~. 1.,0::> '> --------~ ~ ( REG». GOA-I I ~ 1?:'6.9'1. r~ '6 l(J PANAJI, 11TH AUGUST, 1994 ISRAVANA 20, 1~161 SERIES III No. 19 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA _z __ ~ And whereas the Chief Town Planner has carried out GOVERNMENT OF GOA necessary surveys/studies of the concerned areas and referred the proposals to the Board. DEPARTMENT OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT And whereas the Board in its 67th (Adj) meeting consi~ Town & Country Planning Dept. dered the case at Sr. No. 1 and in the 68th (Adj) meeting considered the cases at Sr.. NO'. 2 to 34 for the reviSion Notification and the changes needed in the said Regional Plan in terms of the Section 12 of the said Act, and approved the same. 29/1·3/94·TCP /2842 Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by Whereas, the Regional Plan for Goa has been pubHshed Sction 13 of the said Act, the Chief Town Planner hereby in the Offi<::ial Gazette, Series III No. 37 of 11-12~1986 notifies the .below mentioned pro~ed changes in the said (hereinafter referred to as "said Regional Plan"?. Regional Plan for information of the persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that the copies And whereas the Government is of the opinion that of the maps and note containing the proposed changes are reviSion of the said Regional Plan is necessary. placed for the purpose of inspection in the offices of the Town & Country Planning Department, Old Goa Medical And 'whereas under Section 17 of the Goa, Town and College Complex, Campa!, Panaji, the Collector of North Country Planning Act, 1974 (hereinafter referred to as Goa, Panaji (For North Goa villages) and the Collector of the "said Act"). the Government has directed the Chief South Goa, Margao (For South Goa villages) and respective Town Planner to undertake the revision of the said Regional Mamlatdars for a period of two months with effect from Plan. the date of publication of this Notification. Use on published Proposed Sr. Survey No. Village/Taluka Regional Plan! Proposed Remarks No. /Statutory Regional use Area Plan in m2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. 164/9 Chinchinim/Salcete Cultivated land Settlement 2,990 2. 26/2 (part) Cordem/Quepem Pasture/Natural -do- 8,258 cover r 3. 6/1 Navelim/Tiswadi Cultivated land -do- 1,665 4. 50/0 Siridao/Tiswadi Orchard/Natural -do- 42,800 Area excluding steep slopes/ cover /Within pennissible gradient. 5. 34/1 Goa Velha/Tiswadi Orchard -do- 300 Institution 6. 131/7 & 10 Mercurim/Tiswadi Cultivated land -do- 3,725 Leaving necessary set back from N .. H. 17. 7. 201/7 Goa Velha/Tiswadi -do- -do- 2,11)0 -do- 8. 49/0 Siridao/Tiswadi O.rchard/Natural -do- 1,07,350 Area excluding steep slopes/ cover /Within permissibl~ gradient. 9. 4/1 (P. No. 33) Candola/Ponda Orchard -do- 1,100 10. 51/3 (part B) lChandekar/Ponda Natural cover -do- 198 11. 128/1 (part) Querim/Ponda Cultivated land Industry 2,000 For Small Scale Industry 12. 2£/1 (Plot No. E) Bandora/Ponda Orchard Settlement 658 13. 9/1-B Candola/Ponda -do- -do- 6,400 14. 379/2 (P. No.4) Marcaim/Ponda -do- -do- 625 15. 412/0 Salvador~do~Mundo/ Cultivated land -do- 126 Bardez 16. 48/1 (part) Ucassaim/Bardez Orchard -do- 8,343 17. 15/0 (part) Punola/Bardez -do- -do- 4,958 18. 5/0 (part) Olaulim/Ba.rdez -do- -do- 7,870 19. 206/1 (part) Anjuna/Bardez -do- -do- 90,000 Area beyond 200 rots. from H. T. L./For Hotel Cottages. 20. 98/16 Parra/Bardez Cultivated land -do- 1,925 21. 142/1 & 2 Arpora/Bardez Partly Settlement -do- 27,800 and Partly Cul- tivated land 218 OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 19 . 11TH AUGUST, 1994 -----------------------1 2 3 4 6 5 7 22. 31/4 Camurlim/Salcete Cultivated land -do- 260 23. 174/2 (part) Varca/Salcete Orchard -do- 21,577 Area beyond 200 mts. from the H.T.L. 24. 109/1 ·(part) Betalbatim/Salcete Cultivated land -do­ 1,200 -do- 25. 471/5 Loutulim/Saleete Settlement Industry 2,000 For Small Scale Industry. 26. 104/1 to 7, 9 to 11 Betalbatim/Salcete Cultivated land Settlement 23,335 Area beyond 200 mts. from the H.T.L. 27. 57/1 C?lva/Salcete -do­ -do- 7,175 28. 12/1 Pilliem/Sa~guem Orchard -do- 73,830 Subject to condition that no tree cutting shall be permit­ ted/ Area beyond 2"00 mts. froni the N. H .. 4 A. 29. 266/1-E Mulgao/Bicholim -do- -do­ 310 30. 115/1 (part) Maulinguem North/ -do- Industry 900 For Shell Grit Unit (S.S.I.). Bicholim 31. 59/1 (part) Saleli/Satari -do- -do- 500 For Installation of stone crusher. 32. 22/1 (part) Buimpal/Satari Natural cover Settlement 6,600 For Honda ex~servicemen Co_ ~op. Housing Society. 33. 15/4 & 6/3. Nuvem/Salcete Orchardj'Cultivated -- do - 51,950 Within perm~ssible gradient. land 34. 151/16, 153/2, 154/0, Paliem/Peniem -do- -do- 2,71,303 Area beyond 500 mts. from 155,/1, 156/1 & 8, the H.T .L. wo'Oded area 157/1, 158/1 & 8, around the lake and stream 159/234 to be protected as Natural Reserve. Comments in writing on the proposed changes may be forwarded to the Chief Town Planner, Town & Country Planning Department, Old G.M.C._ Complex, Campal, Panaji_Goa, before the ,expiry of two months frOm the date of pu blication of the' Notification in the Official Gazette. Panaji, 1st August, 1994. - The Chief Town Planner,... N. Pandalai . Revenue Department 1 2· 3 4 5 Office of the Jt; Mamlatdar-I of Ti.wadi Taluka at Panaii-Goa 119 11 550 26-9-1994 10.3'0 a. m. 119 12 524 -do- -do- FORM ll-A 119 13 969 -do- -do- (See Rule 4.) 119 14 831 -do- -do- .119 15 1;81 -do- -do- Notice \mder Section 18A of the Goa) Daman and Diu 119 16 512 -do- -00- Agricultural Tenancy Act, 1964 119 17 543 -do-- -do- 119 18 1043 -do- -do- Whereas under Section lA of the Goa, Daman' and Diu 119 19 531 --do- -do- A.grIcultural Tenancy Act, 1964, every tenant is deemed to 119 20 1319 -00- -00- have purchase the laI).d held by him as a tenant; And whereas 120 1 1625 -do- -do- the Mamlatdar is required by Sub-section (5) of Section 120 2 300 -do-- -00- ,---:-, 18c to ascertain whether the tenant is willing in purchase 120 4 1425 -00- -do- the land and, if SQ, to fix its purchase price; 120 5 100 --do-- -do- o 120 6 150 -00- -do- Now, therefore, 'the persons mentioned below, viz _ 121 2 2912 -do- ~do- (a) All tenants who are deemed to have purchased lands 121 3 4462 -do- -00- in the localty of Morombim-O-Pequeno. 121 4 2425 -do- -do- (b) All landlords of such lands. and 121 5 2262 -do- -do- 121 6 515\) -do- -do- (c) All other persons interested therein, 122 3 1738 -00- -do- are' hereby called upon to appear before the Mamlatdar of 122 4 1000 -00- -do- Tiswadi, at Panaji, on the date and time shown against the 122 :; 1()44 -do- -do- land in the Schedule appended there to in which they are 122 6 3063 -oo~ -00- respectively inter.ested. 125 1 2620 -do- -00- 125 2 1350 -do~- -do- If any person fails to be present before the Joint Mam­ 125 3 1244 -do- -00- latdar at the appointed date and time without sufficient 125 4 2867 -do- -do- cause, it will be deemed that he has nothing to say in the 125 2881 matter and the enquiry will be proceeded with his absence. 5 -do- -do- 125 6 2075 -do- -do- SCHEDULE 125 7 2200 -do- -do- 125 8 219 -do- -00- 125' survey Sub.-Div. Area Date Time 9 2112 -do- -do- 125 2106 No. No. in Sq. mts. 10 -do- -do- 125 11 50 -do- -do- 1 2 3 4 5 125 12 75 -00- -do- 125 13 106 -00- -do- 119 7 449 26--9-199-4 10o~O a. m .. 125 14 100 -do- --'do - 119 8 4{)4 -do- -do- 125 15 100 -do- -do- 119 9 456 -do- -do- 126 2 4650 -do- -do- 119 10 563 -do- -do-. 126. 3 1308 -00- -do- OFFICIAL GAZETTE - GOVT. OF GOA 219 SERIES III No .. 19 11TH AUGUST, 1994 1. 2. 3. 4. o. 1 2 3 4 126 4 4114 26-9·1994 10.30 a.m. 132 2 1228 27-9-1994 1-0".30 a. m. 126 5 1475 -do- -do- 132 3 1256 -do- -do- 126 6 1408 -do- -do- 132 4 1213 -do- -do- 126 7 1196 -do- -do- 132 5 619 -cto- -do- 126 8 1301 -do- -do- 132 8 2413 -do-- -do- 126 9 1646 -do- -do- 132 9 1119 -do- -do- 126 10 1375 -do- -do- 132 10 1069 -do- -do- 126 11 1207 -do- -do- 132 11 2350 -do- -do- 126 12 1502 -do- -do-' 132 12 1181 -do- -do- 126 13 2651 --do- -do- 132 13 1013 -do- -do- 126 14 2732 -do- -do- 132 14 1226 -do- -do- 127 1 1481 -do- -do- 132 15 1007 -ClO- "-do­ 127 2 1663 -do- -do- 132 16 1012 -do- -do- 127 3 2506 -do- -do- 132 17 1007 :""do­ -do- 127 4 861 --do- -do- 132 18 2844 -do- -do- 127 5 2375 -do- -do- 132 19 1334 -do- -do- 128 2 263 -do- -<10.- 132 20 1550 -do- -do- 128 3 119 -do- -do~ 132 23 1229 -do- -do- 128 4 275 -do- -do-~ 133 2 1275 -do- -do- 128 5 200 -do- -do- 133 3 1431 --do- -do- 128 1 763 -do- -do- 133 4 2125 -do- -do- 128 8 369 -do- -do- 133 5 775 -do- -do- 128 9 369 -do- -do- 133 6 3700 -do- -do- 128 10 781 -do- -do- 134 1 1650 -do- -do- 128 11 403 -d'o- -do- 134 2 1557 -do- -do- 128 12 381 -do- -do- 134 3 1550 -do- .
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