.,.,_ .. ~ ~ - .. ·... I jl'. ' ' • 'i•'l ' In I r<; er, . i I ( I. I 'I I ,,I I NOW PRICES CUT I. I) TO THE BONE ON ALL 111 I.,I. I: I J .. ED CARS &TRUCKS THE DAILY.NEWS I i I )-.1 . .' Terra Nova Motors Ltd. .. ,' ...... i ' 'I ~~-·,_,._1S_3·--.~------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------~~~ ___~~------~T~H=E~D=A=a~YNEWS.~roHN~NnD.,WED~WALAUGU~l~l_9_ID _________________ (_Pr_·k_e_7_C_e_n_~ . : . iI .• . ' Four To Send Berlin Protest Note To Moscow . ' --------------:------------___:~_:___ ___ enaue~r Govt. !May Take More Than siders More Theoretical Measures rceful Action Against Border Barrier WASHINGTON- AP - A West official reported Tuesday night that a protest note on Berlin probably will be sent soon to Moscow . He also said measures more than "theoretical'' will be taken against the new East Berlin Against Reds barrier. The West German ambassador, Wilhelme Grewe, gave this word to re­ IN-Reuters-The Communists threatened porters after a 2~~ hour strategy session among Western Big Four represen- night to blockade red-encircled Berlin as tatives, held at the slate department. · . in 1948-49 if West Germany puts an eco­ Earlier, top U.S. authorities\ . blight on East Germany. ---··-- har! portrayed the Communist Altcndm~ the st~te dcpQ'' 1 Reds thus countered Western protests cha1'g· senl-o(f o£ East Berlin to stern 1 rncnt rnechng bestdes Grc·: · · mores Crew An d the refugee tide as a se\•erc I\yas ass_istant u._s. Secretar~. ·:· blocking the flight of East German Red defeat they said will j State Foy _D: Kohler, Bnb : into West Berlin have turned the divided Etrengthen the West in the embassy rnm1stc.r. Lor<l H~·: .' an armed camp in flagrant violation of four- 'struggle1 over Germany. [nnd French mmtslcr Cia:.~· Passengen 'Lebel. 1\onr••• .-.dcnaucrs, I Cirell'c said the arnbnssadorial-' 1 I azy. gol'crnment was They had tu surrender their Rescue d i lcvrl group wllich met here Tile nllicd ~roup arraugctl comidcring more identity cards on entering the I late Tuesday ns "not yet fin· ,meet again thi; morning. i' alion against the East Communist sector but got them TREN'. 1 ished" its work on what coun- i There were earlier rr;.e 1 back when they left. A Com- 10:- Ont. -CP_- A.l.l 1 tcr-:1ction to take <~gainst the thal this group harl cncoun·. rrsime, including a 1 1 [. ttbargu. munist officer said this was to BERLIN-A helmeted East Berlin po,liceman, with a machine-gun, walks c~ew rnem ers anr passenget.s, , newly raised Iron Curtain, erl a rift ol'~r what act. prevent the cards being given m~roo.ned on a fog-shrour!erl IS·· Hcross Berlin. , shouhl he taJ;~, 1 •r Bonn gonrnment an­ to would·be refugees to escape land m James Bay arter their I--- ----- .. --- ----· .. the lower house or guard along barbed-wire barrier here August 13th at Potsdamer Platz, a the border control. main city square on the East-West border. The city's mood was explosive as survey ship foundered, were 1 ' will meet in special rescued Tuesday and taken to to take its own Sinee Sunday East Berliners Communist police, backed by Soviet- built tanks, sealed.off the e_scape routes 1 ha\'e been scaled out of West the trapping settlement of Fort : '• Berlin, an action designed to to West Berlin. The crowd behind the guard is made up of West Berliners. George, Que. Voting Heavy In } Germans responded choke off the drain o! thousands (UP! Ph0 to) ,, of refugees who have been get· · . ~here were no reports o! in- ~ ~ • :•'• · with a reminder 0 , Berlin's land freight ting through the Berlin escape JUrtCS~ srae traflic must funnel,The Communist fences, road· p ·• ·· • 'I· p · .. · ·· · ·· d" RCAF , ·Search and Rescue . I Election miles or its territory. w• blocks, tanks and guns alse> . hfe~dqhutartcFrs ·thcsre reported tlhci TEL AVIV~- Reuters- Is-1 said earlier a West locked out of West Berlin the rOVIDCia· .r·- e=mle... rs, . l··n·. retg er or cvcrn comp et- ·real's filth general election. against the East Ber!iners-:-between 53,000 · ' ed the rescue early Tuesday opcried Tuesday with heavy vo- i bloc is under con­ and 80,000-who ·work there aftcnoon. From Fort Georg: ling despite scorching temper- 1 informed sources dally. About 15,000 West Ber· the rescued people were ex- I atures anti a listless campaign.; and London liners work In East Berlin. pee ted '? be flown to Great Almost one-tenth o£ the na·! sweeping reprisal Ik 0 Of Despite the tight net, some u T Not~ u. • Whale River, Qu~. ,an_d brought lion's 1,271,647 votes cast their: orr more drastic p· lty refugees-police asld about 50 a s , n n out by commercial aircraft. ballot b I 7 d 10' managed to wriggle through 5 c ween a.m. an 1 ~uch as the At least 30 persons-17 crew a._rn. and ~lcction officials pre-! Monday night, mostly by swim· members under Capt. Jules I1d1cled a ftnal poll of up to 75 , ~Lr:f111~c~~50ia~~ or canals. CHARLOTTETO\VN - CP - our way. Now we have found tics, as leader of the New Dern· Jourdan of Matane, Que., and Iper cent o~ the electorate. : The second conference of Can- it and this ·conference Is com· ocralic Party, said there had 13 federal government survey- One incident marred whnt 1 One couple who escaped to di . T d d. d crs-\vcre "board the 877-ton ', appearer! to be the quietest ~ West Berlin by awirnming said a an premiers ues ay woun mg own to brass tacks.'' been "a very useful exchange u Communist police shot at them up an historic two-day session Mr. Frost said it was the In- of views." North Star IV when she rani election day since Israel became~ I: but missed. without announcing any major tention of each premier to re- "The growing complexity of aground 1\londay night. !independent in 1948. · . , I It was becoming dangerous deciisons but on a note of new turn to his horne province and social and economic problems · In an Arab West Galillean · I for foreign correspondents. Four unity beiween the 10 provincial follow up the conference topics in Canada makes this type of Her rescue appeal, :\·as hcarrl Yilla~c ncar Acres, hundreds of I · b · · 'th' . f . ,, b dd d at the Great Whale R1ver radar a11 ory 1•1·tlager" -11·n1crl \VI'tll of them were held by police In premiers. y orgamzmg WI 1n vanous con erence essenlla 1, e a e . •' . .~ . • ' the Communist sector Tuesday. Premier Frost of Ontario, provincial government depart- "Our theme has been that we st~t~on a_nd RCAE Claft . _and ollcks k~uvcs ~nrl stones storm· i. Three were picked up earlier conference chairman, said it rnents. can achieve unity without uni- pm~le vess_cls ~v~re cnhs~cd. cd a ne1;1hbonng VIllage. P , • . and then released. marked the first time since Jllueh of the research coming formity - the very essence o! Hea\y fog kept ancraf~ ~olm. One Arab was rcp~r~crl lni_J. RUIIER B~N-GURION The East German statement Confederation that all Canadian from these studies would be the federal system." From f:agmen~ary ~adw rc- cd and three. others uu_urcd 111. Kncssct. on the blockade threat did not premiers have come together used as background data !or "I never saw so much unani- ~.ortsl'rlreeclvcd at r;~1111111 \~nt.., the clas~. which was b~hcvcd to! The on!;- scriuu.~ challenge ir reports said the mention U.S., British and without federal initiative. next year's discussions in B.C. mity at a premiers confer· ' 13 d to;onee ~n le dso~ e~n h:wc amen out of a tnbal f~ud, ! the campaign came from the would soon ban French traffic rights ·covered Out o£ the meeting, held as Premier Douglas of Saskal· ence," Premier Smallwood of en ° ames ?Y ~n vta atr unconnected With the clcclwn. ! new r.ibcral pm'!y formed by 1 lnyone between the by four-power a sequel to an lriitlal confer- chewan, soon to quit the prov- Newfoundland told the report- 5 Am_on!l ttu; ''olcrs wasj coalition of the Progrcssi\'( a~reement. ~~r~e ~ha~nelsl ·:~ "~ l~ar;t'1 c~rly 01the cil)', But observers saw the state· erice in Quebec City last Sep- lncial field for national poll- ers; a a a oared. .e or . ar Premier Dal'lrl Bcn-Gnnon, who 1' party and the General Zion1's1 m life. PEn'IIT,, S men t as a e1 ear warn 1ng th at !ember, has emerged a plan for were evacuate two fie w t o h'1s 11ome ·m 111e H.- 11 age rparty. Berlin motorists and abandoning the East-West Ger- a permanent conference of pre· f b k II boats. o[ Sdeh-Boker to cast his bal·l' The Progressive party recent With jobs in the man trade agreement Would rulers which will meet annually o·. e c lot. ly withdrew support from Ben still permitted mean that goods lnteniled for and plan co-operative approach te n a er a s The 74-year-old premier was iGurion's coalition governrnenr in the winding, West Berlin would not be at- to common problems. PI B t s expected to be returned to ·along. with the other two rnem Berlin bor· · lowed to cross East German The 1962 conference will be ane• Oa wap power along . with his ruling hers of the coalition-the left arra~gements for territory separating the city held at·victroin in August.
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