ATcng« Dally Net Pnsb Riii F »r Too Week Ended The Weather . i Ootober 21, 1B61 Cleai* tonight. Low 35 to 40. Tomorrow bright skies, warm = 15,469 temperatures. Manchester— A* City o f Village Charm VOL. LXXXVII, NO. 19 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1967 (Claasifled AdvertiafaiK on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Third Trip, Matches H Egypt Fears liTVERFOOL, E n g l a n d (A P) — A gang o f Uiieves appiairenltly ifemt oonifiidenit af­ of UAW Prepare ter stealing $64,400 worith o f Oigarelttbea firain a Livea*- pooll brewory In dayllgtilt Ship Revenge Sundhy a ibtock ftom. the oentbraJ pioUce OtaXlton. •ff*- Many browary employes saw ithe gang itaioe Wbe cig- For Balloting on Contraet By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Former Israeli Prime Minis- ' Israel’s angry mood hardened ter David Ben-Gurion, speaking arembea and dlitve Off with in bitter official statements to- at his 81st birthday party, said them lin a company truck day and Egyptian officials said the missiies were not fired by and nObOdy hrtied to stop they expect an attack "any- Egyptians. He would not name, them. - tliiie” to avenge Egypt’s sinking however, those persons he said So (the tlhtevea isItloOie a .sec­ DETROIT (AP) — Top of an Israeli destroyer in vdiat launched them. ond truck and tOtumed fur officials of the United Auto may have been one of warfare’s In Cairo, an Egyptian official another load. ’ThlUs tlma thie Workers today prepared first sea-to-sea missile raids. told ’The Associated Press: "We brewe(ra gave cHalse. for a ratification vote on a - Isradi Prime Minister Levi expect renewed Israeli aggres- new contract with the Ford Eshkol called the sinking of the elo*! anytime. Our armed forces Motor Co. which could cost destroyer Eiath Saturday “ an are constantly on alert." State News Ford close to a billion dol­ act of war In open sea" and said Eshkol reflected the angry lars in the next three “ this despicable attack was mood of his countrymen in a years. Ford executives launched without any cause." broadcast to the nation. "It was Murder Rule made plans to get cars roll­ Blgypt’s Cabinet asserted the a deliberate and unprovoked at­ warship was In its territorial tack," he said. "The blood of ing o ff assembly lines if waters when missiles shattered our sailors, like the blood of our Reversed by the strike, now in its 47th It. ’The exchange came as So- civilians and soldiers, will not day and longest in the com­ vlet Deputy Defense Minister be shed wantonly.” pany’s history, ends some Marshal Matvei Zakharov ar- n was disclosed meanwhile U .S. Court time this week. rived In Cairo unannounced and that as late as Friday Defense The union’s Ford Council WASHINGTON (AP) — The President Gamal Abdel Nasser Minister Moshe Dayan, hero of meets tonight and ratification Supreme <3ourt reversed today votes by members are planned called his ministers together to Israel’s three victorious wars the murder conviction of Rich­ discuss what the semiofficial against the Arabs, had said the for Tuesday and Wednesday at ard W. Kirk, a Bethel, Maine, la­ the Ford plants In 25 states. newspa.per A1 Ahram reported Suez Canal area is "likely to be- borer who was under death sen­ were "the eventualities of the come once again the spark tence in Wyoming in the 1964 The council, made up of key situation." which touches off war.’’ slaying of a hitch-hiker. officials in Ford locals, meets The purpose of Zakharov’s Israeli and Egyptian troops Kirk gave a confession to po­ again at 8 p.m. Wednesday, to mission was not disclosed, but pass on the vote. j face each other across the canal __lice_ in. .....Stonington,.....sw.., ..Conn.,........ after exchanged fire spo- he had been implicated by Mrs. Walter P. Reuther, UAW said he believed Soviet mis- radically since the June 5-10 Shirley Brearley, with whom he president, said he expected his sties fired from Soviet ships war. had been traveling. men to be returning to work by supplied, to™ the Egyptian navy’’... Dayan warned that a new con- In a brief unsigmed opinion 'Thursday with more expected would involve the major the court reversed Kirk’s convic­ Friday. Malcolm L. Denise, creiw o t 202, wounding 46 more tion, citing a 1964 decision that Ford vice president for labor re­ and leaving 36 unaccounted for. (See Page ’Ten) called on trial judges to deter- lations, said employes could be ________________________mine before trial if a confession back on the job Wednesday “ at is indeed voluntary. the earliest.’’ Ford officials have said It will ----------- Eight Others Hurt------------- Wesleyan Inauguration be several weeks after workers MIDDLETOWN (AP)—Edwin return to their Jobs before D. Etherington, former presi­ production can resume. dent of the American Stock Denise and Reuther headed Mill Employe Slays Exchange, has been inaugurat­ the opposing bargaining teams ed as president of his alma ma­ in 13 days of intensive negotia­ ter, Wesleyan University. tions before the contract was At his inauguration Saturday agreed on early Sunday. Five Fellow Workers night as Wesleyan’s 12th presi­ There were smiles and handshakes all around af­ McKie^na, director of labor affairs at Ford; Mal­ Reuther said the union’s gains dent, Etherington said there was LOCK HAVEN, Pa. (AP) — 17 miles southeast. En route, he ter the United Auto Workers and Fort Motor Co. colm C. Denise, Ford vice president for labor rela­ represent "our share of the In­ a danger of large universities crease In productivity and can­ Five fellow workers were killed pumped out more bullets from came to an agreement in which the UAW members tions; UAW president Walter P. Reuther; and Ken using "Production-line” meth- won a guaranteed annual income.'Chief negotiators Bannon, UAW director of the Ford deptartment. not possibly form the basis for today by a berserk paper mill carried-police — ; Increasing prices.” ■' aren’t sure how many he had in in the wage talks were, from left: Sidney P. (AP Photofax) employe who led police on a jjjg ^g^j.— wounded three oth- "The independent liberal arts The nation’s four major colleges stand as a bulwark domestic automakers have all trall of bullets and blood before er persons, against bigness and sameness Increased prices for 1968-modet he was captured. Eight persons it was reported that police in education," he said. cars and have Indicated the were wounded in the hall of found three rifles and four pls- Fresh U.S. Infantry Arrive P oll Shows prices could be changed depend­ Rf-J lead.tols in Held’s house after he was Norwalk Inn Robbed ing on the cost of new contracts Leo Held, 39-yeaF-old lab tech- seized, NORWALK (AP) — The Nor­ with the UAW. nlclan for the Hammermill Pap- What set Held off was un- walk Motor Inn was robbed LBJ Unable Denise declined to answer er Co., barricaded himself in his known.Sheriff Jack Boyle of early today of $470 by two men. Yard Hit Near Haiphong nearby Loganton home after his Clinton County said the shoot- specifically when asked whether Police said the night clerk. Ford would increase car prices, wild and apparently unconnect- Ings started shortly after Held piobert Kronenberg, 35, of West- T o T op G O P SAIGON (AP) — U.S. war- and destroyed a torpedo patrol zone had been mainly a Marine saying only, "One cannot Ignore ed shootings. He engaged in a reported lor work at 8 a.m. port, told them the two men planes struck at ii naval yard boat. Other pilots pounded rail- job until August when officials cost when pricing one's prod­ PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) — ^ootout with a dozen state and When the bullets started entered at about 4 :40 a.m. and ^ ■ outside Haiphong for the first yards 1.7 miles from the acknowledged that the Leather- uct.” local police. flying, workers dropped behind fled after taking____ „ the—- _____money.^. President Johnson would be un- center of Haiphong In contln- necks lacked the manpower to Ford said the new contract Bullets struck him in the desks and sprawled on the floor One of them, he said, carried able to defeat the leading three Sunday as the vanguard of efforts to stop the flow of handle the deeply rooted will raise wages 45Vi to 90% arms and legs as he sprayed shielded by machines, a gun, and the other a length Republicans mentioned as pres- American infantry- supplies out of the key North guerrillas. cents an hour over its three- answering shots at the officers Killed in the barrage were of pipe. , . _________, ..j_______ . _________ mpnmen hpp-nnbegan rnminp-coming n.shoreashore to Vietnamese port. Army troops have since been before they broke into the house Donald Waldon, Arlen Barrett, idential candidates if any elec year span. The union estimates help hold down South Vietnam’s A carrier-based Navy A4 Sky- (See Page Ten) and seized him. His condition at Elmer Weaver, all of Lock Ha- Newspaper Guild Asked unstable northern battle zone. hawk was shot down by enemy (See Page Ten) Lock Haven Hospital was not ven; Carmen H. Edwards, Mill WATERBURY (AP)—The Na- m the latest Gallup Poll, ground fire in the Haiphong serious. Hall, and Richard Davenport, tional Labor Relations Board The poll, conducted between Elements of the 198th Light area, the U.S. Command re­ The s ittin g s began without Woolrich. has been asked to certify the t°und that Sen.
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