
, ™ *^,hj--^-t--.-* w i'-^*r-^'T^"'-^'^'^T*£^,"^,!^ 51«?F?«-TK.^^'4.-'-'^t-i'^ ;-. •. i.-5™.I,V;.^-. ^i- l^rS^^Sxsr:::?::::!! 2T1- fH^^' Page Sixteen THE BRANFORD REVTEW • EAST HAVEN NEWS Thursday, December 14. 1950 CHRISTMAS GIFT CORNER Gajrden Notes W I'l REMEMBER' K,j-'er'i .WK VJHB BV THE OLD TIMERS rqOI. IN NOVKiMBUR t- - The Wind returned and found the r^-i tranquil pcol from the Old Timer of Franktort, Deep In the heart tho heat of Ky, to C. M. Johns! There was fcummer lay' ' one nleniflcant mistake in my Caught In the color of the rippled handling of your recent conlrlMullon Combined With The Branford Review - sand. lo "I Remember" In whieh you re­ called when harvesting was done The wind returned and tor a EAST HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1950 5 Cents Per Copy—$2 A Vcar moment. by hand and cradle and sheaves VOL. VI—NO. 15 Stirred tho quiet water with lils were tied by hand. Tlic Item, as it hand. appeared in the tolumn, said tho The sky leaned closer to the second men Ufied .to work from sunup to sky :• ( • And ^^aw tho least red leaf of sundown for *45 cents to a doll.ir an autumn resting there hourl Of course, no one—not even Phone_4-1707 Long Meetiiig OM Upcn tho echo of the air. whitC'COlIar workcts—earned that Sara V. Allen maeh In those d a y s. Obviou.ily, It any pci-son knows of any 'Tho Januar.v 5th meeting of the their yagcs ranged from v."! cents little- boy or K'rl in need of a Branford Garden Club will be held to n dollar a day, like you said or!', gift for Christmas, they arc aik- III-;ADING DAD'S LAST LETTER . Mrs. Ruby Peeler, San at tho Congregational Parish House Inally, Obvlouslyl c(l to contact Tommy's Piunltnre on Friday at 2:15. Flower Show ncrnadino, Calif., and Iwin children read last letter of Ihclr war •VoUilliful ronwiiy Rloorc, local §{cliools !§latefl discussion win be held In charge of cnrre^i>ontient husband and dad who was killed In Korea, Athlete at Notre Dnmc II Kli, House, opposite the Grcrn, lie- Mis. R. Earl Boers. Members arc I'Miivcil a seriously cut wrist forc the holidays, I), Thomns asked to nolo change of time and While no one is immune to tuber­ last week ill a f,ill, lhrou.t;n n i truth hjc, . , club, W.1S hold last Tliursday. at tho Ouofrlo, proprietor, nrnour.c-;:! place of meetlnR home of Mrs. M.J. Carplnella. Mrs. culosis, mortality from this com­ plate glass -door at the sc.iool. *.oday. ; OrnltoloRlsts believe the car­ W. T. Nott, chairman, was assisted municable disease is seven times as Occtofs regarded the in.iury as \Kipon S/loPSot A'Jl... She'll Io\o (^ „t,,| |i% Hdurjolt nntl pnckiiil full dinals are oxtendhiR their north­ by an able committee. high among unskilled workers as crltic.ll (rom the stand point The merchant said tlirit he <'.ia«l TliiiFistlaj ^iglit i llipsc CIirlHlinns unnrktrr"! iiml* r her (if frncriinl Itoiirjiit^ lu'rfdinrt, llj)- SiVPfitor Gill,.. Cnlnllivn rrcnics a ern limit and, anxious to know of the effect on the many I Irco or when trlinnilnK ihi' Ifcr. HllrUfl, rl nl, 'I'lu: liliin nnlin Imx villi colorful Clirlslnin't Rift Kumtcr . among professional persons, three artlres, vicns and tendons that a special wire lo S!inla'.>: Head­ how far they may have Rono. times as hlEh among skilled workers I Brlffhl sliockiiiR t*'"'*'' cniliroitlrrptl JIH Frf^nrli rtti nnni lioin ftrlls coin* Idciil to wciir skiiiiR or sIctltllnR, It All the clubs In tho state have were severed. However, after quarters and Ihat he wilt sec lo One of the lonRcst town mcothiRs ' wjili vivlel colors on n mift sole pipic for 87,50 nl belter slorcs Ims lli colors of It knlri(l(*4cuitc uiid as profosslcnal people. proper csrc, -Tom's liaud is cx- it Ihat Santa calls on the child. on the records of East Haven Is Is n colliirnl ctirfliKiiii stjie. been asked to participate In mak­ expected next Tliursday cvonlnR In ticnihCF.Bliooiiock. everywhere. ing a census, of the cardinal this ptcted to respond favorably, winter and spring. It Is a winter STONY CREEK VISITOKS A basket of orchids to Reiilal His action Is another rca.son CHRISTMAS 1950 tho hlRli school atidltorlum when resident and If youprcvlde the food Recent week-end visitors to Joslc Orifice hostess at the Beach why East, Haven Is the finest tho taxpayers of tiro town will be (sunflower seed) and shelter It re­ Stony Creek Include Mr. and Mrs. Head Restaurant, for her maternal asked to consider and iict upon Postmaster Warns Interest and Rcnerosity In the con- town In ; II»c world and why "Unto you is born — a Saviour" nlt-ielecn recommendations of the OPEN THURS. TILL 9 quires. It may stay with ycu all Theodore Bristol of Ansonla and Christmas Greetings have a year. Branford members please re­ Mr. and Mrs. John Dodge of valesancc of BUI Roberts, brilliant Board of Selectmen aiut the Board On "^wSetidlJaiJ port to Mrs; Scott Gilbert. Massaciiusctts. E. H. H. S. athlete, who Is now on deeper niean-ng here. Never in all history has the world been so desperately of Finance, •-•, crutches foUowlnp; a recent knee Christmas Is the hlRh I'Rht of in need of the Christmas mtjssage, bncUed by the fullness of In the nineteen point call Issued Po.slnin.stcr Jo.scph H. DrlscoU operation for the removal of broken today, the town will ask for four­ warned today that unless Christ-' this month and'many club mem- cartlliges. Josle has taken over the bors are making their own decora­ the Word of God, We must take hcirt that in tho Know- teen appropriations totSUns mas mallhiRS mount; sharply his convalescent care of Bill and re­ $128,423.39. If,the townspeople RO tions. Bo sure to bear in mind and oIN^BRANFDRDI ports that nothing ah additional IcdRc of God lies the hchliiiR of the nations, Tho bra which week, local deliveries may not boavoi d using any on the conserva­ nlouR with nil' proposals, ' completed before the holiday. boy In tho house Is no strain, with Five Students begun with the Birth of Jesus at Bethlehem, has not tion list, ground pines, laurel, bitter­ 3 of her own for a start. In addition to landii sotiRht for "The next low days are critical," sweet, wintorgrccn cr black alder. From Jennie Gar.ird of Dakcrsricld, closed, and cannot be written off in defeat, God Lives— the bulldlnR of a new South School. he .OTld. Tho tree evergreens, anflromeda, Cnllf.: I remember my mother Holly wood scouts should have Bethlehem led on through, Calvary to Easter—-Triumph is $12,000 win be BOURhl for the pur­ "Please mall your Christmas and Western and Southern hollies getting up early lo make fresh 1>een on hand last 'Thursday Given Honors chase of laijd from Michael De- cards as rapidly as you can RCt will give the sanre effect and still evening when Gerrish School the word. No matter how darlc the horizons may bo, let Caprlo tor a future new Gerrish eream pie for breakfast, or per­ School and $21,841 to cover an error them ready. 'It too many people uphold our State and National ob­ P. 'V, A. was treated to the us take heart, put our trust in God and do all In our power jectives, , haps vinegar pie. Both kinds were stellar stage performance of 13 in tho Board of Educationcitimnta wall until the week before Christ delicious. Mother's pie drawer, At Exercises mas. we'll bo hoplessly swamped." South Africa Is sending masses of year old b'llly McCaul. son of lo proclaim around llie world the Ang'el.-i' mes.snRo: of rcvcncucs from the iitato sohcoi holding five pies, was never empty Bill and Mary McCaul of Itoy Rrant. Holiday parcel post Is Jamming the precious "Star of Bethlehem" Five East Haven students were also known as "Chln-chcr-ln chces" and we kids wero permitted lo Street Billy had the star role "Glory lo God in the Highest, and on All Item."! to bo cosldercd will ,bo rail tacllttlos all over the country help ourselves upon coming home in an Xmas play put on b.i' inducted Into the Athena Chapter with many thousands of packases to New York for Christmas bloom­ of the National Honor Society In a ulonK education lines. Maple Flat Top Desk ing, Initial shipments arrived this from school. This' was when we some of the Gerrish Pupils, and earth peace, goodwill toward men," The call proposes that the Board headlnR here tor local dellvei'y the week by alr'nnd are ideal gifts-for lived in Indiana. Hoosiers are drew the plaudels of the special assembly held last Thursday week before Christmas, the Post In the scl-iool auditorium. of Seleotmon raise the necessary, Solid Rot;k Mnplc flowers on ,your, list. The creamy, noted as great ple-ealcrs. audience by his faultless por­ May tho Blessed Peace of Chrislmas bo yours! funds by negotlatlnR nt the Interest master pointed out. white flowers are named for tho trayal of Martin, tihe shoe­ Sally Corbett, Joyce Freeman, rate of one ond one halt percent, a Nine Drawor.s maker, during the time of Rhoda Howard, Marie StrandbcrR If you're . still - wrapphiB gift Star that led the Wise Men of the From'12.
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