CAP Implementation by Country/Territory Key to Notes 1 Have operational CAP system (some of these have CAP feed URLs, listed below) 2 In the process of implementing CAP system 3 Hosted an in-country CAP Jump Start 4 Requested, but has not yet hosted, an in-country CAP Jump Start 5 Partner in MeteoAlarm, which provides national CAP feeds (some are still in testing) 6 Implementing CAP via "Smart Alert" freeware from Finish Meteorological Institute 7 Plans to implement CAP as part of UNDP project funded by European Commission (DIPECHO) 8 Implemented or implementing Hazards App (can use CAP alerts) via IFRC Universal App program 9 Implemented or implementing First Aid App, prerequisite to implementing Hazards App Place Notes Christmas Island (Australia) Afghanistan 4 Cocos (Keeling) Islands (Australia) Albania 9 Colombia 1, 3, 6, 9 Algeria Comoros 4 American Samoa (U.S.) 1 Congo, Republic of Andorra Cook Islands (New Zealand) Angola Costa Rica 9 Anguilla (U.K.) 1, 9 Croatia 1 Antigua and Barbuda 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 Cuba 2, 3, 6 Argentina 1, 8, 9 Curaçao (Netherlands) 6 Armenia Cyprus 1, 5 Aruba (Netherlands) 2 Czech Republic 1, 5, 9 Australia 1, 8, 9 Democratic Republic of the Congo 9 Austria 1, 5 Denmark 1, 5 Azerbaijan Djibouti Bahamas 8, 9 Dominica 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 Bahrain 9 Dominican Republic 9 Bangladesh 9 East Timor (Timor-Leste) Barbados 7, 8, 9 Ecuador 3, 6, 9 Belarus Egypt 4, 9 Belgium 1, 5, 9 El Salvador Belize 4, 6, 8, 9 Equatorial Guinea Benin 9 Eritrea Bermuda (U.K.) 4 Estonia 1, 5 Bhutan Ethiopia 9 Bolivia 3, 6 Falkland Islands (U.K.) Bonaire (Netherlands) 6 Faroe Islands (Denmark) Bosnia and Herzegovina 1, 5 Fiji 2, 4, 6 Botswana 2, 4 Finland 1, 5 Brazil 1, 9 France 1, 5, 9 Brunei Darussalam French Guiana (France) Bulgaria 1, 5 French Polynesia (France) Burkina Faso 4 French Southern Territories (France) Burundi 2, 3, 9 Gabon Cambodia 9 Gambia 9 Cameroon Georgia 9 Canada 1, 8, 9 Germany 1, 5 Cape Verde 4 Ghana 9 Cayman Islands (U.K.) Gibraltar (U.K.) Central African Republic Greece 1, 5, 9 Chad Greenland (Denmark) Chile 1, 8, 9 Grenada 7, 8, 9 China 1, 9 Guadeloupe (France) CAP Implementation by Country/Territory Guam (U.S) 1 Mongolia Guatemala Montenegro 1, 5 Guinea 9 Montserrat (U.K.) 2 Guinea-Bissau 4 Morocco 4, 9 Guyana 1, 8, 9 Mozambique Haiti 6, 9 Myanmar 1, 8, 9 Honduras Namibia 9 Hong Kong (China) 2, 9 Nauru 4 Hungary 1, 5, 9 Nepal 2, 4, 6, 9 Iceland 1, 5, 9 Netherlands 1, 5 India 2, 9 New Caledonia 4 Indonesia 1, 8, 9 New Zealand 1, 8, 9 Iran 4, 9 Nicaragua Iraq 9 Niger Ireland 1, 5, 9 Nigeria 2, 9 Israel 1, 9 Niue 4 Italy 1, 5, 9 North Korea Ivory Coast 9 Northern Mariana Islands (U.S.) Jamaica 2, 3, 6, 8, 9 Norway 2, 4, 5 Japan 9 Oman 4 Jordan 4, 9 Pakistan 4, 9 Kazakhstan 5, 9 Palau 4 Kenya 2, 3, 9 Palestine 9 Kiribati Panama 9 Kosovo Papua New Guinea 1 Kuwait 1 Paraguay 4 Kyrgyzstan 5, 9 Peru 4, 9 Laos 9 Philippines 1, 8, 9 Latvia 1, 5 Pitcairn Islands (U.K.) Lebanon 9 Poland 1, 5, 9 Lesotho 9 Portugal 1, 5, 9 Liberia 9 Puerto Rico (U.S.) 1 Libya Qatar Liechtenstein Reunion Island (France) Lithuania 1, 5 Romania 1, 5 Luxembourg 1, 5 Russian Federation 5, 9 Macao (China) 9 Rwanda 2, 3, 9 Macedonia 1, 5, 9 Saba (Netherlands) 6 Madagascar 2, 9 Saint Barthélemy (France) Malawi 2, 3, 9 Saint Kitts And Nevis 8, 9 Malaysia 9 Saint Lucia 7, 8, 9 Maldives 1, 9 Saint Martin (France) Mali 4, 9 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) Malta 1, 5, 9 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7, 8, 9 Marshall Islands Samoa 1 Martinique (France) San Marino Mauritania Sao Tome and Principe Mauritius 2, 3 Saudi Arabia Mayotte (France) Senegal 4, 9 Mexico 1, 8, 9 Serbia 1, 5 Micronesia 4 Seychelles Moldova 1, 5 Sierra Leone 9 Monaco Singapore 9 CAP Implementation by Country/Territory Sint Eustatius (Netherlands) 6 Trinidad and Tobago 2, 3, 8, 9 Sint Maarten (Netherlands) 2 Tunisia Slovakia (Slovak Republic) 1, 5 Turkey Slovenia 1, 5 Turkmenistan Solomon Islands 1 Turks and Caicos Islands Somalia Tuvalu 4 South Africa 1, 9 Uganda 3, 9 South Korea Ukraine 9 South Sudan United Arab Emirates 9 Spain 1, 5, 9 United Kingdom 1, 5 Sri Lanka 2, 9 United States 1 Sudan 9 Uruguay 4, 9 Suriname 8, 9 Uzbekistan 5 Swaziland Vanuatu 2, 3, 6 Sweden 1, 5, 9 Vatican City State (Holy See) Switzerland 1, 5, 9 Venezuela 9 Syria 9 Vietnam 9 Taiwan (China) 1 Virgin Islands (U.K.) Tajikistan 5 Virgin Islands (U.S.) 1 Tanzania 2, 3, 9 Wallis and Futuna Islands (France) Thailand 1 Western Sahara Tibet Yemen Timor-Leste (East Timor) Zambia 4, 9 Togo 2, 4, 9 Zimbabwe 1, 3, 9 Tokelau (New Zealand) Tonga 1 Available CAP Feed URLs Anguilla Disaster Management Anguilla https://axa- primary.capews.com/capews/public/atom?type=cap Argentina Servicio Meteorologico Nacional http://www.smn.gov.ar/feeds/CAP/avisocortoplazo/r ss_acpCAP.xml Austria Central Institute for Meteorology and http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/AT.xml Geodynamics Belgium Royal Meteorological Institute http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/BE.xml Bosnia and Federalni hidrometeorološki zavod BiH http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/BA.xml Herzegovina Brazil Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia - INMET http://alert-as.inmet.gov.br/cap_12/rss/alert-as.rss Bulgaria НАЦИОНАЛЕН ИНСТИТУТ ПО http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/BG.xml МЕТЕОРОЛОГИЯ И ХИДРОЛОГИЯ - ФИЛИАЛ ПЛОВДИВ Canada Alberta Emergency Management Agency http://emergencyalert.alberta.ca/aeapublic/feed.ato (Government of Alberta, Ministry of m Municipal Affairs) Canada Meteorological Service of Canada http://rss.naad-adna.pelmorex.com/ Canada Ministère de la Sécurité publique du http://rss.naad-adna.pelmorex.com/ Québec Colombia UNGRD (National Unit for Disaster Risk http://www.gestiondelriesgo.gov.co/rss/AtomAlert.as Management) px CAP Implementation by Country/Territory Croatia Državni hidrometeorološki zavod (DHMZ) http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/HR.xml Cyprus Meteorological Service http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/CY.xml Czech Republic Český hydrometeorologický ústav http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/CZ.xml Denmark Danmarks Meteorologiske Instituts http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/DK.xml Estonia Riigi Ilmateenistus http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/EE.xml Finland Ilmatieteen laitos http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/FI.xml France Meteo-France http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/FR.xml Germany Deutscher Wetterdienst http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/DE.xml Greece ΕΜΥ-Εθνική Μετεωρολογική Υπηρεσία http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/GR.xml Guyana Hydrometeorological Service http://hydromet.gov.gy/cap/en/alerts/rss.xml Hungary Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/HU.xml Iceland Veðurstofa Íslands http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/IS.xml Indonesia InaTEWS BMKG, Earthquake with https://inatews.bmkg.go.id/rss/capatomlast40event.x magnitude 5.0 above ml Ireland Met Eireann - Irish Meteorological Service http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/IS.xml Italy Centro Nazionale di Meteorologia e http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/IT.xml Climatologia Aeronautica (CNMCA Kuwait Kuwait Meteorological Department http://www.met.gov.kw/rss_eng/kuwait_cap.xml Latvia Latvijas Vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/LV.xml centrs Lithuania Lietuvos hidrometeorologijos tarnyba http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/LT.xml Luxembourg Administration de l'Aéroport de Luxembourg http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/LU.xml Macedonia, the Republic Hydrometeorological Organization http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/MK.xml Former Yugoslav Republic of Maldives Maldives Meteorological Service http://www.dhandhaana.gov.mv/eden/cap/public.rss Malta Meteorological Office http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/MT.xml Mexico CONAGUA - Servicio Meteorologico https://correo1.conagua.gob.mx/feedsmn/feedalert.a Nacional de Mexico spx Moldova State Hydrometeorological Service http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/MD.xml Montenegro Zavod za hidrometeorologiju i seizmologiju http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/ME.xml Myanmar Department of Meteorology and Hydrology http://www.dmhwarning.gov.mm/eden/cap/public.rss Netherlands Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/NL.xml Instituut New Zealand GNS Science (earthquakes) http://api.geonet.org.nz/cap/1.2/GPA1.0/feed/atom1. 0/quake New Zealand New Zealand MetService http://alerts.metservice.com/cap/rss Papua New Papua New Guinea Meteorological Service https://smartalert.pngmet.gov.pg/capfeed.php Guinea CAP Implementation by Country/Territory Philippines Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and http://publicalert.pagasa.dost.gov.ph/feeds/ Astronomical Services Administration http://sambro.meteopilipinas.gov.ph/eden/cap/public .rss Poland Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/PL.xml Portugal Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/PT.xml I.P. Romania Administratiei Nationale de Meteorologie http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/RO.xml Samoa Samoa Meteorology Division http://alert.samet.gov.ws/capfeed.php Serbia Републички Хидрометеоролошки завод http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/RS.xml Slovakia Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/SK.xml Slovenia Uradna vremenska napoved za Slovenijo http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/SI.xml Solomon Islands Solomon Islands Meteorological Service https://smartalert.met.gov.sb/capfeed.php Spain Agencia Estatal de Meteorología http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/ES.xml Sweden Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/SE.xml institut Switzerland MeteoSwiss, Bundesamt für Meteorologie http://meteoalarm.eu/ATOM/CH.xml und Klimatologie Taiwan (China) National Center for Disaster Reduction https://alerts.ncdr.nat.gov.tw/RssAtomFeed.ashx Thailand Thai Meteorological Department http://www.tmd.go.th/feeds/CAPfeeds.php Tonga Tonga Meteorological Service https://alerts.met.gov.to/capfeed.php United Kingdom
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