THE KAMARUPA ANUSANDHANA SAMITI IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES (1912 A.D.- 1993 A.D.) THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHI~ HISTORY (ARTS) UNIVERSITY OF NO~AL By TARUN CHANDRA BHAGABATI, M.A., M.Ed. Sr. LECTURER IN HISTORY NIRMAL HALOI COLLEGE, PATACHARKUCHI BARPETA (ASSAM) SUPERVISOR PROFESSOR I. SARKAR DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY UNIVERSITY OF NORTH BENGAL RAJA RAMMOHANPUR, DARJEELING WEST BENGAL 2009 11\, 36b·D954 B S7S~ UNIVERSITY ()F NORTH BENGAL Phone: (0353) 2699122 P.O. North Bengal University DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY ( Raja Rammol1unpur) • Dist. Darjeeling, (W.B.), PJN-734013 j·{ . ~ ' ,::') Ref No . ......................................... Date ........................ : ....... This is to certify th~~r. Tarun Chandra Bhagabati has completed his research work un r my supervision. The present thesis titled The Kamarupa Anusandhan Samiti in Historical Perspectives (1912 A.D. -1993 A.D.) prepared by him is his original research work. I consider it fit for submission for the award of Ph.D degree in History by the University ofNorth Bengal. j':: s>·_;.Jf. L,-.:1.\. (Dr. I. Sarkar) r:·c. ~] t} Prof 1. ·--" :.d·;.- 0 ,.. D_epa~tmeru of History llmverslty of North Bnzgal Darjeeling (W. 8. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The study titled "The Kamarupa Anusandhan Samiti in Historical Perspectives (1912 A.D.-1993 A.D.)" is the outcome of my research work to be submitted for Ph.D. degree of the University of North Bengal, Raja Rammohanpur, Dist. Darjeeling (West Bengal). The present work is a study with micro level approaches which neither demands full credit for new discoveries nor is a major break-through in the study of history of "Kamarupa Anusandhan Samiti in Historical Perspectives". It is a humble attempt to re-search the comprehensive history of the institution, which in some points is fully introductory in nature and shows some scope of study in future. Constructive criticism in this respect is always welcome. Owing to some technicalities it was found in convenient to provide the diacritical marks to the old terms and names used in this work. Such terms/names with diacritical marks are shown in a list after the List of the Tables. • A research work is an open ended academic voyage. A collective effort is always working as an inspiring factor behind the culmination of a positive result of the voyage. Therefore, one should acknowledge the support and assistance received at the different levels in course of the study. I have no words to express my deep gratitude and acknowledge my indebtness to my revered Guide and Supervisor Dr. I. Sarkar, Professor and former Head of the Department of History, University of North Bengal, Raja Rammohanpur, for his constant encouragement and able guidance and supervision all throughout the execution of the present work. I am also thankful to all the faculty members of the department of History of the same university for providing me necessary help and assistance. It is my pleasure to thank the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Kamarupa Anusandhan Samiti, Guwahati, for providing me the necessary materials for completion of the study. At the same time I am also grateful to the Director, Department of Historical and Antiquarian Studies, Guwahati, the Director, Assam State Museum, and the Director, Assam State Archives for allowing me to make use of the materials at their disposal for my study. I received immense help from the staff of National Archives of India, New Delhi, National Library, Kolkata, Library of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, Kolkata, Goethal Library, Kolkata, Granthagar (Central library) of University of North Bengal, K.K. Handique Library of University of Gauhati, Central Library of North Eastern Hill University, Shillong , the Library of Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), Guwahati Regional Office, the Library of the Kamarupa Anusandhan Samiti, Library of Department of Historical and Antiquarian Studies, Guwahati, Library of Assam State Museum, Library of Assam Sahitya Sabha, Guwahati, District Library, Guwahati, Cotton College Library, Guwahati, and my own college( N.H. College, Patacharkuchi) Library. I must thank all the staff of these departments, offices and institutions. I am grateful to my college authority and my colleagues who inspired me along, while the research was attaining the stage of completion. I am grateful to all those for their valuable suggestion and help. I am also thankful to the authors of those books/publications, which I have referred in my study. I extend my deep sense of gratitude to my mother and all family members whose help and inspiration enable me to complete the work in time. It will be unjust on my part if I forget to appreciate my better half, Mrs. Anju Devi and son Rahul (Munu) who bear all the constraints and burdens of the family and eagerly waiting for the time for me to be free with them. Last, but not least I am thankful to Mr Bubun Kumar Barman for providing necessary technical support for printing and binding of this work. .~~-~· University of North Bengal (Tarun Chandra Bhagabati) Raja Rammohanpur Research Scholar. Dist. Darjeeling (West Bengal) Department of History Date. 24. ~. 2009 Regn.No.l50001 of2007-08. DECLARATION The present Ph.D. dissertation titled "The Kamarupa Anusandhana Samiti in Historical Perspectives (1912 A.D.- !993 A.D.)" submitted by me for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History (Arts) of the Univesity of North Bengal, Raja Rammohanpur, Darjeeling, West Bengal, is entirely based on original materials carried out under the supervision of Dr. I. Sarkar, Professor, Department of History, University of North Bengal and that neither this dissertation nor any part of it has been submitted in any academic institution for degree or diploma by me. ~('~~ Candidate L 1 JU,W.!MH 41& CONTENTS Page No. Acknowledgements List of Tables 1 List of terms/names with diacritical marks ii- iv appeared in this study to be read as List of abbreviations V- Vl CHAPTER-I Introduction 1 - 14 Trends in the Regional Historical Research 15-61 in Colonial India CHAPTER-ll The Idea and Origin of 62-92 the Kamarupa Anusandhan Samiti CHAPTER-HI Organization of the Sarniti: 93-228 Growth and Development i. Establishment of the Sarniti ii. Prospectuus. Rules and Constitution of the Sarniti iii. Decentralization of powers and functions of the Samiti a) Membership b) Fund procurement c) Patronage of the common people and the Government CHAPTER-IV Activities and Constraints. 229- 312 CHAPTER-V Samiti at its Climax 313- 441 i. Administrative set up ii.Academic pursuits of the Samiti iii.Kamarupa Anusandhan Samiti as a National institution. iv. Samiti as a pioneer academic institution. CHAPTER-VI The Manifest destiny- the Samiti under strain 442- 480 CHAPTER-VII Conclusion 481-486 Bibliography 487- 511 I LIST OF TABLES Sl. No. Description Page No. I. Statement of income, 1917-18 184 II .. Statement of income, 1918-19 185 III. Membership Income- 1983-86 194 IV. District wise membership enrolment 198 v. List of Antiquities handed over to Assam Provincial Museum 261 VI. List of Foreign Coins handed over to Assam Provincial Museum 262 VII. List of Ahom Coins handed over to Assam Provincial Museum 263 VIII. List of Papers presented during 1915-1920 340 IX. List of papers presented during 1921-1925 341 X. List of papers presented during 1926-27 342 XI. Statement of income and expenditure-1940 452 XII. Statement of Income and expenditure-Sept. 1952- Dec. 1953. 456 XIII. Statement of income and expenditure- Jan. 1954- Aug. 1955. 457 XIV. Statement of income and expenditure- Sept. 1955- Dec. 1956. 458 XV. Statement of income and expenditure- Jan. 1955- Mar. 1958. 459 11 LIST OF TERMS/NAMES WITH DIACRITICAL MARKS. Appearing in this study To be read as .;' Apabhramsha Apabhramsa Arthasastra Arthasastra Aryavartta Aryavartta- Anusandhan Anusandhana Anusilani Anu~ilanT Bangiya Bangiya Barganga Barganga Brahma Brahma Bhattacharyya Bhatracharyya Bhaskarvarman Bhaskarbarman Bharatavarsha Bharatavarsa. Brahman Br3hmana. Dab aka Dab aka Dubi Dubi. Durjaya Durjaya Dhireswar Dhiresvara- Harshacharita Harsacharita Itihasa Itihasa Kalidasa Katidasa Ill Appearing in this study To be read as Kalita Kaiita Karotoya Karotoya Kamarupa Kamariipa Kamakhya Kamakhya Kamalakanta Kamalakanta Kalika Purana Kalika Pural}a Kirata-J ana-Krti Kirata-Jana-Krti • Naraka Naraka Nalanda Nalanda Narayana Naraya~a Nidhanpur Nidnanpur Mahabharata Mahabharata .. Parvatiya Parvatiya- Patrika Patrka. Pratibha Pratibha Pal a Pala Pragjyotisha Pragjyoti~a Radh Ragh Rajatarangini RajataranginT Ramayana RamayaJ}a Sabha Sabha lV Appearing in this study To be read as Sahitya Sahitya ,. Sasanavali Sasanavali Swades Swadesa Umachal Uniachala Videha Videha v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE STUDY A.B.R. Assam Bengal Railway As. Annas ( 6 Paises) A.R.S. Assam Research Society. A.S.P. Assam Secretariat Proceedings. A.S.M. Assam State Museum. C.I.E. Commander, one of the ranks of order of the Indian Empire. Comp. Compiler. C.S.I. Companion of the (most exalted order of the) star of India. D.F.R. Delegation of Financial Power Rules D.H.A.S. Department of Historical and Antiquarian Studies. D.P.I. Director of Public Instructions. E.A.C. Extra Assistant Commissioner. Ed. Editor. Esq. Esquire. F. A. First degree in Arts. F.R.A.S Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society F.R.C.S Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeon. I.C.H.R. Indian Council of Historical Research. VI I.C.S. Indian Civil Service. I.E.S. Indian Educational Service. I.S. Inspector of Schools. K.C.I.E. Knight Commander, one of the ranks of the order of the Indian empire. K.C.S.I. Knight Commander of the (Most Exalted Order of the) Star of India. K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Bath. K.S.I. Knight of the Star of India. Kt. Knight. M.L.C. Member of Legislative Council.
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