Fair Haven's Burlew wins two national rowing titles, 1B The Register INSIDE Israel releases 31: not enough SPORTS If SCHEHEKZADE FMJUMNZI The Associated Press HAS EL BAYADA Lebanon i APi - Israel freed 31 Lebanese prisoners yesterday but a Shiite Moslem Marchers to demonstrate leader said that was not enough to secure"1 the release of 40 American hostages The prisoners, wearing red-striped black track suits, were driven in two Israeli army trucks across their support for hostages the border at Has el Bayada. the northernmost point in Israel's "security zone in south Lebanon If GAYLE I RUIN The march will start 10 am tomor- At the foot of a chalk cliff towering above the row in front of the Monmouth Rubber The Register Mediterranean, the prisoners were handed over to the Corp.. 75 Long Branch Avenue International Red Cross LONG BRANCH More than 1.000 Bonforte says he got the idea for the None of them seemed to know about the hijacking people are expected to march on City sweatbands on Saturday, when a few- of a TWA Boeing 727 by Shiite extremists on June 14 Hall tomorrow to demonstrate support perspiring assembly line workers tied They also did not know the hijackers were demanding for the American hostages held by the long yellow tubes - used as that Israel release all 766 Lebanese detainees from the Shiite Moslem terrorists in Beirut caulking material in the construction Atlit prison in exchange for the 40 Americans Mill John M Bonforte president of industry - in a knot around their being held somewhere in Beirut Mnnmouth Rubber Corp. here, is heads We haven't read newspapers for two weeks said organizing the march which he says According lo Ronlorle. his company one prisoner. Karim Sakmani. 20 We didn I know wr will culminate in a rally when 1.000 is puttling up more than $2,000 to were being released until 7am this morning It took yellow foam rubber sweatbands will be recruit as many organizations as us by surprise presented to Mayor Philip f) Huhn possible for the march and to supply ' They called out our names and a half-hour later sweatbands to groups who request we were out I couldn t believe it " The bands show thai Americans are them The released prisoners boarded a chartered yellow thinking of the hostages says Bonforle Its not just a Long Branch thing, school bus flying the Red Cross banner at the He is hoping the mayor will distribute it's an American thing." he says We checkpoint in Israels so-called security zone in them to public works and beachfront need everybody's support Anyone who south Lebanon employees in addition to anyone who has a truck with a name on it should CALLED Off — Yesterdays first-round I think everyone should go home both the wants one participate " Wimbledon match pitting first-seeded prisoners and the kidnapped Americans.' said a young "They are a message to Iho world The Ronston Paper Company. Eaton- John McEnroe and Australia's Peter Israeli soldier who manned the checkpoint with men that we want our people back says town, is donating plastic bags for the McNarama was called off because of of the Israeli-backed South Lebanon army Bonforte sweatbands wet grounds after |us( 22 minutes Israeli and South Lebanon Army militiamen opened Straub Motors Inc of Keyport is While Bonforte says he s received The match will be resumed today a brown iron gale to allow the bus and three vehicles displaying a similar message The calls from many police departments company began flying an oversized carrying Red Cross official! through THE REOISTEH/CARL D FOHINO interesting in marching, ethnic or- American flag at half mast yesterday ganizations including the Spanish- IB The freed Lebanese craning their necks out of the HALF MAST - Straub Motors bus windows, shouted Allah Akbar 'God is great as a reminder thai thr hostages are not American Fraternity, the National LOCAL and waved white plastic ropes thai nnce tied wrists inc Keyport Hies American flag yet home See MARCH Page 7A See HOSTAGE. Page 7A Bond ordinances The Middlotown Township Committee introduces three bond ordinances to buy fire equipment and Monmouth County reacts to simulated disaster facilities, including $400,000 for aerial fire trucks Office of Emergency Management, oc- response of rescue workers to what one airporls. he said 3A ly IY MB NEFF curred at 7 p m county official called the emergency the "Eight or ten planes go over every twenty The Register First on the scene, the Highlands First county is least prepared to handle minutes. Gilmartin said "The only way lo SANDY H(K)K Authonles called it the Aid Squad tagged nearly ISO victims of a "We can handle almost everything but a try to prepare for an accident is to do it." STATE largest simulated disaster in Monmouth mid-air collision involving a cargo plane plane crash is what scares me the rrmsl Toward the eastern shore at North Beach, County in five years carrying hazardous chemicals and a passen- said Ron J. (iilmarlin Sr coordinator of the red-painted victims lay on the ground, Rank rejection ger jet Office of Emergency Management tended by approximately 25 i>[ the county s An Army doctor reacts an elevation While a radiation victim was rushed lo The bodies, lo be treated in order As he spoke, he gestured toward planes municipal first aid squads and their accom- to Major and turned a roujme Monmcytf|kMedical ('enter more than a , determined by the extent of Ibeir ,jnjurifs. jelling toward Kennedy. Newark, ihd panying lire departments • promotion ceremony Infb* forum to third oWnes? Monmouth County first aid were'strewn over an acre of land that w;is LaGuardia airports To the west lay five survivors of the Cfash squads Last night treated "survivors of a protest the Army's response to soon covered by municipal, county and state The airways over the counly are also used that had been exposed to dangerous of/toxjr two-plane crash over North Beach here allegations that children, including his rescue workers by pilots heading lo MacGuirc Air Force chemicals Lester W Jargowsky. county The "accident staged by the counly 3-year-old daughter, were sexually The accident was intended lo test the Base, and Wall. Marlboro and Colts Neck See DISASTER. Page 7A abused at a West Point day care center 4A State Senate approves plan, Last effort Supporters of legislation to establish calls for affordable housing deposits for beverage containers launches a last-ditch campaign for the passage of the so-called "bottle TRENTON. N J i AI'i - The Senate yester- bill" day approved controversial legislation proposed Related story, page 6B before the Legislature ad|ourns for by Gov Thomas H Kean lo help communities the summer. provide affordable housing for New Jersey residents issued its precedent-setting Mounl Laurel II 4A The Senate passed the Republican-backed ruling measure by a vote of 21-9 after about a half hour The decision sought to ensure that low- and NATION of debate, over the protests of the Democratic middle-income housing was built by establishing sponsor of the original housing bill what it called the builder's remedy " which Human-like That legislation was conditionally vetoed by allows developers lo offset losses by construct A 4-year-old pygmy chimpanzee the Republican governor, who recommended his ing four market-priced homes for each low income unit demonstrates the most human-like own program to implement the state Supreme linguistic skills ever documented in Court's 1983 landmark ruling ordering towns to The builder's remedy has been at the heart of another animal, showing an extensive provide their "fair share of low- and middle- the controversy, with legislators charging thai understanding of spoken English income housing it forces overdevelopment in communities words and identifying objects by Sen Wynona Lipman. I)-Essex, sponsor of the "Fair Housing Act. " said Kean s plan would The Democrats answer to the problem was name, according to scientists who are the fair housing bill studying the chimp. "create more problems than il will solve " "This plan guarantees further litigation If One of the key provisions of that measure this becomes law. it will not bring peace to the would have allowed towns to determine how- Mount Laurel issue. Lipman argued "It will much affordable housing they need and per- BUSINESS provoke further escalation and complications ' mitted them to transfer up to a third of their Sen. John Lynch. D-Middlesex. a co-sponsor of obligations to a nearby municipality by giving Officer elected the Fair Housing Act. said he decided to go along the host community money John J Giordano of Middletown. with Kean s proposal in order to take the issue In his conditional veto of the bill. Kean executive director of the Kimball out of the hands of the court proposed a constitutional amendment lo Medical Center Foundation, Inc. of "It's clear that the time has come for a real eliminate the builder s remedy and placed the Lakewood. is elected president of the legislative response to Mount Laurel II and thai authority to make land use decisions with Monmouth-Ocean Development the time has come for the Legislature to take elected officials Council for 1985-1986 at the 20th this out of the hands of the court. " Lynch said Lipman said she is concerned that the courts Annual Meeting of MODC, at the will declare find the amendment unconstitu- Sheraton Inn, Hazlet. The legislation was sent to the Assembly tional and that it will prompt a flurry of lawsuits where it is scheduled to be considered on THE REGISTER/CARL D FORINO 5B Thursday by builders "This will in effect violate the rights of GAS LEAK — A section ot South Streel Irom Pickney Road to Bergen Place Supporters of the measure predicted that it builders." she said in Red Bank was closed to traffic and approximately 25 homes were with .
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