Page 1 of 1 From Susan Karber~<[email protected]> k Sent Saturday, April 7, 2007 5:37 pm To dittoe. [email protected] Cc BCC Subject looking for a source Dearest Pattie, Can Iplease ask a big favor? Ineed an article that my library does not have. Ilooked it up in OSCAR and you have it! woo hoo! Do you have time to scan this and send it to me ASAP? or have one of the students do it Monday or Tuesday? I'm distributing my thesis proposal to my committee on Wednesday and this source should be very helpful! Here is the source: MCGREGOR, A. M. 1951. Some milestones in the Precambrian of Southern Rhodesia. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, v. 54 (I'm not sure what pages) AND the call number: QEl G344305 (v.54 1951) Thanks so much!! Susie Susan Karberg [email protected] Graduate Teaching Assistant Department of Geological Sciences University of Minnesota, Duluth Heller Hall 202 218-260-8167 lx~i PROCGEDISGR OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SOCTH AFRICA _&HREXS,I,. H. aiid GORFIXKEL,L. G. (1950) : ii'ature, Lond. 166, p. 149. ASDREK, A. R. and BAILEY,T. E. G. (1910) : " The geology of Xyasalaad." Quart. Journ. geol. Soe., LXVI, pp. 197-198. BA~SISTERand HORHE(1950) : " A Radioactive mineral from 310zambique related to davidite. JIiner. Mag. Lond., XXIX, pp. 101-112. C'OOKE,H. B. S. (1950) : " The ancient geography of South -aka." S.A. Geog. Journal: 00 3'5. DIXEY,F. (1928) : Annual Report, Geological Suwey Department, iiyasaland Proteeto~ate. ESKOLA,P. (1949) : " Mantled gneiss domes." Quart. J. geol. Soc., Lond. CIV, pp. 461-476. GROUT,F. (1935) : " The compositions of some African granitoid rocks. Journal of Geology, XLIII, p. 289. GUERNSEY,T. D. (1940) : " Geology of the concession areas of The Loangwa Concession. Cnpublished, seen by courtesy of the Resident Director, British South Africa Company. GCERXSEY,T. D. (1940) : Provisional outline of the Geological features of Northern Rhodesias. Report to B.S.A. Co. EESS, H. H. (1951) : " Vertical mineral variation in the Great Dyke of Southern Rhodesia." Trans. geol. Soc. S. Bfr. LIII, pp. 159-168. HOL~ES,A. (1919) : " The Pre-Cambrian and associated rocks of the district of Aiozambique." Quart. J. geol. Soc., LXXIV, pp. 31-96. ZOL~~ES,-1. (1920) : " The Nomenclature of Petrology," Murby, London. Ho~ni~s,A. (1948) : Trans. Edin. geol. Soc., XIV, p. 176. HOL~IES,A. (19.50) : " The age of urani~litefrom Gordonia, South ,Ifi.ica." Amer. J. Sci., CC XLTTIII,-pp. - 81-94. HOYLE,F. (1950) : " The Sature of the Universe," Black~vell,Oxford. LIGHTFOOT,B. (1941) : " The Great Dyke of Southern Rhodesia." Proc. geol. Spc. S. .iI.fr., XLIII, pp. xxvii-xliii. ?~IAC!GREGOR,9.$1. (1927) : " The probleizz of the pre-Calnbrial?-Itmosphere." S. Afr. J. Sci., SXIV, pp. 155-172. STACGREGOR,,I. 3PA(1929) : Guide Book, C 20. Intern. geol. Cong. Pretoria, pp. 35-36. XACGREGOR,A. M. (1932) : " Batholiths of Southern Rhodesia." Geol. iiag. Lond., LSIX, pp. 18-29. XACGREGOR,A, M. (1940) : " -1 pre-Can~brianalgal limestone in Southern Rhodesia." Trans. geol. Soc. S. &*., XLIII, pp. 9-16. XACGREGOR,-1. M. (1946) : '' Sinlpsonite and other Tantalates from Bikita, 9outhern Rhodesia." iifiner. Jfag. Lond., XXVII, pp. 157-165. XACGREGOR,A. M. (1951) : " The primary source of Gold." S. Afr. J. Sci., Vol. 47, Jan. 1951, pp. 157-161. XACGREGOR,A. &I.: " =Icomparison of the geology of Korthern Rhodesia and Adjoining Territories." Intern., geol. Cong. Lond., 1948. Pt. XIV in the press. SJCSAUGHTON,J. H. 31. : Inte~n.geol. Cong. .Land., 1948. Pt. XIV ill the press. XENNELL.F. P. (1904) : '' Geology of Southern Rhodesia." Rhodesia iWuseum, Spe, iul Report No. 2, Bulswayo. &TENISELL,F. P. (1920) : "Geology of the Sabi Valley, Washonaland." Trans. geol. Soe. S. Afr., XXII, pp. 68-89. SPENCER,E. (1938) : " The potash-soda felspars, 11. Some Applications to Petrogenesis." -Iliner. Zag., XX'V', pp. 87-118. TEALE,E. 0. and ~VII,SON,R. C. (1915) : " Portuguese East Africa between the Zambezi River and the Sabi River." Qeogr. Jour. Lond., XLV, pp. 16-45. TPSD.~LE-BISCOE,R. NcI. : " Sotes on a nlonzonitic complex and associated rocks in the Gwanda District, Southern Rhodesia." Trans. geol. Soe. S. Afr., XLI, pp. 83-102. WAGNER,P. A. (1914) : " The Geology of a Portioii of the Belingwe District of Southern Rhodesia." Trans. geol. Soc. S. Afr., XVII, pp. 39-54. %-ILLEIVISE,J. (1938) : " On the Old Granite of the Vredefort region and some of its associated rocks." Trans. yeol. Soc. S. Afr., XL, pp. 97-99. -ISXIVERSAFLY ADDRESS BY PRESIDEAT lxvii PUBLICATIONS OF THE SOUTHERN RHODESIAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Bulletins 3. The Geology of the Selukwe 31ineral Belt. By H. B. Naufe (Director),B. Lightfoot and the late A. E. V. Zealley (Geologist's),96 pp. 8vo, 14 plates. 1919. Reprinted 1924. Price 7s. 6. l'reliminary Report 011 the Geology of the Cou~lt~ryWest of Sinoia, Loma,gundi District. (Out of print). 7. The Geology of the Enterprise Mineral Belt. By H. B. Maufe. 52 pp. Svo, 4 plates, map. 1920. Reprinted 1935. Price 2s. 9d. 9. The Geology of the Conntry West of Sinoia, Lomagundi District). (Out of priizt). 10. The Geology of the Country West of Mount Darwin. By B. Lightfoot and R. Tyndale-Biscoe. 54 pp. Svo, 6 plates, 1 Fig., 1 Wa,p, 1931. Price 2s. 9d. 11. The Geology of the Country around Lonely Mine, B~ibiDistrict. By A. 31- Bfacgregor. 96 pp. Svo, 7 plates, 3 maps. 1928. Price 6s. 12. The Geology of the Shabani Mineral Belt, Beling-we District. By F. E. Keep* 185 pp. 8vo, 18 plates, 14 figs., map. 1929. Price 7s. 6d. 16. The Geology of the Chroivite and Asbestos Deposits of the Umvukwe Range, Loi~~a- gundi and Mazoe Districts. By F. E. Iieep. 105 pp. Svo, 13 plates, 3 sections. 1930. Price 4s. 17. The Geology of the Country between Gatooma and Battlefields. By A. AT. Macgregor. 144 pp. Svo, 13 plates, S figs, map. 1930. Price 4s. 9d. IS. The Geology of the Couiitry around Shamva, Mazoe District. By 12. Tyndale- Biscoe. 87 pp. Svo, 11 plates, 6 figs, map. 1931. Price 3s. 9d. 19. Interim Report on the Geology of part of the Sa,lisbury Gold Belt. (Out of print). 20. The Geology of the Country around Que Que, Gwelo District. By A. M. Macgregor. 113 pp. 8v0, 13 plates, map. 1932. Price 2s. 6d. 21. The Geology of the Antelope Gold Belt. By A. E. Phaup. 119 pp. 8v0, 5 plates, map. 1932. Price 3s. 3d. 22. The Geology of the Central Part of the 3Iazoe Valley Gold Belt. By R. Tyndale- Biscoe. 108 pp. Svo, 13 plates, map. 1933. Price 3s. 9d. 24. The Geology of the Lower Gwanda Gold Belt. By 9. E. Phaup. 74 pp. Svo, 3 plates, map. 1933. Price 2s. Bd. 27. The Geology of the Cou~t'ryaround Filabusi, hnsiza District. By J. C. Ferguson. 1.79 pp. Svo, 20 plates, map. 1934. Price 5s. 20. Chemical Analyses of the Rocks, Ores and iXinera.1~of Souther11 Rhodesia. By E. Golding (cornpilati011 and descriptions by 9. E. Phanp). 105 pp. 8vo. 1938 (Out of print). 30. The Geology of t'he Count'ry around the Queen's Xine, Bulawayo District. By A. 31. Macgregor, J. C. Ferguson and F. L. Am. 175 pp. Svo, 19 plates, 5 figs., map. 1937. Price 5s. 6d. 31. The Geology of the Country around Hunters Road, Gwelo District. By A. 21. Nacgregor. 78 pp. Svo, 8 plates, map. 1937. Price 2s. 3d. 33. The Geology of the Count,ry around the Junlbo >!tine, 3lazoe District. By J. C. Fergusoii and the late T. H. Wilson. 131 pp. Svo, 7 plates, map. 1937. Price 4s. 6d. 34. The Geology of the Lower Unifuli Gold Belt, Hartley and Lolnagundi Districts. By A. E. Phaup aizd F. 0. S. Dobell. 143 pp. Svo, 11 plates, map. 1938. Price 5s. 35. The Geology of the Country around Bulawayo. By F. L. Amm. 307 pp. 8~0,25 plates, 2 maps. 1940. Price 9s. 9d. 36. The Geology of the Country aaroand Gmanda. BY R. Tyndale-Biscoe. 204 PIJ. Svo, 14 plates, 14 figs., map. 1940. Price 6s. Gd. 37. The G;eology of the Lower Gwelo Gold Belt,. By L. dnlm. 73 Pp. plates¶ map. 1946. Price 3s. 3d. 38. dn oLtlineof the Geological History of Southen1 Rhodesia. BY -4. 3%. Macgregor. 73 pp. 8vo. 1947. Price 2s. 39. ~h~ ~;~~l~~~of the ~oulltryaround Gmelo. By R. Tylldale-Biscoe. 1980. lxviii PROCEEDIKGS OF TEIE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SOGTIi AFRICA Short Reports 10. The Geology of the Lonzagundi Mica Deposits. By B. B. 3Iaufe. 8 pp. Svo, 2 figs. 1920. Reprinted 1934. Price Bd. 25. The Geology of the Country around the Korah. Molly and Cnzboe Copper Claims. Lomagundi District. By A. M. Macgregor. 10 pp. Svo, 1 map, 1 fig. 1931. Price 9d. 34. Geology and Xines of the Mashaba District. Bv R. Tyndale-Biscoe. S pp. Svo, map. 1940. Price 6d. 35. ~eolo~yof the Mafungabusi Gold Belt. By A. &I.Xacgregox. 26 pp. 81-0. 2 plates, map. 1941. Price Is. 3d. Annual Reports of Director A.R.D. (1927), publishes 1928. A.R.D. 1949), published 1950. TABLE I. 1 AGE IN GEOLOGICAL FORMATIOKS 1 iVIILLIOPIT AKD EVEKTS. 1 YEARS I (Al~rens) ' and others. UPPER PRECAMBRIAN. Erosion and Faulting Zambezi Metamorphism and Granite Intrusion Muscovite. S-Cu-Au. IT. Intrusion of Great Dyke aiid folding CBronle ore. Pt. LOMAGUNDISYSTEN, sedimentary.
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