Encyclical Catalog CATHOLIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE P.O. BOX 589 VERADALE, WA 99037 - 0589 AN APOSTOLATE OF THE MISSIONARY SISTERS OF THE HOLY GHOST Let the Holy Ghost Speak to Your Heart Through the Voices of the Holy Fathers! POPE ST. PIUS V POPE GREGORY XVI Consueverunt Romani...50¢ On the Rosary Quo Graviora..........................$1.25 Quo Primum Tempore and On the Pragmatic Constitution De Defectibus............. $1.25 On the Latin Mass Commissum Divinitus.........$1.25 On Church and State Summo Jugiter Studio..........$1.00 On Mixed Marriages Mirari Vos.................................$1.25 On Liberalism and Indifferentism Inter Praecipuas.....................$1.00 On Biblical Societies In Supremo Apostolatus.........50¢ Condemning the Slave Trade Cum Primum..............................50¢ On Civil Obedience POPE PIUS IX Ineffabilis Deus.............................................$1.25 On the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception Amantissimi Redemptoris.........................$1.00 Quanta Cura....................................................$1.25 On Priests and the Care of Souls On Condemning Current Errors Pastor Aeternus..............................................$1.50 Syllabus of Errors..........................................$1.00 On the Roman Primacy and Papal Infallibility Compiled in 1864 2 Study is the Second Element in Catholic Action and the Duty of Every Baptized Catholic. Appetente Sacro..............................50¢ On the Spiritual Advantages of Fasting Cum Primum................................$1.75 On Observing Canonical Sanctions In Dominico Agro...........................75¢ On Instruction in the Faith Christianae Republicae................75¢ On the Dangers of Anti-Christian Writings POPE CLEMENT XIII POPE LEO XIII Laetitiae Sanctae.....................50¢ On the Rosary Quamquam Pluries................50¢ On St. Joseph and the Rosary Diuturnum.............................$1.50 On Civil Government Tamesti Futura.....................$1.50 Our Divine Redeemer Ubi Primum...........................$2.50 On the Rosary. Includes a Rerum Novarum..................$1.25 Summary of Indulgences. On the Condition of the Working Classes Exeunte Jam Anno..............$1.50 On the Right Ordering Arcanum Divinae................$2.50 of Christian Life On Christian Marriage Apostolicae Curae...............$1.50 Inscrutabili Dei Consilio...$1.25 On Anglican Orders On the Evils of Society Aeterni Patris........................$1.50 Humanum Genus...............$1.75 The Restoration On Freemasonry of Christian Philosophy Providentissimus Deus.....$1.75 Satis Cognitum....................$2.50 On the Study of Sacred Scripture On the Unity of the Church 3 Through Study, We Can Restore All Things In Christ. Pascendi and Lamentabili............................$3.00 On the Doctrine of the Modernists and the Syllabus Condemning the Errors of the Modernists. Acerbo Nimis..................................................$1.25 On Teaching Christian Doctrine Haerent Animo...................$2.75 On Priestly Sanctity E Supremi.............................$1.75 A cry of the Pope On the Restoration of for All Things in Christ POPE ST. PIUS X Catholic Action! POPE ST. PIUS X, A POPE OF OUR TIMES USING POWERFUL WORDS, GIVING SOLID SOLUTIONS... TO MODERN ERRORS “I will not leave POPE BENEDICT XV you orphans!” Ad Beatissimi Apostolorum................................$2.00 Appealing for Peace Providentissima Mater Ecclesia.................................75¢ The Promulgation of Canon Law Cum Iuris Canonici....................................................50¢ Establishing the Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Canons of the Code. Spiritus Paraclitus...................................................$3.50 On St. Jerome 4 The Church Wants Us to Listen to, and Obey, Encyclical Letters. POPE PIUS XI Ingravescentibus Malis.............$1.25 On the Recitation of the Rosary to Combat Modern World Evils Rite Expiatis...............................$1.75 Divini Redemptoris..................$2.25 On St. Francis of Assisi On Atheistic Communism Non Abbiano Bisogno..............$1.50 Concerning “Catholic Action” Vigilante Cura...........................$1.50 Casti Connubii...........................$2.75 On Motion Pictures On Christian Marriage Divini Cultus...............................$1.00 Apostolic Constitution Quas Primas..................................$1.50 Mit Brennender Sorge..............$1.50 on Divine Worship On the Kingship of Christ On the Church in Germany Quadragesimo Anno................$2.50 On Social Reconstruction Mortalium Animos....................$1.25 On Fostering True Religious Unity Ad Catholici Sacerdotii............$3.50 On the Catholic Priesthood “The Church teaches infallibly when it defines, through the Pope alone, as the teacher of all Christians, or through the Pope and the bishops, a doctrine of faith or morals to be held by all the faithful. a. The Holy Father must intend to use his supreme, apostolic authority when he teaches infallibly. b. The Pope can teach without speaking infallibly; for example, he does this in his encyclical letters. Catholics must accept such teachings, not on faith, but in obedience to the authority of the Pope and in respect for his wisdom.” Baltimore Catechism 5 Pope Pius XII — A Much Needed Voice From The Past Three of Pope Pius XII’s addresses on the Church available in one booklet. •The Teaching Authority of the Church •The Church and Its Powers of Sanctifying and Ruling •The Liturgical Movement $4.75 Also sold separately $1.50 $2.00 $2.25 POPE PIUS XII Humani Generis...........................$1.50 Mediator Dei................................$2.75 On False Modern Opinions On the Sacred Liturgy The Church and History...............$2.00 Musicae Sacrae Disciplina........$2.50 The Catholic Church is inseparable On Sacred Music from History The Day That the The Pastoral Care of Souls............$1.50 Lord Hath Made..........................$1.50 Discourse given March 10, 1955 Easter Message of 1957 Sertum Laetitiae..............................$1.50 Mystici Corporis..........................$3.50 On the American Hierarchy On the Mystical Body of Christ Divino Afflante Spiritu................$1.75 Church Life and Church Law........50¢ On Biblical Studies On the Importance of Living Both Together 6 Desperately Needed Answers to Modern Questions Pope Pius XII Gives Honor to Our Lady Mariology and the Standards Which Why the Rosary?..............................50¢ Govern Its Study...............................75¢ On the Rosary On Consecration to Mary.............$2.50 Mary, Be Thou Our Queen...........$1.50 Papal Addresses Our Lady of the Snows Ad Coeli Reginam...........................$1.25 On the Queenship of Mary The World Pays Its Honor to Mary..................................................$2.25 Munificentissimus Deus...............$1.75 Selections from Ten Messages On the Assumption Consecration to Mary: Its Benefits and The Lourdes Encyclical...................$2.25 Its Obligations.....................................75¢ On the Centenary of the Apparition Fulgens Corona...............................$1.25 Children of Mary Immaculate..........75¢ On the Marian Year Radio Address Pope Pius XII Speaks to Medical Professionals X-Rays and the Problem of Corneal Transplantation—and Suffering..........................................75¢ Respect for the Dead...................$1.75 Speech given on April 5, 1954 Address given on May 14, 1956 Heart Disease and the Whole Doctor’s Role in Man....................................................$1.50 War and Peace............................$2.25 Address given on May 8, 1956 Speech given on September 30, 1954 Nursing: A True and Cancer: A Medical and Sacred Ministry.............................$1.50 Social Problem................................$1.50 Speech given on October 2, 1953 Address given on August 19, 1956 Artificial Insemination...................50¢ Medical Law and Morality...........$2.00 Excerpts from Address given in 1949 Address given on September 11, 1956 The Spirit of Sickness....................75¢ A Supernatural Viewpoint of Suffering 7.
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