilles ..~ .. Friday, September 22nd, will be a T ntath'e plans a re now in the ; will have a capacity of 670 children. big day in the annals of the Univer- With about two hundred and filty of the women voters of White Clay Robert S. Gallaher Unopposed in This Hundred e '[ the loc al Board of Education I It can be seen from these figures that sity of Delaware. It will he know n han~l:eOncw ~c hool that will eventually the .plans leave plenty of room for as Convocation Day, when a new Creek Hundred in at tendance, Mayor In one of the most spil'i ted prim- ' First di strict of Wilmington. Captain Frazer, at hi s home on Quality Hill, f O~cc' .""wark. If all the plans as ~ny mcrea.se that the town might have collegiate year will be inaugurated. aries that t he Republican Pa rty has Simonton won t he nomination with a on Saturday; held a public r eception r 'tt d by the a rchitect can be m populatIOn, for last term there were The feature of the day will be the held in years in New Castle county, majority of 302. for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F . Bayard. !u:~:,lil;d e oul thiR town will have a only 546 children register ed in the conferring of t he honorary degree of the above ticket was nominated to J. Gilpin Highfield, State Senator Mr. Bayard is candidate for United 1 thllt will be second to none on elementary grades of the local schools. L.L.D. on Pierre S. duPont by t he oppose the Democ ratic ticket in the t~ States Senator on the Democratic who was elected ·at a special election 'nsula and the local Board of In the High School section of the Board of Trustees. State election. sch o~ ticket and the mayor took this means to succeed Senator Webster, who di ed the 1 is go ing to do everything in building there will be a study hall and Thursday, September 21st, will be The total vote polled was 16,000, during his term of office, defeated etl~1 to allow the women voters of t hi s Educa 101 I'b ' . unusually learge for a primary elec- Willard S. Gregg, a former Represen­ it' power to Ree if the plans as sub- I rary and nine classrooms, having regIstratIOn day for F reshmen and section to meet him. tion. Here in Newark the election did tative, by a majority of 532, in the mitted cannot be carried out an ~ New- a capacity of 375 students. There has I'SoPhomores, and it was announced Everyone who attended the affair not create a great deal of excitement Third Senatorial District (Brandy­ ark gil'en 11 school of t he best kmd. also been plentY' of room left here for at the institution this week that al- was greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas but in Wilmington the fight was wine and part of Christiana hun­ The archit'!ct left the plans for the any incr ease in the enrollment of the though it co uld not be figured just F . Bayard, Mayor Frazer and Mrs. I I chool in the hands of the local High School as the figures of last what the number would be in the in­ Robert Constable, of Elkton, Md. keenly fought. dreds) . John F. Z. Clayton, of New The fight for Recorder of Deeds I Castle, whose wife is chairman of the :O:rd on Monday of this \~eek and the term show that only 176 students coming class it would outnumber that Refreshments were served with Han- member;; of thc Boar~ WIll prob~blY were enrolled in the High School. of last year. Dean Smith and Prof. na, of Wilmington, acting as caterer. between Harry 1. Gillis and Albert Republican Women's County Commit­ coil a sp cial meeting 111 a short tIme These rooms are besides the three Dutton have been working during the The following young ladies assisted in Stetser was the one that caused the tee, \Ion the nominatio n for Senator to go O,'cr the plans as a "bo d~ . "All mentioned for special classes. vacation period on the r egistration serving, Violet Rowan, Charlotte and greatest amount of interest. In Wil- from the fifth di strict with a plur­ mington, hunderds of men and women ality of 476. This district includes the members have taken a sqUll1t at The auditorium and gym will be a and are sure that the incoming class J osephine Hossinger, Sue Smith, Ruth the drawings already and. are more big feature to the • school if there is will be unusually la rge. Vinsinger and Jane Constable, the workers so ught votes for these two New Castle, Red Lion and White Clay 'tl tl tl sufficient money for the building of Prof. Dutton said today that one latter of Elkton . .- candidates. Stetser won the nomina- Creek hundreds. tion by a majority of 2,084. At the than plea. e(: Wlf lela;: ~~d sl~: ill prob the same. There will be stationary of the features thi s year would be the Never before has Belmont, t he Harry H. Marr, representative from present time the candidate is Presi­ In a coup e 0 f th b 'Id' ~ seats on the main floor and gallery of large r epresentation from the lower mayor's home, housed such an en­ the First Representative District, was ably be opened or e UI mg. 0 end of the State. He said that more dent of the New Castle County Levy thusiastic gathering. The new voters renominated by a plurality of 388. part of the local school. These bIds this room to seat 327 people and seats students would be enroll ed from lower Court. ' were to ha ve been opened today but that can be r emoved, with great ease, Delaware than in any previous term. turned out strong to meet the Demo­ In the Third Representative District cI'atic candidate. It was a close fight for the coroner Charles S. Lednum defeated .James thi s plan had to be changed ~nd t~e to seat 473' people. There will be On Friday the registration of Juniors nomination. Charles A. Taylor, of Keenan for Representative by a ma­ date for thc opening of the bl,ds WIll locker rooms and showers for the and Seniors will take place. · . Wilmington, won over the present in­ be announced before the week IS over. students who use the gym. Altogether, September 22nd, will be List Showing I jority of 294. William Virden, Rep­ cumbent, Isaac S. Bullock, by a resentative from the fourth district, Of course the plans as submitted The present plans do not call for a big day for the spec ial business plurality of 368. call for the local school as it will any apparatus. fOl· . the , gy~ but it. is meeting of the General Alumni Asso- Local Teache 'rs was nominated over Sumner Jones by In the contest for Register of Wills, a majority of 378 for Representative. probably appea r when the Delaware thought that 111 tune thIS materIal ciation will also be held at the insti­ Isaac R. Brown, the present incum­ School Auxiliary makes its donation will be purchased and the. local gym tution on t hat day. Representative William Lord, of Majority of Last Year's Instructors bent, defeated Julian C. Walker, of to the loca l Board amounting to over brought up-to-date. PhYSIcal educa- It is expected that a large number Marshallton, defeated Henry Clayton Return to POlta-Some Richardson Park, by a majority of White for the nomination for Repre­ $200,000 . When this will be is not Ition was introduced in the local of the alumni will be on hand to 5,362. blOw n, . schools last year and the gym floor witness the conferring the degree on ChaOles sentative from the Seventh district F ot'mer Sheriff Samuel A. Mc- (Christiana hundred) by a majority The part of the school that is to be will afford the proper place :01' this Mr. duPont, who has helped the uni­ Daniel, who was defeated at the There have been several changes in of 306. In the Eight district (Mill bu ilt at th e present time will cost branch of the work to be carned on. versity in many ways. primaries two years ago for the nomi­ the teaching corps of the local public Creek) Charles P. Dickey defeated about $160,000. It is for bonds to this The people of. Newar.k must not I • • nation for Sheriff, was nominated on schools, but in -the general r un about Mathew Roser, Jr., for Representa­ amount that the local Board will open labor under. the Imp ress l ~ n that the Speed Not Safety Saturday, his plurality being 545 over the same teachers are back at their tive by a majority of 257.
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