01 02 03 04 05 06 SHADOW TYRANTS 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S31 N32 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd i 6/7/18 8:16 PM 01 TITLES BY CLIVE CUSSLER 02 03 04 DIRK PITT® ADVENTURES SAM AND REMI FARGO ADVENTURES 05 Odessa Sea (with Dirk Cussler) The Gray Ghost 06 Havana Storm (with Dirk Cussler) (with Robin Burcell) 07 Poseidon’s Arrow The Romanov Ransom 08 (with Dirk Cussler) (with Robin Burcell) 09 Crescent Dawn Pirate (with Robin Burcell) 10 (with Dirk Cussler) The Solomon Curse (with Russell Blake) 11 Arctic Drift (with Dirk Cussler) The Eye of Heaven 12 Treasure of Khan (with Dirk Cussler) (with Russell Blake) 13 Black Wind The Mayan Secrets 14 (with Dirk Cussler) (with Thomas Perry) 15 Trojan Odyssey The Tombs (with Thomas Perry) 16 Valhalla Rising The Kingdom (with Grant Blackwood) 17 Atlantis Found Lost Empire 18 Flood Tide (with Grant Blackwood) 19 Shock Wave Spartan Gold 20 Inca Gold (with Grant Blackwood) 21 Sahara 22 Dragon ISAAC BELL ADVENTURES 23 Treasure The Cutthroat (with Justin Scott) 24 Cyclops The Gangster (with Justin Scott) 25 Deep Six The Assassin (with Justin Scott) 26 Pacific Vortex! The Bootlegger (with Justin Scott) 27 Night Probe! The Striker (with Justin Scott) 28 Vixen 03 The Thief (with Justin Scott) 29 Raise the Titanic! The Race (with Justin Scott) 30 Iceberg The Spy (with Justin Scott) 31S The Mediterranean Caper The Wrecker (with Justin Scott) 32N The Chase 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd ii 6/7/18 8:16 PM 01 02 03 Mirage (with Jack Du Brul) KURT AUSTIN ADVENTURES 04 The Jungle (with Jack Du Brul) NOVELS FROM THE NUMA® FILES 05 The Silent Sea The Rising Sea 06 (with Graham Brown) (with Jack Du Brul) 07 Nighthawk (with Graham Brown) Corsair (with Jack Du Brul) 08 The Pharaoh’s Secret (with Graham Plague Ship (with Jack Du Brul) Brown) Skeleton Coast 09 Ghost Ship (with Jack Du Brul) 10 (with Graham Brown) Dark Watch (with Jack Du Brul) 11 Zero Hour Sacred Stone (with Craig Dirgo) 12 (with Graham Brown) Golden Buddha 13 The Storm (with Graham Brown) (with Craig Dirgo) 14 Devil’s Gate (with Graham Brown) 15 16 Medusa (with Paul Kemprecos) NONFICTION The Navigator 17 Built for Adventure: The Classic (with Paul Kemprecos) Automobiles of Clive Cussler 18 Polar Shift and Dirk Pitt 19 (with Paul Kemprecos) Built to Thrill: More Classic 20 Lost City (with Paul Kemprecos) Automobiles from Clive Cussler 21 White Death and Dirk Pitt (with Paul Kemprecos) The Sea Hunters 22 Fire Ice (with Paul Kemprecos) (with Craig Dirgo) 23 Blue Gold (with Paul Kemprecos) The Sea Hunters II 24 (with Craig Dirgo) Serpent (with Paul Kemprecos) 25 Clive Cussler and 26 Dirk Pitt Revealed (with Craig Dirgo) 27 OREGON® FILES 28 Typhoon Fury (with Boyd Morrison) 29 CHILDREN’S BOOKS The Emperor’s Revenge 30 (with Boyd Morrison) The Adventures of Vin Fiz S31 Piranha (with Boyd Morrison) The Adventures of Hotsy Totsy N32 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd ii 6/7/18 8:16 PM 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd iii 6/7/18 8:16 PM 01 A NOVEL OF THE OREGON ® FILES 02 03 04 05 06 SHADOW 07 08 09 TYRANTS 10 11 12 13 CLIVE CUSSLER 14 15 and Boyd Morrison 16 17 18 19 g. p. putnam’s sons 20 New York 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S31 N32 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd iv 6/7/18 8:16 PM 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd v 6/7/18 8:16 PM 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 g. p. putnam’s sons Publishers Since 1838 08 An imprint of Penguin Random House LLC 09 375 Hudson Street New York, New York 10014 10 11 Copyright © 2018 by Sandecker, RLLLP 12 Penguin supports copyright. Copyright fuels creativity, encourages 13 diverse voices, promotes free speech, and creates a vibrant culture. Thank you for buying an authorized edition of this book and for 14 complying with copyright laws by not reproducing, scanning, or distributing any part of it in any form without permission. 15 You are supporting writers and allowing Penguin 16 to continue to publish books for every reader. 17 Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data 18 [Insert CIP] 19 Printed in the United States of America 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 20 21 Book design by TK 22 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the authors’ imaginations or are used fictitiously, and 23 any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, 24 companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31S 32N 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd vi 6/7/18 8:16 PM 01 Cast of Characters 02 03 04 05 The Kalinga War 06 Ashoka the Terrible Mauryan Emperor. 07 08 Kathar Mauryan general. 09 Vit Ashoka’s younger brother. 10 11 12 The Corporation 13 Juan Cabrillo Chairman of the Corporation and captain of the 14 Oregon. 15 Max Hanley President of the Corporation, Juan’s second‑in‑ 16 command, and chief engineer of the Oregon. 17 Linda Ross Vice president of operations for the Corporation and 18 U.S. Navy veteran. 19 Eddie Seng Director of shore operations for the Corporation and 20 former CIA agent. 21 Eric Stone Chief helmsman on the Oregon and U.S. Navy veteran. 22 Mark “Murph” Murphy Chief weapons officer on theOregon 23 and former U.S. military weapons designer. 24 Franklin “Linc” Lincoln Corporation operative and former U.S. 25 Navy SEAL. 26 Marion MacDougal “MacD” Lawless Corporation operative and 27 former U.S. Army Ranger. 28 Raven Malloy Corporation operative and former U.S. Army Mil‑ 29 itary Police investigator. 30 George “Gomez” Adams Helicopter pilot and drone operator on S31 the Oregon. N32 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd vi 6/7/18 8:16 PM 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd vii 6/7/18 8:16 PM 01 Hali Kasim Chief communications officer on the Oregon. 02 Dr. Julia Huxley Chief medical officer on the Oregon. 03 Kevin Nixon Chief of the Oregon’s Magic Shop. 04 Maurice Chief steward on the Oregon. 05 Chuck “Tiny” Gunderson Chief fixed-­wing pilot for the Corpo‑ 06 ration. 07 08 The Nine Unknown and Associates 09 10 Romir Mallik CEO of Orbital Ocean and descendent gifted with the cosmogony scroll from the Scrolls of Knowledge. 11 12 Xavier Carlton CEO of Unlimited News International and de‑ scendent gifted with the propaganda scroll from the Scrolls of 13 Knowledge. 14 Jason Wakefield CEO of Vedor Telecom and descendent gifted 15 with the communication scroll from the Scrolls of Knowledge. 16 Lionel Gupta CEO of OreDyne Systems and descendent gifted 17 with the alchemy scroll from the Scrolls of Knowledge. 18 Melissa Valentine Internet search firm founder and descendent 19 gifted with the scroll about the mysteries of light from the 20 Scrolls of Knowledge. 21 Daniel Saidon CEO of Saidon Heavy Industries and descendent 22 gifted with the gravity scroll from the Scrolls of Knowledge. 23 Pedro Neves Biotech executive and descendent gifted with the 24 scroll on diseases from the Scrolls of Knowledge. 25 Boris Volanski Head of military contracting firm and descendent 26 gifted with the physiology scroll from the Scrolls of Knowledge. 27 Hans Schultz Swiss banker and descendent gifted with the sociol‑ 28 ogy scroll from the Scrolls of Knowledge. 29 Asad Torkan Brother‑in‑law of Romir Mallik. 30 31S Rasul Torkan Asad Torkan’s twin. 32N Natalie Taylor Assistant to Xavier Carlton. 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd viii 6/7/18 8:16 PM Missing plane victims 01 Lyla Dhawan Chief technology officer of Singular Solutions. 02 03 Adam Carlton Son of Xavier Carlton. 04 05 Central Intelligence Agency 06 Langston Overholt IV The Corporation’s CIA liaison. 07 08 Diego Garcia incident 09 Keith Tao Leader of Triton Star hijackers. 10 Major Jay Petkunas B‑1B bomber pilot. 11 12 Captain Hank Larsson B‑1B bomber copilot. 13 Lieutenant Colonel Barbara Goodman Air Force Global Position‑ 14 ing System commander. 15 Sergeant Joseph Brandt Camp Thunder Cove communications 16 operator. 17 18 Jhootha Island 19 Fyodor Yudin Warden. 20 21 Colossus 22 Chen Min Chief scientist. 23 24 India 25 26 General Arnav Ghosh Head of the Indian military’s weapons procurement. 27 28 Kiara Jain Bollywood actress. 29 Gautam Puri Kiara’s boyfriend. 30 Prisha Naidu Bollywood actress and friend of Kiara’s. S31 Samar Naidu Prisha’shusband. N32 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd viii 6/7/18 8:16 PM 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd ix 6/7/18 8:16 PM 01 02 03 04 05 06 SHADOW TYRANTS 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S31 N32 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd x 6/7/18 8:16 PM 9780735219069_Shadow_TX.indd xi 6/7/18 8:16 PM 01 PROLOGUE 02 03 04 05 THE KINGDOM OF KALINGA 06 THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT 07 08 261 B.C. 09 10 The air reeked of smoke and burnt flesh. The army’s main encamp‑ 11 ment was on the other side of the destroyed city. The only sound 12 was the restless shuffling of hooves from the Imperial Guard’s 13 horses and the snapping of the Royal Lion banner in the breeze. 14 “How many dead?” Mauryan emperor Ashoka the Terrible 15 asked his top general, Kathar, who sat astride an ebony stallion 16 that contrasted with Ashoka’s brilliant white steed.
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