SPORTS m to w n SERVING ABERDEEN,HAZLET, KEYPORT AND MATAWAN Page 42 M A R C H 9 , 1 9 9 4 ____________________________________________________ 4 0 C E N T S V O L U M E 2 4 , N U M B E R 10 S tru g g lin g fo r self-su fficien cy FOCUS: Getting off w elfare Stories on pages 6 and 7 BY CANDY TRUNZO Staff W riter f you think it’s difficult to get on welfare, it’s been even more difficult to get off. For decades, women receiving public assis­ tance were caught up in a system that did little to discourage the cycle of dependency, accord­ ing to Luis Navarro, an administrator in the Monmouth County Department of Human IServices (DHS). The system has changed. In recent years, several state, federal and private, non-profit programs have been implemented to help women move in a new direction — toward self­ sufficiency. “These programs have given women hope and the courage to move forward,” said Kathleen Brady, deputy director of the DHS. “Not only are the people coming out of these programs doing better, their children are doing better.” Before Faith Rovinsky was on welfare, she was a suburban housewife, pampered by her truck-driver husband. Although According to Brady, 5,000 families receive times got tough for Rovinsky, she is intent on getting her life back on track. She is now enrolled in Brookdale public assistance in Monmouth County. About Community College’s nursing program and volunteers at the college’s Children’s Learning Center. For her story, see Continued on page 6 page 7. (Photo by Rich Schultz) O fficia ls restrict ad u lt b u sin esses It further limits the location of such businesses with­ opening an adult book store in a vacant store on the More limitations may in those zones, excluding them from within 1,500 feet of south side of Route 36 near Holy Family School. a place of worship, 500 feet from a school, and 1,000 Many of the people present at the meeting attend feet from a public park or playground. Holy Family Church, which is in Union Beach across be added Tuesday Adult motels are prohibited within 1,000 feet of the highway from the school. BY MARILYN DUFF churches, schools and residences. Township Attorney John Bennett said, though, that The committee plans to add further restrictions at its the ordinance was not in reaction to any specific appli­ Staff W riter meeting this Tuesday. cation, but to protect the town against future applica­ At last week’s meeting, the Rev. Jack Johnson, pas­ tions. No one has submitted an application for a sexual­ tor of St. John’s United Methodist Church, Florence ly-oriented business, Bennett said. Avenue, and the Rev. Patrick Fitzpatrick, pastor of Holy The ordinance was introduced Feb. 15 and the com­ H azlet township is trying to nip smut in the bud. Family Catholic Church, Route 36, spoke against such mittee received a Planning Board recommendation in fa­ With a record audience packing the meeting room in businesses. vor of it on the day of the hearing. Town Hall and overflowing into the hallway, the “We want to go on record to oppose such a business At the outset of the meeting, Mayor John Bradshaw Township Committee March 1 adopted an ordinance coming into our community,” said Johnson. read a statement, expressing the committee’s view: that restricts sexually-oriented businesses. Fitzpatrick said he had a learned a proposed applica­ ‘Tor those who would be foolish enough to think that The law governs adult arcades, bookstores, video tion for such a business “is very, very close to our there is an opportunity in Hazlet to operate a business stores, motels, theaters and cabarets or restaurants, school and church.” that is alien to the family environment that we enjoy in whether or not they serve alcohol. Once such a place of business “gets in, it starts to this town, let me tell you clearly, don’t even think about Adult motels are defined as those that offer X-rated fester,” he warned. it.” entertainment or rent rooms for less than 10 hours. While the township has received no application for a “Let me warn you,” he continued, “to be prepared for Approved unanimously, the ordinance restricts such sexually-oriented business, it has been rumored, accord­ the toughest, most expensive, and most unyielding battle businesses to three zones: business-professional, indus­ ing to many residents, that someone was interested in trial-marine and industrial-assembly. Continued on page 9 Classified's hours are extended. Check page 4 7 for details. Now open Saturday. 2 MARCH 9, 1994, THE INDEPENDENT See W hat’s In Store fo r ‘94 at r f t u t c c a i S p rin g V jard en - & 0 & > rrb p t O jjii E x p o ' 9 4 “ AND-M.FLOWERA N D J L FLOW ER SHOWSHOV Sat. & Sun. M arch 12™ & i y h 9 A M t o 5 P M M a r c h 1 9 & 2 0 FREE PARKING - FREE ADMISSION Presented by Horticultural Experts • and Professionals FREE SEMINARS % featuring: MARGARET CROOKS- Horticultural W riter & TV Commentator SAT., MAR. 12™ SUN., MAR. 13th 9 AM ■ “Establishing & Improving 9 AM ■ “Keeping Your Gardens Landscape Your Lawn with Seed” PEST FREE" by Mark Griffith, by Sue Wemer-Jonathan Greene Co. Ortho Co. 10 AM - “Planting and Maintaining Roses” 10 AM- "Use of Shrubs & Ornamental Trees" SAT. & SUN. by Ralph Dejohn, Mgr. Brock Farms FREE Wholesale Division-formerly 30 years SOIL with J&P Roses 11AM - ANALYSIS 11AM - “L I Bring in a quart by of your soil for & TV Commentator analysis 2 PM - 1 2 PM- 9 Racetrack _ , To Englishtown Writer and TV Crauneatator by Chris nombriwski, Brock Farms S P E C I A L iThrockmorton Rt. 522 EXHIBITS 5 PM- ‘Beautifying Your Home with .Silk Flowers" owe' o v e r 10,000 sq. ft. of Water —k w&mmm by Robert Deverlis, Silk Floral Designer try Mike Sullivan, Gionon Femlner Corp. Gardens, Cement Statuary, Paver Displays, Foliage & ROUTE 9 4 PM - "Landscaping with Flowering Shrubs” ^ W ‘ "Season-long Color with Annuals Flower Displays, Soil " NORTH Sampler, Seeds & Fertilizers % FREEHOLD by Dr. Bimab S. Hungerford, Forestry & * Perennials” by Margaret Crooks, a n d m o re Environmental Sciences Horticultural Writer & TV Commentator Manufacturers Reps will Schibanofl be on hand for a One- -► W MANY UNADVERTISED IN-STORE SPECIALS on-One Q & A Session throughout both days □ ✓ FREE Door Prizes & Giveaways throughout this event BROCK’S PRICE POLICY We Guarantee we will not be undersold. Brock will RT. 9 NORTH match any Current-Newspaper advertised price on brand name items. Simply present the AD to the cashier prior to purchase. Items must be of equal FREEHOLD size and quality_____________________________ ___ Not responsible for typographical errors. We reserve the right | 462-2700 to limit quantities. Sale prices effective thru 3/16. GARDEN WORLD THE INDEPENDENT, MARCH 9, 1994 3 . ■ '■ ' .... ..... ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Year Budget Actual Over/under 1988 $1,393,467 $1,400,443 +$6,976 Pharmacist Joanne Yura was a Police 1989 1,440,946 1,473,282 +32,336 key figure on M ain Street in Staffing 1990 1,514,511 1,584,088 +69,577 Matawan for 32 years. She 1991 1,618,555 1,628,600 +10,045 retired last week. n 1988 1989 1990 1 9 9 1 1 9 9 2 1992 1,642,030 1,741,534 +99,504 Page 18 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 9 2 9 1993 1,710,594 1,702,785 -7,809 'I 1994 1,883,989 Source: Aberdeen SM • Calendar Page 32 • Classifieds Page 47 • Editorials Page 30 • Letters Page 30 • Milestones Page 16 Residents push • Obituaries Page 37 • Sports Page 42 • Police Beat Page 38 • Property Lines Page 40 • Yesteryear Page 29 fo r m ore police Phone Numbers: Editorial 254-7000 Ext. 226 of money. However, he said, the township Circulation 254-1755 is not scrimping in the area of public safe­ Display Advertising 972-6740 Ext. 220 Council tries ty- FAX 254-0256 O f the township’s 1994 preliminary Classified 1-800-660-4ADS to find funds budget, he said, 25 percent is earmarked Police Department just hired two more Classified FAX 432-0016 for public safety. officers, bringing its staff to 23. Murphy explained that the 1994 pre­ “Their town is half the size,” she said. to add cops liminary township budget is $7,652,369. New Councilman. Dennis Devino said O f that figure, $1,883,989 has been al­ that he never realized how difficult the _________ BY LAUREN JAEGER________ lotted for the police force. This line item, Township Council’s decisions could be Staff W riter he said, is the largest expenditure in the until he took office. Managing Editor budget. “I have three daughters and don’t want Murphy noted that the township cannot to see anything happen to them,” he said. Judith McGee Feeney berdeen Mayor Brian Murphy said adopt a final budget until it learns how “But we’re not a wealthy town, and we he would like to hire more police Sports Editor much state aid it will receive. have a long way to go, believe me. We all officers, but the township may not Mark Rosman “It’s tough,” Councilman John Mackay want police protection.” have the money. said. “We’re in negotiations, and it hand­ Newly-appointed Councilman Wayne However, residents who spoke at the cuffs us.
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