Leopoldina news Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina – Special edition: Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Annual Assembly 2011 Halle (Saale), 21 October 2011 04|2011 Dear members and friends of the Leopoldina, we can look back on a highly successful Annu- al Assembly in Halle. I am extremely grateful to all members who showed their dedication to the Leopoldina and helped to generate such a high level of academic discussion. I would like to say a special thank you to Vice-Presidents Prof. Dr. Bärbel Friedrich ML and Prof. Dr. Michael Hecker ML, who were responsible for prepa- ring the academic side of the assembly. I was pleased to see how many people attended the event and followed the interdisciplinary dialogue between the humanities, the natural Leopoldina Vice-President Martin J. Lohse welcomed the participants at the start of the three-day Annual Assembly of sciences and the life sciences. The speeches the Leopoldina in Halle. Photo: Markus Scholz given by Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt, Rei- ner Haseloff, also attracted large audiences. Leopoldina Annual Assembly 2011 However, as we all know, after the Annual Assembly is before the Annual Assembly! So explored questions about life I’d like to take a peek into the future and look ahead to the next Annual Assembly, which “What is life?” – the Leopoldina’s Annu- various perspectives adopted by the na- will be held in Berlin from 22 to 24 September al Assembly, which took place from 23 to tural sciences, life sciences and huma- 2012. The topic of this inspiring event will be 25 September in the Kongress- und Kul- nities. The spectrum stretched from the “The role of science in global change”. turzentrum in Halle, put this question origins and development of life, to the at the heart of its academic discussions. diversity and limits of life, to the possi- At the start of his welcome address, Le- bilities of creating artificial life. Over 600 Kind regards, opoldina Vice-President Prof. Dr. Mar- guests attended the three-day Annual tin J. Lohse ML, said that there were Assembly. Among them were 100 pupils no simple answers to the question. He and several Thai students, who had been explained that disciplines vary widely in invited by the Society of German Natural their approaches to the topic, and that Scientists and Doctors (GDNÄ) and had the question can even mean entirely dif- the opportunity to speak to the outstan- ferent things to scientists and scholars ding researchers during the event. from different fields. The comprehensive (mab) Speeches 3 Prizes and Medals 4 programme for the Annual Assembly re- Scientific Lectures 10 flected this diversity. The topics covered Detailed reports are available on the Events 14 a wide range of issues and discussed the following pages. Publishing Details 15 People 16 2 04|2011 // Leopoldina / Newsletter Impressions Jörg Hacker, President of the Leopoldina, welcomed Chancellor Angela Merkel and Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt, Reiner Haseloff, at the Kongress- und Kulturzentrum in Halle (from left to right). Photo: David Ausserhofer View of the banquet hall on the opening day of the Annual Assembly 2011. The Leopoldina New members – including Prof. Dr. Heidi welcomed well over 600 international guests to the three-day event in Halle. Pfeifer ML, shown here – received their Photos (3): Markus Scholz diploma from the President. The Junge Akade- mie, which was founded by the Leopoldina and the Berlin-Bran- denburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, also participated in the Annual Assembly with its “vita-bios- chaim” event. State Secretary Cornelia Quennet-Thielen (center) attended a plenary session of the members of the Junge Akademie. 04|2011 // Leopoldina / Newsletter 3 “There are plenty of topics on which policymakers need expert advice.” In her speech, Chancellor Merkel underlined the importance of the Leopoldina. Jörg Hacker, President of the Leopoldina, and Reiner Haseloff, Minister-President of Saxony-Anhalt, also spoke about the Academy’s role in the research sector in Germany and around the world. This year, the German Chancellor, Dr. Angela Merkel visited the Leopoldi- na Annual Assembly for the first time. In her speech on the opening day, she talked about the importance of scientific advice for policymakers and about the Leopoldina’s role as the German Natio- nal Academy of Sciences in Germany and worldwide. At the start of her speech, Chancellor Merkel said: “There is now one voice that speaks for the German sci- entific community as a whole.” She went on to say that the Leopoldina represents the entire range of the sciences and hu- manities and promotes cooperation bet- ween different scientific and academic institutions. “As a result,” she said, “the public is listening more to what science has to say,” and its voice is being heard internationally. Germany had closed a Chancellor Angela Merkel at the Annual Assembly 2011. Photo: David Ausserhofer gap by designating the Leopoldina as its National Academy of Sciences. The Chancellor emphasised the va- must reach the political sphere and must context. He went on to say that the third lue of the science-based policy advice not be ignored there. The Leopoldina main factor for Germany’s development that the Leopoldina provides: “There takes its scientific responsibility – which into a Republic of Science is continuous are plenty of topics on which policyma- is always also a responsibility towards so- and open communication between sci- kers need expert advice.” In this context, ciety – very seriously.” ence and society, as Germany is a scep- Merkel specifically mentioned the state- In his speech, Prof. Jörg Hacker ML, tical and difficult nation “when it comes ments and recommendations on Pre- President of the Leopoldina, focused fi- to new technologies and living with risks implantation Genetic Diagnosis and on nally on the future role of the Leopoldina and uncertainties.” “Public debate on energy research provided by experts this in the German and international scien- scientific topics is especially important year: “I ask the Leopoldina to continue to tific sphere, in light of the fact that po- in times of increasing uncertainty and intervene and advise us in this way.” In liticians, academics and representatives where ever more complex issues – from Merkel’s opinion, scientific advice serves of other relevant groups plan to develop combating acute infections, to problems as an essential basis for sustainable deci- Germany into a “Republic of Science”. on the financial markets, to questions of sions: “We need the facts to be compiled, Hacker asserted that while science educational policy – demand well-consi- analysed and evaluated in order to make certainly requires reliable funding, “a dered and sometimes fast responses. In sound decisions.” And while such decisi- science republic cannot be built on fi- addition, Hacker stated that science can ons can never be based solely on scienti- nancial support alone; intangible factors only thrive in an international context fic facts, they should never run contrary such as legal framework conditions are and a Republic of Science must be an in- to them, either. just as important in making a location ternational beacon. “That’s why we want In his words of welcome, the Mi- attractive.” Here too, in creating condi- to become a key partner who helps define nister-President of Saxony-Anhalt, Dr. tions that are favourable to science, the the agenda of international science and Reiner Haseloff, said that as politicians Leopoldina has an important advisory research, both through our work in the today cannot possibly keep abreast of all function. Hacker made particular refe- large associations of science academies the latest developments, they have to rely rence to legislation on stem-cell research and in a bilateral context.” (mab) on the advice of independent experts. and the implementation of the EU Di- “But the findings of science and research rective on animal experiments in this 4 04|2011 // Leopoldina / Newsletter At the Annual Assembly, the Leopoldina honoured outstanding researchers with awards and medals Cothenius-Medals: Bert Hölldobler, Anna M. and Ulrich Wobus The ethologist and evolutionary biologist Bert Hölldobler (right) President Jörg Hacker and the General Secretary Jutta Schnitzer- received the Cothenius Medal from Leopoldina President Jörg Ungefug presented the Medal to Anne M. Wobus and Ulrich Wobus Hacker for his research on the social organization of insects. (center) for their works in the field of cell biology and genetic Photo: David Ausserhofer research. Photo: Markus Scholz The Leopoldina members Prof. Dr. Bert He has received numerous high-level the institute was re-founded and became Hölldobler ML (Würzburg), Prof. Dr. awards including the German Research part of the Leibniz Association. Anna M. Anna M. Wobus and Prof. Dr. Ulrich Foundation’s Leibniz Prize and the Kör- Wobus is a pioneer in stem cell research Wobus (both Gatersleben) received the ber Prize. Bert Hölldobler has always in Germany. She is also committed to the golden Cothenius Medal for their scien- understood how important it is to formu- social aspects of stem cell research and is tific life’s work. late his scientific findings for a wider au- today a leading figure internationally in dience. In 1991 he received the American her branch of research. Her name is also Prof. Dr. Bert Hölldobler (born 1936) Pulitzer Prize for his book “The Ants”, a linked to the establishment of embryonic is
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