CHELSEA'S .SOME NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO FOR W YEARS— THE INTERESTS OF If I V ‘I :>• THIS SECTION ' v.i i VOLUME LXX—No. 5. ■M «•» " 1 ji ---- -------------- .......... ....- ■ - ------- ----------- -------- i i ■ — ................ imihii*................. SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER YEAR Back to School! Hatch Act Cramps New Students Asked We Have Some Real Values In Style of Politicians To Enroll .Next Week J V- ‘ f ' i* ^ SCHOOL SUPPLIES the Michigan ^Public Service Corns . Sv.v^^.;:,r^ . L; ■. 1 mission has authorized the transfer of In National Election 840,1 - i at" Chelsea public LLooseJ^eal^Inders^plogs-and 3. rings-rw...v.10c-l&c-2;3c^ a -portion of the Weneetia Telephone moWare asked to enroll for the fall |^FiJlei*_Paper^Big- Count s.;...^ .^ -..7,^^--.^;... ......... 5c-10c Company’s -properties northwest' of Wednesday and \ Thursday, Chelsea to the Michigan • Bell Tele- By Gene Alleman { : September. 4_and _5,. at the superiii- i Du-O-Rjng^omDositibiuand^-nositibiuand Note Book............. 5c-10c-25c Ttammgp^Decentralization of- the toidont’s offlce. from 8:30 to il:30 and ^Stenographer's Note.Bookl 5 t e 3 o o . k............................., '................... 7--.--.r...:.10c phone-Company. acco rd in evto" an an- .Tioimcament. from Landing. TbSiwfei r rp, v Webster Dictiouaries... ...........::...|7;r.f.:r....~ l0c-25c-59c up- available to all students on these days <-iv Under the Commission’s;order, the result of theTedera! Hatch Act Jimit- MechaniqahPeitcils ........... .......•.........;.......... Il0c-25c-$i;00 ing national committee expenditures Text books will be bought- and sold not b e, cons‘umm a ted' un­ I rom—T h u r sda y - uriti 1—gOB needs~ aTC Rexnll Noiseless Celluloid 12-inch R uler..... ............10c' til completion of necessary construc­ to ?3,ooo;ooo.. ~ - — Dividers, -Protractors ...................... ;;................................„...5c-10c -Michigan party leaders have beett satisfied. Regular school begins Mon­ tion, of the -affected , telephony plant day, September. 9_at-l:15,. I.RexalL Pencil Tablets,_Big_Count ............... ...............5c-10c which is Expected—-to occur next edvised^no^todook to national head- m m - ... i World* Globe. 7-inch . * -- „r_Qgc spring A few_£hang'es_ih--text^books-have Parker's QuinOnk, all colors - ............. 15c ' Authorisation of the1' transfer was is to be spent ih Michigan to ire r elect been recommended • to_make the cur­ lWsident' Roosevelt- or to elect Wen­ riculum more- nearly meeFTKe- heeds -pencil Sharpeners^r.".;;....:.:.:........ ........... ............. .................TSe pi thb pupils. ■•'Many recent changes Typewriter'Paper P ad ................. ..;...... .............................:10c two companies.. The transaction cov­ dell L. Willkie, then it must be Michi. ers 1.2 yin lies of pole line, and asso- gan-raised funds. — :'n economics are included in 'the .new. , fkaistruction Paper,'••iassbrted:colors^:.,:J:.<.„\';....,;.;;;..,..w.i..:...:.,.;..;.l■Oc^• b‘ook...,<EcQnomics in .Everyday Life”, vfilfltfid—telephone^plant in Lyndon and The .Republican national committee MaterialV you may need!.... H W e rF o u n ta in Pens ~ Z ^ T 7 7 5 T o _flOiOo “ ' SylvanSiuKrovi townships. ____v- ----- has relayed word that Willkie insists by Goodman andi-Moore. The recent Other Fountain Pens................_ .................... 25c-to-$T. 00 algebra by Edgerton and Garpenter The commission’s pnleiv also ap- on a strict compliance to the. spirit'of presents the WiibiPPi: .in a Tn^vfffirthft-two eeinpaniea'-request fu WiQ" and whew vuu "feraff . .Ii9n ,i.^ i . __ . ^ . ‘..........■...j__$1.00'— minor tran sfer of- "utiier _ _ Republicans m -.spent 1M Paper Towels....... ...........................;.,.;....;.7 .^ 7 7 I7 Z ... 15c territory, "and the establishment- of. $8,893,009 to the Democrats’ $5,651 f- in Chemistry as usual. , However, one standard toll- rates between the Michi­ OOOrfhis “ purity in" politics” restric­ sectiorris -devoted to the regular"col loge.preparatory course and for thos^ Eastman Films - Gine-Kodak Super-X 8 Films - Developing. gan Bell Company’s Chelsea exchange tion begins to hurt., iHenry P, Fletch­ and -.the Weneeda Company’s exchange er, counsel for the Republican Nation­ wishing4 a detailed and mathematical at Waterloo ' ' --------- al eon»mTtteer~has" opined "That i -the basis fob further work_in Science. The" luw*s-limit-of-$3;00tM100 per camp"aigiv BrownleOr-F^lar-^xt-used^ast-yearis- G rain* HENRY H. FEN :ohe^helsepLji;exch a nge;.7a r ea, in and $5,000 per-^ndividual contribution used this' year. The other Chemistry llimmilHlirMHMIHHIUlfimimiilirinjlHHHHIIIIHIIIIIIIMiriHHMIllimilllHIIIHIHHHMHtlimiHPlIlHHIlHHIllIl whichlllkSrtk ithere l\7\Urv arenun four/.__ -WeneedaITT -. ' 1 Com­1 applied; only to national committees. section will use the new Brownlee, PHONE 112 Fuller text, "Chemistry In Use”A rh e | ; -41 ’- \ . • 1 . i. CHELSEA pany, subscribers and" no Michigan Willkie, a newcomer in politics, bru^h.l. ttiMMiiiimiMMiriMiiiNiiiMMiHiiMiiMiiiiiiiiiiiMMummuMiiuMmMiMiiniimiiiiiimnTiuimimniimirniiiiiiMOiiHMiiH Bell, Company customers, " is to be ed aside the Fletcher opinion with a transfdrredto the Waterloo_exchange Bat^'dectaratibn^thaili’all’—cainpaign- amjhgs presented will-not-meet the re- aiea.- " ■ ■ ■ . uuirements. for , advanced work in expenditui'es-.should not exceed the b'cience: ^ It^carries' .full .credi^ and :’s three milli.on/madjjg^^^^t'^olitiCians gasping. , ' ; meets the need-bf- the papil who de ___ { NationarDefense Funds an experiervee _in. Cliennsliyzbiif ILarge pkgs, Oxydol ,,........,, ... ,37c-| Oiie net-resulf;-as-already- nbted^ T.' oe sTToT”p I an, on -College. Adva nc e c Allotted to Cassidy Lake will be the-placing-of more financial Algebra and Solid Geometry-is offeree responsibility on ihe state opnir^l |^54bs,^ Gramilated >Suuar^ this year uHtHe-place^of-CommeTCia 21ge. "cans Swifts Premium Corned! \ National defense funds; allotted to committee of the two leading parties Law and Economic Geographyr ___or Roast Beef --------------- .7 ^ 7 t 3 7 c ............... ...... le State -Bpard-of Control for Voca­ ^National and -regional -headquarters P and G Soap ; A 5 bars 17c I will lend a helping Hand and'free ad- ' The Chelsea' rpubIiF_ School" offers tional-Education for distribution in four standard courses: College,._Pre^ Micltigaru-have- ■-materially--incveaspH _nce,_hut_.that,_s .about all. S lge^ cans Silver Fleece _Sauer Kraut . 25c ■7-2 lb.T boxM ^Soda CrackersM «•........... * « ^ t » ». «. < •A * «.. « . —•—,—> IfoJL VV- - - ■ oratory," "Agri.culture",—:Commcrcia the facilities of the National ' Youth - . ’ • -‘ 1 ' . - ■' • i , — ■ .Pay-roll Prphibition . s and Home Economics. The curricu­ 2 cans Lake ShoyrjPumgkin ..... 7 . 21c ^ lb. pkg*v Kraft YeLyeeta Cheese . 14c | Admihistration’s-Gassidy- Lake resi­ lum offers, four years of English and ....... V .. ... ■ .A '' ■- - -. .y', - - v .. - ... ' 3 dent-....... workv ----- w.v=-»u«1-.project-through --:In_s.eyeral- the:-addi- respects^th‘e^940_caiiv-- -two^-years of—Public Speaking, four - - “ »- l —l—----------- Wheaties- Breakfast of-CKampions, 2 f 21c tion 'of twelve instrubtors. Accm-ding. I sign-will establish histerin pwt»A .wars. oflMUthematies and three o 31bs^Fancy EIbow Macaroni.......... ,t20c- t to urin.AV. Kaye, State NYA admin- a.dnts. Science; four years of Social Science •/ ' ■■■■■*-■• ' istratof.’ 2 cans T, B. C. Bowl Cleaner | Bisquick, 40oz. pkg. ....... .............. ,29c "First, ,we have1 the astonishing ;sjt- four and' one-half years of Commer­ ....... r. 2^c • '. ' ■:/ ■ .' • ./■tv t; : ■ 7 Located on submarginal land five uation whereby- .a former Democrat is cial- work; two years-of Home Eco­ .. ‘ • Sottasilk Cake Flour ,..... —............. \ 2Sr- miles northwest of Chefteajthis pro- running for president on the Republi- nomics, and two years of Agriculture. 3 lbs. Finest 4X Sugar ..,. ... ■ ! _ rect. .covering ovei- jp acres^,lrgs“long' ...............20c_ can-ticketr-whiie-a former-Repuhli s_ofiLatin..are-offdred^ // '• 7 7;- -.y; ^TT^for 2lc -frgen~tchown for the varied-types of is nominee for vice-president on. the 1 box Softasilk Cake Flour . ^23c: are work-experience and: training ^offered Democratic ticket. “Ctltfr evideiVces'of ■ ■■ -"-'v1 ll lb. AsbL Sandwich Cookies,-lb. alf parts of {coalition in politics are the pa'fticipa- 6 bars Fels Naptha Soap ■ ■ • ' v- )lichigati; -Starting with an old farm tion Jxy^two-at^mch Republicans-^ 25c / ;; ‘ ,' -' ,' ----———— --v - . :V ;■ [241/2 lb. bag Gold Medal Kitchen Tested Flour house and barn five years ago, - the Stunson-an d-^Kiiox^in-^e ^-R oo s e ve 11 ■ partunjties'’"irrr“ fotmd']—JoiirrifaHsm; IbsrQuick Cooking~Tapiociar :■ r-oj ecQ>asH^i^frx-pande^api-dly-nn cabinet at - -W ashing ton. “7( Willkie — 725c '■f - ■ 1 * A VI -1 All . #1 A n C ^ ... L. « . M, Future ^Farmers, Hi-Y, Girls’ Athlet­ at Special LoWf rice Friday and Saturday ;il it now' includes facilities for-hous­ baiter I^kes was a Roosevelt Progres­ ics, Fatin Club,.Home .Economics- Club. New ing and training over 7 2 0 0 youth in sive- in-1-9-1-2-3. 'Senator'Vandenberg’f ^various-types of-akiHs-andHccupatioiia persistent Rvy. tor. -coalition . U - I ^ O -foil r ■major; sportsT 7,;.V: ■" .which will equip-them for privatedm' baa_.aistrange echo in contftftiporarv , f ‘ >• ■ -.... 7'!' “ I- - - * - 1 . flRfH^;RIK8 »nH mrgTiisi'egarib'foF'tradffio^- ft* and' aviation mechanics, welding, me- .................. in"...................... .........................................................................
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