3368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 18, discrediting legal-tender currency-to the Committee on Coin­ Exchange of St. Louis, Mo., favoring the passage of House bill age, Weights, and Measures. 383, consolidating into one class third and fourth class mail Also, petition of Goshen Grange, in favor of House bill 395- matter, and making a uniform rate of postaae of 1 cent for each to the Committee on Agriculture. 2 ounces; which were referred to the Uomm'ittee on Post-Offices Also, petition of Goshen Grange, for free delivery of rural and Post-Roads. mails-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. He also presented resolutions adopted by the Farmers and La­ Also, petition of citizens of Trumbull County, Ohio, in favor borers' Union, of Perry County, Mo.,favoring legislation aaainst of House bill 401, restricting immigration-to the Select Com­ gambling in farm products; which were referred to the Coiiimi t­ mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. tee on the Judiciary. Also, petition of the Young Men's Christian Association of Mr. FAULKNER presented the petition of A. H. Hall and 38 Warren, Ohio, in favor of Sunday closing of the World's Expo­ other citizens of Ritchie County, W. Va, praying for the pas­ sition-to the Select Committee on the Columbian Exposition. sage of an amendment to the Constitution of the United States Also, petition of 92 citizens of Randolph, Ohio, in favor of. prohibiting any State from the enactment of a law respecting House bill401, relating to immigration-to the Select Commit­ an establishment of religion or making an appropriation of money tee on Immigration and Naturalization. for any sectarian purpose; which was referred to the Committee By Mr. TOWNSEND: Resolutions of Kilpatrick Post, No. 41, on the Judiciary. Grand Army of the Republic, and Ladies' Relief Corps, G. A. Mr. HOAR presented a memorial of the Boston (Mass.) Society Smith Camp, No. 13, Sons of Veterans, of La Junta, Colo., to ac­ for Medical Improvement, remonstrating against the proposed company House bill for the relief of Graham McClawson-to the reduction of the annual appropriation for the library of the Sur­ Committee on Invalid Pensions. geon-General's Office, in that it would result in serious injury to By Mr. WHEELER of Alabama (by request): Petition of Tim­ the interests of medical science in the United States; which was othy Monahan, for increase of pension-to the Committee on In- referred to the Committee on Appropriations. valid Pensions. · He also presented a memorial of members of the Methodist By Mr. WHITE: Petition of 15 members of the Seventh-Day Church of New Bedford, Mass., remonstrating against the pas­ Adventists' Church, and others of Grinnell, Iowa, praying that sage of the Chinese restriction bill; which was referred to the Congress pass neither bill nor resolution closing the World's Committee on Foreign Relations. Fair on Sunday-to. the Select Committee on the Columbian Ex­ He also presented a petition of citizens of North Attleboro, position. Mass., praying for the closing of the World's Columbian Expo­ By Mr. WILLIAMS of Illinois: Petition in support of claim sition on Sunday; which was referred to the Committe on the of George W. Boyd-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Quadro-Centennial (Select). By Mr. WILSON of Missouri: Petition of F. A. Ennis, James He also presented ape tition of citizens of Scranton, Pa., pray­ Fitzpatrick, and 13 other soldiers and sailora of L. W. Weather­ ing for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution of the man Post, No. 473, Grand Army of the Republic, in favor of United States prohibiting any legislation by the States respect­ properly marking and preserving the battle lines at Gettysburg­ ing an establishment of religion or making an appropriation of to the Committee on Military Affairs. money for any sectarian purpose; which was referred to the By Mr. WIKE: Evidence.to go with House bill6905, granting Committee on the Judiciary. bounty and back pay to Capt. A. D. Nash-to the Committee on Mr. SHERMAN presented the following petitions of Goshen Military Affairs. and Berlin Heights Granges, Patrons of Husbandry, of Ohio: Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation for the en­ couragement of silk culture-ordered to lie on the table. SEN.ATE. Petitions praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent gambling in farm products-referred to the Committee on the }fONDAY, April18, 1892. Judiciary. Mr. CULLOM presented a petition of citizens of Henry County, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. Ill., praying for the r egulation of speculation in fictitious farm The Journal of the proceedings of Thursday last was re d and products; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. approved. He also presented a pstition of citizens of Illinois, praying for EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS. the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution of the United The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ States pr;)hibiting any legislation by the States respecting an tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting, in response to a establishment of religion or making an appropriation of money resolution of the 12th instant, a letter from the Chief of Engineers, for any sectarian purpose; which was referred to the Committee with accompanying papers from the Board of Engineers recently on the Judiciary. convened to examine and report upon the plans of a bridge over Mr. CAMERON presented a petition of 12 citizens of Mount the entrance to Duluth Harbor, on Lake street, Duluth, Minn.; 2Etna, Pa., and a pstition of 10 citizens of Middletown, Pa., which, on motion of Mr. DAVIS, was, with the a~companying praying for the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution of papers, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered the United States prohibiting State or national aid for religious to be printed. purposes; which were referred to the Committee on the Judi­ COURT OF CLAIMS REPORT. ciary. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Mr. CHANDLERpres3nted the petition of E. R. Brown, John tion from the assistant clerk of the Qourt of Claims, transmit­ Holland, Daniel Hall, Robert G. Pike, Samuel C. Fisher, C. H. ting supplemental conclusions of fact and of law in the French Sawyer, GeorgeS. Frost, William S. Stevens, A. 0. Mathes, C. spoliation claim relating to the ship Speculator; which, with the S. Cartland, James W. Bartlett, B. Frank Neally, and J. H. accompanying papers, was referred to the Committee on Claims, Horne, of Dover, N.H., praying for the adoption of an amend­ and ordered to be printed. · ment to the Constitution of the United States prohibiting any legislation by the States respecting an establishment of religion PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. or making an appropriation of money for any sectarian purpose; The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a petition of the Maritime which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Association of the Port of New York, praying for the construc­ He also presented the following petitions of Union Grange, tion of a breakwater and harbor of refuge in the vicinity of Cape Patrons of Husbandry, of New Hampshire: Camweral, Fla.; which was referred to the Committee on Com­ Petition praying for the enactment of legislation to prevent merce. gambling in farm products-referred to the Committee on the He also presented a petition of the Pittsburg (Pa.) Presbytery Judiciary. of the Reformed Presbyterian Church, praying the President P etition praying for the passage of House bill 395, defining and Congress not to approve the measure affecting Chinese im­ lard and imposing a tax thereon-ordered to lie on the table. migration, commonly known as the Geary bill; which was or­ P etition praying for the passage of a bill to prevent the adul­ dered to lie on the table. teration of food and drugs-ordered to lie on the table. He also presented a memorial of. the Mil waukee branch of the Petition praying for the passage of a bill making certain is­ Lake Seamen's Benevolent Association, of Milwaukee, Wis., re­ sues of money full legal tender in payment of all debts-referred monstrating against the employm 3n t of Canadian sailors in viola­ to the Committee on Finance. tion of the contract labor law; which was referred to the Com­ Mr. WILSON presented a petition of the Business Men's As­ mittee on Education and Labor. S9ciation of Davenport, Iowa, praying that increased appropria­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Chair has received acommui­ tions be made.for the accommodation of the Weather Bureau cation from Mr. James R. Young, tl;le lateexecutiveclerkof the Service; which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations. Senate, in the nature of a petition, which the Chair lays before He also presented a memorial of 12 members of the Seventh the Senate, and which will lie on the table. Day Advent Church and 16 other citizens of Audubon, Iowa, re­ Mr. VEST presented resolutions adopted by the Merchants' monstrating against the passage of any legislation closing the , / 1892 .. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3369 World's Columbian Exposition on Sunday; which was referred . Mr. DIXON presented sundry petitions collected by the Na­ to the Committee on the Quadro-Centennial (Select). tional Woman's:Christian Temperance Union, signed by 54 mem­ He also presented a petition of the Presbyterian Church of bers, of Scituate, R.I., praying that no exposition or exhibition Keota, Iowa, praying that the World's Columbian Exposition be for which appropriations are made by Congress shall be opened closed on Sunday; which was referred to the Committee on the on Sunday; which were referred to the Committee on the Quadro­ Quadro-Centennial (Select).
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