THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 28, 1895. 3083 The King's Own Scottish Borderers, Lieutenant The Welsh Regiment, Lieutenant William Chandos Leigh, from 4th Battalion the Royal Edmond Logan Stewart, from 3rd Battalion Warwickshire Regiment, to be Second Lieu- the Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire tenant, in succession to Lieutenant H. H. G. Regiment), to be Second Lieutenant, in suc- Stansfeld, seconded. Dated 29th May, 1895. cession to Lieutenant N. T. Borton, appointed Adjutant. Dated 29th May, 1895. The Royal Iniiiskilling Fusiliers, Lieutenant The Essex Regiment, Second Lieutenant John Henry Alexander Johnson, from 3rd Battalion, Cartwright Harding Newman, from 4th Bat- to be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieu- talion the Norfolk Regiment, to be Second tenant H. P. Hancox, promoted. Dated 29th Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant N. A. May, 1895. C. De H. Tufnell, promoted. Dated 29th Lieutenant George Charles Grazebrook, from May, 1895. the Durham Artillery, Western Division, Royal Artillery, to be Second Lieutenant, in succes- The Sherwood Foresters (Derbyshire Regiment), sion to Lieutenant V. D'O. Noble, resigned. The undermentioned. Supernumerary Captains Dated 29th May, .1895. to be Captains :— Lionel A. M. Stop ford, vice C. Didham, seconded.. The Worcestershire Regiment, Lieutenant Robert Dated 1st May, 1895. Edward Lawrence Townsend, from 4th Batta- Ronald R. Kilbee-Stuart, vice P. W. Anderson, lion, to be Second Lieutenant, in succession to seconded. Dated 17th May, 1895. Lieutenant A. N. D. Fagan, seconded. Dated The Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, Lieutenant 29th May, 1895. Ralph Ernest Haweis James, from 4th Bat- Lieutenant Upton FitzHerbert Ruxton, from 3rd talion the Manchester Regiment, to be Second Battalion, to be Second Lieutenant, vice H. Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant H. A. Beck, seconded. Dated 29th May, 1895. Gib, seconded. Dated 29th May, 1895. Lieutenant Cyril de Putron, from 4th Battalion, The East Surrey Regiment, Lieutenant John to be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Cyril May, from 4th Battalion the Durham Lieutenant N. Burrows, seconded. Dated 29th Light Infantry, to be Second Lieutenant, in May, 1895. succession to Lieutenant J. R. Longley. pro- Princess Charlotte of Wales's -(Royal Berkshire moted. Dated 29th May, 1895. Regiment), Captain Hyacinth LynAi to be Sergeant-Major William Coleman to be Quarter- Major, vice W. A. Collings, promoted. Dated master, with the honorary rank of Lieutenant, 30th April, 1895. vice Honorary Lieutenant F. Nadin, retired. Supernumerary Captain Reginald E. T. Bray to Dated 29th May, 1895. be Captain, vice H. Lynch. Dated 30th April, The Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, Second 1895. Lieutenant Robert May Wetherell, from the The Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment), Royal Anglesey Militia Engineers, to be Second Supernumerary Captain Frederick B. Fanshawe Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant G. B. to be Captain, vice H. C. W. Beeching, M. Rawlinson, promoted. Dated 29th May, seconded. Dated 16th May, 1895. 1895. Second Lieutenant Charles de C. Middleton resigns his Commission. Dated 29th May, The Duke of Wellington's (West Hiding Regi- 1895. ment), Lieutenant Philip William Temple Hale Lieutenant William Clayton Browne-Clayton, Wortham, from 3rd Battalion the Suffolk Regi- from 3rd Battalion the Royal Dublin Fusiliers, ment, to be Second Lieutenant, vice L. E. A. to be Second Lieutenant, vice C. de C. Mid- Bennett, transferred to the Oxfordshire Light dleton. Dated 29th May, 1895. Infantry. Dated 29th May, 1895. The Xing's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry), Lieutenant William Gowans, from 3rd Bat- The Royal Sussex Regiment, Major W. Ulingworth talion the Durham Light Infantry, to be Second Haynes retires on retired pay. Dated 29th Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant D. E. May, 1895. Payn, seconded. Dated 29th May, 1895. Lieutenant James Saumarez Cameron, from 3rd The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), Captain Battalion the South Staffordshire Regiment, to be 1 Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant Charles 'I . Dawkins is seconded for service on J. H. Hudson, seconded. Dated 29th May, the Staff. Dated 11th May, 1895. 1895. Lieutenant Arthur Thomson Curgenven Rundle, Lieutenant George Gem, from 4th Battalion the from 4th Battalion Princess Victoria's (Royal Royal Warwickshire Regiment, to be Second Irish Fusiliers), to be Second Lieutenant, in Lieutenant, in succession to Lieutenant H. succession to Lieutenant T. H. P. Helps, placed Jellicorse, promoted. Dated 29th May, 1S95. on temporary half-pay. Dated 29th May, 1835. The King's Royal Rifle Corps, Supernumerary The Prince of Wales's Volunteers (Sou/h Lan- Captain Arthur Blewitt to be Captain, vice cashire Regiment) Lieutenant Arthur Northen, H. E. Buchanan-Riddell, seconded. Dated 1st from 3rd Battalion the Bedfordshire Regiment, May, 1895. to be Second Lieutenant, in succession to Lieu- The undermentioned Captains are seconded: — tenant A. Solly-Flood, appointed Adjutant. Charles F. Sewell, for service as an Adjutant of Dated 29th May, 1895. Volunteers. Dated 13th May, 1895. Lieutenant William Scobie MacKenzie, from 3rd T. L. N. Morland, for service on the Staff. Battalion the York and Lancaster Regiment, Dated 5th February, 1895. to be Second Lieutenant, on augmentation. Henry C. Howard, for service as an Adjutant of Dated 29th May, 1895. Volunteers. Dated 15th May, 1895. Lieutenant George Herbert Pedler, from 4th Battalion the Border Regiment, to be Second Second Lieutenant the Honourable R. Cathcart to Lieutenant, vice W. H. Kelsall, deceased. be Lieutenant, vice R. P. Cobbold, resigned. Dated 29fli May, 1895. Dated 13th March, 1895. A 2.
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