Ministry of the Environment Vol. 18 February 2018 JAPAN Environment Quarterly FEATURE : Spreading Implementation of SDGs in Japan CURRENT TOPICS : Minamata Convention on Mercury Regional Workshop on preparation for COP23 in the Asia-Pacific / Japanese Initiatives for Establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society NATIONAL PARKS of JAPAN : Project to “Fully Enjoy National Parks” at Akan-Mashu Spreading Implementation of SDGs in Japan Cover: Energy self-sufficiency through the use of woody biomass in Shimokawa Town FEATURE Spreading Implementation of SDGs in Japan GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT for an emergency, they can also offer achieved in collaboration with develop- an opportunity. For example, we can ing countries utilizing Japanese tech- Happiness for All through the Sustainable develop resilient communities by pre- nology and know-how. “Our country Stakeholders’ Meetings dicting how they might be affected by was once disadvantaged by our limited Development Goals disasters caused by the impacts of cli- natural resources. However, we have In order to promote the implementation of SDGs from an environmental stand- mate change. In this way, we can limit since overcome this, while also enhanc- point, the MOE regularly organizes the the economic losses, while also help- ing our environmental technologies, Stakeholders’ Meetings in cooperation with Japan established the Sustainable the MOE as follows. “The MOE has models in various fields. Take energy ing members of these communities such as by improving energy efficiency, the Institute for Global Environmental Development Goals (SDGs) Promotion long been working towards simulta- for example. Until now, countries and lead comfortable lives. Similarly, by to increase our international compet- Strategy (IGES). In these meetings, differ- ent stakeholders from private companies, Headquarters in May 2016 to pro- neously achieving environmental, eco- regions have needed an ample supply improving crop varieties and shifting itiveness. We have also developed di- local governments, and NGOs share and mote the comprehensive and effective nomic, and social progress, as set out of fossil fuels to achieve progress. Now, cultivation areas in preparation for the saster prevention technology to recover acknowledge various best practices. The 4th implementation of the SDGs across in its Third Basic Environment Plan, however, with the spread of renewable future impacts of climate change, we from the various adverse impacts of the meeting, held in October 2017, started with all ministries and agencies. Prime established in 2006. Such activities energy, they can all enjoy the benefits can also develop new markets and revi- Great East Japan Earthquake. Japan is a presentation by the Ministry of Foreign Minister Abe leads the Headquarters are aligned with the principles of the of electricity. As more people gain ac- talize communities. Many of the prob- a frontrunner in the world in tackling Affairs and Cabinet Office about the latest trends in Japan and the world, followed by and all cabinet ministers are mem- SDGs. We are now in the process of for- cess to electricity, they will also be lems faced by society are interrelated. a variety of issues, and there are many presentations on best practices by advanced bers. Japan Environment Quarterly mulating the Fifth Basic Environment able to lead more enhanced lifestyles, A single solution can often result in domains where we can contribute to companies and local governments. The par- interviewed Mr. Satoru Morishita, Plan. This new plan will incorporate resulting in greater consumption, new improvements in multiple priority ar- the achievement of the SDGs. The MOE ticipants engaged in vigorous discussions Director General of the Global the SDGs approach even more actively. markets and economic development. eas. The MOE holds the Stakeholders’ intends to lead those endeavors.” and questioned the presenters, including how to make progress towards achieving Environment Bureau of the Ministry Specifically, it will advance six priority Achieving the sound development of Meetings to share and disseminate the SDGs and the types of frameworks being of the Environment (MOE), about the strategies related to the SDGs, includ- the world, and creating a healthy so- such information in order to raise used to do so. MOE’s efforts to achieve the SDGs. ing ‘building a sustainable socio-econ- ciety and market are now interlinked.” awareness of the ripple effects.” omy’ and ‘community development Director General Morishita also Last year, the MOE formulated of the 17 SDGs, if not through the formation of diverse local explains how environmental policy Japan’s Assistance Initiatives to more, are related to recycling coexistence zones.’” can resolve both economic and social Address Climate Change 2017 and the environment and Through these priority strategies, issues, using climate change adapta- communicated the details of these ini- the MOE is expected the MOE will create new socio-eco- tion as an example. “Adaptation mea- tiatives to the international commu- to lead the efforts to- nomic systems, lifestyles, and tech- sures are normally taken to prepare nity at COP23, in Bonn, Germany in Satoru Morishita wards achieving the nological innovation, and also resolve for the potential impacts of climate November. These initiatives are a crys- Director General, 12 SDGs in Japan. Director both economic and social issues using change and reduce the damage they tallization of Japan’s vision and specific Global Environment Bureau General Morishita explains the vari- environmental measures. “Around the cause. Although the original aim of programs, and are based on the keyword Ministry of the Environment, Japan ous initiatives being implemented by world, we are seeing new development these measures is to ready society of “co-innovation,” meaning innovation 2 JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.18 JEQ JAPAN Environment Quarterly | Vol.18 3 FEATURE Energy Self-Sufficiency andIndependent Recycling-orientated woody Local Community-Building – forest management biomass The Keys to Sustainable Town Planning Forest service Zero-emission Community industry timber processing labor heating system Ichinohashi Vision for "Forest Future City" Bio Village and leaves,” says Mr. Minoshima. Such western part of the town is a symbol and resources. Mr. Minoshima de- timber processing with zero emissions of Shimokawa Town’s initiatives. In scribes plans for the development of contributes to the SDG of “Responsible 2013, Ichinohashi was reconstructed the town as follows, “To continue our Consumption and Production” (Goal 12). by the residents as a compact town current progress, it will be important Furthermore, any other surplus where everyone supports each other to forge partnerships with corpora- wood, and wood waste from process- in their daily lives while sharing space tions and organizations. Lately, the ing is used as fuel for 11 woody bio- and energy. Until then, the village had SDGs concept has led to ever more mass boilers installed throughout the been experiencing striking depopula- opportunities for new collaborations. town. In addition, the public facilities tion and societal aging, with the popu- We want to use SDGs as tools for the around the town hall utilize a commu- lation aging rate exceeding 50%. Now, revitalization of communities in a way nity heating system that is fueled by a however, young people have started that connects people.” woody biomass boiler. Until now, the moving to the area. town’s various facilities used heavy oil Shimokawa’s vision is to create boilers but Shimokawa plans to switch a town that is attractive to everyone. to woody biomass boilers to reduce A wide range of people who shared Takeshi MINOSHIMA CO2 emissions. The town has already these ideals moved to the town, fur- achieved a community heat self-suffi- ther accelerating the town’s initiatives Shimokawa Town office ciency rate of 45%. towards living in coexistence with the Senior Manager Future City Initiative Division Ichinohashi Bio Village in the forest and making the most of people Shimokawa Town in Hokkaido is en- the area is forested, and the town is vision of our town.” gaged in sustainable town planning blessed with plentiful timber resourc- For example, Shimokawa employs based on a recycling-oriented forest es and a rich natural environment. a recycling-oriented forest manage- management system. The local econ- However, the population is aging, with ment approach, utilizing the national omy is supported by Shimokawa’s 38% of residents aged 65 and over. forest land it purchased in 1953. This ample forestry resources. When using Shimokawa is currently imple- approach contributes to the SDG of these resources, the town makes sure menting initiatives to become a “Forest “Life on Land” (Goal 15). Each year that nothing goes to waste. For exam- Future City” as part of its vision for over 50ha in timber is felled, and trees ple, it has achieved energy self-suffi- developing and improving the town. are planted in the deforested area. ciency using woody biomass. Through These initiatives are aimed at creating These trees are cultivated for 60 years, such activities, the town is able to a virtuous cycle between the economy, and then felled once again. By contin- 2 conserve the surrounding environ- the environment, and society, with a ually using the forest in this way, the ment. Additionally, Shimokawa has focus on the timber, forestry product, town is able to sustainably maintain revitalized one of its villages,
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