Agricultural Genetic Resources in the Alps 1 Anschrift der Autoren Monitoring Institute for Rare Breeds and Seeds in Europe Schneebergstr. 17, CH-9000 St.Gallen http://www.monitoring-inst.de Koordination und Redaktion Hans-Peter Grunenfelder, St.Gallen Projekt management Nadine Mueller, Zurich Plants (A, D, F, SLO) Uenal Bussaglia, St. Gallen Translation Ute Dietrich, Witzenhausen; Silvia Dingwall, Nussbaumen Traductions Monique Dousse, Birmensdorf Traduzioni Renza Prandino, Torino Prevod Borut Stumberger, Cirkulane Umschlag und Illustration Atelier Silvia Ruppen, Vaduz Layout Jacqueline Annen, Maschwanden Zitierung Monitoring Institute for Rare Breeds and Seeds in Europe, 2003: Agricultural Genetic Resources in the Alps, Landwirtschaftliche Genressourcen der Alpen, Ressources génétiques agricoles des Alpes, Risorse genetiche agricole delle Alpi, Kmetijski genetski viri v Alpha. Zürich, Bristol-Stiftung; Bern, Stuttgart, Wien, Haupt. 177 S. + CD-ROM. Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über <http://dnb.ddb.de> abrufbar. ISBN 3-258-6669-8 Alle Rechte vorbehalten Copyright © 2003 by Paul Haupt Berne Jede Art der Vervielfältigung ohne Genehmigung des Verlages ist unzulässig. Dieses Papier ist umweltverträglich, weil chlorfrei hergestellt. 2 Table of Contents 1. Preface 10 2. Synthesis 10 2.1. Problem formulation and assignment 12 2.2. Plant Genetic Resources: results summarised according to countries 2.3. Animal Genetic Resources: results summarised according to countries 22 2.4. General need for action in the Alpine region 36 3 Introduction 37 3.1. Update of the study "Agricultural Genetic Resources of the Alps" 37 3.2. The Global Plan of Action 39 3.3. EU Projects and Regulations concerning Agricultural Biodiversity 40 3.4. Important international Bodies and Databanks 44 3.5. Threat to agrobiodiversity by diseases 48 3.6. Cultivated plants in the Alpine region 48 3.7. Livestock in the Alpine region 49 3.8. Situation of agriculture in the Alpine region 49 3.9. Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU 55 4. General report on cultivated plants in the French Alpine region 57 4. 1. General situation in France 57 4. 2. Protection of cultivated plants in the French Alpine region 58 4.3. EU-Measures on the conservation of cultivated plants in the French Alpine Region 63 4.4. Need for action concerning the conservation of cultivated plants in the French Alpine region 65 5. Portraits of organisations, institutions and institutes active in the conservation of cultivated plants in the French Alpine region 67 5.1. Fruit 67 5.2. Vines 74 5.3. Vegetables and legumes 76 5.4. Cereals 81 5.5. Medicinal plants and herbs 83 5.6. Forage plants 85 5.7. Wild plants 88 6. General report on livestock breeds in the French Alpine region 90 6.1. Private conservation efforts 90 6.2. Governmental conservation efforts 90 6.3. Financial support for the conservation of endangered livestock 92 3 6.4. French animal breeding federations at the national level 92 6.5. EU Conservation measures 93 6.6. Overall view of the need for action in the French Alpine region 94 7. Livestock breeds in the French Alpine region 95 7.1. Overview of endangered livestock breeds 95 7.2. Cattle 96 7.3. Goats 98 7.4. Sheep 101 7.5. Donkeys 105 7.6. Dogs 106 7.7. Bee populations of the French Alpine region 107 8. General report on cultivated plants in the Italian Alpine region 109 8.1. Protection of cultivated plants 109 8.2. National and regional legislation 113 8.3. EU measures for the conservation of cultivated plants in Italy 114 8.4. International organisations and institutions 116 8.5. Summary: Need for action in Italy 118 9. Conservation of cultivated plants in the Italian Alpine region - portraits of actors 121 9.1. Fruit 121 9.2. Citrus fruit 135 9.3. Chestnuts 137 9.4. Olives 141 9.5. Nuts 143 9.6. Vines 146 9.7. Vegetables 151 9.8. Legumes 158 9.9. Cereals 162 9.10. Forage plants 169 9.11. Kitchen herbs and spices 170 9.12. Medicinal plants 172 9.13. Special cultures 173 10. General report on livestock in the Italian Alpine region 175 10.1. Private conservation efforts 175 10.2. Governmental conservation efforts 177 10.3. Important University Institutions 179 10.4. Financial support for conservation work 179 10.5. National and regional legislation in Italy for the conservation of livestock breeds 180 10.6. Italian animal breeding associations 180 4 10.7. EU - measures for the conservation of livestock breeds in Italy 181 10.8. Overview on the need for action for livestock breeds in Italy 183 11. Portraits of livestock breeds in the Italian Alpine region 185 11.1. Cattle 185 11.2. Sheep and goats 200 11.3. Horses and donkeys 238 11.4. Pigs 241 11.5. Poultry 243 11.6. Dogs 248 11.7. Rabbits 249 12. General report on cultivated plants in the Swiss Alpine region 251 12.1. Protection of cultivated plants 251 12.2. International organisations and institutions 260 12.3. Summary of the need for action for the conservation of cultivated plants in Switzerland 262 13. Conservation of cultivated plants in the Swiss Alpine region -portraits of actors 264 13.1. Fruit and wild fruit 266 13.2. Berries 277 13.3. Nuts 281 13.4. Chestnuts 285 13.5. Vines 291 13.6. Vegetables (excl. potatoes, legumes) 297 13.7. Potatoes 302 13.8. Legumes 304 13.9. Cereals 307 13.10. Forage plants 316 13.11. Olives 318 13.12. Medicinal plants & spice plants 319 13.13. Willows 323 13.14. Flax and Hemp 324 13.15. Field accompanying flora 326 14. General report on livestock in the Swiss Alpine region 327 14.1. National and regional laws in Switzerland for the protection of endangered livestock breeds in the Alpine region 327 14.2. Private conservation efforts 327 14.3. Governmental efforts for the conservation of endangered breeds of livestock 328 14.4. Financial support for the conservation of rare Swiss livestock breeds 330 5 14.5. National organisation of Swiss Animal Breeding Federations 330 14.6. Overview of the need for action in the area of Swiss livestock 332 15. Portraits of livestock breeds in the Swiss Alpine region 334 15.1. Overview of endangered livestock breeds 334 15.2. Cattle 336 15.3. Sheep 343 15.4. Goats 350 15.5. Horses / donkeys / mules 356 15.6. Dogs 359 15.7. Pigs 362 15.8. Poultry 364 15.9. Bees 369 15.10. Rabbits 371 16. Principality Liechtenstein 372 16.1. General information on agriculture 372 16.2. Endangered livestock in Liechtenstein 372 16.3. Endangered varieties of cultivated plants in Liechtenstein 374 16.4. General contact adresses: 376 17. General report on cultivated plants in the German Alpine region (Bavaria) 377 17.1. Protection of cultivated plants in Germany 377 17.2. Protection of cultivated plants in the Bavarian Alpine region 377 17.3. EU - measures for the conservation of cultivated plants in Bavaria 384 17.4. NGOs 386 17.5. Summary of the need for action and other requirements 387 18. Portraits of organisations, institutions and institutes active in the conservation of cultivated plants in the Bavarian Alpine region 389 18.1. Fruit and wild fruit 389 18.2. Vines 401 18.3. Vegetables (incl. potatoes) 403 18.4. Legumes 410 18.5. Cereals 412 18.6. Medicinal plants & herbs 418 18.7. Oil-, fibre- and forage plants 420 19. General report on livestock breeds in the German Alpine region (Bavaria) 424 19.1. National and regional laws 424 19.2. Efforts of non-governmental organisations 424 19.3. Governmental conservation efforts 424 6 19.4. Conservation measures at the European level 426 19.5. Breeding and herdbook organisation 427 19.6. Overview of the need for action 427 20. Portraits of livestock breeds in Bavaria 429 20.1. Overview of endangered livestock breeds 429 20.2. Cattle 430 20.3. Horse breeds 435 20.4. Sheep 436 20.5. Pigeons 436 20.6. Bees 437 21. General report on cultivated plants in the Austrian Alpine region 439 21.2. EU - measures for the conservation of cultivated plants in Austria 452 21.3. Need for action with regard to the conservation of cultivated plants in Austria 454 22. Portraits of organisations and institutions active for the conservation of cultivated plants in the Austrian Alpine region 456 22.1. Fruit 456 22.2. Vines 462 22.3. Vegetables 464 22.4. Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) 467 22.5. Legumes 468 22.6. Cereals 472 22.7. Medicinal plants and herbs 478 22.8. Forage and industrial plants 480 23. General report on livestock breeds in the Austrian Alpine region 483 23.1. Private conservation efforts 483 23.2. Important University institutions 483 23.3. Government conservation efforts 483 23.4. EU Conservation measures 485 23.5. Overview of the need for action for livestock in Austria 486 24. Livestock breeds in the Austrian Alpine region 588 24.1. Overview of endangered livestock breeds 588 24.2. Cattle 590 24.3. Horses and Donkeys 599 24.4. Pigs 508 24.5. Sheep 512 24.6. Goats 521 24.7. Poultry 525 7 24.8. Pigeons 526 24.9. Dogs 527 24.10. Rabbits 529 24.11. Bees 530 25. General report on cultivated plants in the Slovenian Alpine region 532 25.2. Need for action 537 26. Portraits of organisations, institutions and institutes active in the conservation of cultivated plants in the Slovenian Alpine region 539 26.1. Fruit 539 26.2. Vines 542 26.3.
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