THE HAGUE INTERNATIONAL MODEL UNITED NATIONS QATAR VIII ANNUAL SESSION ADMINISTRATIVE HANDBOOK PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS 22 - 25 JANUARY 2019, QATAR NATIONAL CONVENTION CENTER, DOHA, QATAR PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS This year’s conference theme is Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, inspired by Sustainable Development Goal 16. The goal of SDG 16 is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable PEACE, JUSTICE development, provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and AND STRONG inclusive institutions at all levels. INSTITUTIONS These values are at the core of sustainable development. Several regions have enjoyed increased and sustained levels of peace and security in recent decades, but many countries still face protracted armed confict and violence. Far too many people struggle as a result of weak institutions and the lack of access to justice, information and other fundamental freedoms. http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/peace-justice/ This year’s agenda issues refect many of the goals laid out by SDG 16, including » Signifcantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere » End abuse, exploitation, traffcking and all forms of violence against and torture of children » Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels and ensure equal access to justice for all » By 2030, signifcantly reduce illicit fnancial and arms fows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets and combat all forms of organized crime » Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms » Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels » Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels » Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance » By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration » Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements » Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime » Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development THIMUN QATAR ADMINISTRATIVE HANDBOOK 2019 VIII ANNUAL SESSION CONTENTS COUNTDOWN TO PARTICIPATION 2 CONDUCT General Behaviour 15 PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME OF EVENTS 3 MUN Directors’ Responsibilities 15 Conduct In The Convention Center 15 ISSUES ON THE AGENDA 4 Conduct In Hotels 16 DELEGATIONS 2019 Alcohol, Drugs, Dress, and Personal Safety 16 Other Items 16 Members of the United Nations 6 Security Council 7 THIMUN-AFFILIATED MODEL UNITED NATIONS ECOSOC 7 Aims of Affliation 17 Non-Member Delegations 7 Conditions of Affliation 18 CCPCJ 7 Benefts of Affliation 18 Delegation Size 8 Application Procedure 18 Assignment of Roles and Functions 8 Calendar of THIMUN Affliated Conferences 19 APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF STUDENT OFFICER, DELEGATE OF THE SPECIAL THIMUN FOUNDATION 21 COMMITTEES - FOREIGN LANGUAGE, QMUNITY PRESS DELEGATE OR INTERNATIONAL COURT OF THIMUN QATAR 22 JUSTICE General Rules 9 DIRECTORS TRAINING INSTITUTE 23 I. Student Offcers 9 II. Special Committee - Foreign Language 9 MUN IMPACT 24 III. QMUNITY Voice 10 IV. International Court of Justice 10 QATAR LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE 25 CONFERENCE FEES & DEADLINES YOUTH SERVICE & GAIA AWARD 26 Conference Fees 11 Registration & Deadline 11 Financial Aid 11 Changes & Cancellations 11 Payments 12 TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION Travelling to Doha 13 Airport Pick-up Bus Service 13 Transportation in Doha 13 Accommodation 13 Hotel Booking 13 Visas 14 Education for Justice Supporting the integration of crime prevention and the rule of law into all levels of education Adopted at the conclusion of the 13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, the Doha Declaration highlights the importance of education as a tool to preventing crime and corruption. It emphasizes that education for children and youth is fundamental in promoting a culture that supports the rule of law, crime prevention and criminal justice. In support of this, the Education for Justice (E4J) initiative – under the Global Programme for the Imple- mentation of the Doha Declaration – has been developed to create and disseminate education materials in UNODC-mandated areas of crime prevention and criminal justice across the primary, secondary and tertiary education levels. Online tools and academic resources will be made available free of charge, while workshops, conferences and symposia will be organized for teachers and academics to learn and exchange ideas and research. E4J and secondary education At the secondary education level, E4J is devel- At Model UN, “you broaden your oping practical and interactive educational materials aimed at secondary school students horizons. By learning and net- and teachers to promote the understanding of working, you can be part of the the basic concepts that lie at the core of UNO- UN's eforts to establish peace, DC-mandated areas. The materials focus on secure human rights and enable ownership, behaviour, rights and responsibili- ties, aimed at empowering secondary level all people to live in dignity. students to identify, prevent and resolve moral, ethical or legal dilemmas. Secretary-General António Guterres Model United Nations MUNs ofer a popular way to learn about the United Nations and to give tomorrow’s leaders [email protected] an insight into negotiating at the international level. E4J launched a guide to support MUNers @DohaDeclaration who wish to integrate crime prevention and criminal justice issues into their simulations. unodc.org/e4j Participating students will be able to learn about the global rule of law challenges being in bit.ly/e4j-linkedin discussed at the core of the United Nations. Find out more at unodc.org/e4j/mun. Education for Justice Supporting the integration of crime prevention and the rule of law into all levels of education THIMUN QATAR 2019 PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS THIMUN Qatar is honored to be partnering with the United Nations Offce on Drugs and Crime’s Education for Justice (E4J) initiative, an outgrowth of the 13th United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. The Doha Declaration, adopted in 2013 at the conclusion of this Congress, stressed the importance of education as a tool for preventing corruption and crime. To that end, E4J has developed a number of innovative resources, including an MUN Resource Guide, to further education of its mandates and spread awareness on a wide variety of topics. THIMUN Qatar was an early collaborator with E4J, and is honored to theme the 2019 Model United Nations conference on SDG 16-Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Every committee and commission at this year’s event has an UNODC/SDG 16 agenda item. The Special Committee focuses entirely on ODC’s core mandates. In addition, the majority of THIMUN Qatar’s sessional speakers will be UNODC offcials, making their way to Doha to share their expertise with THIMUN Qatar delegates and directors. THIMUN Qatar is also pleased to host its frst Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) using Rules of Procedure that more accurately refect the workings of this body. Delegates will fnd much that is similar between traditional MUN and the procedures of the CCPCJ, but there are several signifcant differences: no voting (but rather, the application of the Vienna consensus, an informal practice used in negotiations on draft resolutions), line by line review of the draft resolution, and the submission of the resolution to the Economic and Social Council, where it will be voted upon. We would like to thank the E4J team for their guidance and collaboration, for signifcant contributions to the THIMUN Qatar program, and for helping members of the TQ community put peace, justice and strong institutions at the heart of their learning and debates. Information and resources on the running of the CCPCJ, as well as links to further reading on all of the SDG 16/UNODC mandate areas will be made available for delegates and directors on the THIMUN Qatar website For more information, visit: http://www.unodc.org/e4j THIMUN QATAR Administrative Handbook 2019 2 COUNTDOWN TO PARTICIPATION MAY The registration opens on May 1st 2018. To register as a new school please email [email protected] in order to be added to the list of invited schools. To register as a returning school please go to MUNIS at http://apps.thimun.org/thimun/entrance and submit FORM I as well as a deposit fee of QAR 3500. This fee is deductible from the fnal balance. Cancellations after September 17th will loose their deposit. On May 1st, applications for THIMUN Qatar specialist positions opens for Student Offcer, THIMUN Qatar Press: QMUNITY Voice, International Court of Justice (ICJ), and our special Arabic and French Committees. Application forms for those positions need to be emailed to [email protected] by MUN directors before September 17th. SEPTEMBER On September 17th Form II is open. Please submit the registration details for your delegation. International schools should book hotels and fights and begin to gather passport copies for participants requiring visas into Qatar. The deadline is November 11th. On September 24th Student offcer position
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