SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSIT Y & THE OPEN UNIVERSIT Y OF DAR-ES-SALAAM MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (2007) Project Title: Establishing Community Based and Managed Saving and Credit Group Systems to People Living with HIV/AIDS in Marumbo Ward in Kisarawe District Student Name: Angela Egidio Shija. 'A PROJECT SUBMITTED I N PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF REQUIREMENT S FOR THE MASTER OF SCIENCE I N COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSIT Y A T THE OPEN UNIVERSITY TANZANIA' , 2007. ii SUPERVISOR'S CERTIFICATION. I, Dr, Simon C.A. Waane , certify that I have thoroughly read this Project Repor t and found it to be in a form acceptable fo r review. STATEMENT OF THE COPYRIGHT 'No part of this Project ma y be reproduced, store d in any retrieval system, or transmitte d in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwis e without prior written permission of the author or the Open University of Tanzania/ Southern New Hampshire University'. iv DECLARARTION BY THE CANDIDAT E I, Angela Egidio Shij a , do hereby declare to the Senat e of the Souther n New Hampshire University a t The Open University Tanzania, that this Field / Project Repor t is my own original wor k an d declar e tha t i t had no t bee n submitte d fo r a simila r degre e award a t any other University. v ABSTRACT This project i s about establishin g community managed saving and credit groups system to th e peopl e livin g wit h HIV/AID S (PLWHA ) fo r improvin g th e family' s income . According t o th e stud y findings , mos t of the PLWHA ha d improved their health status after receivin g home base d car e service s fro m Jipen i Moy o Wome n and Community Development Organizatio n (JIMOWACO) . 68 % o f th e PLWH A sai d thei r healt h statuses improved and were able to work. For their family livelihood , 50% depended on small busines s an d farming , but th e siz e of these activitie s are smal l du e t o lac k of financial capital . The majorit y (71% ) d o no t hav e cas h saving s fo r expandin g thei r business capita l base, henc e wha t they earn , just fro m han d to mouth. The project wa s planned to start in six villages of Marumbo Ward in Kisarawe district. The projec t s o fa r ha d manage d t o identif y a developmen t partne r wh o i s willin g t o support th e trainin g sessions t o communit y saving and credi t grou p member s throug h covering th e cost s fo r buyin g workin g kit s an d facilitatio n expenses . Th e community mobilization session s ha d starte d whereb y th e en d o f Januar y 07 , thre e community interest groups were formed and they were waiting for the training sessions to begin. Home based program programs have proven to support the well being of PLWHAs, bu t the interventions needs to ensure supporting strategies t o improve family livelihoo d .The increase in family incom e will hav e a significant impact on improving the foo d intake to meet thei r highl y nutritio n requirements, whic h almos t double s wit h HIV/AID S an d utilization of the antiretroviral drugs. vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the Almight y God , for his protection, care, and guidance leading to the success of this work. I a m extremely gratefu l t o CE D progra m instructors fo r th e material s an d discussions, which helped me to gain new knowledge and enrich this project. More particularly, I am grateful t o th e progra m Director , Miche l Adjibodo u an d m y projec t superviso r Dr. Simon A. C Waane fo r valuabl e guidanc e an d suppor t toward s accomplishin g this project. I would als o lik e t o exten d m y sincerely gratitude t o Jipeni Moyo Wome n Community Development Organizatio n (JIMOWACO) , fo r allowin g m e t o wor k wit h thei r organization a s wel l fo r th e maximu m support an d resource s give n when undertaking this project. Last, bu t no t least , I wis h t o than k m y famil y fo r valuabl e encouragemen t support , prayers extended to me during my studies. I am deeply indebted to my beloved husband, Mr Msikul a N. Shij a an d m y daughter s Illakoz e an d Butogw a fo r endurin g al l th e hardship of taking their precious time while undertaking this project. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT v i CHAPTER 1 : COMMUNITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT 1 1.1. Kisarawe District Profile 1 1.2. The Research Methodology 6 1.2.1. The survey 7 Goal an d Purpose of the Survey 7 Research Questions 7 Characteristic s of the Survey 8 The Research Design 1 1 Interna l and External Validity 1 1 Sample 1 2 Appropriate Analysis 1 3 Summary results of Survey Questionnaire 1 3 1.2.2. Individual Interview with Key Informants 1 9 Individual Interview with key informants Result s 2 0 1.2.3. Focus Group Discussions 2 2 Focus group discussion results 2 2 1.2.4. Review of HIV/AIDS report s 2 4 Review of HIV/AIDS Reports Results 2 4 1.3. Discussion of Results and findings 2 5 1.3.1. Findings and Recommendation 2 9 1.3.2. Comparison of the findings with other surveys 3 0 1.4. Graphical contents 3 0 2.1. Problem statement 3 1 2.2. The Project Target Community 3 7 2.3. Stakeholders Analysis ..3 8 2.4. Project Goals 4 0 2.5. Project Objectives 4 0 2.6. The Host organization 4 0 CHAPTER 3: LITERATURE REVIEW 5 0 3.1. Theoretical Literature 5 0 3.2. Empirical Literature 5 5 3.3 Policy Review 6 5 CHAPTER 4 : IMPLEMENTATION 7 5 4.1. Project Planning 7 5 4.2. Project Implementation Plan 7 7 4.3 Staffing pattern 7 9 4.4. Budget 8 0 4.5. Project Implementation Report 8 0 4.6. Project Implementation Chart/Timetable 8 2 CHAPTER 5 : MONITORING, EVALUATION AND SUSTAINABILITY 8 3 5.1. Monitoring 8 3 viii 5.1.1. Management Informatio n Syste m (MIS) 8 3 5.1.2. Data Collection Methodology 8 5 5.1.3. Monitoring results 8 5 5.1.4. Monitoring Table 8 7 5.2. Evaluation 8 9 5.2.1. Performance Indicator s 8 9 5.2.2. Methodology for Data Collection 8 9 5.2.3. Data Analysis 9 1 5.2.3. Formative Evaluation Results 9 1 5.2.4. Summary of Evaluation Table (Formative evaluation) 9 2 5.3. Sustainability 9 3 5.3.1 Sustainabilit y Elements 9 3 5.3 2. Sustainability Plan 9 3 5.3.3. Institutionalization of the Suitability Plan 9 4 CHAPTER 6 : CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 9 5 6.1. Project Results 9 5 6.2. Recommendations 9 7 BIBLIOGRAPHY 10 0 ix List o f Tables Table 2: PLWHA car e takers 1 4 Table 3: PLWHA curren t sources of income 1 4 Table 4.Altenative income sources (ie more opportunity fo r income) 1 5 Table 5.Cross tabulation 1 5 Table 6.More support requested from the project 1 6 Table 7:PLWHA saving s method s 1 6 Table 8.Source of Financial capital for income generation initiative s 1 7 Table 9.Financial Capital enough? 1 7 Table 10.Rang e of loan/financial support required mor e 1 8 Table 11 . Willingness to join saving and credit groups 1 8 Table 12.Recomende d loa n recovery period 1 9 x List of Abbreviations BAMITA -Baraza la Misikiti Tanzania. CED-Community Economic Development Program . CBH-Community Based Care. IGA-Income Generation Activity . JIMOWACO-Jipeni Moyo Women and Community Organization. NACP - Nationa l AIDS Control Program. OVC-Orphans and Vulnerable Children. PLWHA- Peopl e living with HIV/AIDS. UNAID-Joint United Nation Program on HIV/AIDS URTZ -United Republic of Tanzania. VCT-Voluntary Counseling and Testing. VSHP-Voluntary Sector Health Program. WAMATA-Walio Katika Mapambano na AIDS Tanzania . WHO-World Health Organization. xi EXECUTIVE SUMMAR Y This project i s about establishin g community managed savin g and credit groups system at Marumb o ward in Kisarawe District. Th e Marumb o ward ha s si x village s namely Kikwete, Mfiiru , Marumbo , Chang'omb e A , Kitong a an d Palak a villages . Th e si x villages ar e amon g th e 3 9 projec t village s covered b y th e Hom e base d car e suppor t program implemente d b y JIMOWAC O (projec t hos t organization ) t o PLWHA s i n Kisarawe District.
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