Robert Treat Paine and Alexander Soper THE A RT AND ARCHITECTURE OF JAPAN Yale University Press · New Haven and London CONTENTS Acknowledgements to Part One 7 Editor's Foreword to the Second Edition 8 Preface to Part One (Third Edition) 9 Maps 10, I I Chronological Table 12 Glossary to Parts One and Two 13 PART O NE: PAINTING AND SCU L P TURE Robert Treat Paine ) I. In trod uction 19 I 2. T he Early Japanese: Archaic Period 23 3. T he Introduction of Buddhism: Asuka Period (552- 645) and Early Nara Period (645/10) 27 4. Buddhism as a State Religion: Late Nara Period (710- 784) 51 5. T he Shingon and Tendai Sects: Early Heian Period (784- 897) 73 6. T he Taste of the Imperial Court: Middle and Late Heian Period (898- 1185) 89 7. The Popularization of Buddhism: Kamakura Period (1185- 1333) 109 8. The Yamato-e Tradition of Narrative Scrolls: Twelfth to Fourteenth Centuries 133 9· T he Renaissance of Chinese Traditions: Muromachi Period (1333- 1573) 159 10. T he Decoration of Castles: Momoyama Period (1573- 1614) 185 I I. The Later Kan6 and T osa Schools: Edo Period (1615- 1867) 201 12. T he Return to Native Traditfons: Edo Period-(1615- 1867) 213 13. The Return to Nature: Edo Period (1615- 1867) 225 14. The Literary Men's Style: Edo Period (1615- 1867) 235 15·· Early Paintings of the Ukiyo-e School: Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries 245 16. P~int Designers of the Ukiyo-e School: Edo Period (1615- 186]) 251 PART TWO: ARCHITECTURE Alexander Soper 17. Architecture of the Pre-Buddhist Age 275 Houses and Shinto Shrines 275 The Tomb 287 18. Buddhist Architecture of the Asuka and Nara Periods 291 The Monastery-Temple 291 The Buildings 306 19 . Secular Architecture of the Asuka, Nara, and Heian Periods 325 The Capital 325 The Palace 329 20 . Buddhist Architecture of the Heian Period 345 The' Monastery-Temple 345 j The Hall 352 I The Single-Storeyed Pagoda, tahoto 365 General Details 367 21. Shinto Architecture from Nara to Kamakura 371 22. Buddhist Architecture of the Kamakura Period 377 The 'Indian Style', TenjZkuyo 379 The 'Chinese Style', Karayo 383 The 'Japanese Style', Wayo, and the Eclectic Style, Settchuyo 396 23· Domestic Architecture of the Kamakura Period 407 24· Secular Architecture of Muromachi, Momoyama, and Edo 415 25· Religious Architecture of Muromachi, Momoyama, and Edo 433 Notes to Part One 441 Notes to Part Two 443 Bibliography 455 List of Illustrations 491 Index 499 499 NDEX teferences to the Notes are given only where they ndicate matters of special interest or importance: :uch references are given to the page on which the IOte occurs, followed by the number of the chapter to "hich it belongs, and the number of the note. Thus 148(21)5 indicates page 448, chapter 21, note 5. Accomplishments, Four': (Daitokuji), 186; Ankokuji,449(22)4 (Hikone screen), 247; (Yusho), 190 'Annual Rites and Ceremonies' (Mitsunaga), 87, Ictors, portraits of, 253, 254, 258, 263, 267- 9 144, 2II, 330 (ill. 213),336-7 (ill. 222), 342 (ill. Advantages, Ten' (Taiga and Buson), 238 224), 355 (ill. 230), 374 (ill. 252) '\gni,84 . Anrakuji, 384, 447(20)3 Agriculture and Weaving, 241 anthropomorphism, 32 lidono,448(21)5 Arashiyama,218 li-no-ma, 387 Araumi,337 J A.inu, 23, 276 Arima Springs, 169 ,\izen, II8, Il9 (ill. 74) aristocracy, influence of, 20- 1 A. jal)ta, 48, 365 artists, training of, in Japan and China, 21, 53- 4 AjataSatru, Prince, 72 Asa, Prince, of Paekche, 29 Ak ishinodera, 449(22)1 2 Asanga, I 10-12 alcove, picture, 157 Asano (N.) Collection: 'Four Classes' (Tanyu), 203; Amaterasu, 24, 52 Kwannon (Noami), 175; Makura no Soshi, 148; Amida, 90, 154,347,351,433; Chogakuji, 94; Sesshu scroll, 170, 173, 193; 'White Heron', Hoodo, 92 (ill. 51),93; Iwafunedera, statue, 91; 161- 2, 163 (ill. 109) Kamakura, II6 (ill. 71), 117, 122; Nine, from Ashikaga family, 167, 185 Joruriji, 93, 361 Ashikaga period, 396, 415 If.; see also Muromachi 'Amida, Descent oP, 72, 94; Reihokan Museum, 94, period 98-9 (ill. 56), 103 Ashuku, Buddha, 79 'Amida, Descent of, Across the Mountains', 122- 3 Asia, Central, influences from, 48 (ill. 79),129 . Astana, 441(4)11 'Amida, Paradise of, 72, 343, 347; Hoodo, 96-8 (ill. Asuka, 294 (ill. 181) 55); Horyuji, 46, 47 (ill. 19) Asuka period, 27 If., 291 If. 'Amida and Twenty-five Bodhisattvas', Chionin, Asura (fighting demons), 56-'7 124; Sokujoin, 93- 4 (~l. 52); see also Raigo Atami Art Museum: 'Yuna' painting, 248; Deer 'Amida and Bodhisattvas': (bronze at Tokyo), 42; scroll, 443(12)2; 'Red and White Plum Trees' Sanzenin, 94 (Korin), 220- 1 (ill. 145); Daruma (Matabei), 249 'Amida Triad' (Tachibana), 43- 4 (ills. 15, 16) (ill. 160), 250; Hitomaro and Tsurayuki Amidado, 351, 434, 452(25)'; see also Hokaiji (Matabei), 250; 'Quails and Millet' (Mitsuoki), Amitabha, see Amida 210 (ill. 141); Self-portrait, Matabei, 250; Amoghavajra, 84 'Twelve Months' (Shunsho), 263 Ando (Kaigetsudo), 255-6 (ill. 163) Avatamsaka sect, see Kegon sect Anesaki, M., 82, 90 Azuchi castle, 185, 186, 187,451(24)12 'Animal Caricatures', Kozanji, 138 (ill. 91), 139- 40 Azukari, Edokoro no, 200, 210 (ill. 92), 144- 5 Azumaya, 134 'Animal Fight in the Shang-lin Park', 134 animal paintings, 130, 179 'Badara, Rakan' (Soen), 174 500 . INDEX Bai Siishi, '97 Chinese Landscapes (T6gan), '95 (ill. 134); 'Clear Baiitsu, Yamamoto, 243 Weather in the Valley' (Tung Yiian), 196; Bamboo poem scroll (K6etsu), 214 'Confucius and T wo Disciples' (Tanyii), Bamiyan,48 204 (ill. 137); Daiitoku, 90 (ill. 49), 9'; 'Deer' Ban Dainagon, Story of, '33, '44 (Ganku), 228, 229 (ill. 149); 'Dragon and Tiger Bannaji, 449(22)4 Screens' (Tiihaku), '93- 4 (ill. 132); 'Eight Views Banner, Bodhisattva: Shiisiiin, 65, 68, 69 (ill. 36) at the Confluence of the Hsiao and Hsiang Rivers' Bash6, '94, 207 169-70 (ill. II4); 'Fisherman's Abode' (Hsia ' le, 24, 26; see also Corporations Kuei), 190; 'Four Lovers of Flowers' (Yasunobu), Beauties of the East Reflected in Fashions' 205; 'Four Sages of Mount Shang' (Sh6haku), (Kiyonaga), 265 232 (ill. 152),233 (ill. 153); 'Four Seasons' Beauty' (Ando), 255- 6 (ill. 163) (Tsunenobu), 206, 207 (ill. 139); Haniwa, 25 (ill. I); Beauty, A Famous' (Kiyomasu), 254 (ill. 162), 255 Horse-headed Kwannon, 103- 4 (ill. 6,), ]iz6, leetle-wing shrine (Hiiryiiji), see Tamamushi shrine 127 (ill. 83), 128; Kong6yasha, 104- 7 (ill. 63); leian, Ichikawa, portrait (Kazan), 242 (ill. '58),243 'Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk', 72, '34; ,ells, see diitaku 'Lion Dance' (Ch6shun), 259 (ill. 165); Matsushima lenevolent Kings, Sutra oJ the, 77, 87 screen (K6rin), 221; 'Miidera Temple' (Hiroshige), ,eni-e,253 27',272 (ill. 171); 'Miroku' (Kaikei), II2-I3 (ill. ,enizuri-e, 253 67); 'Mitsugor6 I1' (Sharaku), 268 (ill. 169),269; knzaiten, 60, 96; Kamakura, II7 (ill. 72) 'Monkeys' (Shiik6), 173 (ill. 117), '74; 'Monkeys' ieppu Collection: 'Four Seasons' (H6itsu), 223 (T6haku), '93; 'O-Shichi and Kichisabur6' iidatsu, Emperor, 288 (Masanobu), 257 (ill. 164),258; 'Party to See the Bird and Flower prints': (Hiroshige), 27'; Moon across the Sumida River' (Kiyonaga), 265, (Hokusai), 270 266 (ill. 167); 'Peafowl' (Sosen), 228- 30 (ill. ISO); Bird and Red Plum Blossoms' (Hiroshige), 271, 'Plum-Blossom and Pine Screens' (Tiiy6 and 273 (ill. '72) others), 228; 'Po I and Shu Ch'i' (Naonobu), 205, irds, paintings of, '97 206 (ill. 138); 'Poppies' screen (S6tatsu), 215- 16, 3irds of Prey' (Sanraku), 198 (ill. 136) 2'7- 18 (ill. 143); 'Rakan' (Jakuchii), 231; Screens ishamontcn (Guardian King), 36 (ill. 6), 94, 104, (Moronobu), 252-3 (ill. 161); 'Setting Up a New 138; Boston Museum, 125 (ill. 81) Year's Tree' (Hokusai), 270-1 (ill. 170); Shii lack Current, 23 Kwannon, 64 (ill. 31); 'Visit of Gomizunoo to Nij6 lock printing, 90 Castle', 252; 'Woman Dancer', 248 (ill. 159) odhidharma, '59, '72- 3 'Boy, Girl, and Viewing Glass' (Harunobu), 261 (ill. odhisattvas, 29, 30, 48, 65; of Tamamushi shrine, 166), 262 33, 35 (ill. 5); six, from H6ryiiji, 39; fresco, 'Boys gesticulating before a Black-Lacquered Wall' H6ryiiji, 46 , 47 (ill. 19); Twenty-Five, scroll, 104; (Toyokuni I), 269 Tachibana shrine, 46 (ill. 18); see also under names bracketing, 3'0- '5, 317, 322, 367-8, 381- 3, 389-94, oJ Bodhisattvas 401- 2,437- 8,439 )ki Ekotoba, 413 Brahma, 60; see also Bonten ?ki Eshi, 156 (ill. 107), 157, 182,213 bronze cultures, 23- 4 ?1I1111ii-kyii sutra, 52 bronzes, 275; Korean, 32; Nara period, 64- 5; Tang )mp6,162 style, 41-5 m festival, '40 Brooklyn MuseuQ1 of Art: screens (Yiish6), '90 oneless' technique, 2'7- 18 Buddha, see Gautama; Maya; Shaka; Tah6 Butsu mten, 84, 96; see also Hokked6; T6ji 'Buddha, Death of the': (Kongiibuji), 100- 3 (ill. lsatsu, see Bodhisattvas 59), '39; (Ch6 Densu), 164 lston, Museum of Fine Arts; 'Adventures of Kibi 'Buddha, Ressurrection of the' (Ch6h6ji), 102 (ill. in China', '44- 5 (ill. 97); 'Aizen', 118, "9 60), 103 (ill. 74); 'Animal Fight in the Shang-lin Park', Buddhism, '9- 20, 27 If, 353-4; Amida doctrines, '34; 'Beauty' (Ando), 255- 6 (ill. 163); 'Bird and 90; art, 30 If.; canonical books, 47; doctrinal Red Plum Blossoms' (Hiroshige), 27'- 2, development, 28-9; early divinities, 30; esoteric 273 (ill. 172); Bishamonten, 125 (ill. 81); sects, 345; introduction, 27,28-9,291; in 'Burning of the Sanj6 Palace', 151- 2 (ill. 103); Kamakura period, 109, 121- 2, 377 If.; period of 'Catching Fireflies' (Utamaro), 267 (ill. 168); assimilation, 73 If.; ritual, 353- 4; and scroll 501 painting, 138---<); sectarian differences, 54; and Chiko,72 Shinto architecture, 371 ff.; and State, 51, 56--1; Chikuden, Tanomura, 243 teachings, 27- 8; see also names of sects Chikuto, Nakabayashi, 243 'Bugaku Dancers' (Sotatsu), 216- 17 child portraits, 131 Bugaku masks, 1I8, 119 Ch'in-an-tien (Peking), 356 Btijoji,450(22)12 China, influences from: first century A.D., 26, 275; buke-zukun, 407, 410-11, 451(23)1 early Buddhism, 29-30, 291; Tang period, 40, Buncho, Mamoru, 263 41 - 2,72, 130- 1,302,326; Sui period, 40; 'wire Buncho, Tani, 240- 1 (ill.
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