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Phone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019 Add: In front of Habibia High School, Lou Holtz District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan Volume No. 4321 Tuesday November 26, 2019 Qaws 5, 1398 www.outlookafghanistan.net Price: 20/-Afs Afghan President Czech Mission Denounces Killing WJ Urges Separate Fund for in Bagram Set of UN Staff to Change after Member in Kabul Protecting Women Rights March KABUL - Afghan President Mo- KABUL - The Wolesi Jirga or urgent legislation to ensure KABUL - The Czech security mis- hammad Ashraf Ghani has de- lower house of Parliament on protection of women rights and sion around Bagram Air Base in nounced an attack on a UN vehi- Monday demanded allocation eliminate violence against the central Parwan province will end cle that killed one UN mission’s of separate fund for enabling gender. in March, a TV channel reported. international personnel here, the women to access their rights and The lower house also sought as- Czech Defence Minister Lubomír Presidential Palace said on Mon- stressed keeping security forces sistance from the international Metnar passed on this informa- day. away from politics. community in this regard and tion to the soldiers during a re- “Denouncing the attack in the Marking November 25 as the In- asked the Afghan government to cent visit to the airbase, according strongest possible terms, Presi- ternational Day for Elimination allocate separate funds for eradi- to Prague TV. dent Ghani instructed the secu- of Violence against Women, the cation of violence against women The role of the mission will shift rity institutions to investigate the Wolesi Jirga issued a statement, and ensuring their rights. from providing security for the incident and bring the culprits to saying women in Afghanistan Security issues: sprawling airbase to training Af- justice, underlining that better se- faced unfriendly political, eco- Some lawmakers complained ghan Special Forces and sending curity measures must be in place nomic, social and cultural situa- about the security situation of more doctors to the war-hit coun- to protect staff of international or- tions. the country, with lawmaker Ab- try. ganizations, particularly those de- The lower house said 90 per- dul Aziz Hakimi asking security For more than six years, the livering humanitarian assistance cent of Afghan women were institutions to pay attention to Czechs have been responsible for and services in Afghanistan,” the subjected to different types of the situation. security at the main American palace said in a statement. violence, some denied dowry, “We want security forces to be military airbase in Afghanistan. The incident occurred on Sunday other deprived of heredity rights kept away from politics, they Of the 170 Czech soldiers on the evening when a man hurled a and married in compensation should ensure security on Kabul- mission, nine have lost their lives. hand grenade on an UN-marked for wrongdoing of male family Parwan highway instead of in- Czech troops are also part of mis- vehicle in Microryan-e-Chahrum members. dulging in other affairs,” he said. Lawmaker Ali Akbar Jamshidi Yar asked the Defence and Secu- sions in Kabul and provincial in Police District 9 of the city. In order to resolve these prob- Earlier, Defense Minister Asa- said fighting was underway in rity Commission of the house to towns. In all, about 250 Czech The blast also wounded five civil- lems, the Wolesi Jirga urged re- dullah Khalid said security forc- Kajran district for the past few share the concerns of lawmakers soldiers are stationed in Afghani- ians, including two Afghan staff ligious scholars to educate peo- es will not allow anyone to stage days and no reinforcement could with security officials regarding stan. (Pajhwok) members of UN Assistance Mis- ple in this regard. The national violent protests and create disor- reach the security forces there so the deteriorating security situa- sion in ...(More on P4)...(1) assembly stressed the need for der due to the election. far. Deputy Speaker Amir Khan tion in the country. (Pajhwok) Damaged in Past Afghan Refugees Return Wars: Historic en Masse from Iran: IOM Khost Forts KABUL - The International Or- period. Being Repaired ganization for Migration, or IOM, But, according to IOM, the total KHOST CITY - Historic sites that says the repatriation of Afghans number for 2019 is less than 2018, were damaged during the past from Iran has increased dramati- when one million undocumented conflicts are being rehabilitated cally over recent weeks, stating Afghans returned to Afghanistan by the government in southeast- that over 12,000 undocumented from Iran and Pakistan. ern Khost province, an official Afghans have returned--willingly “When Afghans leave their coun- said on Monday. or by deportation—just over the try without any papers and go The historic sites include two past week. to Iran and other countries, they military forts situated on a hilltop The organization cited the US’s are deported because they do not south of Khost City, the provin- sanctioning of Iran as a main rea- have any documents and any act cial capital. son for the increase of Afghans by them is a violation in the host Syed Qabil Shah Miakhel, an offi- returning back across the border. country,” said MRR spokesper- cial of the provincial Information Figures by the Ministry of Refu- son Abdul Basit Ansari. and Culture Department, said the gees and Repatriation, or MRR, “At least 450,000 people have re- two forts had been damaged in show that 440,000 undocumented turned from Iran and Pakistan past conflict and they were 100 Afghans returned to the country between the beginning of the year years old. from Iran, Turkey, and Pakistan and late November--and most of He said the forts were constructed over the past 11 months. them have returned from Iran,” during Nader Shah rule. Miakhel According to the ministry, 220,000 MOI spokesman Haris Pardis said Nader Shah sent a battalion of the undocumented Afghans said. of soldiers to these forts to face were deported from Iran while There is only one migration in- Saqawi rebellion. 170,000 others returned volun- formation center in Kabul, and it The walls of these forts are two tarily from Iran in the same time provides ...(More on P4)...(2) meters wide and contain bunkers and bridges in their corners. During the Taliban regime, the fort was used as prison, but cur- Mahmoudi, Who Reported rently the facility is under the army control. Miakhel warned if Logar Sex Abuse, Is Missing these sites were not rehabilitated, LOGAR - Mohammad Mussa arrested by the NDS. they would perish. Mahmoudi, the head of Logar’s “If the National Directorate of “These are vital historic sites civil society, has gone missing, Security has arrested this person, of Khost and we often share the relatives confirmed Monday. this would be not a good move matter of their rehabilitation with There is speculation that his dis- and he must be released immedi- the central government,” he said. appearance is related to his re- ately,” Karzai said. Provincial Council member Ab- cently-publicized report of sexu- Research done by Logar’s Civil dul Wali Wahidzai said Takhta al abuse of over 550 children and Society over the past six months Beki was known as home to his- youth in Logar province. reports sexual abuse of “550 chil- toric sites on Loya Paktia level. Mahmoudi had moved to Ka- dren and youth” from six schools. He said rehabilitation of these bul four days ago after receiving Mahmoudi claimed that teachers, sites would help revive the his- threats and his family said they headmasters and local officials toric importance of Khost and “don’t know where he is now.” are involved in the abuse ring. would contribute to the beauty of In the meantime, former presi- The victims are between 12 and the provinces as well. dent Hamid Karzai called for his 20 years old, he said. (TOLO Governor Halim Fidai, while vis- immediate release if he has been NEWS) iting the ...(More on P4)...(3) 2 November 26, 2019 Main News Page 9 Paktika Districts Without UN Calls for Swift End Telecom Services Since Long to Sexual Violence SHARANA - Residents of south- who live in districts, until we eastern Paktika province say tel- travel there or anyone come from KABUL - The United Nations on ecommunication services have district to Sharana.” Monday called on the govern- long been not available in nine Provincial Council member Aziz ment and people of Afghanistan districts where people are facing Aziz said most of Paktika dis- to step up efforts at ending sex- problems as a result. tricts lacked telecommunication ual and gender-based violence, Gayan, Nika, Zeruk, Gomal, services. including impunity for these Omna, Wazakhwa, Terva, War- “We don’t know what problems crimes. wami and Khoshamand are the people of these districts are fac- The UN issued the call while districts where telecommunica- ing. They have always com- marking the International Day tion services have long been sus- plained regarding the lack of for the Elimination of Violence pended. mobile phone services in their against Women and Girls, and Mohammad Sadiq, a resident of areas and we have shared these the start of 16 Days of Activism Terva district, said telecom ser- problems with the officials con- against gender-based violence. vices had been absent in the dis- cerned,” he said. This year’s theme –“Orange trict for the past few years due to Eslah Hashami, the Telecommu- the World: Generation Equality the conflict.
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