VERSIO10N 1011010 USER ’S MMANUAL VERSIONAN 1.1 - REVISEDU MARCH,AL 2009 FASTRIP VERSION 10.0 FOR WINDOWS T-Jet Number Models T-Jet SDT1000 T-Jet2 SDT1200 T-Jet3 SDT1300 T-Jet 3 PLUS T-Jet Blazer Series T-Jet Blazer EXPRESS - TJBEX1620 T-Jet Blazer PRO - TJB1650 FOR INKJET-TO-GARMENT PRINTING Post Script Interpreter for Inkjet-to-Garment Printing Technology Table of Contents Chapter 1 - Introduction 1 WELCOME TO FAST RIP 10.0 1 FAST RIP 10 - MO R E THAN JUST A RASTE R IMAGE PR OCESSO R 1 TW ELVE NE W FEATU R ES O F FAST RIP 10.0 2 RASTE R IMAGE PR OCESS I NG 4 SU pp O R TED Pri NTE R S 5 SECU ri TY DEV I CE DONGLE 5 POL I CY ON LOST O R STOLEN SECU ri TY DEV I CES 5 IF THE DONGLE DOES NOT WO R K 5 FAST RIP MANUAL 6 FAST RIP SU pp O R T 6 PC SYSTEM REQU ir EMENTS 7 Chapter 2 - Installation 9 BAS I C Pri NTE R SETU P 9 COM P UTE R CONNECT I ONS 9 DONGLE CONNECT I ON 9 CONNECT I NG YOU R Pri NTE R TO YOU R COM P UTE R 10 INSTALL I NG THE Pri NTE R Dri VE R 11 INSTALL I NG FAST RIP SO F T W A R E 12 THE FAST RIP CD 13 BEG I NN I NG THE INSTALLAT I ON 13 Choose Language 13 Installation Wizard 13 License Agreement 14 Choosing an Install Destination 14 FastRIP 10.0 User’s Manual for ITG v Version 1.1 Revised February, 2009 Table of Contents Select a Program Folder 17 Scanning for Resources 17 CONCLUD I NG THE INSTALLAT I ON 15 Parallel Dongle Installation 15 USB Dongle Installation 15 UN-I NSTALL I NG FAST RIP 16 RE-I NSTALL I NG FAST RIP 16 Chapter 3 - Setting Up FastRIP 17 CON fi GU ri NG YOU R Pri NTE R 17 Fir ST TI ME SETU P DI ALOG 17 Pri NTE R Dri VE R SELECT I ON 17 CR EATE QUEUE WI ZA R D : INT R O 18 SELECT A Pri NTE R QUEUE 18 SET LPT PA R AMETE R (O P T I ONAL ) 19 SET TI MEOUT OP T I ONS 20 Pri NT A TEST PAGE 20 SET THE CONNECT I ON PA R AMETE R S 21 USB Parameters 21 LAYOUT MODE 21 MED I A SETU P 22 NAME YOU R PR ODUCT I ON QUEUE 22 OUT P UT OP T I ONS 22 ADD Pri NTE R TO QUEUE WI NDO W 23 TW O EP SON Dri VE R S ... 24 Pri NTE R UP DATES 24 PO R T SELECT I ON 25 OUT P UT PO R T 25 USB PO R T 25 Pri NTE R SHA ri NG ON WI NDO W S XP AND 2000 26 SETT I NG UP THE HOST COM P UTE R 26 SETT I NG UP THE REMOTE COM P UTE R 27 vi FastRIP 10.0 User’s Manual for ITG Table of Contents Chapter 4 - Toolbars and Menus 29 OVE R V I E W O F FAST RIP INTE rf ACE 29 THE PULL -DO W N MENU BA R 30 Queue Pull-down Menu 30 Jobs Pull-down Menu 30 Printers Pull-down Menu 31 Tools Pull-down Menu 32 MA I N TOOL B A R 32 QUEUE TA B S 33 ACT I VE LI ST 33 UNSCHEDULED JO B S 34 PR EV I E W PANE 34 JO B SETT I NGS 34 Chapter 5 - Program Settings 35 GENE R AL INTE rf ACE SETT I NGS 35 RIP SYSTEM SETT I NGS 37 PR OCESS I NG SETT I NGS 38 PR EV I E W OP T I ONS 39 ADVANCED RIP SETT I NGS - PE rf O R MANCE 40 Chapter 6 - Page Layout 41 PAGE LAYOUT /MED I A SETU P 41 Setting the Page Size 41 About Custom Page Sizes 42 Creating a Custom Page Size 42 WO R K I NG wi TH PAGE LAYOUT TEM P LATES 43 Selecting a Template 44 Creating a Custom Template 45 Template Settings 49 Printing Template Slots 52 Templates Hot Folder 53 vii Version 1.2 Revised March, 2009 Table of Contents LAYOUT MANAGE R TA B 54 SETT I NG THE LAYOUT AND SCHEDUL I NG 55 Scheduling Settings 56 Layout Jobs As They Arrive 57 Chapter 7 - Printing From a Graphics Application 59 INT R ODUCT I ON 59 BAS I C PriNTING fr OM ANY App L I CAT I ON 59 Sending a Print Job 59 US I NG PHOTOSHO P IMAGES 60 PHOTOSHO P KNOCK OUT PLUG -INS 60 Image Preparation 60 Using KnockMeBlackOut 61 Using KnockMeColorOut 64 Apply Soft Edges Using KnockMeColorOut 66 OTHE R PHOTOSHO P BACKG R OUND REMOVAL METHODS 68 TR ANS P A R ENT PHOTOSHO P IMAGE FO R MATS 70 PriNTING FR OM VECTO R App L I CAT I ONS 72 PriNTING COM P LE X FI LES 72 WI NDO W S UNDE rb ASE METHOD 73 Chapter 8 - FastRIP Print Options 75 INT R ODUCT I ON 75 Pri NT CONT R OLS 75 Starting and Stopping Print Jobs 75 Cancelling a Print Job 76 Printing to a Hot Folder 76 Pri NTE R OP T I ONS TA B 77 PR EV I E wi NG Pri NT DATA - VI E W RA W DATA 77 View Raw Data Window Options 78 ARCHIVING Pri NT JO B S 80 viii FastRIP 10.0 User’s Manual for ITG Table of Contents Enable Archiving 80 Archiving a Job 81 Restoring an Archive 82 PriNTING Dir ECT TO PO R T 82 IM P O R T I NG A FI LE AND IM P O R T OP T I ONS 83 UNDE rb ASE SETT I NGS US I NG TR ANS P A R ENT IMAGES 84 Import Options and Settings 84 FastARTIST Jobs 88 Changing the Print Mode for Color Passes 88 Setting up the Substrate Color 89 COST I NG INTE rf ACE 90 Chapter 9 - Print Modes 95 AB OUT Pri NT MODES 95 TY P ES O F Pri NT MODES 95 Pri NT MODE SETT I NGS 96 SETT I NG , App LY I NG AND SAV I NG Pri NT MODES 97 Setting the Print Mode from the Print Mode Dialog 97 Changing the Print Mode Within a Held Print Job 98 Copying a Print Mode 98 Editing a Print Mode 99 Setting the Default Print Mode in FastRIP 99 Marking Print Modes as Favorites 100 Hiding Print Modes 101 Overriding the Print Mode Setting of a Print Job 101 Print Mode Manager Toolbar Options 102 Chapter 10 - Output Settings 103 OUT P UT SCHEDUL I NG 103 ADD I NG CR O P MA R KS 103 IMAGE OUT P UT AD J USTMENTS 104 PriNTING A TEST PAGE 111 Quick Test Print 111 Print Test Page Options 112 OUT P UT SP EED 116 ix Version 1.2 Revised March, 2009 Table of Contents Chapter 11 - Troubleshooting 117 FR EQUENT TR OU B LESHOOT I NG TO pi CS 117 x FastRIP 10.0 User’s Manual for ITG CHA pt ER 1 Introduction Welcome to FastRIP 10.0 Congratulations on purchasing FastRIP 10.0 or a FastT-Jet Inkjet-to-Garment Printer. FastRIP is the heart of the printing process, performing the task of a Raster Image Processor (RIP), controlling how much ink is laid down, how many passes are made by the Print Head and how White ink is printed. FastRIP performs high-speed memory management of the raster image and the spooling of multiple jobs to the printer by utilizing Virtual Memory (VM) disk processing. VM Processing means PostScript file size limitations have been nearly eliminated while also supporting up to PostScript Level 3 images. Enhancing and streamlining your T-Jet Printer from any application, FastRIP allows you to print the most vibrant prints possible on both light and dark garments. The media profiles (print modes) provided with FastRIP can be automatically applied by selecting the print mode that best corresponds to the loaded media, image resolution, etc. FAST RIP 10.0 IS MORE THAN JUST A RASTER IMAGE PROCESSOR! The new FastRIP 10.0 is a printing program in itself offering several different functions and tools that have never been included in the past. The new 10.0 version has also been developed to incorporate screen print positive printing in conjunction with using an Epson Printer. Some features of FastRIP 10.0 may only apply to inkjet-to-garment printing and some only to printing screen print film positives. NOTE: It is expected that you have read and understood the Users’s Manual that was provided with your T-Jet printer, and that you are aware of the printer’s capabilities. Regardless, once you have installed FastRIP and performed a test print, return to this manual and review the workflows contained herein to help you understand the FastRIP features. FastRIP 10.0 User’s Manual for ITG 1 Version 1.2 Revised March, 2009 Chapter 1 - Introduction Twelve New Features of FastRIP 10.0 As mentioned earlier, FastRIP 10.0 is MUCH more than just a Raster Image Processor. Below is a list of the new Features that will help you glide through the printing process.
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