ISSN: 2541-4151 International Conference on Engineering and Science for Research and Development (ICESReD) www.icersed.unsyiah.ac.id CEH A BAND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING PROCEEDING AND SCIENCE FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT T h e m e “Enhancing the quality of science and engineering through sustainable research and development to face ASEAN Economic Community challenges.” BANDA ACEH - INDONESIA October 25-26, 2016 Organized by: In association with: Sponsored by: Supported by: PT. TAMIANG MULTI TRADA Faculty of Engineering Syiah Kuala University BKS PTN Barat Conference in Brief Faculty of Engineering Syiah Kuala University was founded in 1963. The existence Engineering Faculty in Syiah Kuala University was driven by the needs of skilled manpower in the field of engineering to fill the human resource development in the province of Aceh. Then, with the discovery of natural gas which is abundant in the area of North Aceh district. And now the Faculty of Engineering has been managing 11 study programs consist of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Architecture, Geophysics, Geology, Industrial Engineering, Mining Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning, and Computer Engineering. Engineering Faculty of Syiah Kuala University has vision to be the leading education and research institution that is capable to compete in national and global levels. As its founding background and vision, the FT Unsyiah is required to play an important role in ASEAN Economic Community Trade Area, particularly to produce qualified graduates who highly honour moral and ethical values. The International Conference on Engineering and Science for Research and Development (ICESReD) is a part of various efforts to achieve this goal. This conference will be carried out biannually by Faculty of Engineering Syiah Kuala University. This conference is organized by: Partnering with: Faculty of Engineering Syiah Kuala University Sponsored by: PT. TAMIANG MULTI TRADA Supported by: i International Conference on Engineering and Science for Research and Development (ICESReD) The Conference Committee Advisory Committees Prof. Dr. Ir. Samsul Rizal, M.Eng. Rector of Syiah Kuala University Dr. Hizir Vice Rector for Academic Affair, Syiah Kuala University Dr. Ir. Mirza Irwansyah, MBA., MLA. Dean Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University Dr. Ir. Rizal Munadi, M.M., M.T. Vice Dean for Academic Affair Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University Organizing Committees Dr. Edi Munawar, S.T., M.Eng. Chairman of Committe, Syiah Kuala University Dr. Ashfa, S.T., M.T. Secretary of Committe, Syiah Kuala University Scientific Committee Dr. Cut Dewi, ST, MT, M.Sc Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia Dr. Fitri Arnia, ST., M. Eng Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia Prof. H. J. P. Timmermans TU Eindhoven, the Netherland Prof. Hiromi Homma Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan Dr. Izziah, M.Sc Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia Assoc. Prof. Johann Fellner Vienna University of Technology, Austria Prof. Mahamod Ismail The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia Dr. Nasrul Arahman, ST, MT Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia Dr. Renny Anggraini, ST., M.Eng Syiah Kuala University - Indonesia Dr. Syifaul Huzni, ST., M.Sc Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia Dr. Syifaul Huzni, ST., M. Eng Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia Editor Dr. Nasrul Arahman, ST., MT ii Banda Aceh, 25-26 October, 2016 Welcome Speech from the Dean Assalammualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful May the peace, the mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon us. Distinguished Participants, Honorable Speakers, Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of Faculty Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, I would like to welcome all of you to the first International Conference on Engineering and Science for Research and Development in conjunction with Annual Meeting of Cooperation Agency–Public Universities (BKS PTN) West Region, Engineering Section. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said 'Acquire knowledge and impart it to the people.' (Al– Tirmidhi). The quest for knowledge has been from the beginning of time but knowledge only becomes valuable when it is disseminated and applied to benefit humankind. I sincerely hope this conference is inspiring and also the one to be anticipated in the next years to come. It is pleasing to note that the agenda of this conference covers a wide range of interesting topics related to engineering and sciences. Enhancing the quality of science and engineering through sustainable research and development to face ASEAN Economic Community challenges is theme of this conference and it is an issue that has been implemented since 1st January 2016. Therefore, the focal drive of this conference is to exchange ideas, and by participating in this exchange, it is hoped that all parties who may benefit from the conference can apply it in managing activities in their areas. It is hoped that ICESRed 2016 will be a platform to gather and disseminate the latest knowledge in engineering, architecture and urban planning. Academicians, Scientist, Researchers and practitioners of engineering, architecture and urban planning will be able to share and discuss new findings and applications of engineering and architecture and design. It is envisaged that the intellectual discourse will result in future collaborations between universities, research institutions and industry both locally and internationally. Last but not the least, my deepest gratitude goes to the Organizing Committee, institutions, and companies who have directly and indirectly supported the well–running of this conference. The committee has organized a vibrant scientific program and is working hard to present highly respected and internationally well–known speakers to lead it. Although we have attempted to professionally all the services for the implementation of this conference, on behalf of the Faculty of Engineering, Syiah Kuala University, please accept our sincere apologies should there be inconveniences that occur before, during, or after the event. I wish you a very productive conference with exciting and encouraging discussions and exchange of knowledge so that together we can anticipate a future of groundbreaking sciences, technologies and education. May God bless us all with good health to make this event a successful and enjoyable one! Thank you. Dr. Ir. Mirza Irwansyah, MBA., MLA Dean of Faculty Engineering, Syiah Kuala University iii International Conference on Engineering and Science for Research and Development (ICESReD) Message from the Chairman Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. Dear Ladies and Gentleman, First, I would take the privilege to warmly welcome our Keynote Speaker, Presenters, and Participants who have come from all over Indonesia and abroad to our conference today. We are indeed honored to have you here with us. The International Conference of Engineering and Science for Research and Development (ICESReD) is a forum for shearing idea and scientific discussion of research development on engineering and science fields. This conference is the first international conference on engineering and science for research and development organized Faculty of Engineering Syiah Kuala University and will be carried out regularly every two years. The theme of this conference is Enhancing the quality of science and engineering through sustainable research and development to face ASEAN Economic Community challenges. Furthermore, in this year The ICESReD is organized in conjunction with Annual Meeting of West Region Public University Cooperation (BKS–PTN Wilayah Barat) in Engineering Field. Accordingly, about 60 papers will be presented in this event, including those in the fields of Engineering and Sciences, with very interest topic such as transportation, innovative design, renewable energy, urban planning, etc. Therefore, I would like to thank you for your valuable contributions to this conference. I am very happy to inform that the committee is fortunate to have keynote Prof. Dr. Bambang Brojonegoro, the Minister of National Development Planning/Chair of National Development Planning, who will explain to us the opportunity and challenge of higher education, especially Engineering and Science filed in ASEAN Economic Community era which begun in December 15, 2015. And we also have three invited speakers from Austria, Japan and Malaysia, who have supported us from the very beginning with their capabilities to personally come and meet all of you here at the conference. At this juncture, I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has made this event happen. It is a great pleasure for me to be a part of the organizing committee to coordinate such a remarkable conference. It does not only function to bring us to organize the conference, but it also bridge us to further networking in sharing our idea and research experiences that we build from this conference. Finally, I hope that all participants will have memorable moments through this conference, since we also will guide all you to sightseeing visit monument created by tsunami several years ago and another historical place around Banda Aceh and Sabang, Weh Island. So, we hope that you enjoy your stay in Banda Aceh. Warm regards, Dr. Edi Munawar Chairman of Committee iv Table of Content Conference in Brief ............................................................................................................................. i The Conference Committee ...............................................................................................................
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