Avsnu s Dsllsr Ntt !*»)■ Rm PAGE TEN SATURDAY, ^EPTEBIBER 18,195* Tar the Wsok Bs jUanrlrfBtrr Anting H^niilk Sept. 1 8,18SS log expeditlona in which the gang 10,603 vrouM bike along tha ipimxMi About Town traefca for aome 10 or 13 mllae and Two N«wsbo]rs Hh Top Again League Sets Heard A long Main Street ael(h>m realixe that it waa a tiring ASTERS M m ehditor - 'A Chy of ViUago Charm Mn. Rotwrt aicIntiMh of Har> practice. For aome reaaon or other Round-Tftble Tud rood U OBO of four RopubNcan tha track tlea helped make the fo r Sole women from Hartford County in* A n d o n S o m e o f Manehe$ter^B Side S f r e e f s , T o o milea a Mt ahorter. 9et, we never 40 KtESiEftM Sf. VOL. LXXL N a 293 MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY; SEPTEMBER 15, 1952 (FOURTEEN'p a GBS) vltod tv tiM Ropublican BtaU Omi* enjoyed hikea or tripe when they tral oommittM to particlpaU in iU Director Candidates to PoUtteal Oddity ^needed, that their minda in aome were part of organlaed recreation now radio m gram by.ongafing in like camping or aeoutlng partlaa. an infoinuu convoraatlon on pmltt- Wa admittedly don't know much myatarloua manner aaaumad Mr. Be Guests o f Women about polittca. Much too involved X'a atrange apelllng trait Parhapa it waa tha compulalon cal aubjoeta Tuoaday. For yeara angle that doatroyed lU charm for Voters on SepL 29 Mra. Heintoah haa plnyad a for ua. But we'ra learning more Well, we don’t know much Strike Cuts every day and tha prlmariaa thia about paychology, either. But our ua. pro min ant part in both local Re­ Six Rapablicans and aix Demo^ Sabres Destroy publican and achool affaira. Sha weak provided ua with another limited atora of knowledge aug- But the art of walking ia not page in our allm but growing Poli­ acted the poaaiblllty of mental yet loat, Or bicycling eiibar for crata, cawildataa for tbs Board of WE OAEBV a l l waa formarly proaidont of tha PTA £ilepathy aa a part of tha anawer First Shift Council and ia tha preaant program tical Book of Knowledge. that matter. Up at Milllnocket, Directors of Manchester, have been LEADDfO BBANDE AFL Set to Endorse Wa had already known that dif* to thla political oddity. Since view­ Me., an elderly umbreHa-toting ebairman of tha ilanchaator Ra- ing the reaulta of the primary, wa invited to participate ta a round­ publican Woman'a Club. ferant people with aimilar Idaaa acholar haa completed & aummar* AiHMr Bras S tm t might often expraaa themaalvaa in are convinced that thla theory tong h)ka on the 3,000 mile Ap­ table discussion sponsored by the holda.tha key to the whole ra* League of Women Votara of Man­ 9 MIGs in Raid A t D ouglas Trinity Paat Nobla Qranda will a aimilar manner, parhapa with palachian Trail by marching up aimilar conmariaona, figurea of markable incident. Baeauae Mr. chester. This meeting will be hel^ moot with Sjunaet Circle of thla X waa nominated. and than down Maine'a M t Katah- toam Mondaiy afternoon at 8 apeech, etc. Within tha paat couple din. Monday, Sept. 39, at 8 p.m. ta tha Seoul', Korea, Sept. 15—(/P)—^U. S. Sabre jet pilots de­ Sants' Monica, CsHf., Sept of waeka, however, we've learned Wa are poaltiva that, given tha Bowers S ch ^ . o'clock in Odd Fallowa HalL Sup­ proper raaearch facUitlea, wa Tha long-dlatance walker la a stroyed-at least nine Communist MIG-16s today while flying 16—(40—AFL pickets sp- per will be aarrad at 6:80 by a that thla common ai>proach to an 73-yaar-old retired profaaaor who Tha Laagua of Women Voters laaua or an idea can give much could prove thla theory. All we'd bellevae that it la vital for all vot­ proteilirotwtive cover for Allied fit^ter-bombers'sttackihg Red ared at the gates of the Hears Green U sh T-H Act commlttaa under tha leadarahip aaya he began hla Journey in Deer- more apecific, much more datXad, have to do would be to find out ers to become acquainted with SERVICES Klufflas Aircraft (Torapany’a of Hra. Hinnlo Krauae, praaldcnt who thoae were who voted for Mr. gla laat April 18. Ha traveled on targets deep in North Korea, t he Air Force snnounc^. Eight of the local drola. Paat head of* much more enact reaulta than wo foot all the way to Maine except their candidatee for public office, Thst IntiNpret Tho Wishts MlOa wars Phot down, one west El Segundo plant at 5 a. m. had thought poaaible. X. Then we could conduct expert* ta order to decide intelligently for fieera of Rabekah lodgea in Kaat menu to deUrmlhe if their apell- for a ferry trip acroaa tha Hudaon manetivered into creshtag, another (p.d.t.) (9 a. m. e.d.r.) today We have learned that two min da River, whom they should vote ta the town Of Tko FssyiF probably waa destroyed and two Hartford Rockvillo and Stafford •with but a aingle political thought tng of Republican haa ch a fed elections Oct 8. It feela that an in accordance with the DriverV Condition t Critictl are aapaetad. any ainca their trip to the polla. For him, the Appalachian Trail wore damaged In 11 separate bat­ Ik e L a b e ls can be in auch perfect communion tafonnal diacuasioh of the duties tles. Fighting ranged from 30,000 Gofil Strike union’s announcement that Labor that they can apell in uniaon am), wore out two pair of walking of the Board of Directors snd the ahoea—good, atout hiking booU feet down to tree-top level. the plane factory would be to be more accurate, that they can Doirt Rat Much But... $ lasuai of good town government, IONNB.BURKB Near Manchuria too—with thick aoiaa. Re trudged struck today. even mia-apell In eaactly tha aame With fall faat approaching and should be of tatarsit to every voter The flghter-bombcra plastered a Adlai Quips Slate 23eMions tha nIghU getting a bit on the moat of the diatanca In good H in g e s on A spokasman for ths company ” ^ :F o r manner. ta Manchester. Queatlona on the rUNISAL HOMS Cbiiummist InduxtrisI iwmplex at ■aid tha walkout had sUrtad and FantaatlcT Well, wa don't blame chilly aide, our aaaaonal vialtora waather and alapt outdoora ofUn school building program, capital Btaulju. only a few miles from the At Church School have decided to pay ua their an­ in a plaetic aheet with hla urn- that pickets wars at tha gataa you, but we have tha proof. Reger Baranowahy IBaaevIch improvamants, taxes, Jf master SlEastOsoterSt. TaLSMB Manchurian border. Targets ta- whan ha entered. Ha said the nual call. hrella ralaed aa an overhead ahal- plan, are Juat some of the aubleetx H u m o rle ss During the period preceding the Ur, The profeaaor'a plana call eiuded an oxygen plant, an alcohol Lewis T a lk full affwt of tha walkout would ‘Dirty’ prlmariaa, a piullcular Republican Some folka call them field mice, on which these beard candidatea AMBULANOB 8EBVIGE (ttsUIlary and a roM factory. Oantar Church School wilt ra* othera call them houaa mica. for a walking tour of tha aouth Two newaboya have both for' grade at HoUlater Straat School not ba known until sometima af- candidate,,whom wa aball call Mr. tha aacond time been named wln- and baa baen delivering papers will have a chance to give their Mora than'80 MtOa roared across Ur tha day erew Is dua at 7 a. m., Aboard Eisenhower Spe­ open Sunday morning with a ^ We call them PeaU with a capital and . middle weat next year. optalonx. ths Ybtu river from their big base X, had Occaalon to write to our The trail atarU at Mt. Ogle- for flva years. Fishing and rais­ Wsshiriffton, Sept. 16—-(/P) pdt. The night ahift ended at New York, Sspt. U aiona at t:lB and 11. Tha teachara 0)>an Forum. Hla letter waa paatly P. nara la the monthly "Nawaboy of Everyone ia cordially Invited to mt Antung ta an attempt to pro­ cial, Sept. 16-r- (4*)’ —-Gen. Strangely, all aumm/‘ long tha thlrpe, Oa., and enda in Maine. ing Banty chickans are Roger's —With a possible coal strike 8 a. m. —Tl)# AFL’s Ttst eon? inat laat Sunday for training and typarwiitten, but ha apallad Rapub* O d Month Contaat" aponaorad by hobbies and hla future ambition is attend thia meattag. It should be tect the sprawling targsts. 'They Dwight D. Eisenhower told a houae waa quiet at night and dur­ And if that'a not enough to of special tatarest to Manchaater'x ran Into 104 swift Sabres and the only a week off, John L. Officials of ths AFL Interna­ ^pparsnUy pm «rii« are prepared to atart tha fall pro­ llcan aa "R ^ b lld a n ." Thla In It* ing the wee houra of the morning. make you tired, take the caae of Kalth'a Variety Store at Depot to ba a farmer. tional AasoclaUon of MaehlnUU milmy responsive crowd at gram with the flrat aeaaion. aalf we thought uiinnual, but mare* Square. July'a winner la Roger Raymond is a aoptaomora at many new votara, who know their opposing Jets broke off into a se­ Lewis huddles with his 200- Fort Wayne, Ind.
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