~ l p . r k ~ VLR: o?/az/q p National Register of Histofie Places R P! 11 Y Rqisttatlan Farm ~~isforu~hnami~w~dasmn~far1nd'W~anddlstnaf.h1nstrnsrnwtoC6mpk#em hlaw d mtan: mmfmbm ENatKmal AqhrBulWn 1M).Complete Whttm by marlung "x'* In tha approprbare box or by by tWt I- raqu8stsd. If m M dW5 ~otawly t6 the bet* aoeumM. "NIA" fw'mt -able " Fw lurrCf~bns. archflecturd d&Ca~on, matenah. and are- d slgmfiutnce, amsr onb cate#nes and subCBtepMles kom the ~nstruams.Place Wdtt~om mnae adrsanatrw item on mlmmSRBBtO lNPS Fdno 10.900&). US$ a typemtdr. word Proewwqrw wmwer. to cwnplrte all lferns. hrsltoriC name Halwyck other namsslsite number James Hoge Tyler House (VDHR File No. 126-79) 2. Lmth street & number 915 Tvler Avenue NJA 0 not for publication CiryrxZown Ra&f ord N/A 0 vicinity state Virginia c~de V A county Radf~rdI city code -750 rip cede 24141 -3. Statelfedemf Agency CertMcation I ~s the wtgnated sumonty under the rJatlanar ~ita&eP&mm~ct. as amended, I hemw cefiiw that this ~IIJnornnram a request fw determlnalion 01 eligdllity meets the cbzumentation standards for cegrstertng prmms;: In the Natronal Rqlster d Histm Places and meets the prwaduml and prolesstonal requtrements sef fmh In 36 GFR Pan 60. In my ~pln~on.the -P a meets O does not meet the Nat~onalRegrster cr~teria.I wm-trnend that this pcoperty b cons~deredsign~hcant natmatty 0 statewid @ vly [a See contiouatron sheet Iw a&: ~omm~.) I T?hr hnia De artrnent of CEistoric Resources 1 siak 2F-i bumau I I In my ovnm. rtw pmD.m a mn C &ma WH m* lh. NamRwna cntena. (C See sontmuation sbm for addm0n.l I I I commsntr.) I Signature of certityng officiaklitle Date 4. National Park Sewb CM#ication I nere~y- cerlrb that the pmperPj IS Stsnature of the Keeoer Date or Action '- mrer* In me Natronal Regrstw. - L See cont~nuatronshm. dammmed ehg~bketor the Mattonal Reg~ster - C see cont~nuatlonv. - dererrnlnd not elqrbie lor the - national Reg8ster. - rernwed hWn the National - Reg~stsr other. (expla!n:) Halwyck Radford. Virginia-. .. Nur* of Prmy bunw am Slate 5. amomdon ownmhlpot- c.hgoyotP~ Numkrot~wlthlnpmpy (Chck aa maw MI= u .Whl) (Check only one kx) (Da not mbde pnnau(y h.ud mmmn m m count.) .. 7 - - C publiclocal district-' 1 2 buildings C! publicSkte s site C publi+ederal 0 structure n o sites object 0 0 mures 1 2 Total Name of relatad multlpla prOp.rty liatln~ Numbu of contributing nrourcea pmvbdy 1iat.d (Emw 'NIA 11 IS rm pM d WIulbpb pmpy immng.) iflth.N.tknrlR.gbtw N/ A 0 6. Function a Ur HI- Functkna Cumt Functlw (Enter catepma hum maIN*m) (Enter categoma fmm I~*N*IO~¶J DOMESTIC/ sinqie dwellina TTP/ EQ- DOMESTIC/ secondarv structure - 7. Deacrlption Architectural CIasaiflutlon Matarlala (Enter calegonss lrom ~nnructlons) (Ener categories from I~SIWIO~S) LATE VICTORIAN/ Queen Anne foundatlon STONE/ limestone walls BRICK WOOD/ shingle roof STONE/ slate other Namtlve Descrlptlon (DexrIM tne nlnonc and currant condltmn of tha propw on one or more conunuatlon sheets.) Halwvck Radford, Virginia 01 Pmpeml County and Slate -~--- -~ ..~~~ (Mark ..I" m one or mom box& la the criteria pual~tylngthe pr-ny (Enter cslegori& from instrunms) for Natmal Regrstu 11sMg.j POLITICS/GOVERNMENT - L A Property is associated with events that have made ARCHITECTURE a significant contMion to the broad panems of our history. 5 B Property is associated with the lives of persons signitcant in our past. C Pmperty embodies the dtsttncttve characterlstm of a type, penod, or method of constructon or represents the work of a master, or possesses htgh ant* values, or represents a stgntflcant and d~stlngulshableentlty whose components lack Period of Significance ~ndlvtduald~strnctlon 1892-1925 - - D Property has yielded, or is likely to yield. informat~onimportant in prehistory or history. Criteria Considerations Significant Datm (Mark 'x ' tn all the Mxes that apply ) ---- Property IS: - :- A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes. Significant Person - - B removed from its or~ginallocation. (Complete 11Cr~ter~on B is marked above) - James Hoae Tyler _ C a birthplace or grave. - Cultural Affiliation _ D a cemetery N/A - - E a reconstructed butldtng, object, or structure. - - F a commemorative property. - - G less than 50 years of age or achteved s~gntftcance Architect/ Builder w~th~nthe past 50 years. unknown Narrative Statement of Significance lExolaln~. me s~antllcanceot the DroDelrv.. on one or more contlnuatlon sheets I 9. Major Blbllogmphiul References Bibilography (Cite the woks, anrles. and other sources used !n prepanng this lorm on one or more contlnuatlon sheets I Previous documentation on file (NPS): Primary location of additional data: T prelimtnary determination of individual listtng (36 -2 State Historic Prese~attonOffice CFR 67) has been requested - _ Other State agency - previously listed in the National Register 'ZFederal agency J previously determined eligible by the National Z Local government Register O Un~vers~ty 5- des~gnateda National Historic Landmark C Other - recorded by Histortc American Bulldings Survey Name of reposttory: mnt nF 'Jic+oric C recorded by Historic American Engineering Record 14 Resources Halwyck Radford, Virqinia NmdmFaW CoumvndState 10. 6.oprghial Dam UTM R- (Placa &ddilional UTM rsfmnar on a cmiinualion sheet) 1st aaloQ- 14.1in, qi-;lqin; 3- Zone Easttng Northing Zone Easttng Nonhtng I[:,. i /I,,i 1;; 1 2- 4i: , - 7 L See conllnuallon she-. Boundmy JurtMatkn (Exaun uhy the bwnd.nn vmm selected on a com!nuatlon shoe(.) 11. Fom Prqmmd BY ,ameltile Gibson Worsham, Architect organization Gibson Worsham, Architect date December 5. 1995 Zellow Sulphur Springs Srwl 8 number telephone (540) 552 - 4730 Christiansburg, Virginia 24073 city or town state Virginia dp code 24073 Contlnuatlon Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location A Sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photographs Representative black and whlte photographs of the property. Additional Items (Check w~ththe SHPO or FPO lor any additional items) name Richard T. and Patricia Cleary Jackson street & number 915 Tvler Avenue telephone (540) 731-0288 city or town Radford =tate Virqinia upcode 24141 ~-~p - ~ ~~~p- Paponvork R.du*lar Ad StaIanmnt: This information is belng collected for applications lo the National Reg~sterof H~storlcPlva lo nomlnale PropeR~eSbf linlng or dstmIlne ellgiblii tor lining, to list propenles. and to amend exlstlng lialngs. Response lo lhls requer! u requlred lo Obtain a MneM in acwaame with the NatloMl HlsIonc Prewwatton An, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470 el seg.). E.1M.d Bwd.n SO(*mnt: Publc npabng burdm lor thls form 0s enlmeted to average 18 1 houn per response bnciudlng bmlor revlewlng Innrunmr, gath.nng and mntvnlng du.and mmplebng amd revtew~ngtha (on DlrW canmrms rrgudlng tho8 burden errma or any aMan ol thu (on lo the Chnt. AdmnutnDw S.mou Dm.Natmful Park Safwca. P 0 Box 37127 Wash~ngm.DC 2M117127. uld the OmCe of Man.0.mcmt and &ld0.I. PaPewcfh Rebmona Prqma (102*0010). Washangon. DC 20K)3 National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Halwyck 7 1 Radford, Virginia Section number page Summary Description Halwyck, a large, brick, two-story dwelling, is located on a vooded bluff-top lot overlooking bottomland along the New River in the city of Radford, Virginia. The ornate building includes materials and details characteristic of the Queen Anne architectural style. Two noncontributing buildings, a frame garage and a concrete block dwelling, stand on the tract to the southeast. Narrative Halwyck is a brick, two-story, central-passage, T-plan dwelling with a hipped roof, an inset central cast iron porch, and a much-altered rear wing. The three-bay principal facade of the house faces northeast and downhill on a steeply sloping hillside. The sloping site results in the basement being fully underground on the rear (southwest) and fully above ground on the northeast, so that it gives the impression of a three-story house on the front. The front and side walls are detailed with brick quoins incorporating quarter-round molded bricks at the corners. The slate roof, topped by ornamental cast iron cresting, rests on a cornice built up from several deeply cut moldings and a delicate dentil course. The same cornice is employed on the original bay windows and the one-story elements on the southwest facade. The one-over-one, double-hung sash windows incorporate wooden sills and molded wooden cornices. Original louvered blinds, visible in historic photographs, are missing.' The northeast or front facade is the most carefully detailed. The central bay on each of the three floors contains a door with sidelights and transoms. The partially inset, central entry bay on all three floors is provided with a door with transom and sidelights and is protected by a three-story, cast-iron porch. The delicate ironwork incorporates Renaissance tendril forms in both the frieze and railing. The section of the house to the west of the porch projects beyond the main body of the facade. The central entry is inset under the main roof. To each side of the central bay are identical stacked window elements. The basement level features triple one-over-one double-hung sash windows. Above these on the first floor level are two polygonal bay windows with National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet Halwyck Radford,Virginia Sectkn number 7 page 2 panelled sides supported on scrolled brackets. The brick wing walls flanking each bay window rise into the second floor with wooden shingles placed on either side of paired, one-over-one, double-hung sash windows.
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