422 OVER. CHESHIRE. (KELLY's Union Bank ~f ,Manchester Limited Wi11iams William Henry, general DARNHAt.r •. (sub-branch) (Alfred Moreton, sub. smith, Swanlow lane Verdin Wm. Hy., J.P. Darnhall Hall manager), High _st.; draw on Glyn, Wi,lliamson Edward Watson, wine & Mills, Currie & Co. London E C spirit merchant, Delamere street COMMERCIAL. Verdin Technical' Schools & Gymna­ Williamson Joseph, wheelwright, car· Astles William, farmer sium (W. H. Verdin J.P., F.S . .A.. penter, timber dealer & coffin mkr. Bancroft Richard & Wm. farmers chairman of governors; J. H. Cooke, 'Swanlow lane · · · Bevin J amPs, farmer clerk to the governors; H. F. .A.. Wilson Jonathan, groce;r & joiner, Bofiey William, farmer Wigley B . .A.. head master), High st Ways green Brooks John, farmer Vern.on Oatherine · (Mrs.), farmer, Wilson Joseph, draper, g88 High st Cookson Betsy (Miss), Raven inn School green Winsford Bill Posting & Advertising Cookson George, farmer· Volunteer Battalion (3rd) Cheshire Co. (Joseph Bjgney, sec.), Well st Cookson Henry, farmer Regiment (E Co. Capt. D. .A.ber­ Winsford Branch, St. John's Ambu- Davis Richard, farmer crombie, commanding; Surgn.-Lt.­ lance Association (William Kissock, Dodd Joseph, blacksmith Coi. G. Okell, medical officer), head hon. sec) Gilbert Thomas, wheelwright quarters, Delamere street Winsford Industrial Co-operative So- Hamlet Jn. frmr. Moors Lane !arm Vurston Harold, baker & grcr. Dela· ciety Limited (William Fryer, sec.), Houlbrooke Jsph. frmr. Beech house mere street 25 High street Manley Thomas, cowkeeper Winsford Urban District Water Works Penkthman George, cowkeeper Walker Joseph, beer ret. II5 High :~t (Gresham Evans, water inspector), Roberts John & Joseph, farmers ·walker Robert, boot ma, Ioo High st High street Sumner John, fa1mer Ward & Co. chemists & druggists, 49 Winsford Permanent Benefit Building Ward Arth. miller (water) & farmer High street . · . Society ( J abez Hulse, sec.), 78 Whitney George, farmer Watermen's Assomat10n (Robt. Unwm High street Stubbs, sec.), Gladstone stree~ Winsford Public Library (William WEAVER. Weedall Enoch, fish dlr. 123 H1gh st Kissock, librarian), High street White Charles Shirley, George & Dra- Wood Alfd. hair drssr. 419 High st Baker J ames, shopkeeper gon hotel; . good accommodation Wood Elizh. (Mrs.); frmr. Swan low la Bebbington Saml'. frmr. Dairy farm for cyclists; good stabling, Dela- Wood Joseph, farmer. Oak house Morris J ames7 woodman mere street Worrall Anne Jane (Mrs.), Rifleman Owen Robert, farmer, Weaver park Whitehead Geo. tailor, 81 High st P.H. Weaver street Platt John, fatmer Whitney Chas. tobacconist, 2 High st Yearsley Jonathan, shopkeeper, 227 Tomlinson John, frmr. Weaver hall Whittaker Jn. shopkpr. 205 Weaver st Weaver street Tomlinson Jsph. farmer, The Grove Williams Wm. printer & bookseller, Yearsley Mary (Miss), dress maker, Trelfa John, farmer, Wooo farm 36 High street · 225 Weaver street Williamson Thomas, cowkeeper PARKGATE, see Neston. .P ARTINGTON is a village and township, formed into sists of chancel, nave, south porch and a south-east tower, a parish March 5, 1885, from that of Bowdon, with a with shing:edJ spire, containing 3 bells: bhe,re are 250 Atati(m on the Cheshire Lines railway, 4 miles north-west sittings. The r-egister dates from the year 1884. The lfrom Altrincham, 9 from Warrington Mld u from Man- living is a vicarage, gross yea·rly value £210, net £!95• , ch:ester, in the Altrincham division of the county, Buck- with resid!ence, in the gift (}f the Earl of Stamford. and . low h<undTed and petty sessional division, union and held! since 1884 by the Rev_ Th(}mas Samue:l Jones. The . county court district of Altrinoham, rural deanery of Bow- vYesleyan chapel, founded in 1843, and• rebuilt 1861. iso a don, archdeaconry of Mlacclesfield and diocese of Chester. small and plain edifice of brick. There is also a. Congre­ •. The village, consisting principally of farmhouses, is sepa- gational chapel. The Earl o.f Stamford is. lord of the rated from Lancashire by the'river Mersey, which at this manor. Sir William Cunliffe Brooks hart. of Barlow Hall, - point is diverted into the Manchester Ship canal, and an is the chie·f land'Owner. The soil for the JD.Ost part is , ex·t.ensive coal basin with water space' of s! acres, and peat, and produces wheat, ba.rley, oats, hay and! potatoes. half a mile of quayage has been constructed here. From The area is· 779 acres of land and 29 of wat·er; rateable ·this basin the Wigan and! Worsley coalfields are 12 miles, value, £3,931; the population in 1891 was 576. and th-e Yo·rkshire coalfields, 50 miles distant. The rail- Post & M_ 0. 0., s. B. & Annuity & Insurall!Ce O.ffi.ce.- way crosses the canal by an iron girdHr bridge, at a Miss Mary Rogers, sub-postmistress. Letters from · height of between 6o and! 70 feet above the water line, Manchester arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 9.25 and again joins the existing 'line at, Glaz.ebrook. The a.m. & 6.55 p.m. week days only. The neal'est tele· , church of •St. Mary the Virgin·, erect·ed in 1884 at a cos~ graph office is at Cad:ishead: . .. of £3,500, jointly de·frayed! by the late Rev. Canon George Heron M.A. of Moore 'Hall, Warrington (cl'. 1 a94), and National Schoo~ (infants), erected in 1876, for 6o chil· Sir William Cunliffe Brooks· bart. is an edifice of Runcorn dre'll; average attendance, 45; Miss Elizabeth Langton, stone in the. Gothic style, from designs by Mlr. G. True- mistresg ·fi.tt, architect, of Bloomsbury square, London, and· con- Railway Station, James William Solly, sta•tion master . •Darter Rev. Alfred (Congregational) Clarke Alexander, nurseryman Rogers John, shopkeeptJ-r · Erskine William, Elm house Clarke Peter,Greyhound P.H. & shop- Rogers Thomas, farmer Hesketh John keeper Rogers Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer . Jones Rev. Thomas Samuel (vicar of Davenport Isaac Millatt, farmer Taylor William, farmer · St. Mary), The Vicarage Edward William, butcher & earthen- Timperley George, farmer ·Manuell l\Irs. Elm cotta~e ware dealer Warburton James, farmer Ockleston Duncan, Millbank Green Ellis, gamekeeper to John R. Wareham John & Mary, farmers Ockleston Stuart, Millbank Falconer esq. of Ash ton-on-Mersey Whittle Mary (Mrs.), farl'Di'r Pitt Miss Hall Frederick, tanner Whittle William, shoe m11ke:r Smith Fred Oldham Hilt-on John, shopkeeper Williamson Wm. market gardener Wright Reginald Harcourt, Spring- Mander William, builder Winstanley Jn. joiner & as~it. over,.r field terrace Ockleston D. & S. paper mannfac- vVinstanley Thomas, market gardener COMMERCIAL. turers, Millbank Worthingtom .Jsph. frmr. Hall farm Arrowsmith Martha (Mrs.), market Pollard John Thomas, provision dealr Wright Regisld Harcourt I .. R.C.F.&:i gardener Pritchard Thomas, William IV. P-H L.R.C.S.Edin. surgeon Cheshire. Constabulary (Thomas Beb- Head William, farmer 'Yarwood Gemrge Henry, blachmith bington, constable) . Rogers John, farmer , . LOWER PEOVER, comprising the townships of in 1852, at a cost of £1,300. muie>r the direction of :Mr. Peovetr Net-her, Peover Inferior, Allostock and• Plumley Salvin, architect, of London, and nmw consiS>ts of cnancef, is a parochial Dhapelry, in the parish of Great Budworth, nave of four bays, aisles, south pccch, and an eml'>at(t!ed situated! on a brook called "Peover Ey·e," 3 miles south wes•tern tower, e·rectedi in 158z, and! containing a clock from Knutsford, 6 north-east from N orthwich:, and 6 and:· 6 bell~~ the ea stem· portioii'S' of the aisles form north from Middlewich, in the Knutsford division of the chapels, known as the Hulme and Holfor~ cllancels, county, pet·ty se.ssional dtivisions of Leftwich and of North- which are separateru from the eira.ncel propM" andi th~ wich, in the hund!fed and undons of Northwich and Buck- remaining part of the aisles by mas-sifll scl'eens with gates, low, and county court di&t;rict of Northwich, rural deanery and are appropriated respeoctive:y- to the families of of Frodsham and a.rchdeaconrv and diocese of Cheo~ter. Shakerlev (}f Hulme, and Brooke of Mere, the Hnlme · The church of St. Oswald, originally a. chapel, built in chapel containin!! a numl'ler of hami{isome marbie monu· ,the r3th century, of timber, clay and reeds, was restored ments and mnrai tabiebr to the Shme-rleys: the s:bafued • .
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