University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (2000s) Student Newspapers 4-24-2000 Current, April 24, 2000 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: http://irl.umsl.edu/current2000s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, April 24, 2000" (2000). Current (2000s). 19. http://irl.umsl.edu/current2000s/19 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2000s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. V OLUME 33 Nationalistic mirth: April 24, Another successful Mirthday has come and ~OOO gone, and we've got the full-color photos to prove ISSUE 989 it! ~ See page 12 ~ .... ~................................ ~~ .. ~.... ~ .................... .. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOUR I - ST. L OUIS . What's Insi de Cline postpones SGA elections By.JOE HARRIS senior editol' 'Students were not satisfied' with way election was run) she says The result of the Student She said the SGA would hold new in AUgust," Grace said. '1 W1derstand Government Association election last elections in August after students and respect the decision of the chair of week was a shocker-nobody won. return for classes. Candidates will the election committee." . April Oine, the chair of the SGA have to file anew to run. SGA President Darwin Butler was election committee, said she made the On Wednesday morning, just hours running fora second term, He said he decision before the winners were to be was disappointed that the elections 2000-2001 Tu e s day announced at Mirtbday, Cline notified were canceled. night due to the candidates of the cancellation in a "I thillk it should have been han­ Beware 'he dark side: numerous meeting that included G, Gary Grace, dled better than that," Butler said. The SGA election fiascoes grievances vice-chancellor of Student Affairs, 'The student government that was are just the latest in a year Elections and because Joanne Bocci, interim associate vice­ here while I was incarcerated, I think of blunders. This week's the election chancellor of Student Affairs, and they had more than enough time to editorial prescribes strong {;ommittee ran out of ballots in the Rick Blanton, director of Student make sure that this situation got taken middle of voting Tuesday. Activities. Grace said he supports the care of, and it didn't. " medicine for an ailing SGA. Numerous students reported not decision. :Michael Rankins, SGA vice presi­ being able to vote Thesday before the '1 understand the circumstances dent, was running for re-election as .. See page 4 polls were supposed to dose at 6 p.m, that the election committee went was Butler. Rankins said he wasn't ''The elections were canceled through and April Cline put forward a sutprised by the decision after he saw because the students were not satisfied good set of arguments as to why it was how the elections were being run. U -W ire with the way it was running, and I felt in the best interest of all candidates Rankins said some of the problems that since I'm here to serve the stu­ and the student body and 1he were that ballot boxes didn't open on April Cline fills out a ballot for the SGA elections while manning News dents that that was the only proper University at large to postpone or can­ the poll inside the University Center. Cline later canceled the thing to do," Cline said. cel these elections and hold them again . see ELECTIONS, page 8 elections when the election committee ran out of ballots. Double study gives students Men's soccer coach more options BY SEAN CALLANAN exp s Belhaven Tbe Collegiate Times (U-WIRE) BLACKSBURG, Va. - Some stude nts choos.e to explore NAJA infractions muttiplefielcts of study, but few know the dift'eren o:> between being a double major and having a double degree. BY .JOE HARRIS & The insurance infractions According to the Virginia Tech DAVE KINWORTHY involved two players who also Col ~ege of Arts and Sdences web­ staJ! edtto"rs played for the Jackson Chargers, a site, students sflOU!d be aware of club team not affiliated with the the difference between the two to When new Rivennen soccer l1earl school. The Chargers insured its save themselves unnecessary time coach Hannibal Najjar was at players, and Naijar did not report tlllS and work. Belba\'en College in Jackson, Miss., to the NAIA as he was required to A student who graduates with the school reported some infractions do. a double major earns one degree, according to the website. The pri­ of National Association of "By virtue of being on the mary major appears on the diplo­ Intercollegiate Athletics rules. Jackson Chargers and having been ma, and the secondary major Na,jjar served as both the athletics insured by the Chargers, that annual appears on a certificate. A nota­ director and the men's and women's coverage was carried over into the tion on the student's transcript soccer coach at Belhaven from college setting," Najjar said. "That is . shows a second major was com­ 1994-1998. The infractions included where it appeared to have an infrac­ pleted. failure to report who paid for some tion. All that was needed to be done However, a student with a dou· players' health insurance and how he was we should have reported that ble degree "must complete a min­ handled their road meal stipend, segment of the insurance to the imum of hours beyol1d that 30 Naijar said he was not aware of school's accounts. It was not a situa­ required for the first degree. U tion where anyone was doing any­ This equates to 150 credit any of the violations at the time they hours in many disciplines. If a stu­ were committed. thing deceptive. I did it for three and dent then completes all require­ 'It was a strange thing," Naljar a half years, What was going on ments for both degrees, the stu­ said, ''This was a situation where, in from many years before I contin­ dent earns two degrees or sepa- my opinion and in my recollection, I ued." ~.f rate diplomas. carne and met the situation as it was. Ulllversity of Missouri-St. LDuis "I want to finish my degree in At that time, no violations were in Athletic Director Pat Dolan said sev­ four years without going to sum­ the making or were made. What I eral things made Najjar stand out mer school," said Amanda Riley, carne in and met was a situation of a from the other candidates, sophomore English and psychology school that had a great soccer tradi­ "Number one, his varied experi­ major. "I don't see how I could tion and won a national champi­ ence and service in soccer in that he ever complete 150 credits over four years. Forme a double major onship. What I came in and literally has done club select sports, he's f just makes more sense." did was taken over from what the coached at other universities and Because double degrees previous administration, athletic require more work, most students director and coach, had endorsed." see SOCCER, page 8 choose to pursue double majors" said James Klagge, a philosophy professor an d advisor. 'We have lots of double major5: ' he said, "but there have ''! only been a few double degrees,in Police intervene in I re:ent time. They require a lot more work, and students generraHy . find they can acnieve their goals scuffle at SGA office with a double major." Adouble degtee might not be necessaiY becalJse most employerrs BY .JOE HARRIS doorway, Victim Owens stated he " I' are nct concerned with the num­ senior editor was not injured and he did not wish ber of degrees a student earns but to prosecute on this matter." rather the area of study, said The University Police were called Butler said he never hit Owens Becca Scott, career advisor at the Career Ccunseling Center. Honors College prepares to move into to the Student Government with a door. "I'm not sure if many employ­ Association offices on April 13 after Owens "could either come in and ers know the difference between SGA Representative Les Owens was close the door, or he could step out­ a double major and a double ejected from an executive committee side and close the door because we degree," Scott said. "I don't thinK old Daughters of Charity building meeting. was conducting a meeting, and there is a set standard for employ:. "I was smashed by a door, pur­ Lester told me that he chose to do ers to use in hiring students. It posefully," Owens said. "I'm going what he wanted to do," Butler said, mostly depends on what field a' B,Y BEN.JAMIN ISRAEL for the western United States for However, there isn't enough time to pursue a grievance in reference to "So I told Les that I had to close the studlent studies and' now well they staff editor Daughters of Charity, an order of to wire the building for teleoommuni­ being assaulted by another student." door so I reached up to kind of close do in that fietd. " Roman Catholic nuns that once cations and computers and fuen Owens had no further comment the door and that's when he made his .. The Honors College plans to owned a tract that also included the move fumiture, computers and files, on the incident. .. statement about calling the police move to a building purchased this old St.
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