Dry OiHMls.—G. J. Charles. Lcgnl. Wilbur Johnaon has the ineMlos In Kansas, TUnnday, May 8, 1884. El'OB'f OP THE CONDITION OP THE o TKA0HKn8.-PUm.IC EXAMINATIONS A three year old child of Slosson J Pli;stN«tloiiainniikofMa.son,atMnson, T will lio held an follows: Third Rrado oX' Grimes iWas scalded severely by plac­ tlio Sliito of JllolilBim, at Mio closo of bUHi; nmluatlon will lio held at Leelie, March ll; at ness, April 21111,1881. MuHoii, March 28; at UatiHvllla, April 11; uud ul ing Ite hand in a pall of h^ water. ;BBEAK p> DAY COBNERS. IlESOUnOES. WlUlainidon, April 'i5,1881. H. Bravender's. good nature has LoniiN and tllNcounlN AppllcntloiiD for flrat and fiecond Rrado cortlll. O. '6i' Crandall, of Mason, was the S 8(I,»1S -in cutcH will bo rocolvod at tlio Mason oxanilna- turned to absolute ferocity. The dogs UCING GLOVES OvordrallM no SB tlons. guest of D. F. Patrsck over Sunday. got mutton hungry and butchered lils IT. M. lloiuls to NouHi'o vireiiliitlon K,m na Tlio board bolievo tbut leucbors durlva creal )uo from iiiipravad rodorvo ngoutH 1,818 ni H, H. Williams had a logging bee sheep on their own account. buncflt from attciidarce upon, toachors' inttl. JJiio from ollior Matioiial banks i,m 05 tutus, nnd will notice auch altcndunco In tbolr lost week. A good job was done. A house at Wilson's corners, belong­ Hoal estate, ftirnlturo.uiut HxturoM... on cntlniataoftha value ofexaniluatlun papori, Curront oxpeiiNCS iiiul taxes palil 1,0111 ni Bowing oats and making garden ing to a man named Bean, burned ProiiiluiiiN piilU Third i;rado studies will bo orthnizruphy and 877 (10 Rrammur. ruadluK, wrltlUK and spelling, gooKm- are the occupations of tbe farmers. Thursday morning. Insurance $700. Hills of other biinUs (120 uu Praetloiial napor currency, iilcUol» pliy, arlthinotic, thuory and art of teaching, lOrrin Hedglin Is getting lumber oii United Statos history and civil Rovurnincnt. TUe VOL. XXVI.-NO. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY. MAY 15, 1884. niul ponnioH a.'i S2 uecoiid iirudu studies will bo aa aliovo with tho WHOLE NO. im the ground for n ne w house. IWeilBlIltG. Specie M.TOd (HI Loiiiil tciulor iiotes uddttlon of alKcbrn, pliyslulogy and pbllotophy. W. A. Havens has purchased a reg­ 2,irjo 00 Tho fnllowliiK rnles will bo observed In tbo The building of a largo amount of nodeiniitlon fund ulUi U. S. treas- oxKinmatlon of tonchors: istered Jersey bull. iircr (S per coal, orelreulntlon) 07S 00 new fence makes quite un improve­ 1. Thu secretary shall. In no caso, grant mora E. G. Hunt has traded his Bath . Mrs. 13. D. Neely is still convalescing. W. M. Cliiie is exhibiting a very 1)110 iroiii U. 8. Troasiircr, oilior washing before shearing, better posL Grocerlear Charles Beson is home from the tliiiii a per cent, rodoniptloii fiinU than ono special cortlilcute tu ntiy person, stock of groceries wltli M. H. Gunn for novel und unlriuo design in, iiioiiu- ment to the looks of this place. 123 00 2. The secretary shall not urant special cortld. Ice cream soeiai ut the Presbyterian pone washing than shearing. Three- The. fallowing la a sample from Ihoprica West. He thinks lie can stand it In a general stock of goods at Holt.' meiitnl work which ho received from Another railroad excitement. Total catcs to uny person who, upon uxnmllialion, fail­ church Wednesday evening. May 21. fourths ot the discount wool comes list or H. Remington, ofDanivUle, Milohi:- Michigan. J1!W,(I78 7-i ed to secure a cortlilcute at thu provions public Bedford, Ind,, lust Monday, to bo A couple of small chicken (twins) LrAUii.rriKs. PDUI.ISHRD EVKBY riinBSDAY, BV A. I. Barber returned from Louis­ No music. from poor washing and late shearing. 12>!; lbs. GranulaUid Sugar, $l'.0O. uXBiulnaUoii. placed over the tomb of the late Mrs. the property of N. Whipple died last Capital stocU paid In : 3. Kach person applying to tho sccrotarv fop ville, Ky.,last Monday, with a thorough Wool will be cheap this season, and IS lbs. Exlra'C Sugar, 31.00. S.".n,ooo 00 The Baiikruiit clothing store wants A. W. Mehan. The stone stands eight KAST ALAIEOON. week. SiirpliiK fiiiul 10,(100 00 cxnminaUoii shall pay to thu secretary au instl- V. S, TEFFT. bred . two-year-old stallion wliose when cheap, buyers are usully more 10 lbs. Brown Sugar, Sl.OO. TImllvUloil proMts 8,0(12 m Into fee and uii exainluatlan foe. motion and points are the ndiiilrutlon all Its debtors lo ptiy up as it will pull feet high and wciglis about u t<m. It particular. Nutioiiiil bank notcH oiilHtaiuliiiK... A, U. llAUuv, President, Pino Lake, up stakes In a few days. 3 2-lb. Cans Corn,.23 cents. - - P. H'. Young has a sick horse. The members of the South church i;i,5iMi (10 of ull tho boys. represents the stub of u tree with Individual dopoKltjt Hubjcct locbcck 3(1.220 81 J. B, nuaTON, Willlaniston, Ont ytir, tl.SO; tin monthi, 7S eanli; thrt* Do your fleeces up loosely, don't i :i 3-lb. cans 'romatoos, SS cents. are having their church repaired. CD Demand eorllllcalcs of deposit JAV CAI,KI^s, Socrotary, Lcallo, monlht, 40 otnto—in advance. limbs cut and broken off. At tiio top, use too much twine. There is usually Robert Btroger, formerly a resident w,m it J. W. Fenn, of C'oldwnter, bus pur- Berli'5 Watson, of Unadllla, aged 13 3 2-lb. CansPoos, 25 cento. John McCary Is doing tlie work. Uuard School Kxamlncrs. in the crotch of two large limbs, is a material enough around each fleece to of Alaiedon, but Intc of Chicago, is the ADVERTISINQ RATES. chii.sed ofR. G. C. Knlirht the stoelc nf years, loll from a bridge upon a pile of 1 lb. Smoking Tobuoco, 18 couts, . Several nf our oiti/uns claim that Total Ji:)3,0-8 71 rustic cross. Tho bark on tbe stub hang tlie man thut put It there, and guest of J. VV. Every and fatriily. OUTOAGK SALB.-WIIEKEA8, JAMK8 notliiiis and fancy goods kept In the stones below and is seriously injured. 5D-cenl Chewing Tobacco,.40 cents.. they have been swindled out of some Slain o/Mielili/<iii, Onitilu nf Jni/lmm, M,- M. Bliney, Johuniio lllrney, Timothy_BIr- Our advertlHlng rates mailo known atoflloo. and the grain and fibers of the wood when I see four heavy cords wraped M Buslneas cards $1 a lino per yenr. post-otllce building, and will conduct 40-cciit Chewing Tobacco, 39 cents. Bev. Mr. Baldwin, of Mason, is e.>:- money by the Lansing Mutual Benellt I,noiiry I,. ]Iencler.s(in, Cashier of tlioaliovo nuy and Mary nirnoy.ull of tho township of Una- Those who propo.so to make the arc very perfectly delineated. Two both way about the fleece, eocli witli pected to preach at the DuBois school named bank, ilo soloinnly swear that tlio korhlll, In the County of InRhnm and State of BuslnesB locaU nve conU per lino each nnd the business in connection with a geii- Great Lakes their triivel-groiiiid this toadstools a]ipear near the base, and on 'Vall & Crane's Box Crackers, 23 cents;. Association of Michigan. above stiitcment I.s true lo tlio best ol my every Insertion. double bow knot, I sometimes think . house next Sunday, at half past two Mlcblgun, on Uio thirtcunth day of April, A, D. eriil news ugeiioy. summer will be attijioted by a paper the stump ot a limb stands a flower Water While Oil, 10 cenui.. knowledb'c und bellel'. 1882, executed a mortKiiso to Thomas lllrkott, of Marriage, birth, and doiitli notices free. would like to see the experiment tried. lu the alternoon. Geo. Havens has sold his place to on "The North Shore" of Lake Super­ pot from which creeping vines usceiid. 7 Bars Soap, 25'Cont8. IlKNiiv I,. IlK.vDKitso.v, Cnshlor. lilrkett, Wushtonaw Co, nud State of Michluau, Obituary notices, resolutions of respect, F. ^f. Fogg, of the Lansing Sentinel, Lastly, don't put anything inside the James Osborn aud gone to Kansas. cards ofthanks, etc., Ilvo cents it line. ior In I iiu iie.Nt (June) Harper's, Illus­ On one side the bark is cut and pealed 2 lbs. Good Tea, 73 con ts. Mrs. Byron Stntts has been enjoying .SiiliNcrlhcd and sworn to bol'oro ino this 2>1 to secure tho payment of certain principal una Is in iittendance upon tbe anti-inonop- fleeces. Bring your tugs to tlie market John Coon has sold his old store (lay of .May, mi. • interest money therein mcutioncd, which mort- trated by Air. C. Graham. ofl', and on thc-'smootii surface tlins 4 lbs. Crackers, 25 cents. u visit from her mother and sister tho ollst convention ut Cbleago. It Is as­ unwashed and take what you are building and lot to Martin Cole : price age wos recorded In the olllco of tho ItoBlstor of created the inscription is cut. The 4 lbs. Prunes, 35cents. past week. Notary imijllci r Slueda for the County of liiRham nioresaid, la XSE NEWS JOE BOOM tonishing IIOW many coiivciitions of ottered, even in that case you are the 5300. Frank Crippen, the liiiniess maker design is so true lo nature and so un­ 1323tr H, RKJIINOMON; DanHVlllO; Mich. Correel—Allosl. '•"-v—'' llBer 5(1 ot mortgages, on pagolS7,on tho olgh- how many dllfcrent parties a man gainer. N. A. DUNNING. Tho mason wprk on Horatio Every's teonth doy of April, A, 1).
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