( m and Eearn P» 0 . Box 1620, Denver, Colorado UN AfiN-Chrift? Q. In my opinion, everything reiated to UN and UNESCO stinks! They are anti-Christ, Communistic. How can one who beiieves hi God beiieve in the UN? A. Your extreilie aversion to the international bodies is irreconcilable with the mind of the Church, as expressed by Pope and Bishops. That there must be some form of world order to Feast of Holy Family preserve peace is a rigid deduction from the unity of mankind, Avhich it is heresy to deny. The UN is far from satisfying the Catholic ideal of a world government to maintain peace and order Spotlights St. Joseph among nations. Its refusal to recognize God is de­ plorable, and it can never be an effective world r is no accident that the introduc­ the husband of Mary was bead of government as long as Communist nations have a rtion of the Feast of the Holy Family, Mary’s family. vote in its assembly. in 1893, coincided with the revival of THERE has never been a father­ Nevertheless, it could be much worse, and the interest in St. Josephite theology. hood like that of St. Joseph, accord­ fact that it is no worse than it is owing in no small If Our Lord had a family, then He ing to which Christ was Joseph’s true part to participation by devoted Catholic represen- must have had a father—a virginal fa­ atives and Pontifical encouragement. ther. but, nonetheless, a real one. Son in the moral order, and not ex­ Some UN subsidiaries, such a^ the International traneous to him, as is an adopted Father Francis L. Filas, S.J., who Labor Organization and the Food and Agricultural child. Joseph could not have obtained Organization, have been singled out for praise by has done more than anyone else in the The Holy Family such a fatherhood except through the the Pope. U.S. to popularize the theology of St. In this age of distorted values too little em­ ration in their great model, Mary, and Fathers fact that Jesus was born of Joseph’s UNESCO, although its pursuit of humanistic phasis is placed on the Importance of the will receive courage and new hope in imitating Joseph, has devoted considerable at­ wife. ideals without reference to God is open to grave ob­ home. /Many parents. In their quest of worldly St. Joseph. Children will complete this renewal tention to this unique fatherhood. jection, has helped Catholic enterprises, such as the comforts and personal pleasure, lose sight of of family life as they emulate the love and By divine decree, only by Joseph’s their divinely given responsibilities. Now Is the obedience that the Christ Child gave to Mary Being incarnate, the Second Person mass education program of Monsignor Jose Salcedo virginal marriage with the ever vir­ in Colombia. time for all to sAp and study the example giv­ and Joseph. of the Holy Trinity had to have at en by the Holy Family. Mothers will find Inspi­ gin Mary, could the Christ Child have Catholic delegates to the UN have succeeded in least a human mother—otherwise He come into the world. In this way Christ inserting clauses into a projected Covenant that, would not have been truly human. He as man was able to enter the world would guarantee freedom of religion and education did not in fact have a human father, in signatory nations- but the full significance of His Incar­ in accordance with the primeval law that children were to be begotten with­ Extreme Unction Brings nation would have been diminished un­ ‘Hidden Wealth^ an Illusion less He had lived a family life, as in marriage, but in a way befitting other men do. the divine majesty. I have in my possession a PO4 U folder calied “The Hid­ • den Wealth of the Catholic Church.’’ How would you Promise qt Hope and Joy Thus Joseph’s consent to his vir­ answer it? „ WITHOUT a family, one of the By Rev. Joseph A. Hughes More is given in Extreme works of the great doefprs of ginal marriage, together with the in­ great purposes of the Incarnation— A good retort to the POAU would be to ask fit DEATH is a moment of tri­ Unction than the chance to re­ the 13th century. 1 found that effable degree of purity and holiness umph for a genuine Chris­ the example Christ gave to man— about its own hidden wealth. This very brochure ap- gain health and more than the the first reason and primary tian. It is appointed to man that made it possible for him to be fortitude needed by weak man purpose of the holy unction of would be seriously obscured by the als for $5 and greater donations, and for wills and once to die — and through fittingly the spouse of the Blessed Vir­ to face the uncertainties of the sick consists in perfect jacies to the cause. death to enter into the pres­ fact that He gave no obedience to a the judgment. health of the soul. This, agdn, gin, was the cause of His virginal fa­ K ence and glory of God for­ includes a disposition to ob­ father, felt no closeness to him, and therhood of Christ, a fatherhood im- POAU does not hesitate to remind prospective ever. Christ comes to one in dan­ tain beatitude immediately, ger of dying with the fruits consequently communicated no par­ donors that money contributed to it is “tax-ex­ . Through a natural life-force unless it were more expedient like any other human fatherhood, and of the Redemption, with the ticular blessing to family Ufe. designed by the Creator, man (for the soul of the sick per­ empt-” If POAU ever disclosed its financial status, final graces of the new dis- complete in every respect except and the amount of taxes it does not pay, because it clings to life with a tenacious son) to have (bodily) health St. Joseph’s virginal fatherhood physical generation. restored.” represents itself as a non-profit, religious organiza­ grasp. Friends and relatives made the Holy Family possible. If Jo­ accept as a loss and a burden Extreme Unction is one of tion, we are sure that the figure would not suffer in seph were a stepfather, an adoptive or VARIOUS NAMES have been stud­ compariso n with the huge wealth attributed to some and a sorrow the death of a The tjiree anointings given to the loved one. But all of this is In legal or merely foster-father, the Child ied to designate, St. Joseph’s unique of the Catholic organizations named in this leaflet. tyiBijal Christian. The others the area of instinct, in the are ' in Baptism and Confir­ would have been someone extraneous position in the Holy Family. He has shadows and shoals of emo­ Spiritual mation. been called the “adoptive,” “puta­ The POAU pampWet makes the “wealth” of the tion and memory. to Joseph, a mere condition or. con­ Catholic Church in tlfe U. S. sound impressive by Persons of faith accept by THE SUPERNATURAL life venience of His birth. tive,” “legal,” “vicarious,” “foster,” lumping together the estimated value of the lands Life that is given in Baptism and and “spiritual” father of Jesus. All reason and grace the plan of Such was not God’s design. Even at and buildings owned by Catholic churches, societies, God and the loss of their fortified in Confirmation is these adjectives necessarily fail to ex­ and religious institutes, and calling this “wealth.” friends. Persons of high super­ pensation, with the love that expanded and enriched in the the moment of His assumption of hu­ banishes defiance, with for­ last anointing. The senses, press this unique relationship. Nothing is said about mortgages or debts, or the natural stature even glory in man nature, Christ really belonged to the day that one they have giveness for offenses and re­ agents of disloyalty through fact that a Catholic church, hospital, college, school, the marriage of Joseph and Mary, ac­ Probably the title “virginal father,” known with love is led by mission of the remains of sin. life, are consecrated in the favored by Father Filas, comes closer or newspaper does not represent negotiable wealth cording to the special decree of di­ angels into paradise. last moment, and restored than any other. It agrees with the but a continual expense. This is legerdemain of the ONE PURPOSE of Extreme and exonerated from the bur­ vine Providence and according to the doctrine of St. Joseph’s fatherhood by shabbiest smt. THE HOPE and joy of a Unction is to spare a soul the den of sin and the penalties natural law of the family. Consequent­ right of marriage and yet safeguards It would be just as easy for the POAU to cite as Christian soul at the point of ordeal of purgatory and to placed upon human weakness. death are heightened by the prepare that soul for direct All of this happens to a soul ly, He belonged to St. Joseph, who as Mary’s perpetual virginity. an example of enormous wealth the Episcopalian aacess to the abode of the Church, or the Mornjan or the Seventh Day Advent­ presence and comfort of who qualifies for the special Christ, who comes again in a blessed. Father H. A. Rein­ ministrations of Christ mere­ ist sects, the Iptter two of which demand and get 10 moment of twilight on earth hold, in a paper prepared for ly by reaching the hour of per cent of the income of their members.
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