December 2017 Publication for members of USS Illinois Base, United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. As we end 2017, I would like to USSVI’s temporary IRS war veteran thank each of you for your sup- status loss makes it harder for us port and passion for the Submarine to solicit funds when we can’t off er Service. Your membership in USSVI, donors an IRS donation receipt. If Tom Ramsay and here at the Base level, does a lot we all work with USSVI to expand USS Illinois Commander to keep alive the memory of those on our recruitment eff orts to seek out MS1(SS), USN Retired eternal patrols, as well as preserve Active Duty or Reserves from any the fun and individual adventures we branch, or those who served during shared aboard submarines. We are the IRS defi ned war years, we will not only guardians of the past, but have one obstacle removed for the also today’s educators upcoming year. who spread knowledge Collectively however, about the important we have done a lot this role submarines play in past year, and I know today’s Armed Services. we are capable of more Much of our success in 2018. this year has come from In refl ecting over the the dedication of mem- past year as your new bers like yourself. Many Commander, I thought it was ap- of you have donated money to our propriate to recognize those who new base, and continue to do so. I believe have gone above and be- Your continued investment in the yond in support of our Base. For this USS Illinois Base is greatly appreci- reason, I have chosen to initiate an ated. As a new Base, we struggle to annual special Commander’s award, grow our base treasury. “Timing is everything,” as some people say. (Continued on page 3) Our Creed: “To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifi ce be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishment. We pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.” www.ussillinoisbase.org Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 1 www.ussvi.org December 2, 2017 -- Minutes of the USS Illinois Base Illinois was shared. The letter also Event Committee Report by Rich- invited USS Illinois SSN-786 crew to ard Martin join the USS Illinois Base. A Christ- • The Christmas for Vets program mas card signed by members was started last week and runs through included. A motion was made by Christmas. Members were invited Bruce Pickering to send this letter to to join him and other local veterans Meeting called to order at 12:04 CDR Neil Steinhagen, seconded by as they visit area rest homes this p.m. by Tom Ramsay, Base CDR. Terry Elmeier. Motion carried. season to give out gifts and Christ- 15 members present: Tom Ramsay, • Wisconsin Maritime Museum mas cards, and more importantly to Chuck Mongan, Bruce Pickering, work party update. The commander spend time sharing memories with Kate Ramsay, Dick Martin, Renee joined three other sub vets Nov. 13-15 fellow vets. Martin, Bob Fleck, Kep Preble, Phil to help restore a portion of the USS • After Holiday Party. Richard and Owens, John Stines, Dave Spencer, Rasher’s sail (a Manitowoc boat). Renee Martin off ered to host the Terry Elmeier, Mark Dykstra, Wayne The museum sends out a call for Base’s 2018 After Holiday Party at Orrison. volunteers who have electronic or their home. A sheet was circulated systems related skills to help on the Guests present: Jan Spencer. asking members to note what they Cobia. Call Karen, Cobia Curator, at would like to bring to this pot luck Tolling of Bells Ceremony with the Museum for details. This special party. The Martins will provide special moment of silence for crew of work can be done at any time or day. pulled pork. The party will begin at Argentina’s ARA San Juan S42. Other Reports: 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, January 13th. More information coming. Reading of Creed and Pledge of District Commander’s Report by Allegiance Phil Owens. Old Business. Invocation by Chaplain Bob Fleck. • National reports the Groton Base Base Promotions. Kate Ramsay Introductions of members/guests. issues have been settled between all shared several designs of “book- parties. USSVI owns the Club Building. mark” size promotional items and Minutes. Copy of minutes were • Veterans of any branch can be other pieces that can be distributed e-mailed to members via the news- brought into USSVI as associate at functions to help promote the letter and posted online. Motion members to increase USSVI’s war Base. Discussion followed. With in- made by Terry Elmeier, seconded by veteran (IRS) status. Active duty formation gathered Kate will tweak Dave Spencer to approve minutes as or reservists are also welcome. Until the designs and resubmit them for posted. Motion carried. our war veteran percentage increas- approval. She was asked to also Treasurer’s Report by Bruce Pickering. es we cannot provide donors with a check with local printers to see what “not-for-profi t” IRS ID letter. their costs would be. • Beginning balance for November • Check your info on USSVI.org for New Business. None. was $1,159.92. November deposits accuracy before data transfers to the totaled $252. Leaving ending bank new website this month. Good of the Order. None. balance as of 10/24/2017 at $1,411.92 • Bases encouraged to review Nation- 50-50 Raffl e. Money collected--$75. Money on hand at end of November al’s Awards Manual to see if any of Kep Preble won the Raffl e and do- was $1,162.92 (with $150 in uncleared our members qualify. checks, and a $99 cleared check nated his share back to the Base. Storekeeper’s Report by Terry El- entered after the statement date.) Adjournment/Next Meeting. meier. National will soon be releasing • Reminder that the deadline for Following a closing prayer by Bob bulk manuals to bases to help them National and Base dues is nearing. Fleck, a motion made and carried to promote USSVI’s National Storekeep- National will remove members who adjourn the meeting at 1:07 p.m. have not paid by 1/31/2018. Bruce er stock at the base level. Next meeting January 2, 2017 at will be available before and after the Membership Report by David Mustang Bar & Grill, South Beloit, January meeting to collect dues. Spencer. Current membership: 26. IL, at noon. Remember the Holiday CDR Report by Tom Ramsay. Chaplains Report by Bob Fleck. Party at 2:30 p.m. on January 13 at the • A “Christmas wishes” letter to Reminder to pass on names of folks Martin’s home in Machesney Park, be sent to the Skipper of the USS who are sick so cards can be sent. IL. More info coming. Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 2 CDR’s Column (Continued from page 1) truck was wired to play music, and Continued called the Outstanding Volunteer he already had two parades sched- Achievement Award. uled for us. Before long, we were The 2017 Outstanding Volunteer entered into numerous parades, and Achievement Award goes to Richard found folks excited to see us. At one Martin for his dedication and energy parade, one women was heard telling in “basically getting us off our butts” her young son, “Look! Submarine and introducing us to the commu- sailors! We’ve never seen them here nity. He was an “idea man” and was before.” The Base is getting recogni- just what we needed. tion today thanks to Richard’s self- less gift of time and resources. Richard also volunteers as a mem- ber of the Winnebago Veteran’s Commission representing USSVI. He is an exceptional spokesman and “go-getter,” for not only USSVI, but also for many other area veterans organizations. He has been involved in the local Christmas for Vets pro- gram for many years, and welcomed other Base members to join him this year as he visited veterans living in A bright red truck, local rest homes. It was a humbling strikingly painted There was a reason I named him experience, and our visits were wel- trailer, patriotic music, Base Events Coordinator, because comed by the vets who enjoyed shar- and sub sailors on board have made our he was already doing the job. I re- ing their own stories. Cookies, lap parade entry a defi nite member one meeting, he came in so blankets, socks, and Christmas Cards crowd pleaser. excited because he had painted the just added to the merriment. sides of his enclosed trailer with the Join me in giving Richard a pat on USSVI logo and USS Illinois Base the back, and say, “Thank You!” name and website. The back of his Base Activities Christmas for Vets -2017 From the end of Thanksgiving to Christmas Day , groups visited 2 to 4 rest homes a day, sharing time and gifts with veterans--many without families. The treasures are fi nding WWII Navy Vets, as Richard Martin (above rt) did at Fairhaven Rockford. Green Board - USS Illinois Base, USSVI — Page 3 Hawaii welcomes TThehe UUSSSS IIllinoisllinois SSSN-786SN-786 aarrivedrrived ccommandingommanding offi ccerer ooff tthehe UUSSSS IIl-l- USS Illinois aatt iitsts nnewew hhomeportomeport aatt PPearlearl HHarbor,arbor, llinois.inois. ““ProgramsPrograms llikeike tthesehese aallowllow uuss HHI,I, oonn NNovemberovember 226,6, rreportseports tthehe ttoo ffocusocus mmoreore ooff tthehe sship’ship’s rresourcesesources UUnitednited SStatestates NNavyavy NNewsews SServiceervice ttowardoward missionmission ppreparedness.”reparedness.” ((NNS).NNS).
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