Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council To: The Members of the Parish Council of Sundridge with Ide Hill I hereby summon you to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held in the VILLAGE HALL, IDE HILL commencing at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 17 June 2019 to transact the undermentioned business. Clerk 11 June 2019 AGENDA 1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. 2. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. 3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes (enclosed) of the Parish Council meeting held on 20 May 2019 4. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below 5. A Public Open Session. Members of the public will be welcome to address the Parish Council with any local concerns they have. Please note this item will be limited in time at the discretion of the Chairman. 6. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 7. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 7. 1 Annual Return 2018/19 7.1.1 To approve Annual Governance Statements for 2018/19 7.1.2 To approve Accounting Statements for 2018/19 7.2 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions with regard to the grant for Ide Hill Village Hall Trust 7.3 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions with regard to Ide Hill public conveniences 7.4 To approve/note items payable and paid 7.5 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, forming a new PR and Communications Committee 7.6 To agree the membership of Committees and Chair of Committees 7.7 To agree Appointment of Representatives of the Parish Council on Outside Bodies 7.8 To approve the Standing Orders 7.9 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions with regard to the Sundridge Community Land Trust 8.0 Items for report 8.1 Amenities 8.1.1To note the Clerk’s Amenities Report 8.1.3 To note asset register and agree Members to undertake an asset check 8.2 Stubbs Wood 8.2.1 To receive update 8.3 Finance 8.3.1 To note Budget for 2019/20 8.3.3 To receive verbal update from Finance Committee Meeting (immediately preceding Full Council Meeting) 9.0 Items for noting 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 To note general correspondence. 9.2 Meeting Dates 9.2.1 To note the dates of meetings for 2019/20 10. Urgent Business that occurs and requires attention before the next meeting may be reported at the Chairman’s discretion. 11. Date of next meeting Monday 15 July 2019 at Sundridge Village Hall 19 06 17 SWIH Full Council full set of papers Page 1 of 68 Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Please find below information to support the Agenda Items for the meeting of the Full Council on Monday June 17 at 7pm – Ide Hill Village Hall WiFi Code: IHvh6157 1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence – Cllr Furse, Banbrook and Miller 3. To approve as a correct record the Minutes (enclosed) of the Parish Council meeting held on 20 May 2019 – attached 4. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below 8.2 Sundridge and Brasted Social Club - the final lease to be signed is attached and will be signed by the Chair and Clerk at tonight’s meeting. 6. To consider, and approve if appropriate, which agenda items are sufficiently confidential as to warrant exclusion of members of the press and public under the provisions of The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 The Clerk is advising Members to consider discussed Agenda Item 7.9 in confidence. 7. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 7. 1 Annual Return 2018/19 7.1.1 To approve Annual Governance Statements for 2018/19 - attached 7.1.2 To approve Accounting Statements for 2018/19 - attached 7.2 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions with regard to the grant for Ide Hill Village Hall Trust – attached 7.3 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions with regard to Ide Hill public conveniences - attached 7.4 To approve/note items payable and paid – attached 7.5 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, forming a new PR and Communications Committee – attached 7.6 To agree the membership of Committees and Chair of Committees – attached 7.7 To agree Appointment of Representatives of the Parish Council on Outside Bodies – attached 7.8 To approve the Standing Orders – attached Two amendments to consider: a. Planning Committee – now being carried out by email – see 3y. b. Discuss the option of amending the quorum of the Full Council to 5 Members – see 3v. 7.9 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions with regard to the Sundridge Community Land Trust – Attached and also forwarded the pre-planning application. Overview - attached. 19 06 17 SWIH Full Council full set of papers Page 2 of 68 Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council 8.0 Items for report 8.1 Amenities 8.1.1To note the Clerk’s Amenities Report - attached 8.1.2 To note asset register and agree Members to undertake an asset check – attached 8.2 Stubbs Wood 8.2.1 To receive update 8.3 Finance 8.3.1 To note Budget for 2019/20 –attached 8.3.3 To receive verbal update from Finance Committee Meeting (immediately preceding Full Council Meeting) – meeting has been cancelled as there was not enough Members to attend. 9.0 Items for noting 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 To note general correspondence - attached 9.2 Meeting Dates 9.2.1 To note the dates of meetings for 2019/20 – attached – note the addition of an Amenities Committee meeting on Monday 8 July 2019. 10. Urgent Business that occurs and requires attention before the next meeting may be reported at the Chairman’s discretion. 11. Date of next meeting Monday 15 July 2019 at Sundridge Village Hall 19 06 17 SWIH Full Council full set of papers Page 3 of 68 Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council AGENDA ITEM 3.0 Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council Minutes of Full Council Meeting Monday 20 May, 7.00 pm Sundridge Village Hall Present: Councillors Allgood, Darby, Evans (Chair), Kempster (from Agenda Item 2.2) and Powell (from Agenda Item 2.2) Attendance: Amanda Barlow (Clerk) and 1 member of the public The Clerk advised that the election of Chair must take place prior to the co-option. 2. Annual General Meeting 2.1 To elect a Chair. Members resolved to elect Cllr Evans as Chairman of the Parish Council. Members resolved that those Members who were unable to attend the meeting should be allowed to complete their Declaration of Office at the next Full Council meeting. 1. To co-opt a member(s) to the Council for the two vacancies not filled at the election Members resolved to elect Ann Powell (Sundridge ward) and David Kempster (Ide Hill ward) to the Parish Council. 2. Annual General Meeting 2.2 To elect a Vice-Chair. Members resolved to elect Cllr Kempster as Vice Chairman of the Parish Council. 2.3 To elect Committee Members. Members resolved to agree to elect the Members at the next Parish Council meeting. 2.4 To elect Committees Chairs Members resolved to agree to elect the Members at the next Parish Council meeting. 2.5 Appointment of Members to the Areas of Responsibility Members resolved to agree to elect the Members at the next Parish Council meeting. 2.6 Appointment of Representatives of the Parish Council on Outside Bodies Members resolved to agree to elect the Members at the next Parish Council meeting. Signed Declarations of Acceptance of Office from the Chair and Vice Chair will be given to the Clerk. Cllr Evans requested that Members did not continually email the Clerk with persistent emails. 8. To receive apologies and reasons for absence. Apologies were received and accepted by Cllr Banbrook, Cllr Jones, Cllr Baker, Cllr Nash, Cllr Miller and Cllr Furse. 9. To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and disclosable pecuniary interests on items on the agenda and updates to members’ register of interests. Cllr Darby declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 8.2. 10. To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 15 April 2019 The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record. 11. To take Matters arising from the Minutes where these are not covered under the subject headings below The Clerk advised that she has now signed the Deed of Easement for Ide Hill Green. 12. A Public Open Session. Members of the public will be welcome to address the Parish Council with any local concerns they have. Please note this item will be limited in time at the discretion of the Chairman. Simon, the manager of Sundridge and Ide Hill Football Club thanked the Parish Council for their support and invited Members and the public to attend their open day on 23 June. Simon asked if the Parish Council could look at the floodlights for the football pitches. 13. Items for decision and allocation of resources if necessary. 8.1 To discuss and agree, if appropriate, the next actions with regard to Sundridge Recreation Ground Members resolved that Sundridge & Brasted Primary School should use the Sundridge Recreation Ground free of charge on 12 July 2019.
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