Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 11-14-1966 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1966). Winona Daily News. 774. https://openriver.winona.edu/winonadailynews/774 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Fair Tonight; Bargain Hunting? Partly Cloudy, Check the Warmer Tuesday Classif ied Section , SUPREME COURT SPLIT, 5-4 Goff Found Florida' Innocent Gemini 12 Space s Arrest of In St. Paul ST. PAUL (AP) - Sydney W: Goff, prominent St. Paul attor- ney and Democratic - Farmer- Demonstrators Valid Labor party fund-raiser, was WASHINGTON (AP ) - The opinion was written by Justice forcement of its general tres- found innocent today of charges Supreme Court ruled today that Hugo Black, recognized protec- pass statute against those refus- that he violated the Minnesota TestsCAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) The photo session — most of pilot James A Lovell Jr. said, pieces," Lovell . quipped. Successful. States can declare their proper- to obey a sheriff's order to Corrupt practices Act. tor of free speech guarantees. ing — Spacewalk champion Edwin which was performed out of referring to the fact that Aldrin NORAb is the North American ties out of bounds for civil rights remove themselves from what Goff, 56, had been indicted for E. Aldrin Jr. thrust had dumped unneeded equip- demonstrators. In this instance Black Said, as amounted to ' the curtilage head and range from earth tracking sta- Defense Command, which keeps allegedly receiving a $2,000 po- tions with a minimum of con- ment overboard while the hatch Moreover, by a 54 vote in a (yard) of the jail house. litical contribution from St. Paul shoulders out of a Gemini 12 was open; track of all orbiting objects. the court upheld the trespass door today and coolly clicked versation heard on the ground Florida case, the court held convictions of 32 Negroes who "The state, no less than a pri- corporation early last year. "Keep space clean," mission The pilots used more fuel than pictures of the sunrise. Milky — lasted slightly longer than the demonstrators who refuse an demonstrated outside tlie county vate owner of property, has Goff said/ after the decision control center said. expected during Aldrin's time official request to leave can be power to preserve the property Way and earth — the last ad- 40 minutes originally planned, jail in Tallahassee: had been announced, that he venture by a U.S. astronaut out- "We' outside, cutting off plans to re- arrested under trespass ordi- under its control for the use to was pleased with the verdict, ve got a little leg room "NORAD will have a fit keep- "Nothing in the Constitution side a spaceship until 1968. here for a change, command ing all those bits and main outside over the United nances. -;- . prevents which it is lawfully dedicated." "which very completely and " track of of the United States terrain; Significantly, the majority Florida from even-handed en- In concluding his opinion, clearly vindicates me." States to photograph Black declared again: "I think I vfas the victim of "That was a pretty expensive "The United, States Constitu- the worst and dirtiest frameup EVA-extra vehicular activity tion does hot forbid a state to in the history of Minnesota poli- •— in the way of fuel ," reported control the use of its own prop- tics," he added. erty for its own lawful non- Lovell. discriminatory purpose." Retired District Judge Artirar /•We used 20 to 25 per cent/' Justice William 0. Douglas AY Stewart said in his decision The space agency said Al- delivered a dissenting opinion in that the evidence¦ "does not drin's hatch opened about 0:53 prove beyond ' '&¦:¦: reasonable which he declared that, "We a.m. (EST) and closed 52 now have set into the record a doubt" that Goff knew the mon- minutes later. great and wonderful police state ey had come from a corporation. doctrine." Stewart said the evidence did While outside, however, Al- Douglas, who was joined In show beyond any doubt that cor- drin successfully photographed his opinion by Chief Justice Ear) porate funds were involved, but stairs and terrain features'. The Warren, Justices William J. said the state had failed to prove "space stand" boosted his Brennan and Abe Fortas, de Goff kneW this at the time be record space exposure time to clared that the police now have accepted a $2,000 check in Jan- 5% hours. the power to regulate First uary 1965. The - next. U.S. space walk is Amendment (free speech) The check went into the cam- not scheduled until 1968 on the rights. paign coffers of Gov. Karl F,. fourth manned earth-orbital Rolvaag and Sen. Walter F. flight planned in America's Mondale, but the money was re- Apollo man-to-the-moon pro- turned 16 months/later to the gram. corporation, Allied Realty of St. Making like a gymnast, Paul, Al- Court Slays Inc. drin first did a series of exer- Goff had testified he consid- cises to evaluate how difficult it ered the money a personal con- is to work in a stiff space suit, Clear of Ruling tribution from Philip Kitzer Jr., as Gemini 12 sped at 17,500 an official of Allied Realty. miles an hour over Australia. The check itself did not specifi- "I can't get my arms down cally identify the firm as a cor- too far," he said. On Long Hair poration. The astronaut then began The contribution shooting pictures of some stars. WASHINGTON (AP) - The had been Supreme Court refused today to made a campaign issue prior to "That's Jupiter," Lovell said. last week's general election - LINE UP FOR ACTION ... A squad copters in war Zone C, some 65 miles north- They then turned their atten- get into the argument over pro- taking part TfflT. HAVE HIM BACK ... "We got hhn back," priety of extra-long hair pro- Four days of trial ended Nov. of soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 16th -In- west of Saigon. The unit was tion to shooting scientific pic- was about all Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon could say beards on students. 7 and final arguments were pre- fantry, U.S. 1st Division, lines up in a in Operation Battlecreek last week. (AP tures of the sunrise. ' ¦•¦ Sunday night, after their infant son was returned to them Three men students of the sented last Thursday before jungle clearing after debarking trom heli- . Photofax) . Although the hatch was Judge Stewart, who heard the opened earlier than planned in at Colorado General Hospital in Denver. ¦ The hours old Richmond* Va., Y Professional case without a jury. the reshuffled flight plan, it baby was taken from a _ur«^ry at. tho. hospital early Institute asked the highest tri- r bunal to strike down an institute The charge against Goff was a B52s Strike Back was one, orbit later than, origi- Saturday mqrning. Scott Werner, agent-in-charge of the Sross misdemeanor. He had nally planned, a postponement ' order that they get shaves and FBI; said the baby was found in the home of Mrs. Susan hair cuts before being regis- een free without bond. caused by problems with control Douglas. Mrs. Douglas had lost her child about a month tered for a new term. Kitzer lg charged with a fel- jets and two attempts to photo- ago. Hospital officials said the Bacon boy was in good Refusing to get the bartering, ony in the same case but his graph a high-flying yellow cloud health. (AP Photofax) the three said they were denied arraignment has been twice de- over the glaring Sahara Desert. layed and now is scheduled for U,S. M constitutional rights of self- Nov. 22. Allied Realty also was As Command Pilot James A. expression and to be left alone, Lovell Jr. wrestled with prob- and insisted the institute ban indicted by the Ramsey County Grand Jury on a similar charge. lems caused by two dead Gem- amounted to cruel and unusual ini 12 maneuvering rockets KidMped Baby punishment It is illegal under Minnesota , Al- election laws for a corporation Badly M^ Redsdrin first dumped overboard a Judge John W. Knowles of to contribute to a political cam- SAIGON, South Viet Nam heavy casualties to the initial over-all casualties for tho full bag of debris crammed with the Richmond Circuit Court refused paign. Goff had been charged (AP) Y— B52 bombers struck Communist assault of a battle engagement were light. 25-foot lifeline and chest pack the three an injunction against specifically with aiding and abet- used in his record-breaking turned Safely back today at North Vietnamese that lasted Vh hours. He said 26 , the ban, stating: ting such a contribution. In the third clash lasting only stroll Sunday. DENVER, Colo. (AP - A 41- nursery at Colorado General "The court finds that the rule Goff and his attorney, John troops which inflicted heavy North Vietnamese were killed. five minutes, another company With split-second timing by hour search by police and FBI Hospital. is reasonable and in no sense Daubney, and Paul Lindholm. casualties on a U.S. infantry Elsewhere, only small and of the 25th reported killing five control centers on three conti- nents agents for a kidnaped baby end- Police are holding Susan arbitrary. Plain common sense assistant Ramsey County attor- company near the Cambodian sporadic skirmishes were re- North Vietnamese 12 miles , the Gemini 12 pilots tried Douglas, 29, of Denver for in- ney, were present when Judge twice to photograph—but could ed happily Sunday with the safe , dictates that every educational border.
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