'.|^>^ '^>. ■ V "■ - ' -J’ vSv'TWW*^** PAGE TWELVE JRanrlirfltrr Stinting ItnraUk UONSAT, AraiL s, in ^ AVEBAOE DAILY CIKCULA'nON THE WEATHER A t ths dinner sad meeting this a i H I I A a - . n ~ u ^ . a ^ ^ ' a, a ^ ^ a, ^ A A ‘ E Manchester friends of Rev. Law­ ly Tba puMic aohoola o t ManchasUr Mias Esther E. Pleklea a aaaior at for the moath ot March. 1999 Fstaeast af D. g, Wealher Sanaa rence Barber o* Arlington, Mass., Lodge. No. 1477, wUl be held in the evening at CiLb of the H i^ o rd wtU ba in ssasioo only four days this Mount Uirioa CoUaga, Alllaaeo, OWe, J u k i m club rooms toRight at 8 o'clock. Chapter, American S o ^ ty c t Tool week aa Um annual spring vacation daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jeka ABOUT TOWN heard his voice over WAAB station Oeaeraily fair toaIgM aad Boston this morning st 7:46 to S, Engineere, J. Carl'ItOB Ward o( Um starts Friday and oontiausa for pickles of HoH atraet. Is esUoytng jjin.n.iiLiiFH LFr iX -iiF iiiiiii i i F r a i u Frank Helnrlker, 57. of Burnham Pratt A WUtbey Divielon o t the 6i234 Wedaeadayi aat asueh ehaaga te Aa Iwportsnt meeting nf the aurlng the "Morning Watch" hour tw ain days untU April 17, when the ths ten-day Easter vacaUoa. Member of the Aadit sponsored by the Boston Y.M.C.A. street, was arrested yesterday on United Aircraft Corporation will aummer term gets underway and Second CJongregatlonal Chiiri h North Main street, charged with In­ speak, and at the technical seaelon Bareaa et Clieatetloae Council ti calle<! for WednesJay eve­ He will hroailcast each morning this runs until June 18. The spring term HOT toxication. at the Gaa Corapany'a auditorium MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHAKM , ning at 7:30 at the church. week from the same station. of 39 days conMs to a ckMs Thun- at 8 o'clock, W. T. Forde of Endl- <ng. U m summer term consists of Local members of the Crmnectl- cott, N. T., will speak on "Punch F O O D S A L E Dr. Barney Wichman of Main The Manchester Are department 44' days and will bs broken only by VOL. LVIIL, NO. 157 (Claaalflee ASeartlaiag ea Itaga IS) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, APRIL 4. 1939 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CKNTti answered a stlH talsrm Satunlay cut Federation of Democrstlc Wom­ and Die Design.” a holiday on Memorial Day, Hay 30. CR055 struct haa been incited to attend en’s clubs are planning to attend a Tuesday, April 4.9 A. M. the World'a Kair convention of the : afternoon and extinguished a grass , (lie on Milliard street. birthday party to tie given at the Work on tjie new store Mock on Maurice Moriarty of Morlarty HALE’S STORE Xew Jerwy Soi’ieiy of Chlmpodlals Hartford Club April 15 In honor of April 15 and 16 at' KIlMbelh. N. .1 , .Main street near BIssell Is rapidly Brothen and Wilbert Hadden, a Chapmaa Court, ] Coni|)any No. 4 of the South former Governor Wilbur L. Cross. 1 nearing completion and It la expect- Order H Amaraath. BUNS Doomed by Rare Disease cvhen demonatrationa of - recently Mrs. T. Kdward Brosnan has charge guard at the State Prison left this ' Manche.ster fire department an- ; ;ed that the work of Installing the morning for Ohio.c where they will BENNY IS FINED developed X-ray apparatua and lil-*- of Manchester reservations. playa of proferaional eniilrnient •vtll Rwei ed a still alarm for a chimney j store front will be commenced soon. visit the numerous tire factories In DEMOCRAT SENATE I lire at 178 Oak Grove street yes- | IRImllarly, the remodeling of the be given. F.vcn though It still Is very early that state. At the same time they I f t R O BRITISH HINT A crm I t.-rday morning at 10:30, which was I mercantile block on East Center t in the W'Bson, red buds have tieen ,dan to visit the Ohio State Peni­ TM n itlT tliUiaMM IN SMUGfiUNG I extinguished without loss. 'street. Just east of Main, Is In the Mr. and Mr.< AMieit tVw. v liave ohwrved on innple trees In this sc<- tentiary and other penal Institutions. Hot Biacuil 8«rvi^ r V- returned to their home on HoiiM-r I llnal stage. On their return trip a atop will be The final Ritling of tlie season in lion, BLOC UPSETS DUAL Road after a vacation of ten data made at Atlantic City for a few the duplieate coni met bridge Herles ■akcM* Caale end ea- OF GEMS CASE at Ptnehiirat. N C. GlhlKins Aasemblv, Csihollc toadies A banquet meeting of the Hart­ days of leisure. AusleaHe wise hove will lie held at the Masonic Temple ford County Undertaken Associa­ BY ITALY IN ALBANIA of Columbus, will hold Its regular aeld HOT CIOS8 Dorcaa Sea Irty mrmbera cvlll hold at eight o'clock tomorrow night. tion. which also has members In The series haa been aponsorrd by meeting tomorrow evening In the K. Park department workmen to­ ■UN8 ia bakets ier their regular hualne.aa meeting of C. cluhrrKims. The meeting will Windham and LItcbfleld counties, day were busy In Center Park roll­ cealoriee pal to woke ^ JOBS BILL RULING the Masonic Roclal club. Comedian Changes Plea To Wedneaday evening at 8 o'clock at come to order at 8:45, following the will be held In the Hotel Sheridan ing lawns, reseeding bare spots, Ike evea-heekneM lat Elmanue] Lutheran church. Ticket Lenten services. Following the busi­ tonight at 6:80. and sweeping up debris. ..HeoMwivw Ikreegk- retuma for the March faahlon ahow Kpleds' Chapter of Manchester eat Aa aotira wiU wel­ O I'F in A TIN O JUDGE Guilty; Must Pay $10,000; YDVA will hold a special meetfng ness meeting the Installation com­ come the eppwtiiaily LETS HIS MIND \V.UNDER WOULD VIOLATE PACT ahould be made at this meeting. A mittee will meet Aided By Vote Of Repablic- Lenten offering will he received. In the Army and Navy club Wed­ te serve this Lsatea The hoaleaaea '.vlll l>e Mra. K. F. nesday evening at 7:.30 p m. for lh( delicacy pipiaq hei g{l Hot Springs, Ark., April 4 — Also Sentenced To Year DISCOVERS NEW W AY | ; purpose of cleaning up iinOnlshcd Jr((^e^)h and Oswald Weir of Fos- Ihroafb ik e seama (A P )—The judge who off)c)ateil Brlckaon. Mias .lennie Koraberg. ter^slrcct, Wlllirifn Rmith of Center Insurgent Wins First TO EBVIVE PERSONS I hfonned Qnrters lodkate business at the close of the flsc.il Aad . whet is m at the roarriago of Clifford Mar­ Hiaa Dorothy Kogg, Mra. KIvIe Htrcel. and Miss I.eorB .Smith of tasty, w lempUaf. al RUMORS IT.4LY year and to report on the state And Day In Prison. Hewitt .and Mlaa Ann Undherg. Three Rivera, .Mass , spent the week­ HOLY WEEK tin let his mind wander. In the Camliridge, Masa., April 4.— meeting held .Runday at the state iavWat OS HOT CIOSS UIHI *^1111 In Conflict Over Pro­ opinion of the best man. (A P )—Police here have discov­ No IntentiM To Figkt, Btt I armory Marry BIssell, chairman end In Mountain View, N. J, They ot power oMtnr* la etuek a*d ( served ia a M m O HOT BlgCUtT ered a new way to revivt par­ Sunaet Rebekah Lodge will hold were guests at the hfrthday celebra­ SEaVEa . Yean agree it's iusl T. P. Martin, race track regular meeting tonight at eight of the entertainment committee haa amkc repairs wittmui es4ay. Jockey, waa beat man for bis New York, April 4.— (A P ) —Jack TO STRENGTHEN sons overcome by fumes. Ita tion of their great aunt, Mrs. Rarah EVENING SERVICES Ike lUag. oad yea cos koak aa posal To Bar Legislators. o'clock in Odd Fellows halt. The I been working hard on pl.ans for a Britan Expecta To Jackson, who was IK) last Wertnea- ' Pulleys HeHtag lie oierila. brother laat night. Benny, noted radio and screen come­ William Sullivan, 70. a Somer­ guard team will rehearse at 7 , YD IsmeOt show to take place in Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday and Thursday ville painter, waa discovcirad un­ 'M ay anil will niillinc spccillc plans (Iny. A large family dinner party * 8H iackes la diamelsr. "Well, aa the wedding enda, dian. pleaded guilty to smugglmi; o'clock and following the business A t 7:30 P. M. a Extra keovy oliiataium and ink- we're all standing there and ex­ ALBANIA HOLD conscious In a locked store build­ was held yesterday to mark the meeting the degree team will prac­ j to be voted on at this meeting. NORTON Bl UJCTIN: barges today and was fined a total CoDsohed Orer A ip D ll’ event. tloafiol wira koskeL pecting the judge to congratu­ ing. I’atrolman Amos Turcotte, tice and every member of both EVERYONE WELCOME I e Geaoiaa rood koaAa oad mopla state Capitol, Hartford, .\pril late the couple oi kiss the bride 110,000 and given a suspended unable to enter, sounded tbe si­ urged to attend. There will The last meeting of the Girl ELEtTRICAL tMms la Regina D'ltalla society will bold koek. 4.— (A P )—Tbe SeiMte adopted —when he turns to me and says: sentence of one year and a day In ren on his cruiser. tarbiico Of States Qio l l will be carda for those who wish, Scouts First Aid class which hsve OOTma leports Persist Despite Of* its regular meeting this evening at Bohon Congregational Church INSTRUMENT CX).
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